SourceTree : Where are Created Tasks Located in Pull request comments - sourcetree

I wish to see where are my tasks located when I do a create task in SourceTree in Pull request comments

The quickest way
Open the pull request.
Press shift + T

If you are using Bitbucket then you will see your tasks there only -
You can keep track of all open and resolved tasks with a consolidated list available from the top of a pull request.
Refrence -
PS: If you are on some other tool, there should be similar options.


Gitlab - create branch and merge request from issue

It used to be possible to create a branch from a gitlab issue, however this functionality is no longer there.
Does it need to be explicitly enabled somewhere?
Or is there a new way to create a branch from an issue?
This one tripped me up as well!
Per the Gitlab user documentation,
The Create merge request button doesn’t display if:
A branch with the same name already exists.
A merge request already exists for this branch.
Your project has an active fork relationship.
To make this button appear, one possible workaround is to remove your
project’s fork relationship. After removal, the fork relationship
cannot be restored. This project can no longer be able to receive or
send merge requests to the source project, or other forks.
Otherwise, the button displays as indicated in the post by #Do_Nhu_Vy.
This feature is still exists. Let's see the sceenshot.

How to download files from a specific git pull request?

I have a Pull Request on an azure devops remote git repository in format like this https://project-domain/project-name/_git/repo-name/pullrequest/xxxxx
Is there an easy way to just download the files which are part of this pull request without having to clone the entire repository?
If i have to use commit ids which are part of this pull request, that's alright with me. please let me know if anyone has done this before
In Azure DevOps, when viewing a Pull Request, on the Files tab, next to each file is a menu with three dots (...) with an option for "Download". You can do that for any file you wish to download.
However, it's very important to realize that the file you are downloading is the file from the point of view of the source branch. If the source branch is not up to date with the target branch, then you might not be downloading the final version of that file that will exist at the time the PR is completed. If you wish to download the future version of the file after PR is completed, then you should select the three dots (...) button next to the Complete button, and select "View Merge Commit". From there you can download each of the files the same way as previously described, and now you'll get the version of the files that would exist if you completed the PR right now. Obviously if that file gets modified on the target branch between now and when the PR is actually completed, the file would change yet again.
Side note, if you have many files in the PR that you wish to download, as far as I know you cannot download them all together in one shot from the UI, though you can probably automate it using the API (or by cloning and doing a diff which you said you wanted to avoid).

better pull request manager for azure dev ops

I am using Pull Request Manager Hub from the marketplace for our azure dev ops projects/repos. id like something that has a cleaner UI. It seems too busy and like everything is a button and some of the icons don't show up completely. I don't want to complain too much but is anyone using something else that they like more? My main requirement is that I should be able to see all pull requests across repositories in the same project.
I’m the creator of Pull Request Manager Hub and new improvements (better UI, lots of new features) have been released to address some of the main complains. Also, feel free to open issues in the GitHub repo where we try to fix as soon as possible.
Thanks ;-)
My main requirement is that I should be able to see all pull requests
across repositories in the same project.
For this demand , you can use Pull Request Search extension. This extension allows pull requests to be filtered by status, creator, reviewer, title, start date, end date, and repository. You can specify different repos in the same project in the Repo drop-down list.
Another extension Pull Request Dashboard can also view pull requests across all repositories. But it has a flaw, you can only see the pull requests with active status. has a plugin called 'All Active Pull Requests' (among others) is the best I have found so far.

push local gitlab site issues and comments to remote repo

I've been using git for a little while now in a new project I am working on.
I decided to use as I would like the opportunity to keep me repos private until I'm ready to share them (which github doesn't allow me to do).
The whole beauty of git for me is that I have a copy of the whole repo on my local machine and on the remote site.
However I make lots of comments, on my 'local' gitlab instance.
I know that I can put the wiki into source control, is it possibly to do the same thing with the comments and milestones (or in some other way share them between repositories)
I feel that this should be possible.
Maybe using an rss feed to push and pull the data to / from the various locations.
Or can I use the issues as a 'mailing list' somehow, with a 'mail into list' (however I would then need to get my local gitlab instance to mail any new issues to the remote - could probably be setup using some form of 'auto forward' filter in my mail client / gmail.
Are any of these ideas even possible ?
Is there a better solution - I'd prefer something that will integrate into my gitlab instance (local and remote), rather than needing having to use a separate interface ~ I like everything to be in a single place if possible.
Remember also I like to have access to my issues etc when offline (and then have them 'sync' when I go back online).
Thanks for any help in advance.
You could build a script and make use of the API to sync your issues and notes. Maybe a script that pulls all of the new issues and notes and POSTs them to the equivalent projects on You could run the script manually or create a cron job to post the new items periodically.

Why can't I assign my merge request to a specific user in Gitlab

We are using gitlab to serve our git repositories. Now I've cloned our master project to track my own changes and now I would like to create a merge request to the master again. When I look at the youtube movie, I can see Job selecting a user to assign the merge request to. In my version this whole drop-down box is missing.
Is this because I use version 6.8.2, is it because I do a merge request from a fork? What is happening here?
I would like to be able to select an other team member to review the commit before merging it into the master project.
You're able to assign it to someone on the next screen. We agree that this flow is not ideal so we changed it in 6.9
