Must a freelancer keep API Client IDs active for former employers? - google-chrome-extension

I'm a newb with Google OAuth and am trying to understand the different business/application models and which API credential types go with my particular situation.
I am creating a Chrome extension for someone for their own private use which accesses their Google Sheets docs using their personal Sheets account. So, I will not own the code or extension once I deliver it to them and end the contract. So, I do not want to have to maintain any authorization/API ID's or credentials after I deliver the extension and its source code. But, obviously, the extension must continue to work for them indefinitely.
The only way I can see how to accomplish this is to instruct the employer (who has no developer or development skills) on how to create the OAuth Client ID with their own Google API developer console. Then, they can enter the client ID and other codes if necessary into the extension config screen so the extension can use this information for authorizing API calls. This seems like a huge hassle for someone who just wants to buy an extension to do something simple.
Am I missing something? Is there an easier way?
P.S. I know this question doesn't follow the proper format for SO, but this is the only place Google has provided for asking API OAuth 2.0 questions.


Is it possible to access a friends Instagram pictures without his access_token?

I heard that Instagram recently changed their APIs and I have a related question to that.
Let's assume I would like to build an "Instagram feed app of people I follow". So this app would just show me the pictures of all people I follow. From what I understand this would be possible, but I would always have same manual effort:
From the Instagram developer website I understand that I need the access_token from all my friends.
Do I understand that correctly?
This would mean every time I follow someone new, I would have to get his/her access_token manually and add it into my app.
Do I understand this correctly or is there a programmatic/automated way to get the needed access_token from the new followed person?
Yes, you are correct. This is not possible at the moment. I'm not sure how you would get the access token of friends. You would have to have them login as well. BTW: This seems to be the way facebook is going (since they now control Instagram). They require that both friends have authorized your app and then they will list their followers.

How do I fetch my own Instagram media feed

I have a use case that Instagram does not seem to acknowledge. I am hoping that someone else has an idea for what I can do.
The website that I am maintaining has been using the API endpoint:
And I am aware that Instagram has recently stopped supporting this endpoint. So I am looking for a replacement.
My use case is that I do not want to allow the users of my website to authenticate and browse their own photos. Instead I want to show only the latest 20 images that "I" (aka my employer) have posted, one at a time in a loop.
Instagram's API documentation seems to be entirely focused on the use case of allowing users to authenticate and share their photos.
Is there an API call that will return the last 20 images that I have posted?
From its specs, the Sandbox will work fine for me, I cannot find a way to register with Instagram that does not require me to build a user authentication work flow that will NEVER be used.
You would want to use self feed endpoint.

How to share app id with an extension?

Is there a way to programmatically find app's id based on a name or some other criteria?
I have an extension that needs to exchange some data with an app. However, in order to send a message to the app I need to know the app's id. How can I get the id without any end user involvement?
I think I could hard-code the app's id into the extension but I'm not sure if this is the best option. In order to do that, I would always have to publish the app first, find its id, hard-code it into the extension, and then publish the extension.
Would this work? Are there better options to accomplish the above?
There is a way, but it's too heavy to be justified in a regular extension: API. To be able to find out your app's ID with it, you'd have to make sure that the app be already installed by the user before the extension makes a query. In addition, such a permission may be hard to slip by more savvy users.
Hardcoding is your best option. The good news is, your app's ID will be fixed after the initial upload and will never change with subsequent uploads.

Enable user to send text to specific Gmail contacts

In our website, we need to achieve a seemingly simple task: Enable the user to send a specific text to all or some of his/her Gmail contacts (including contact selection).
We don't actually need the contact data itself. We prefer some kind of "Gmail Plugin" (if there is one) that asks the user to login and does all the work. Alas, we couldn't find any.
We did find several different Google APIs related to this task. Some of them seem to give us contacts data. Others seem to handle sending email:
There is "Contacts API" under
There is "Contacts Service" under
There is "Gmail Service" under
There is "Gmail Platform Integration" under
Each of the above looks different and there seems to be much overlapping between them.
So what is the recommended method to achieve our original task? Is there a plugin that does it all? If not - should we use separate APIs for getting the contacts data and sending the emails, or are there Google APIs that combine both sub-tasks? In case those are separate tasks - is it possible to email via Gmail, or are there other recommended services for the email sending part?
To directly answer your question: you must use the first API you pointed, Contacts API under
Basically, you want to use the Google Contacts API with OAuth2 authentication in your website: user will be prompted by Google to allow your website to read user contacts.
First, read a bit about OAuth2 authentication flows here:
Second step: register your app on Google Console and get your key/pass for the Contacts API (you'll need contacts.readonly permission):
Then, as you'll use the OAuth2 for Web Servers, check this Google documentation:
Alternatively, you can use third part libraries to easily import contacts to your website. There are free libraries, like PHP, Ruby OmniAuth gem, and paid alternatives, like (multi-language).
Disclaimer: I work for
You could achieve this as you say with Google APIs and a Chrome Extension for example.
The user can add a Chrome Extension from the Chrome Webstore. The Extension will provide the user with a user interface to allow them to compose their message and send to the selected contacts.
The users contacts can be retrieved with the Google Contacts API.
The message can be sent to the selected contacts with the Gmail API.
There is a lot of documentation and examples for all of the above which together will give you what you want.
Depending on how much use this is going to get, you could use a contextual gadget which is browser agnostic - but visible in all emails in Gmail.
This is wrong the idea is to post the text to buffer a and submit pointer to array on buffet a and copy it to class b pointer a 0 than release the array and buffer so new allocation can be done

Can't figure out how to access's REST API

So I want to use's API to grab data for an infographic type application.
My problem is they require a Developer ID and password. I'm not sure where I can get this since it's required for the OAuth token.
I plan on using Node.js to make requests to their RESTful service. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I emailed (email grabbed from and got a reply:
Thanks for your interest in the Dice API! It's currently not available
for public use. We've been field testing it at some events and hope
to open it up by the end of Q2 2015.
We'll definitely make an announcement when it opens up.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
I found it pretty easy to get started hacking around with this using Postman (actually for searches you could just start in a browser, with a JSON plugin installed or the like).
