Use and node.js between webpages - node.js

Is there any way using to share data between two different webpages?
Let's say I have page1.html and page2.html and they are acessed from different devices in the same network, and from page1 I send a string to page2.
From what I have seen I could make it using node.js and, based on the chat example from However I'm not sure how.
Any help? Thanks.

There must be a socket server that handles all the web socket connections and events and so on...
The web pages cannot communicate directly but they must send data to the server. One important thing is how you plan to identify the clients.


Multiple websockets on same page

Can I have multiple websockets on a single webpage? I want to implement a real time chat application just like facebook. Also can you please tell how facebook handles multiple users chats at the same time ? Whether only one websocket is being opened for chat or multiple websockets are opened and configuration is done on server side ?
Just googled many areas and got to the conclusion that we must implement one websocket in one webpage & can send more data which help in identifying what type of message & to whom it must be delivered like in my case I can send sender's name and receiver's name with that message to the backend server with the only websocket opened accordingly.
We can also have multiple websockets on one page but it is not recommended

How to implement Laravel, node.js, and redis for creating realtime chat/notifications with database

I spend already 3 days for reading, watching tutorials about WebSockets,, node.js and so on.
Basically, I'm a Laravel developer and have just a basic idea about all the rest components.
With regret, after these 3 days I don't have in mind all logic step-by-step of implementing this architecture. I will try to explain what did I understand and you please correct me.
So :
WebSockets - is a bidirectional continuous connection between client and server. It uses another port, and basically it is not a HTTP/S connection.
For making this kind of app like I said, we need one more server, and idk why, but this is Node.js. At this Node.js server we should install (server-side package) and Redis.
Then, we need to add client-side (via CDN probably).
At Node.js server we are creating a server.js file where require all modules that we need, like and Redis. We open a connection for a specific non-used port (as 6001). Then we run this node server.
At front-end we are subscribe-ing to this channel and define method for emitting and listening to the server.
Example :
User1 is connecting to a specific route. User2 as well. User1 type a message for User2, when press Submit, message from User1 is sent to Node.js server, where it is sent in Redis(yes? if yes - Why?), and then Node.js is listening for what to do in this case, and send this message to specific user, or with broadcast to all users except the publisher.
Oh, it's even hard to explain that, too much steps and tehcnologies used.
Can please someone correct my logic? I really want to understand all that process and logic of using this components. Or please, give me some useful articles and videos, may be I didn't saw them. Thanks!
I suggest you read the official docs on how to build chat. Basically what you will have in the end is 2 servers, 1 for your Laravel app and the other for chat ( . The key to this is using broadcasters and listening for events on both sides, frontend and backend.
Events are broadcast over "channels", which may be specified as public or private. Any visitor to your application may subscribe to a public channel without any authentication or authorization; however, in order to subscribe to a private channel, a user must be authenticated and authorized to listen on that channel.

A node.js server for both web and mobile app

I am creating a game by Unity and I want to upload the players' score to MongoDB. Therefore, I have built a node.js server listening to port 3000, and the scores will be sent to the server and store into the database.
My question is that if I want to create a website for viewing/analyzing players' scores, which approach should I use?
create two node.js servers, one for the web, one for the game
one node.js server but listen to port 80 and 3000 (im not sure whether it is possible or not)
any other better suggestions?
Thank you.
I would create one Node server, one to serve both api and web requests.
It sounds like the data served by the API and the web will be the same or subsets of each other. So you'll probably want to share code, lookup the same stuff from the database, etc etc.
From here, you could either create separate routes that the api uses and the web uses (/api/v1/my_scores vs /my_scores) OR realize that you're just asking for different representations of the same data and do something RESTful like checking the accept header and either sending server rendered HTML or sending JSON back to the client.
Alternatively, you could just create a api in Node, then use a purely front end tool like Angular or React to create a web front end for your site.
Using port 3000 is not a good idea because many users access internet through firewalls which block non-standard ports.
I would recommend using 443 port and https to secure the communication for both use cases.
If the site for analyzing scores does not share logic with the api server, then it can be created as a separate site - but in starting it is easier to manage a single application.
If i understand your question easily and according to my limited knowledge i think that you don't require more than one server with a database. The reason is that one web you only want to display the high score nor the end user can insert it anything on website. So the complexity is minimal already so don't bother to create another server. Just make data getting API separate for using in website.

Is implementation possible inside REST framework?

I am building an app in which I provide functionality X, Y and chat.
Lets say that X and Y are non-interactive eg. reading articles - which will work fine with REST (on a node.js server) while chat is obviously interactive so it will work best with!
Questions: 1. Is it possible for me to 'switch on' a socket between the server and the user when the user navigates to the chat part of the application? 2. Can I open up a socket inside a GET request for the url: on the node.js server?
3. How can this be accomplished inside a Backbone routing framework?
Yes. Just initialize the connection when the view is rendered (via a controller or script). See client documentation. You can just connect when the view is rendered and disconnect when the view is terminated.
You cannot open sockets with a GET request. has it's own build in mechanisms for connecting to a socket server. It will start with Web Socket protocol and fall back to Long Polling. You can however use custom url's for unique things. One again, consult the documentation:
p.s. I'd suggest reading up on how Web Sockets work, as you don't seem to have a very strong understanding.

how to distribute

Im using nodejs and to deliver a chat on my business app, but i want to distribute the deploy so i can have as many chat servers i want to balance the load of the traffic.
I try the load balance approach from nginx but that just do that balance the traffic but the communication between the serves its not the same, so one chat message send from user A to server S1 wont travel to user B on server S2.
There is any tool or approach to do this.
Thanks in advance.
===== EDIT =====
Here is the architecture of the app.
The main app frontend on PHP CodeIgniter lets tag it as PHPCI
The chat app backend on NodeJs and SocketIO lets tag it as CHAT
The chat model data on Redist lets tag it as REDIST
So what i have now its PHPCI -> CHAT -> REDIST. That work just fine.
What i need is to distribute the application so i can have as many PHPCI or CHAT or REDIST i want, example
Where the numbers represent instances not different apps.
So a User A connected to PHPCI1 can send a message to a user B connected on PHPCI3.
I think some queue in the middle of CHAT can handle this something like rabbitmq that can only use the SocketIO to deliver the messages to the client.
If you're distributing the server load (and that's a requirement), I'd suggest adding a designated chat data server (usually an in-memory database or message queue) to handle chat state and message passing across edge servers.
Redis Pub/Sub is ideal for this purpose, and can scale up to crazy levels on even a low-end machine. The Redis Cookbook has a chapter on precisely this use case.
If you set up the server-side of your chat app correctly, you shouldn't have to distribute Since node.js is browser-based and doesn't require any client-side code (other than the resources downloaded from the webpage), it works automatically. With a webpage, the files required to run are temporarily downloaded to users when they are correctly included (just like with jQuery). If you are using node.js and to make an android app, the files should be included in your application when you distribute it, not separately.
In addition, if you wish to use two separate servers, you should be able to establish communication between the two by connecting them in a similar manner that a client connects to the server, but with a special parameter that lets the other server know that a server connected and it can respond and set a variable for the other server.
