Custom Domain SSL for azure blob - azure

Anyone can find a workaround for having custom domain pointing to azure blob? Can application gateway pointed to there? how?
Facts :
- Azure blob does not support custom domain for SSL
- Using custom domain with SSL will prompt security concern due to the assets is from different SSL cert.

No. Currently there is no support for custom domains with SSL on Azure Storage services.
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I have been using Application Gateway with my custom SSL to access BLOB.
Create a Application Gateway instance.
Add your custom SSL inside the SSL Settings in the App Gateway.
Configure backend pool and listener in App gateway.
Create a container and upload an image into it, copy the image URL. Replace the image domain BLOB URL with the Application Gateway IP. Request the image.
For retrieving sensitive files: Once you get the image, remember to turn off the Allow Blob public access toggle in your Storage Account settings.


How do I create certificates in Azure for a custom domain?

I am trying to follow this tutorial to create certificates in Azure for a custom domain. I have the same issue as Marc:
However, I have set access to DNS Zone already:
Could the problem be that is it a custom Domain? If so any workaround, if not anything else to check?
As the tutorial you followed mentioned that "there is a plugin for Azure Web Apps, but this only works for Windows web applications", so you may not follow that steps.
To create a certificate for the static website in a storage account, you can follow this blog1---Enable HTTPS with Lets Encrypt on Azure static site and read this blog2 for more details.
An Azure static site hosted on a storage container allows you to have a free certificate provided by DigiCert but only for subdomains (such as www). If you want to use the root domain, it's available for using the Bring your own certificate feature. You need to configure HTTPS on an Azure CDN custom domain.
There is an amazing project lets-encrypt-azure on GitHub that allows you can run as an Azure Function that will provide this endpoint, download the certificate to an Azure Key vault to be used by your CDN.

Enabling HTTPS for a Azure blob static website

I have an Azure storage account with a static website on the blob service enabled. I also have configured custom domain for my blob service. To be able to serve my website over HTTPS on the custom domain I need to somehow apply my certificate. How can I do it?
I don't want no CDN
To be able to serve my website over HTTPS on the custom domain I need
to somehow apply my certificate. How can I do it?
Unfortunately it is not possible as of writing this answer because Azure Storage still doesn't have the ability to allow you to bring your own certificates. You will need to use CDN if you want HTTPS enabled custom domain mapped to your static website hosted in Azure Blob Storage.
From this link:
It's easier to enable HTTP access for your custom domain, because
Azure Storage natively supports it. To enable HTTPS, you'll have to
use Azure CDN because Azure Storage does not yet natively support
HTTPS with custom domains. see Map a custom domain to an Azure Blob
Storage endpoint for step-by-step guidance.
You can use an application gateway instead of CDN, here is a recipe:

Add SSL to Azure Portal Storage

My website and my domain are hosted on a different service provider from azure. I created a CNAME record and I have added my custom domain to the azure. So right now I can go to The image that loads comes from the blob storage from azure. However, if I try to do this via https, I get NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error.
I've been through many guides, and seen just about every setting in azure portal and I can't figure out how to import my ssl into azure so that this will work. I have a feeling it has to do something with Azure CDN option, which I don't have configured and don't want to pay extra just for this one feature. Can I do this without it somehow?
I've been through many guides, and seen just about every setting in
azure portal and I can't figure out how to import my ssl into azure so
that this will work.
Simple answer to your question is that it is not possible as of today. Azure Storage still doesn't support HTTPS with custom domain. You'll need to use CDN if you wish to use your SSL certificates to facilitate secure connection.
Azure Storage does not yet natively support HTTPS with custom domains.
You can currently Use Azure CDN to access blobs by using custom
domains over HTTPS.

Hosting ClickOnce in Azure Blob storage and using custom domain

I am using Clickonce for deploying my WPF application and this is being done in Azure Blob storage. Since this is a custom URL it won't be white listed in many of the client machines and hence I mapped a custom domain for the same. I was able to access the HTML page and download the setup file but download of .application file is not being done as connection could not establish a trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
Is there a way to overcome this? Can I map SSL certificates to my custom domain.
Taken from the documentation page:
Azure Storage does not yet natively support HTTPS with custom domains.
You can currently Use Azure CDN to access blobs by using custom
domains over HTTPS.

Azure CDN for cloud service requests are forwarded to <myapp> instead of my custom hostname binding

As mentioned in the title above I have a cloudservice with a WebRole that runs a web app I have taken all necessary steps to enable serving of CDN content from my app using url rewrite module on IIS. This works fine but:
The requests coming in from CDN are forwarded to instead of my custom hostname binding. I cannot find any place to change this in my configuration. When I create a new CDN endpoint my options for setting the ORIGIN DOMAIN are limited to my cloud service endpoints
Say I got a custom domain name for my cloud service CDN endpoint (ex. What happens when I make request with https? I don't see any place to register the "" 's ssl certificate. Isn't something like this required?
From the help icon on the Create CDN Endpoint screen (Azure Management Portal) I got my answer to the second point above:
If you choose to enable HTTPS for your CDN endpoint, keep in mind the
following points:
You must use the certificate provided by the CDN. Third party certificates are not supported.
You must use the CDN domain to access content. HTTPS support is not available for custom domain names (CNAMEs) since the CDN does
not support custom certificates at this time.
HTTPS is from the CDN to the client only. Requests from the CDN to the content provider (Storage Account or hosted service) are
still made using HTTP.
Regarding your first question, I don't think that is possible...Azure's CDN unfortunately is somewhat limited in its options.
As to the 2nd, as was said in the other answer, it's not possible to use HTTPS with a custom domain name :/
