How to run Grunt Copy Task automatically when our project run - node.js

I want to copy some files from one folder to another automatically when my project start.Now I do it by run a command in cmd "grunt copy". Please help me on this.
My Gruntfile.js Code:
module.exports = function (grunt) {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON("package.json"),
copy: {
t1: {
src: 'Scripts/**',
grunt.registerTask('default', 'copy:t1');

I think you need to have grunt.registerTask('default', ['copy:t1']);


How to prevent grunt-nodemon from restarting all apps

I'm running node on Windows 10. I have three node apps and I want to be able to start them all up with one handy grunt command. Furthermore, I want node to automatically restart if I modify any of the apps.
I'm using a combination of grunt-nodemon and grunt-concurrent for this. The node processes all start up fine.
The problem is that if I modify the code related to any of them they all restart, which takes a long time. How can I make it so that nodemon only restarts the app whose code I actually modified?
var loadGruntTasks = require('load-grunt-tasks')
module.exports = function(grunt) {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
concurrent: {
runAll: {
tasks: ['nodemon:app1', 'nodemon:app2', 'nodemon:app3'],
options: {
logConcurrentOutput: true
nodemon: {
app1: {
script: './app1/app.js'
app2: {
script: './app2/app.js'
app3: {
script: './app3/app.js'
grunt.registerTask('default', ['concurrent:runAll'])
If I use grunt-watch instead of grunt-nodemon, only the app whose code I modified will restart. The problem is that grunt-watch only knows to run node app.js which gives an error because the app is already running. Is there a way to make grunt-watch kill the node process and restart it?
I think the answer could be fairly simple. Nodemon has an ignore option. For each of your three applications nodemon grunt configurations you can configurate them to ignore the directories of the other applications. That way they only kick off their restart when their own files are changed and not those of other projects. Let me know how that goes. :) Specifics about setting up the ignore section of config can be found in both nodemons documentation and grunt-nodemons documentation.
Patrick Motard's answer made me think about what directory nodemon was running in and how it was observing the files for changes. It appears that since I started grunt inside the parent directory of all the node apps that each nodemon process was looking for changes in all of those directories. So I set the working directory of the nodemon processes to the corresponding directory for each app using the options.cwd setting. That seemed to fix it. Here is the working solution:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
concurrent: {
runAll: {
tasks: ['nodemon:app1', 'nodemon:app2', 'nodemon:app3'],
options: {
logConcurrentOutput: true
nodemon: {
app1: {
script: 'app.js',
options: {
cwd: './app1'
app2: {
script: 'app.js',
options: {
cwd: './app2'
app3: {
script: 'app.js',
options: {
cwd: './app3'
grunt.registerTask('default', ['concurrent:runAll'])

Grunt: How do I run seperate processes for CSS (sass, concat, minify) and JS (concat, minify)

I'm looking at the grunt watch documentation but I can see how to run a separate process for my javascript files. Below is what I have for CSS:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// running `grunt sass` will compile once
sass: {
dist: {
options: {
style: 'expanded'
files: {
'./public/css/sass_styles.css': './src/sass/sass_styles.scss' // 'destination': 'source'
// bring in additonal files that are not part of the sass styles set
concat: {
dist: {
src: [
dest: 'public/css/all.css',
// running `grunt cssmin` will minify code to *.min.css file(s)
cssmin: {
minify: {
expand: true,
cwd: "public/css/",
src: ["all.css", "!*.min.css"],
dest: "public/css/",
ext: ".min.css"
// running `grunt watch` will watch for changes
watch: {
files: ["./src/sass/*.scss", "./src/sass/partials/*.scss"],
tasks: ["sass", "concat", "cssmin"]
// load tasks
As you can see I have tasks for CSS ["sass", "concat", "cssmin"], but I want to do separate tasks for separate files (js) - concat and minify - and listen for changes (watch). Can someone point me in the correct direction, I'm not really sure what I should be searching for. Is this something that watch can handle, or is there another plugin? I'm a little new to grunt so still trying to figure out how to use it. Thanks
You can use 'grunt-concurrent' for that, you can define multiple tasks with it. In combination with watch sets you will have the proper solution.
# to install:
npm install grunt-concurrent --save-dev
And this will be your adjusted function then.
Remember, you still have to set some uglify and jshint properties! But I believe that's not the issue here.
module.exports = function(grunt) {
/* .. */
// running `grunt watch` will watch for changes
watch: {
// Use 'sets' like this, just make up a name for it:
watchCss: {
files: ["./src/sass/*.scss", "./src/sass/partials/*.scss"], // Directory to look for changes
tasks: ["concurrent:taskCss"] // Tasks you want to run when CSS changes
watchJs: {
files: ["./src/js/**/*.js"], // Directory to look for changes
tasks: ["concurrent:taskJs"] // Tasks you want to run when JS changes
concurrent: {
taskCss: ["sass", "concat", "cssmin"], // define the CSS tasks here
taskJs: ["jshint", "concat", "uglify"] // define the JS tasks here
// load tasks
grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-jshint'); // Added
grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); // Added
grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-concurrent"); // Added
// register tasks (note: you can execute sets from concurrent)
grunt.registerTask('default', ["concurrent:taskCss", "concurrent:taskJs"]);
grunt.registerTask('css', ["concurrent:taskCss"]);
grunt.registerTask('js', ["concurrent:taskJs"]);
To watch for changes:
grunt watch
# if a css file is changed, only the css tasks are performed
You can also execute a task from the prompt directly, for example:
grunt js
# This will only execute the registered task 'js'
# In this case that task points to 'concurrent:taskJs' wich will run jshint, concat and uglify
To install uglify and jshint:
npm install grunt-contrib-uglify --save-dev
npm install grunt-contrib-jshint --save-dev

