Running blockchain-wallet-service on a Heroku worker - node.js

I'm trying to deploy my Django app on Heroku, that makes use of the API V2 ( and thus needs to run blockchain-wallet-service in the background, which in turn needs Node.js and npm installed.
On localhost, I have used this API successfully by running the service on my own machine, but I'm having trouble deploying to Heroku. Firstly, I assume I will need to run the service on a separate dyno, and that I will need node and npm installed on my instance.
Can someone tell me how to achieve this? I'm new to more advanced features of Heroku, I've tried to use the nodejs buildpack but I doubt this is the correct way. There is also this: which I've deployed as a separate app but I've failed to merge it in some way to my Django app.
Any help is much appreciated!

I had this exact same issue, bro, and i finally got some light in the end of the tunnel.
I've cloned the repository and deployed it to heroku and made some changes on "package.json" file. The problem is that (in heroku) you need to declare the dependencies on package file. I've added these lines:
"dependencies": {
"blockchain-wallet-service": "~0.22.4",
and a script to test in the deploy:
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "blockchain-wallet-service -V"
Also, by cloning this repository, i needed to add this line too:
"license" : "(ISC OR GPL-3.0)",
hope it works for you


Connecting Node.js to SQL Database in Github Actions

I'm brand new to web development, so apologies if I have the completely wrong idea for this. I'm currently trying to use Github Actions to deploy a React web app to Azure. Npm build, install, and test all work fine but I'm trying to execute a .js file that connects the web app to a server holding my SQL database. To get it working on my local machine, I run "node index.js". With this in mind, I simply added the following step to my workflow:
- name: node run server
working-directory: ./backend
run: node index.js
I've let the Action run for 1 hour+ and it hasn't finished so I assume this isn't the way to go about it. What should I be doing instead?

'heroku local' cannot find module 'load-foreman-procfile'

I'm trying to run Heroku applications locally via 'heroku local,' but a missing module error is occurring in the Heroku CLI. Is this a Heroku bug that just needs to be reported or is there something wrong with how things have been setup on my machine (mac)? Any suggestions are appreciated.
In order to ensure my application isn't the problem, I've been debugging this issue with the node application Heroku provides in its getting started guides. Meaning, it already has a Procfile that can be run using default settings.
Things I've tried:
Re-install node modules for both application and CLI
Re-install the Heroku CLI
Here's the error:
node-js-getting-started [master] :> heroku local
Error: Cannot find module '../../load-foreman-procfile'
at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/Cellar/heroku/7.26.1/libexec/node_modules/#heroku-cli/plugin-local/lib/commands/local/index.js:5:18)
The file for the route above requires a 'load-foreman-procfile' like so:
const Procfile = require('../../load-foreman-procfile');
That require path doesn't lead to a to file by that name. In fact, this is the only reference to 'load-foreman-procfile' I can find in '/usr/local/Cellar/heroku/7.26.1'.
Rather than the error code above, I would expect heroku local to yield a running local server started via my Procfile.
I got the same error running heroku-cli v7.26.0. I switched to their edge channel (currently v7.26.2) and heroku local worked for me after that.
like #sophon mentioned - updating from v7.26.0 to v7.26.2 solved this for me. heroku update on mac did the trick.

How to combine vue-cli development mode with server-side api?

I'm new to vue and kind of confuse here.
I'm using vue-cli to build a vue app, I understand I can run a development server with npm run serve which is referenced as a script in my package.json for vue-cli-service serve
But my app need some data coming from a local node.js server. I cannot request this server from development mode because it's running on a different server.
To make my app work I'm obligated to build for production with
npm run build
Then to ask my node server to render by default the produced index.html file.
How could I combine development mode and my node server?
What would be the best way to make this work?
Thanks a lot
I stumbled across this, and found the answer buried at the bottom of the comments list, so I thought I'd highlight it.
This answer is taken from #Frank Provost comment, which really should be the accepted answer. As mentioned in his link all you need to do is create/edit vue.config.js file in your (client) project root to include this:
module.exports = {
devServer: {
proxy: 'http://localhost:3000' // enter dev server url here
Then start your dev server as usual from your server project:
[server-root]$ npm run dev
And run your client project from vue-cli project
[client-root]$ npm run serve
Then when you visit the client url (usually localhost:8080) all api requests will be forwarded to your dev server. All hot module replacement still works on both client and server.

Vuejs and Nodejs deploying to heroku: $ npm run dev works but not $ node server.js

I made a website with Vue.js and included Snipcart API for a buy button. I've been trying to deploy it to heroku for 2 days now.
When I enter $ npm run dev it works fine and will display my web app. But for some reason if I do $ node server.js it shows the default Vue welcome page for its webpack ("Welcome to Your Vue App").
I've tried entering "start":"npm run dev" in my package.json but that just results in a forever loading web page. If I enter "start":"node server.js" It results in the same thing as the previous paragraph, it just shows the default Vue welcome page.
I found someone with basically the same issue (How to set up vue(2)-cli app to run with nodejs server) and even tried the same tutorial post but I don't know what that comment/answer is talking about. I am also unsure of how to deploy a static website with a Snipcart API (as a previous user mentioned to me in a previous post).
I am really at a loss as to what to do. Thanks for your time.
Edit: Here is the repo for my app:
Exactly what I suspected in the comment: You are not building your assets.
npm run build
node server.js
And it should work as expected.

Heroku Node Buildpack for Rails 5 / Angular 2 app

I am trying to deploy a Rails 5 api with an Angular 2 front end, with the Angular code living an frontend folder inside of the main Rails project.
I was able to deploy using this tutorial (, and specifically this custom Heroku buildpack (
While this buildpack is absolutely awesome for existing, I am a little uncomfortable depending on the custom implementation in the long run. It also means I have to rename my frontend folder to client.
Is there a way to use the main Heroku Node buildpack, and somehow pass the path of my Angular frontend folder as an ENV variable? How would I go about doing this?
I've read through the Github conversations here ( and here ( but can't make heads or tails of it.
Please help!
the trick is to place a package.json at root with the following:
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "cd frontend && npm install"
substitute "frontend" with whatever folder the angular / node app is in.
See github issues discussion here:
