Extract all rows from excel that match with with a column - excel

I have an excel with some columns in sheet A. In another sheet B I have a column with some values. This column in sheet B is in relation with another column in sheet A. I am trying to extract all the rows in sheet A that matches with the values in the column of sheet B. How to do this in excel? But without using macros, only formulas.


Compare rows of one sheet with columns of another sheet in Excel

I want to compare rows of sheet 1 with columns of sheet 2. How can I compare Rows with Columns in EXCEL?
Above image is SHEET 1. And I want to compare sheet 1 with below image SHEET 2
I couldn't find any solution of comparing rows with columns in EXCEL.

VBA Copy and paste values in one cell based on value in another cell

in this picture, the data in column I and R are both formulas. I want to write a code to have the formula in column I paste AS VALUES if there is an asterisk in the same row of column R and do nothin if it is blank. I need to do this for rows 9:44.

How can i fill data of a row into another sheet just by clicking any cell of the data table

I have 2 sheets in an Excel workbook.
The first one contains a data table named "details", regarding details of students. The second sheet contains several formulated cells with Vlookup formula which looks for vlaues in the first sheet.
How can I auto fill all the Vlookup cells in sheet 2, for a row from sheet 1, just by clicking on any cell of name column or order column from the first sheet?
E.g. my first sheet has these columns
student name
I want to auto fill formulated (Vlookup) cells of the sheet 2, either by clicking "Joseph" or in the order column on "number 1".

EXCEL: If a cell in a sheet matches a cell in another Sheet, print the cell to the right

I need help with Excel. I have an excel spreadsheet with 2 sheets.
Sheet1 column A contains 4,000 employee numbers
Sheet2 column A contains 10,000 employee numbers
Sheet2 column B contains 10,000 employee emails
Using the employee numbers in Sheet 1 as a "key", I need to find a way to search Sheet2 and print the email from Sheet2 column B to Sheet1 column B. The first 3 employee numbers are the same on each sheet, but then it jumps to a random number in the list of 10,000.
I tried using this but I keep getting #N/A
You are close:
Should Find the e-mail in Sheet 2, Column B that matches the employee number in Sheet 1, column A

VLOOKUP in 2 sheets of an excel

I have a column in Sheet 1 of an excel which I want to compare with an column of Sheet 2 of the same excel.
The values of Sheet 1 column to be present in some rows of Sheet 2 column (not necessary to be row by row).
How to use VLOOKUP here ?
Something like:
=IF(ISNA(MATCH(A1,Sheet2!B:B,0)),"no match","match")
