Is it possible to connect to Sony Camera Remote API with hybrid mobile apps - phonegap-plugins

Since we need to have a UDP socket to discover the device, and since javascript seems not supporting UDP, is it possible to connect to Sony Camera Remote API with a javascript based mobile app (non native).

As said in the comments, you can use Cordova to do the SSDP discovery.
However, as far as I can see, the API is HTTP-based. So if you don't need discover (can write in the IP address and port manually), then this should be possible to do.
Did you ever get anywhere with this project? I'd be interested in getting some LiveView and controlling a camera using Javascript.


Connect to USB RFID reader with browser

I am a newbie dev trying to build a web application that can read and write to an RFID Card through the browser.
I am currently using an ACR122U Card Reader and have gotten it reading directly to my server in NodeJS with the nfc-pcsc node package.
Of course, I don't want to have my users have to run their own server and install a ton of libraries to read a card.
Ideally, they can just plug a card reader into their USB port and communicate from USB>Browser>Node Server and back again.
Can anyone recommend a good way to communicate with a USB RFID reader through the browser (and send to backend server?). Thanks
As far as I know, at the moment (Mar.2021) there is only experimental support for USB in browsers (WebUSB API). Please refer to
As this API is experimental, you may not want to rely on it for production. In this case, a component running on end users machine will be needed (e.g. a more or less simple service that responds via https at 'localhost'. This approach opens several usability/security concerns (such as supplying a trusted certificate for localhost, properly managing CORS headers etc).
You may want to refer to this question for additional suggestion: Architectures to access Smart Card from a generic browser? Or: How to bridge the gap from browser to PC/SC stack?

Communicating with nearby devices

I want to develop a FirefoxOS privileged app that can send text messages to nearby devices.
Android app can use Bluetooth or Wifi P2P. But FirefoxOS privileged apps cannot use Bluetooth/Wifi API. These are only available for certified apps.
Privileged apps can use TCP socket API. Is this the only way?
Is there any way to get available IP addresses on LAN?
#Kazhik, unfortunately right now, that is the only way to go. And the explanation for that is that by using the socket API you can implement any protocol on top of TCP, such as IMAP, IRC, POP, HTTP, etc., or even build your own to sustain any specific needs you could have.
Since certified apps can only be included by the oem, access to Bluetooth or WiFi information API aren't a viable option now.
At today's date (September 18, 2015) the WebIDE supports installing certified apps in older Firefox OS versions like 1.3 and in physical devices.
I tried installing the Gaia test apps (these are certified) in one Alcatel OT FireC and everything worked perfectly fine ;)
DNS-SD (part of the Zeroconf specification) allows you to broadcast and receive "advertisements" from other devices on the local network. That requires UDP and TCP permissions, which means a "privileged" app, as you thought. That's not a problem, unless you need to distribute the app outside of the Firefox Marketplace.
There's an implementation of DNS-SD for JavaScript at
For compatibility with other messaging apps, you might want to implement XMPP:

Simple Universal Plug and Play ( uPNP ) to find Raspberry Pi on Network

I have a RaspberryPi connected to my home network via WiFi with a dynamic ip address. I then have my iPhone connected to the same network also via WiFi. The Pi has a lightweight c++ HTTP server running on it that can execute commands. I now want to write an Objective-C app that can find the Pi on the network, regardless of it's ip address, and send it commands. So, Universal Plug and Play seems like the logical solution - but everything I find on Google is dealing with Media players and streaming audio/video content.
I just want the Pi to somehow simply broadcast on my network - "Hey, I'm RasberryPi and my IP Address is!".
Can somebody please suggest a package or solution to this problem? Thanks!
For the RPi side I would suggest GUPnP as long as you can fulfill the dependency requirements. It's a very modular framework so you don't need to load or use any of the multimedia related things if you don't need them. It's based on glib and libsoup and allows you to fairly easily define and implement your own UPnP services. Take a look at the BinaryLight example: It implements a BinaryLight Device that contains a SwitchPower service with several methods and two state variables (properties). You should be able to hit the ground running if you start with that. There's documentation on how to write a server.
The components you are going to need/want:
libgssdp, handles discovery, used by gupnp
libgupnp, the actual upnp implementation, used by your app
the dependencies (glib, gio, gmodule, libsoup, libxml)
Also possibly for testing (this on a desktop linux machine since it requires gtk):
gupnp-tools, contains gupnp-universal-cp
EDIT: If you really don't want to implement any UPnP functionality, it's possible you could just use GSSDP for the IP discovery. This could be very simple: see test-publish example.

Build own Chromecast device

The Chromecast device is a "receiver device [that] runs a scaled-down Chrome browser with a receiver application". Can I download and install this receiver app on a chrome browser for example on my Windows notebook?
I have implemented a complete chromecast v2 receiver, called YouMap ChromeCast Receiver, available in Google play store and Amazon store, xda-developer thread here:
The current Chromecast protocol is a completely different one from the original DIAL based protocol. Right now, only YouTube still uses the old protocol, which chromecast maintains its backward compatibility.
The discovery is mDNS, exactly same as Apple TV bonjour protocol.
The most difficult part is device authentication, the sender and the receiver perform handshakes by exchanging keys and certificates in a way extremely difficult to crack. AppleTV does the same using FairPlay encryption.
The next difficult part is the mirroring protocol, which is also very complicated, need to deal with packet splits, packet retransmissions. Overall, chromecast mirroring protocol is well designed, better than miracast, better than AirPlay mirroring (I have also implemented both of them, so I know what I am talking about).
When I get chances, will write more here.
The chromecast device works using the DIAL protocol. It is completely possible to emulate this protocol using some simple code to listen on the multicast group for discovery and then handle the HTTP requests to launch applications. It is then the launched application that communicates with the casting device, I believe using the RAMP protocol.
Luckily for us the applications that the chromecast device uses are mostly web applications meaning our device emulator just needs to launch a web browser and point it to a specific url when it receives an application request.
For example the youtube app, after device discovery and establishing where the applications are located (part of DIAL). Will send a HTTP POST request containing a pairing key to /<apps url>/YouTube. All the emulating device needs to do now is open<pairing key> in a browser window. From here, I believe, communication for controlling the youtube app is not sent through the casting device but through the open tabs on the casting device and the emulator.
This is my understanding of how the chromecast device works and specifically the youtube app from looking at which is a python emulator that has youtube and google music working.
Google is in progress of open sourcing some part of the chrome cast.
So theoretically you can build a similar device.

What are the other mean of connectivity apart from bluetooth?

I want to consider all the connectivity possibilities in JavaME , connectivity between phone mobile and PC. Apart from bluetooth what are the possible means of such connectivity ?
You need to have a look at the Generic Connection Framework (GCF) which gives you the ablility to open connections using various protocols. You do this my using a Connector object.
It is obviously completely dependant upon the hardware upon the phone and any optional JSRs that it implements, but you can communicate to a phone via:
Using internet protocols e.g. Http, Datagram, Socket connections (Requires PC to be accessible via the internet)
NFC (Near Field Communication)
Using a Secure Element (SATSA)
Serial COMM port connection (I think)
I'll completely admit that using some of these methods to communicate between a PC and a phone are nuts but it could be done.
The best thing to do for simplicity is to use bluetooth or a HttpConnection.
U also able to connect mobile with pc via internet (Gprs).Better u look at the Generic Connection Framework (GCF) documentation.It will help u