Grunt won't find any tasks

Im fairly new to the whole "front end workflow" stuff, and im trying to learn how to use grunt, and ive set up a task to minify my css but Grunt wont find any tasks whatsoever
this is my grunt file
module.exports = function(grunt) {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
src: 'public/stylesheets/*.css',
dest: 'public/stylesheets/builds'
grunt.registerTask('default', ['min']);
minify is installed globally and in the project
ive tried running the default
grunt min
minify is in my package.json as
"minify": "~0.6.1",
Several potential issues here, all of which are likely causing the issues.
Problem: You are using minify which isn't a grunt plugin.
Solutions: npm install grunt-contrib-uglify and/or grunt-contrib-cssmin as makes sense for your needs.
Problem: You aren't loading any plugins/ least not in the code you posted.
Solution: Load tasks with grunt.loadNpmTasks before you register tasks. For example, if you use uglify and cssmin, you would need these lines before grunt.registerTask:
Possible complete solution for this specific issue
1) npm install grunt-contrib-uglify
2) npm install grunt-contrib-cssmin
3) Update your gruntfile to resemble this.
You will need to edit the directories to match your project specifics...this is almost guaranteed to fail if you don't edit it first. See the docs for grunt-contrib-uglify or -cssmin for full details on options, paths, etc...:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
uglify: {
dist: {
files: {
'dist/<%= %>.min.js': ['<%= concat.dist.dest %>']
cssmin: {
minify: {
expand: true,
cwd: 'release/css/',
src: ['*.css', '!*.min.css'],
dest: 'release/css/',
ext: '.min.css'
grunt.registerTask('default', ['uglify', 'cssmin']);

Grunt watch: compile only one file not all

I have grunt setup to compile all of my coffee files into javascript and maintain all folder structures using dynamic_mappings which works great.
coffee: {
dynamic_mappings: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'assets/scripts/src/',
src: '**/*.coffee',
dest: 'assets/scripts/dest/',
ext: '.js'
What I would like to do is then use watch to compile any changed coffee file and still maintain folder structure. This works using the above task with this watch task:
watch: {
coffeescript: {
files: 'assets/scripts/src/**/*.coffee',
tasks: ['coffee:dynamic_mappings']
The problem is that when one file changes it compiles the entire directory of coffee into Javascript again, it would be great if it would only compile the single coffee file that was changed into Javascript. Is this naturally possible in Grunt or is this a custom feature. The key here is it must maintain the folder structure otherwise it would be easy.
We have custom watch scripts at work and I'm trying to sell them on Grunt but will need this feature to do it.
You can use something like the following Gruntfile. Whenever a CoffeeScript file changes, it updates the configuration for coffee:dynamic_mappings to only use the modified file as the src.
This example is a slightly modified version of the example in the grunt-contrib-watch readme.
Hope it helps!
var path = require("path");
var srcDir = 'assets/scripts/src/';
var destDir = 'assets/scripts/dest/';
module.exports = function( grunt ) {
grunt.initConfig( {
coffee: {
dynamic_mappings: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: srcDir,
src: '**/*.coffee',
dest: destDir,
ext: '.js'
watch : {
coffeescript : {
files: 'assets/scripts/src/**/*.coffee',
tasks: "coffee:dynamic_mappings",
options: {
spawn: false, //important so that the task runs in the same context
} );
grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filepath, target) {
var coffeeConfig = grunt.config( "coffee" );
// Update the files.src to be the path to the modified file (relative to srcDir).
coffeeConfig.dynamic_mappings.files[0].src = path.relative(srcDir, filepath);
grunt.config("coffee", coffeeConfig);
} );
grunt.registerTask("default", [ "coffee:dynamic_mappings", "watch:coffeescript"]);
found a solution from an answer to a similar question
short answer: try

Grunt a TypeScript to JavaScript with uglify

I have 4 TypeScript files under the ts directory. I can compile them all into one file (main.js) with a source map ( using the typescript:base task.
However, trying to uglify those files is not working when compiling more than one TypeScript file. It's as if uglify is getting confused when the sourceMapIn was made with more than one file.
How would you compile a TypeScript project with more than one file, into one file with a sourcemap (Back to the original ts files)
Here's the grunt file:
module.exports = function (grunt) {
uglify: {
dist: {
options: {
sourceMap: '../js/',
sourceMapIn: '',
sourceMapRoot: '../ts/'
files: {
'../js/main.min.js': ['main.js']
typescript: {
base: {
src: ['**/*.ts'],
dest: '../js/main.js',
options: {
module: 'amd',
sourcemap: true,
declaration: false
grunt.registerTask('default', ['typescript:base', 'uglify:dist']);
I tried to reproduce your problem with the following environment:
grunt: 0.4.1
grunt-contrib-uglify: 0.2.2
grunt-typescript: 0.2.4
nodejs: 0.10.15
I had to change uglify.dist.options.sourceMapIn to '../js/' and uglify.dist.files['../js/main.min.js'] to ['../js/main.js'], i. e. make the paths relative to the gruntfile location. Afterwards, compilation worked flawlessly and both ../js/main.min.js and ../js/ looked correct.
