How to automate garbage Collection execution using java melody? - garbage-collection

Im using java melody to monitor memory usage in production environment.
The requirement is memory not should exceed 256MB/512MB .
I have done maximum of code optimized but still the usage is 448MB/512MB but when i executed garbage collector in java melody manually the memory consumption is 109MB/512MB.

You can invoke the garbage collection using one of these two calls in your code (they're equivalent):
It's better if you place the call in a Runnable that gets invoked periodically, depending on how fast your memory limit is reached.

Why you actually care about heap usage? as long as you set XMS (maximum heap) you are fine. Let java invoke GC when it seems fit. As long as you have free heap it is no point doing GC and freeing heap just for sake of having a lot of free heap.
If you want to limit memory allocated by process XMX is not enough. You should also limit native memory.
What you should care about is
Memory leaks, consecutive Full GCs, GC starvation
GC KPIs: Latency, throughput, footprint
Object creation rate, promotion rate, reclamation rate…
GC Pause time statistics: Duration distribution, average, count, average interval, min/max, standard deviation
GC Causes statistics: Duration, Percentage, min/max, total
GC phases related statistics: Each GC algorithm has several sub-phases. Example for G1: initial-mark, remark, young, full, concurrent mark, mixed
See for more technical details. You could also analyze your GC logs using it will help you understand how your JVM is using memory.


How to make G1GC garbage collector run more frequently?

I have a Openjdk 11.0.17 + Spring Boot application and this is my GC Configuration --XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=1000 -Xms512m -Xmx8400m. When the application is running and the heap usage increases as per the incoming web traffic. But I am noticing that when there is no incoming traffic and no processing going on the total heap usage stays the same (high say 7gigs out of 8gig max heap) for longer times. When I take a heap dump the total usage reduces to less than 2% (say 512m). If the heap usage increases it kills the application with OOM (out of memory) error.
How to make G1GC garbage collector run more frequently ? or Is there a way to tune the GC to not make the application oom killed.
But I am noticing that when there is no incoming traffic and no processing going on the total heap usage stays the same (high say 7gigs out of 8gig max heap) for longer times.
By default G1GC only triggers a collection when some of its regions exceed some thresholds, i.e. only tiggers while its allocating objects. Lowering the InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent can trigger those earlier.
Alternatively, if you upgrade to JDK12 or newer you can use G1PeriodicGCInterval for time-triggered collections in addition to allocation-triggered ones.
Another option is to switch to ZGC or Shenandoah which have options to trigger idle/background GCs to reduce heap size during idle periods.
or Is there a way to tune the GC to not make the application oom killed.
That problem generally is separate from high heap occupancy during idle periods. The GCs will try to perform emergency collections before issuing an OOM. So even if there was lots of floating garbage before the attempted allocation it would have been collected before throwing that error.
One possibility is that there's enough heap for steady-state operation but some load spike caused a large allocation that exceeded the available memory.
But you should enable GC logging to figure out the exact cause and what behavior lead up to it. There are multiple things that can cause OOMs, a few aren't even heap-related.

How to increase memory at startup?

is there an option for node.js to increase initial allocated memory?
the --max-old-space-size seems to increase max memory but what about initial memory?
Kind of like xmx and xms for the JVM.
V8 developer here. The short answer is: no.
The reason no such option exists is that adding fresh pages to the heap is so fast that there is no significant benefit to doing it up front.
V8 does have a flag --initial-old-space-memory, but it doesn't increase the initial allocation. Instead, what it means is "don't bother doing (old-space) GC while the heap size is below this limit". If you set that to, e.g., 1000 (MB), and then allocate 800MB of unreachable objects, and then just wait, then V8 will sit around forever with 800MB of garbage on the heap and won't lift a finger to get rid of any of that.
I'm not sure in what scenario this behavior would be useful (it's not like it will turn off GC entirely; GC will just run less frequently, but fewer GCs on a bigger heap don't necessarily add up to less total time than more GCs on a smaller heap), so I would strongly recommend to measure the effect on your particular workload carefully before using this flag -- if it were a good idea to have this on by default, then it would be on by default!
If I had to guess: this flag might be beneficial if you know that (1) your application will have a large amount of "eternal" (=lives as long as the app is running) data on the heap, and (2) you can estimate the amount of that data with reasonable accuracy. E.g.: if you know that at any given time, your old-space will consist of 500MB of always-reachable-anyway data plus any potentially-freeable-garbage, you could use this flag to tell V8 "if old-space size is below 600MB (=500MB plus a little), then don't bother trying to find garbage, it won't be worth the effort".

Why does the java8 GC not collect for over 11 hours?

