Use non-optimized file with r.js - requirejs

I am optimizing my Durandal build with the following optimizer settings:
options: {
name: '../lib/require/almond-custom',
baseUrl: requireConfig.baseUrl,
mainPath: 'app/main',
paths: mixIn({ }, requireConfig.paths, { 'almond': 'lib/require/almond-custom.js' }),
optimize: 'none',
out: 'build/app/main.js',
preserveLicenseComments: false
My issue is that I have a config.js in my requireConfig.paths, which I would like to exlude from the optimization and use as a non optimized version. The reason for that is because I would like to be able to alter the config file on a build without digging in to an optimized file.
I tried exclude and empty:, but that will only exclude the config from the optimized js file. How would I include it as a "remote" file?
define(['foo', 'bar'], function(){
return {
// some variables that are used in my other modules here


Should requirejs be included in the main built file when using the requirejs bundles option

I'm running into an issue when using the require bundles option. If the main built file has requirejs inside of it everything works fine until I try to load a file from a different bundle. The bundled file is retrieved but then throws an "define is undefined" error. The only way I have been able to get the bundle to load is to make sure requirejs is not in the main-built file or the pm.js and then to load requirejs with a script tag and use the data-main attribute, but this doesn't seem right.
So something like this initially works when requirejs is included in main-built.js (site loads fine), but I get the "define is undefined" error when pm.js bundle loads
<script type="text/javascript" src="~/dist/main-built.js"></script>
bundles: {
'pm': ['pm/dashboard', 'text!pm/dashboard.html']
This is how I ended up getting it to work, but doesn't seem right.
<script type="text/javascript" src="~/scripts/require.js" data-main="dist/main-debug")"></script>
This durandal task creates the main-built file
durandal: {
main: {
src: ["app/**/*.*", "scripts/durandal/**/*.*", "!app/mockup/**/*.*", "!app/performancemanagement/**/*.*"],
options: {
//name: "scripts/require",
name: "",
baseUrl: requireConfig.baseUrl,
paths: mixIn({}, requireConfig.paths, { "require": "scripts/require.js" }),
exclude: ["jquery", "knockout", "toastr", "moment", "underscore", "amplify"],
optimize: "none",
out: "dist/main-debug.js"
This task builds the pm.js bundle
requirejs: {
compile: {
options: {
include: generateFileList("app/pm", "**/*.*", false, false),
//exclude: ["jquery", "knockout", "toastr", "moment", "underscore", "amplify", "preferenceconstants", "constants", "config", "utility/koutilities", "scripts/logger", "base/viewmodel"]
// .concat(generateFileList("scripts/durandal", "**/*.js", false))
// .concat(generateFileList("app/dataservice", "**/*.js", false))
// .concat(generateFileList("app/model", "**/*.js", false))
// .concat(generateFileList("app/reports", "**/*.js", false)),
baseUrl: "app/",
name: "",
paths: mixIn({}, requireConfig.paths, { "almond": "scripts/almond-custom.js" }),
optimize: 'none',
inlineText: true,
pragmas: {
build: true
stubModules: ['text'],
out: "dist/pm.js"
The pm.js bundle gets downloaded and executed when anything in main-built requires it, right now its being done by the router in Durandal, but I'm pretty sure Durandal has nothing to do with the issue.
This appears suspicious in your main file build:
paths: mixIn({}, requireConfig.paths, { "require": "scripts/require.js" }),
I'm not sure what the mixIn bit does as this is not stock RequireJS code, but you seem to want to include RequireJS in the build under the name require, which is definitely wrong. The documentation says:
If you want to include require.js with the main.js source, you can use this kind of command:
node ../../r.js -o baseUrl=. paths.requireLib=../../require name=main include=requireLib out=main-built.js
Since "require" is a reserved dependency name, you create a "requireLib" dependency and map it to the require.js file.

RequireJS baseUrl and multiple optimized files

I've separated out my 3rd party libraries from my app code and grouped them all together into a vendor.js file for requirejs to pull in. In my build.js file, I'm using the modules syntax to optimize my main application, excluding the vendor scripts, and to optimize the vendor.js file. The only issue I'm having is when my compiled main module requests vendor, it's getting the baseUrl from the config file and so doesn't load the optimized vendor.js file. My build.js file looks like this:
baseUrl: "js",
dir: "build",
mainConfigFile: "js/main.js",
removeCombined: true,
findNestedDependencies: true,
skipDirOptimize: true,
inlineText: true,
useStrict: true,
wrap: true,
keepBuildDir: false,
optimize: "uglify2",
modules: [
name: "vendor"
name: "main",
exclude: ["vendor"]
And my main.js file looks like this:
baseUrl: "js",
paths: {
jquery: 'vendor/jquery/jquery-2.1.3.min',
bootstrap: 'vendor/bootstrap/bootstrap.min',
handlebars: 'vendor/handlebars/handlebars-v2.0.0',
backbone: 'vendor/backbone/backbone-min',
underscore: 'vendor/lodash/lodash.underscore',
marionette: 'vendor/marionette/backbone.marionette.min',
models: 'common/models',
collections: 'common/collections'
define(['module', 'vendor'], function(module) {
var configPath = "config/config." + module.config().env;
require([configPath, 'app', 'jquery'], function(config, Application, $) {
$(function() {
// Kick off the app
All development is done in the js folder, and my build.js file is outside that folder. The optimized files end up in build, a sibling to js, but when I include my main file like this:
<script data-main="build/main" src="js/vendor/require/require.max.js"></script>
It ends up loading js/vendor.js for that define() call. What am I missing here? How can I tell the optimized main file to load build/vendor.js instead, yet allow the unoptimized version to still load js/vendor.js?
Ok, I figured this out. It was simple, really, just a case of too much configuration. When you load your script using data-main, the baseUrl is set relative to that file. So, if I specified js/main, the baseUrl would be js. But, since I explicitly specified baseUrl in the config block of main.js, that gets overridden, both in development and production. By removing baseUrl: "js" from main.js, everything works as expected. The development build loads everything relative to js and the production build loads everything (vendor.js) relative to build when I change data-main to build/main. Hope this helps somebody else someday.
paths: {
jquery: 'vendor/jquery/jquery-2.1.3.min',
// 'vendor' is loaded relative to whatever directory main.js is in
define(['module', 'vendor'], function(module) {

