Looping through objects and adding them to Sequelize db - node.js

I have an array of objects that I like to put into SQL via Sequelize and I'm running into issues.
{ owner: false,
id: '2342365',
name: 'awrAPI' },
{ owner: false,
id: '5675689699',
name: 'TgatAPI' },
{ owner: true,
id: '57456767',
name: 'ytasyAPI' }
Currently the way i have it set up is through a simple for in.
for( var key in guilds ) {
.findOrCreate({where: {primid: guilds[key].id}, defaults: {
primid: guilds[key].id,
name: guilds[key].name,
owner: guilds[key].icon
.spread(function(guild, created) {
plain: true
I assume this is wrong and was wondering if there is a better way to loop through my object and chain the findorcreates. Currently it goes through the first object, but then does not add any more. I've been looking into using Bluebird, but I'm not too familiar with using promises. Thoughts?

var myData = [
owner: false,
id: '2342365',
name: 'awrAPI'
owner: false,
id: '5675689699',
name: 'TgatAPI'
owner: true,
id: '57456767',
name: 'ytasyAPI'
Promise.all(myData.map(function(value) {
// Do your thing
return Guild.findOrCreate...
})).then(function() {
// All is resolved do your next thing

An alternative would be to utilize squelize's bulkCreate model method for multiple records insertion.
link to sequelize's bulkCreate docs
quick snippet here:
const dataForInsertion = [


Convert DB response from object to array

I have the following schema:
const mySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
subscribers: [ { name: String } ]
const myModel = mongoose.model('User', mySchema, 'users')
and I have this code in one of my controllers:
const allOfHisSubscribers = await myModel.findById(req.params.id).select('subscribers')
I want the database response of the await myModel.findByid call to be:
{ name: 'x' },
{ name: 'y' },
{ name: 'z' },
However, the code above is returning:
subscribers: [
{ name: 'x' },
{ name: 'y' },
{ name: 'z' },
I don't want the JavaScript way of doing it, I know you can use something like Array.prototype.map to get the result, but I am using a middleware, so I can only use the mongoose or MongoDB way of doing it (if possible).
Got it :D, if not, let me know in the comments 🌹

remove document after virtual populating

I am aggregating a collection. Then virtually populating that document but some of the virtual documents have banned: true so i want to remove that documents.
This is the code:
const populatedManager = await Report.populate(reportedManagers, {
path: "managerId",
options: { select: { name: 1, avatar: 1 }, lean: true },
match: { banned: false },
Now i have to remove that all those documents which have managerId: null because match: { banned: false }.
I have tried to make populatedManager a POJO by chaining this method to populate lean() or this execPopulate().then((populatedManager) => populatedManager.toObject()); but it gives me this error message: "Report.populate(...).execPopulate is not a function".
Another try could be this:
populatedManager.forEach((doc, i) => {
if (doc.managerId === null) delete populatedManager[i];
const final = await Report.populate(populatedManager, {
path: "reportTypes.reasonId",
options: {
select: { title: 1 },
But this gives me error in the below virtual population message: "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_doc')"
Please help me to remove the document.

Sequelize included Model result keys are strings

Forgive my limited knowledge im about a week into using Sequelize,
raw: true,
where: {
ProposedDelivery: { [Op.gt]: moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD") },
description: { [Op.ne]: null },
description: { [Op.ne]: " " },
description: { [Op.not]: null },
include: [
model: Models.PlannerModel.Unit,
required: true
the result from the above is as you would expect except all the keys for the fields in the includes are as strings so referencing them in my Pug template/class has to be done with brackets
overall not the end of the world just wondering if im doing something wrong ?
Turn off raw to get nested model objects and also to get plain objects use get({ plain: true}) for each returned model instance:
const builds = await Models.PlannerModel.Builds.findAll({
where: {
ProposedDelivery: { [Op.gt]: moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD") },
[Op.and]: [{
description: { [Op.ne]: null },
}, {
description: { [Op.ne]: " " },
}, {
description: { [Op.not]: null },
include: [
model: Models.PlannerModel.Unit,
required: true
const plainBuilds = builds.map(x => x.get({ plain: true }))
Please pay attention that I changed conditions with description. In your version of conditions only the last one will work because JS saves only the last key if there are several same keys in the same object.