Context: 64 bit Oracle Java SE 1.8.0_20-b26
For over 11 hours, my running java8 app has been accumulating objects in the Tenured generation (close to 25%). So, I manually clicked on the Perform GC button in jconsole and you can see the precipitous drop in heap memory on the right of the chart. I don't have any special VM options turned on except for XX:NewRatio=2.
Why does the GC not clean up the tenured generation ?
This is a fully expected and desirable behavior. The JVM has been successfully avoiding a Major GC by performing timely Minor GC's all along. A Minor GC, by definition, does not touch the Tenured Generation, and the key idea behind generational garbage collectors is that precisely this pattern will emerge.
You should be very satisfied with how your application is humming along.
The throughput collector's primary goal is, as its name says, throughput (via GCTimeRatio). Its secondary goal is pause times (MaxGCPauseMillis). Only as tertiary goal it considers keeping the memory footprint low.
If you want to achieve a low heap size you will have to relax the other two goals.
You may also want to lower MaxHeapFreeRatio to allow the JVM to yield back memory to the OS.
Why does the GC not clean up the tenured generation ?
Because it doesn't need to.
It looks like your application is accumulating tenured garbage at a relatively slow rate, and there was still plenty of space for tenured objects. The "throughput" collector generally only runs when a space fills up. That is the most efficient in terms of CPU usage ... which is what the throughput collector optimizes for.
In short, the GC is working as intended.
If you are concerned by the amount of memory that is being used (because the tenured space is not being collected), you could try running the application with a smaller heap. However, the graph indicates that the application's initial behavior may be significantly different to its steady-state behavior. In other words, your application may require a large heap to start with. If that is the case, then reducing the heap size could stop the application working, or at least make the startup phase a lot slower.

Understanding output of GHC's +RTS -t -RTS option

I'm benchmarking the memory consumption of a haskell programm compiled with GHC. In order to do so, I run the programm with the following command line arguments: +RTS -t -RTS. Here's an example output:
<<ghc: 86319295256 bytes, 160722 GCs, 53963869/75978648 avg/max bytes residency (386 samples), 191M in use, 0.00 INIT (0.00 elapsed), 152.69 MUT (152.62 elapsed), 58.85 GC (58.82 elapsed) :ghc>>.
According to the ghc manual, the output shows:
The total number of bytes allocated by the program over the whole run.
The total number of garbage collections performed.
The average and maximum "residency", which is the amount of live data in bytes. The runtime can only determine the amount of live data during a major GC, which is why the number of samples corresponds to the number of major GCs (and is usually relatively small).
The peak memory the RTS has allocated from the OS.
The amount of CPU time and elapsed wall clock time while initialising the runtime system (INIT), running the program itself (MUT, the mutator), and garbage collecting (GC).
Applied to my example, it means that my program shuffles 82321 MiB (bytes divided by 1024^2) around, performs 160722 garbage collections, has a 51MiB/72MiB average/maximum memory residency, allocates at most 191M memory in RAM and so on ...
Now I want to know, what »The average and maximum "residency", which is the amount of live data in bytes« is compared to »The peak memory the RTS has allocated from the OS«? And also: What uses the remaining space of roughly 120M?
I was pointed here for more information, but that does not state clearly, what I want to know. Another source (5.4.4 second item) hints that the 120M memory is used for garbage collection. But that is too vague – I need a quotable information source.
So please, is there anyone who could answer my questions with good sources as proofs?
Kind regards!
The "resident" size is how much live Haskell data you have. The amount of memory actually allocated from the OS may be higher.
The RTS allocates memory in "blocks". If your program needs 7.3 blocks of of RAM, the RTS has to allocate 8 blocks, 0.7 of which is empty space.
The default garbage collection algorithm is a 2-space collector. That is, when space A fills up, it allocates space B (which is totally empty) and copies all the live data out of space A and into space B, then deallocates space A. That means that, for a while, you're using 2x as much RAM as is actually necessary. (I believe there's a switch somewhere to use a 1-space algorithm which is slower but uses less RAM.)
There is also some overhead for managing threads (especially if you have lots), and there might be a few other things.
I don't know how much you already know about GC technology, but you can try reading these:

Increase Garbage Collector usage without memory leak

So i have a Node application which slow down every minute.
I used some profilers (nodetime, StrongLoop, memwatch) to find where this degraded performance come from : garbage collection operations takes longer after each request.
According to StrongLoop, my heap size and memory post V8 full GC are almost constant, heap instance count and heap memory usage do not grow.
However, the RSS (Resident Set Size) never stop growing. I believe this is the trigger for the nearly 120 cycles of GC / HTTP request, consuming nearly all CPU.
Any idea where this RSS can come from, and if this has anything to do with increased GC cycles?
