Excel relative cell hyperlink - excel

I have a workbook with sheet1 and sheet 2, sheet1 cell A1 pulls info from sheet2 cell C1, so for easy editing I have hyperlinked sheey2!C1 in sheet1 cell A1.
My issue is that when i delete rows/columbs in sheet 2, the hyperlink does not adapt accordingly and then pull the wrong data, any ways around this?

You can try this to create your hyperlink:
=HYPERLINK(link_location[, friendly_name])
=HYPERLINK(Sheet2!A2, "A2")
In the given example, if the first row is deleted, the formula is automatically changed to =HYPERLINK(Sheet2!A1, "A2")


Updating Sheet2 as I enter new data on Sheet1

I have some data on Sheet1 from B2:G5480. I also have the same data on Sheet2 from B2:G5480 for separate calculations.
What I want is as I enter new rows on Sheet1 updating Sheet2 automatically.
Any help will be appreciate.
Method 1:
Make cells in sheet2 point to cells in sheet1
For example in Sheet2 cell A1 have formula =Sheet1!A1
Replicate this principle across the range B2:G5480, being sure not to overwrite formula cells
Method 2:
Make formulae in Sheet2 refer to data in Sheet1 by prefacing cell references with Sheet1! - leave all data on sheet1 in just one place.

Excel creating additional sheets by copying but keeping formula

I have a workbook (we are using them for electronic purchase orders) and I need to be able to copy a worksheet but have the formula in it increment like it would if I copied the formula in a sheet.
In other words in sheet2 I1 the formula is ='Sheet1'!$I$1+1. When I copy sheet2 and it becomes sheet3, I need the formula in I1 to say ='Sheet2'!$I$1+1.
How can i do this?
You can get a string containing the current sheet name with the following formula
If you are using the standard Sheet# for your pages, then you can get the current sheet number with this formula (assuming the previous one was in B3)
=RIGHT(B3,LEN(B3) - FIND("]Sheet",B3,1)-5)
Next calculate the number for the previous sheet
Now you can use the indirect function to address a cell in the previous sheet
In Sheet4, this will reference B1 in Sheet3.
Copy it to Sheet5 and it will reference B1 in Sheet 4.

Excel Hyperlink within Hyperlink

Cell A1 of Sheet1 has an Hyperlink to a file
Cell A1 of Sheet2 has a Vlookup referencing Cell A1 of Sheet1
How can I make it so(without macros) clicking A1 of Sheet2 also opens the file referenced in A1 of Sheet1?
I have tried Hyperlink(Vlookup ("vlookup logic") ) but it gives "Can't open specified file"
I'm quite sure the only thing you need to do is add the hyperlink formula to the vlookup. So:

How to delete a sheet and insert the same sheet with the same name but prevent referencing errors in formula while doin so?

I have a value in cell D8 of Sheet2.
Cell A4 from Sheet1 has a formula that contains the value of cell D8 from Sheet2.
Now, when I delete the entire Sheet2, I get a referencing error in the formula from cell A4 in Sheet1, which is fine.
But when I insert a new sheet with the same sheet name Sheet2 with another new value in cell D8, my formula in cell A4 of Sheet1 still displays a referencing error.
How do I solve this?
For formulas within the same sheet, I can use offset function but I'm stuck when it comes to deleting and re-inserting sheets.
Use indirect function in cell A4 of Sheet1 to hard code the address, like this
Just copy and paste the contents of the new Sheet2 directly over the existing sheet.
Rename Sheet2 to a new name, for example fred
Insert your new Sheet2
Press Ctrl & F together..... Replace ....find what: fred, replace with: Sheet2

Formula to grab value from a cell and use that to refer to a cell in another spreadsheet?

I need help creating a formula in a cell in a spreadsheet that would allow me to grab a value from another cell and use that value to refer to yet another cell in another sheet.
For example, in a cell that returns a student's class grade (a progress report sheet) I have the cell refer to my master grade sheet (eg. the progress report sheet's cell would be: =mastersheet!E[grab value in cell A1 of current sheet])
What formula do I use to grab a cell's value and use it to define/refer to another cell?
In Excel, if Sheet1 A1 contains B2 then in Sheet1 =INDIRECT("Sheet2!"&A1) will return the contents of Sheet2!B2.
In Google Docs spreadsheet, if Sheet1 E1 contains 4 then in Sheet1 =Indirect("Sheet2!E"&E1) will return the contents of Sheet2 Cell E4.
