Does the Windows shell support multiple shell property handlers? - visual-c++

I was just trying out the Windows app sample for the Recipe Property Handler which is available here and I modified it to be used on .doc files instead of .recipe files:
const WCHAR c_szRecipeFileExtension[] = L".doc";
But, this seemed to overwrite the previous Office handler's properties with itself, which begs the question, does the Windows shell support multiple shell property handlers, or can you only use one at a time for a given file type? If its possible, what am I missing from the code or logic in the sample?
I couldn't find a concrete answer on MSDN for this question.

But there is a variant you can use (I dont like it but I dont see any additional variant). Save previous Property handler CLSID when you register your own. And when shell request the property that you cannot process - just create instance of previous handler and pass request to them.
CoCreateInstance(SavedCLSID, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER or CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IPropertyStore, PS)
PS.QueryInterface(IInitializeWithStream, IWS)
IWS.Initialize(Stream, Mode)


GetObject Fails while CreateObject Works [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to use GetObject in VBScript
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I recently got a small CG software package from my friend his father wrote about 30 years ago. It has a window where one can create and render some solid primitives. Interestingly, it has a VBA interface and I can in Excel (let’s call it TheSoftware) use Set app = CreateObject(“TheSoftware.Application”) to create such application (after setting app.Visible to True one can get the window on the screen)! However, the GetObject(, “TheSoftware.Application”) returns the “ActiveX component can’t create object” error. More surprisingly to me, the GetObject(“”, “TheSoftware.Application”) successfully creates the application! I have its source code in C++ about 900 KB that I can share, but just to be quick, has anyone had this issue before, or have a clue what may be the issue? I am no expert in C++, and the author passed away 4 years ago. I have seen the “opposite” problem of failing to create an object but OK when getting it, but not this one. Any idea is welcome, thanks!
GetObject(FName) opens a file or connects to a file if it already opened (and if class is specified use that class to open it) OR GetObject(,"Appname") connects to a running instance of an application. You are creating a blank file.
Visual Basic Scripting Edition
GetObject Function
See Also CreateObject Function
Version 5
Returns a reference to an Automation object from a file.
GetObject([pathname] [, class])
Optional; String. Full path and name of the file containing the object to retrieve.
If pathname is omitted, class is required.
Optional; String. Class of the object.
The class argument uses the syntax appname.objectype and has these
Use the GetObject function to access an Automation object from a file
and assign the object to an object variable. Use the Set statement to
assign the object returned by GetObject to the object variable. For
Dim CADObject
Set CADObject = GetObject("C:\CAD\SCHEMA.CAD")
When this code is executed, the application associated with the
specified pathname is started and the object in the specified file is
activated. If pathname is a zero-length string (""), GetObject
returns a new object instance of the specified type. If the pathname
argument is omitted, GetObject returns a currently active object of
the specified type. If no object of the specified type exists, an
error occurs.
Some applications allow you to activate part of a file. Add an
exclamation point (!) to the end of the file name and follow it with a
string that identifies the part of the file you want to activate. For
information on how to create this string, see the documentation for
the application that created the object.
For example, in a drawing application you might have multiple layers
to a drawing stored in a file. You could use the following code to
activate a layer within a drawing called SCHEMA.CAD:
Set LayerObject = GetObject("C:\CAD\SCHEMA.CAD!Layer3")
If you don't specify the object's class, Automation determines the application to start and the object to activate, based on the file
name you provide. Some files, however, may support more than one class
of object. For example, a drawing might support three different types
of objects: an Application object, a Drawing object, and a Toolbar
object, all of which are part of the same file. To specify which
object in a file you want to activate, use the optional class
argument. For example:
Dim MyObject
In the preceding example, FIGMENT is the name of a drawing application
and DRAWING is one of the object types it supports. Once an object is
activated, you reference it in code using the object variable you
defined. In the preceding example, you access properties and methods
of the new object using the object variable MyObject. For example:
MyObject.Line 9, 90
MyObject.InsertText 9, 100, "Hello, world."
Note Use the GetObject function when there is a current instance
of the object or if you want to create the object with a file already
loaded. If there is no current instance, and you don't want the
object started with a file loaded, use the CreateObject function.
If an object has registered itself as a single-instance object, only
one instance of the object is created, no matter how many times
CreateObject is executed. With a single-instance object, GetObject
always returns the same instance when called with the zero-length
string ("") syntax, and it causes an error if the pathname argument is
Requirements Version 5
See Also CreateObject Function
© 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Build: Topic Version 5.6.9309.1546
Also these are the COM API calls that each form makes. From the Automation part of the COM docs.
CreateObject (“ProgID”)
QueryInterface to get IDispatch interface.
GetObject (“filename”, “ProgID”)
QueryInterface for IPersistFile interface.
Load on IPersistFile interface.
QueryInterface to get IDispatch interface.
GetObject (“filename”)
CreateBindCtx creates the bind context for the subsequent functions.
MkParseDisplayName returns a moniker handle for BindMoniker.
BindMoniker returns a pointer to the IDispatch interface.
Release on moniker handle.
Release on context.
GetObject (“ProgID”)
GetActiveObject on class ID.
QueryInterface to get IDispatch interface.
Dim x As New interface
Find CLSID for interface.

