netbeans using terminal window - node.js

Above is the image from netbeans terminal window. I want to use it to check the version of nodeJS.
Problem is when i click on the computer icon(single) to use the terminal so I can type it just refresh.
It becomes like above then after 1 sec returns to original state. I cant type anything on it

You must cgwin in order to resolve your issue here is link cgwin


VS Code input and variables don't show frequently in Interactive window

I have started using VS Code for work instead of Anaconda and there are some weird observations which I am not able to figure out.
If I try to execute some code in a cell in the interactive window, many-a-times, only output remains available and the input code automatically gets hidden. For eg. I type the following and execute:-
And this is what I see at the window:-
Similarly, there are some variables which I have already defined but they don't show up in the Jupyer:Variables tab. For eg. there is a variable _link_name_to_index which is not visible in the tab as shown below:-
However, when I execute the same in the window, I can see the values of the dictionary as expected:-
Maybe it is just a matter of some settings, but I still couldn't find out which one. Also, I know I have put a lot of images, because it is not a code doubt as such, rather more of a tool doubt. I have taken only one particular example here, but I face this issue often. I am using VS Code version 1.75.0 in Ubuntu 20.04, using Python 3.9.12 in a virtual environment, if it helps.
This is a bug in the latest Version of VSCode (1.75). It is tracked in this issue. For now, the only option seems to be downgrading to v1.74.x

How to easily split screen space to fit two windows in Ubuntu 20.04.4

I have installed Ubuntu 20.04.4 on my system but when i try to split the screen to use two windows, nothing is happening. I have use these combinations: Ctrl+Super+left/right arrow key
I want to code using vs code as i see changes on chrome simultaneously
Try Super + Arrow key instead
You can use the windows(super)-key + arrow keys to move and splitt screens.
If you wanna split your filemanager try use F3 key.
If you wanna see changes from vs code editor in chrome without reload page on the
browser manually you need to config a live server in vs code editor.
Check this for live server in vs code editor:
VSCode Auto Reload Browser during code change
VS Code Live Server – How to Auto-Refresh Your Browser with this Simple Extension

The Godot Engine Editor's IDE/GUI seems to be slow and to ignore mouse interaction

I'm using Godot_v3.2.1-stable_win64.exe(current Godot version) on my Windows 10. When running a project everything seems to work fine but when using the actual IDE of the Godot engine it seems like the IDE screen doesn't update fluidly on every mouse interaction but like only every 5 seconds instead (as like FPS would be low).
So mostly on hovering or clicking something it would light up or be triggered after you clicked on some other thing elsewhere (which is stupid of course).
This makes it even impossible to hit a button sometimes in the IDE.
E.g. when renaming a file a Window/Box for renaming pops up but you do not see it, because the IDE screen isn't updated. So if you don't blindly click on the box (which you don't see) the option for renaming is lost, because the box closes when clicking anywhere else. See what I mean?
Thank you for listening. Have a great day.
This is a known issue. Try updating your graphics driver to the latest version provided by Intel (not your OEM).

How do I prevent my computer screen display to change when I try to bring a cygwin window?

I am a regular cygwin user, but since I added the curl functionality to my cygwin program, everytime I click on the cygwin icone, I get a change of screen color. The first image is what happen when I click on the cygwin icone.
the second image is how my screen should look like.
If you have a problem noticing the change of color, you could take a look at the windows icone on the bottom left of each image which appears different for each image while it should not.
Does anyone have an idea on what might have caused this, and how it could be fixed.
I also tried to find a similar question on stackoverflow but couldn't. Please let me know if you know a similar one where I might be able to get some help.

Autocomplete for CSS attribute names in Linux Chrome Developer console

I'm using Linux Chrome Stable under Ubuntu 14.04. All works perfect but when I go to the web developer tools, and start typing a new rule for example "flo" for "float" it shows a context menu but when I press tab button, it does not auto complete it. This didn't happen on the windows version, is this an option I have to change or anything on the linux chrome?
There is currently a bug filed for Chrome 35 Linux that describes this issue:
My guess is that it's related somehow to Aura being integrated for Linux in Chrome 35. You can try starring the issue to lend more urgency to fixing it.
According to comment 26 (, the issue no longer exists in Chrome 36 beta, so if you absolutely have to have autocomplete working right away, then you can use that version.
This is how it works in Chrome Linux. You can use the mouse to select from the suggestions or, if you want to do it with keyboard only, you can use end to go to the end of the current item in the list and then press tab. I don't think you can change this behaviour.
