Printing spark command in yarn and cluster mode - apache-spark

I need to print some commands in spark yarn mode. Obviously println(message) doesn't work... I want to find a way to collect the message. Can someone point me to the current method for example using collect?
How to use collect?
Does the below code work?
val c=message.collect()
println (c)

You can achieve this using the below command:
You will find output of above call in executor logs.


How can I install flashtext on every executor?

I am using the flashtext library in a couple of UDFs. It works when I run it locally in Client mode, but once I try to run it in the Cloudera Workbench with several executors, I get an ModuleNotFoundError.
After some research I found that it is possible to add archives (and packages?) to a SparkSession when creating it, so I tried:
SparkSession.builder.config('spark.archives', 'flashtext-2.7-pyh9f0a1d_0.tar.gz')
but it didn't help, the same error remains.
According to Spark Configuration doc, there are other configs I could try, e.g. spark.submit.pyFiles, but I don't understand how these py-files to be added would have to look like.
Would it be enough to just create a pyton script with this content?
from flashtext import KeywordProcessor
Could you tell me the easiest way how I can install flashtext on every node?
In the meantime, I figured that not only Flashtext was causing issues, but also every relative import from other scripts that I intended to use in a UDF. In order to fix it, I followed this article. I also took the source code from Flashtext and imported it to the main file without installing the actual library.
I think in order to point Spark executors to python modules extracted from your archive, you will need to add another config setting, that adds their location to PYTHONPATH. Something like this:
SparkSession.builder \
.config('spark.archives', 'flashtext-2.7-pyh9f0a1d_0.tar.gz#myUDFs') \
.config('spark.executorEnv.PYTHONPATH', './myUDFs')
Citing from the same link you have in the question:
spark.executorEnv.[EnvironmentVariableName]...Add the environment
variable specified by EnvironmentVariableName to the Executor process.
The user can specify multiple of these to set multiple environment
There are no environment details in your question (or I'm simply not familiar with Cloudera Workbench) but if you're trying to run Spark on YARN, you may need to use slightly different setting spark.yarn.dist.archives.
Also, please make sure that your driver log contains message confirming that an archive was actually uploaded, as in:
22/11/08 INFO yarn.Client: Uploading resource file:/absolute/path/to/your/ -> hdfs://nameservice/user/<your-user-id>/.sparkStaging/<application-id>/

Error While inserting rows into Kudu using Spark Shell

I am new to Apache Kudu, I installed it on my Ubuntu system and later created a table in it using Apache Spark shell. Now I am trying to insert data into that table using insertRows() for that I am using the but below given command,
kuduContext.insertRows(customersDF, "spark_kudu_tbl")
Where customersDF is a Data Frame and spark_kudu_tbl is a table in the Kudu data base. I am getting below error,
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.kudu.spark.kudu.KuduContext.insertRows(Lorg/apache/spark/sql/Dataset;Ljava/lang/String;)V
... 70 elided
I have tried different options but no one is giving results to me. Can any one give any solution for my question.
From the error message it appears as though you are using wrong kudu-spark artifact, you should use kudu-spark2_2. please start your spark-shell as below (replace the last bit with your kudu version)
spark-shell --packages org.apache.kudu:kudu-spark2_2.11:1.3.0

where to see sparkjobserver main console output?

When running spark-submit, you can see the println statements right in the shell. When submitting a spark job to the sparkjobserver, I can't find where the stdout messages go. Anyone knows that?
I found it in

spark saveAsTextFile method is really strange in java api,it just not work right in my program

I am new to spark and get this problem when i run my test program。I install spark on an linux server,and it has just one master node and one worker node。Then I write test program on my laptop,code like this:
`JavaSparkContext ct= new JavaSparkContext ("spark://","test","/home/webuser/spark/spark-1.5.2-bin-hadoop2.4",new String[0]);
List list=new ArrayList();
JavaRDD<String> rdd=ct.parallelize(list);
I suppose I could get /home/webuser/temp on my server ,but in fact this program create c://home/webuser/temp in my laptop which os is win8,I don't understand,
shouldn't saveAsTextFile() run on spark's worker node?why it just run on my laptop,which is sprak's driver,I suppose.
It depends on which filesystem is the default for your Spark installation. According to what you're saying the default filesystem for you is file:/// which is the default. In order to change this, you need to modify the fs.defaultFS property in core-site.xml of your Hadoop configuration. Otherwise, you can simply change your code and specify the filesystem URL in the code, i.e.:
if is your Namenode.

Option for specifying Spark environment API when using Spark Shell

Is there an option you can pass to the spark-shell that specifies what environment you will be running your code against? In other words, if I am using Spark 1.3; can I specify that I wish to use the Spark 1.2 API ?
For example:
pyspark --api 1.2
spark-shell initializes org.apache.spark.repl.Main to start REPL, which does not parse any command line arguments. Hence no it will not be possible to pass api value from command line, you have use respective spark-shell binary from their respective versions of spark.