NonProxyHosts usage with Groovy HttpBuilder

If I create my httpBuilder as shown below (assume that a proxyUsername IS set, so setCredentials is called), then calls to httpAddress-es that are passed in properly are routed through the proxy. However, the Application has some http calls that are within the local network. Can http.nonProxyHosts be used to work around this and bypass the Proxy? If so, how? Use System.setProperty? Or something on HttpBuilder?
HTTPBuilder httpBuilder = new HTTPBuilder(httpAddress)
httpBuilder.setProxy(webProxyHost, webProxyPort, webProxyProtocol)
if (proxyUsername) {
new AuthScope(webProxyHost, webProxyPort),
new UsernamePasswordCredentials(proxyUsername, proxyPassword))
In the code above, all of the various named elements (webProxyHost, etc) are declared as String and set accordingly.
In answer to the question in the above comment, our primary 'nonProxyHost' need was for 'localhost' which is there by default. Thus this ceased to be an issue. Did not ever really find out how to accomplish this as it is somewhat version-specific on HttpClient.
You can set the System property:
System.setProperty('http.nonProxyHosts', myNonProxyHosts)
However, if you call 'setProxy' on HttpBuilder, even if you call 'useSystemProperties' it will not. This is in their documentation, just not obvious!
Finally, you might be able to call:
httpBuilder.client.params.setParameter('http.nonProxyHosts', myNonProxyHosts)
But I do not know for sure if that is the property name and documentation of those properties is hard to find. Worse - those 'params' are deprecated - you are supposed to use the better 'config' classes, though once again finding comprehensive documentation on all the parameters for that is not the easiest! Wish I could have been of more help!

Emit std::string with QThreads in Qt5. Q_DECLARE_METATYPE

How do i define std::string as a type so i can emit from text from a QThread to another using a queued connection?
I searched and found many threads solving this issue.
Here one of the other threads available
Here other thread
But all of them consider the connection as a Qt 4 version. (Signal and slot macros).
Now, after 3 years, with Qt5.2 available, i'm not able to find a solution, even when the documentation says:
I have to define the type in my header.
I tried where Q_OBJECT goes, and outside the class. Apparently outside works.
I tried:
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE<std::string>(anothername declared for std::string with typedef);
All of them gave me errors, from: Syntax error : missing ';' before , to unnable to missing type specifier, int assumed.
The problem is always with this line of code.
and i´m using this in the same class within a method, which registers the type just before connecting the new thread with a queued connection:
QObject::connect(worker, &Raytracer::textEmitted, gui_, &MainWindow::addText, Qt::QueuedConnection);
What am i doing wrong?
I got to make it work by using QString. But how could i make it work with std::string?
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE should be placed outside any class or function.
The docs state: Ideally, this macro should be placed below the declaration of the class or struct. If that is not possible, it can be put in a private header file which has to be included every time that type is used in a QVariant.
The correct syntax is Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(std::string) without the ;.
But this is all useless if you are not using templates. As the docs state: Declare new types with Q_DECLARE_METATYPE() to make them available to QVariant and other template-based functions. Call qRegisterMetaType() to make type available to non-template based functions, such as the queued signal and slot connections.
So all you need to do is call qRegisterMetaType, and you will be able to use std::string in your queued connections. Do something like this somewhere before your connect statement:
Include the qmetatype.h header in the file which uses Q_DECLARE_METATYPE.

Media Foundation IMFMediaSource::CreatePresentationDescriptor invocation never ends

I'm triying to use Media Foundation to play mp3 file and I have a problem getting PresentationDesctiptor using CreatePresentationDescriptor method
What am I doing:
Start MF using MFStartup
Create session using MFCreateMediaSession
Create SourceResolver using MFCreateSourceResolver
Create MediaSource using CreateObjectFromURL from SourceResolver
Create topology using MFCreateTopology
Trying to create PresentationDescriptor using CreatePresentationDescriptor from MediaSource
When I call CreatePresentationDescriptor no error/exception occurs it just stands there and does nothing. When I pause Visual Strudio it indicates that program is still waiting for method to finish. What am I doing wrong ?
I did not metion that I use C# for this (did not think this was relevant)
The problem was that when importing com interfaces in C# you need to import all methods of interface not only those that are called. Some methods can call not imported methods and cause Access Violation that is not reported to Visual Strudio debugger and as a result it seems like method is never finished invokink.

Core Data declared remove<key>ItemsAtIndex method results in unrecognized selector

I have a Core Data "List" entity that has an ordered relationship to ListItems.
Core Data itself, generates a method in the .h,
- (void)removeListItemsAtIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexes;
However, when I attempt to invoke that method, at runtime the app crashes stating its an unrecognized selector.
Is this method really not implemented? Why would Core Data declare it if its not implemented? Am I supposed to do something else to make this work?
You should look at this post:
it's lion app, but i think the problem is same.