Sequelize - trying to make models dynamic

I've been trying to automate the creation of my sequelize models by creating them with a generic model that I can pass definitions into, rather than creating a model file specifically for each one.
I have an array of model definitions which looks something like this:
const modelDefinitions = [
name: "User",
fieldDefinitions: [
name: "first_name",
label: "First Name",
column_type: Sequelize.DataTypes.STRING,
name: "last_name",
label: "Last Name",
column_type: Sequelize.DataTypes.STRING,
name: "email",
label: "Email",
column_type: Sequelize.DataTypes.STRING,
name: "password",
label: "Password",
restricted: true,
column_type: Sequelize.DataTypes.STRING,
name: "Audit",
fieldDefinitions: [
name: "ref",
column_type: Sequelize.DataTypes.STRING,
label: "Audit Ref",
name: "result",
column_type: Sequelize.DataTypes.STRING,
label: "Result",
name: "auditor_id",
column_type: Sequelize.DataTypes.INTEGER,
label: "Auditor",
When my array of models contains just one model it works perfectly fine, but when I have multiple, the GenericModel of the previously defined models is then "changed" to ne the last one in the list that was initialised.
I'm new to node so I think I'm either missing something or there's some sort of model caching happening, meaning that all instances of GenericModel become what it is initialised as last.
Please see my example below (the commented out code is what I used to use to define the models and the reduce is my new way of defining these)
// {
// User: User.init(sequelize, modelDef),
// Article: Article.init(sequelize, modelDef),
// Audit: Audit.init(sequelize, modelDef),
// Form: Form.init(sequelize, modelDef),
// };
const models = modelDefinitions.reduce((acc, modelDef) => {
return { ...acc, [modelDef.name]: GenericModel.init(sequelize, modelDef) };
}, {});
console.log({ models });
My console.log() returns the following - notice both are Group :
models: {
User: Group,
Group: Group
As you can see, what ever the last model is defined as, the previous ones inherit that instead of keeping what I defined them as originally.
But what I actually want is :
models: {
User: User,
Group: Group
If my list only had User in it, it works fine.
I managed to get this working in the end.
I think my issue was that my GenericModel was treated as a Singleton, so to get around this I changed GenericModel from extending the Sequelize.Model and instead made a new class with a contructor to consume my arguments and then created a method on the new class to return the sequelize model.
The main change there was instead of defining the models with GenericModel.init(), I defined them by calling sequelize.define(modelName, attributes, options)
so my map now looks like this :
const models = modelDefinitions.reduce((acc, modelDef) => {
return { ...acc, [modelDef.name]: new GenericModel(sequelize, modelDef).getDBModel() };
}, {});
and my class:
class TestModel {
constructor(sequelize, modelDef) {
this.sequelize = sequelize;
this.modelDef = modelDef;
this.modelName = modelDef?.name;
this.definitions = modelDef?.fieldDefinitions;
this.restrictedFieldList = this.definitions.filter((field) => field?.restricted).map((definition) => definition.name);
getDBModel() {
const model = this.sequelize.define(
this.definitions.reduce((acc, definition) => {
return { ...acc, [definition.name]: definition.column_type };
}, {}),
defaultScope: {
attributes: {
exclude: this.restrictedFieldList,
sequelize: this.sequelize,
modelName: this.modelName,
return model;

TagSpecifications with requestSpotInstances UnexpectedParameter with aws-sdk

I'm trying to add a tag to my AWS Spot Request. But it has returned me { UnexpectedParameter: Unexpected key 'TagSpecifications' found in params.LaunchSpecification.
I have followed this documentation, and I have already tried to move this code out of LaunchSpecification, but the error persists.
const params = {
InstanceCount: 1,
LaunchSpecification: {
ImageId: config.aws.instanceAMI,
KeyName: 'backoffice',
InstanceType: config.aws.instanceType,
SecurityGroupIds: [config.aws.instanceSecurityGroupId],
TagSpecifications: [{
ResourceType: 'instance',
Tags: [{
Key: 'Type',
Value: 'Mongo-Dump',
BlockDeviceMappings: [{
DeviceName: '/dev/xvda',
Ebs: {
DeleteOnTermination: true,
SnapshotId: 'snap-06e838ce2a80337a4',
VolumeSize: 50,
VolumeType: 'gp2',
Encrypted: false,
IamInstanceProfile: {
Name: config.aws.instanceProfileIAMName,
Placement: {
AvailabilityZone: `${config.aws.region}a`,
SpotPrice: config.aws.instancePrice,
Type: 'one-time',
return ec2.requestSpotInstances(params).promise();
Something makes me think that the problem is in the documentation or in the aws-sdk for Javascript itself. My options are exhausted.
The error message is correct. According to the documentation, the RequestSpotLaunchSpecification object doesn't have an attribute called TagSpecifications.
However, you can tag your Spot Instance request after you create it.
ec2.requestSpotInstances(params) returns an array of SpotInstanceRequest objects, each containing a spotInstanceRequestId (e.g. sir-012345678). Use the CreateTags API with these Spot Instance request ids to add the tags.
const createTagParams = {
Resources: [ 'sir-12345678' ],
Tags: [
Key: 'Type',
Value: 'Mongo-Dump'
ec2.createTags(createTagParams, function(err, data) {
// ...