How to use require.js and devcode grunt task together in build? (yeoman config)

.tmp // temp files
app // source files
dist // dist files
So if I put the devcode:build before requirejs:
Files from "app/scripts" are processed and saved into ".tmp/scripts"
Requirejs will be pointed to load the ".tmp/scripts"
Then fails because bower_components are not found at "bower_components"; Of course, because bower_components are located in "app/bower_components"
If I inverse the order:
Requirejs removes the comments and devcode doesn't work
I will remove require.js optimizer and then my build is not ok. Should I pass another uglify over it.
Any better solution? (don't make the pc to copy bower_components all over again, or I might change the position up to the root?)
Well I don't need the devcode grunt task becasue requirejs already comes with uglify2 which allows you to have the dist.options.uglify2.compress.global_defs
If you put DEBUG = false then this code will be removed in production mode.
dist: {
options: {
baseUrl : '<%= %>/scripts/',
name : 'main',
mainConfigFile : '<%= %>/scripts/main.js',
out : '.tmp/concat/scripts/main.js',
optimize : 'uglify2',
uglify2: {
//Example of a specialized config. If you are fine
//with the default options, no need to specify
//any of these properties.
output: {
beautify: false
compress: {
global_defs: {
DEBUG: false
warnings : true,
mangle : true

requirejs optimizer doesn't generate '.js' version of the text resource

In my project I use yeoman (1.0.6). In a fresh webapp copy installed requirejs-text plugin to include template.html.
paths: {
jquery: '../bower_components/jquery/jquery',
text: '../bower_components/requirejs-text/text'
require(['jquery', 'text!../templates.html'], function ($, templates) {
After building and optimizing a whole project, I expect to have generated templates.js file instead of templates.html ( added
"optimizeAllPluginResources: true" as described here )
Gruntfile.js ( won't paste all code, just optimization settings )
requirejs: {
dist: {
options: {
baseUrl: '<%= %>/scripts',
optimize: 'none',
optimizeAllPluginResources: true,
preserveLicenseComments: false,
useStrict: true,
wrap: true
After grunt 'build' task is completed I see that template.html content is in main.js and there is no generated templates.js file
After adding (also have to set in copy task to copy requirejs-text plugin form app to dir folder ):
stubModules: ['text'],
exclude: ['text!../templates.html'],
files are excluded as expected, but there is still no templates.js file. ( get an error as expected: XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///...../dist/templates.html. Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP. it works fine with local HTTP )
My question is: What settings am I missing to generate templates.js file with a requirejs optimizer?
p.s. googled, spent all day, tried more than wrote here.
Thank You in Advance

Configure grunt watch to run Jasmine tests against an app using requirejs

In an attempt to level up my general coding skills... and to learn something new.
I've started attempting to wire up a front end only solution consisting of
Jasmine - [added via npm]
Grunt Watch to monitor & run my tests as my code files change - [added via npm]
Feel free to correct me, as this is all based on my experimentation in the last 2 days. Most of this is new to me. My goal is to have something similar as to what angular has with karma.
Now I am aware that that the Durandal project (comes with a custom spec runner, as found in the github solution)
My setup:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var appPath = 'App/viewmodels/*.js';
var testPath = 'Tests/**/*.js';
jasmine: {
pivotal: {
src: appPath,
options: {
specs: testPath,
template: require('grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs'),
templateOptions: {
requireConfigFile: 'SpecRunner.js'
jshint: {
all: [testPath, appPath],
options: {
curly: true
watch: {
files: [testPath, appPath],
tasks: ['jshint','jasmine']
grunt.registerTask('default', ['jshint','jasmine']);
paths: {
jquery: 'Scripts/jquery-1.9.1',
knockout: 'Scripts/knockout-2.3.0'
shim: {
knockout: {
exports: "ko"
When I run grunt, I get a Illegal path or script error: ['plugins/http']
(I've sorted out the ko issue in the screenshot)
How would i go about setting up my gruntfile to require any dependencies. I'm quite new to require, and I'm not sure how to configure it to make my tests aware of where to find things like 3rd party libraries and other custom js files for that matter
SpecRunner require.config is missing Durandal specific path information. If you set the baseUrl to 'App' then the paths below matches the HTML samples or StarterKit layout. If your layout is different you'd have to adjust this accordingly.
paths: {
'text': '../lib/require/text',
'plugins' : '../lib/durandal/js/plugins',
'transitions' : '../lib/durandal/js/transitions',
'knockout': '../lib/knockout/knockout-2.3.0',
'bootstrap': '../lib/bootstrap/js/bootstrap',
'jquery': '../lib/jquery/jquery-1.9.1'
