JSF - Redirect and pass an attribute - security

I have two facelets pages (login.xhtml and user-registration.xhtml). In the login page I have two forms, one for the login and another for the user registration (where I only ask for the email and password twice).
I would like to pass the email and password as attributes from the user registration form to the user-registration.xhtml page (where I ask for the rest of the user registration fields). I don't want to pass them as parameters in the GET url for security reasons.
Can I pass them as attributes while doing a redirect to the user-registration.xhtml page?

you can use this
<p:button outcome="page2" >
<f:param name="nameofData" value="theInformation"></f:param>
I suppose that this composant is in the page1.xhtml and the page1 and page2 are in the same folder (in case note you need to change your outcome) , and for your param you will send theInformation with a name in our case it is nameofData and you will get the informations with nameofData.
Hope that helped you


Returning invalid view from JSF action method shows warning in the facelet, but how could I detect it earlier?

I have a JSF 2.3 application.
In my LoginBean, the username and password entered by the user are varified and then the user is redirected to the URL initially inquired: for example if the user inquires:
then because every resource under http:///admin requires authentication, the user is first redirected to the logon view, something like
and then, upon successful authentication, they are redirected to their initially inquired URL (in this case, the first URL above)
However, if the initially inquired URL is a view that does not exist, i.e.
after the user gets authenticated, nothing happens: He / she is neither shown an error page, nor an erroneous log entry is made in the logs. Just the user remains on the login page.
How could I solve this?!
I added an error handling in the facelet like this:
<p:growl id="messages" autoUpdate="true" showDetail="true" />
and then, for the logon button:
<p:commandButton action="#{loginBean.login}" value="Log In" update="#form"/>
Now, when a non-existing view is returned, I do see the warning message:
but how coul I handle it earlier?

PrimeFaces push to OmniFaces push migration questions

Since PrimeFaces push is going to be discontinued, I started to migrate to OmniFaces push. For notification purposes it's all working as expected, but I have a chat on my application where I'm missing two things in OmniFaces:
1) Change the user of the socket on demand. I require this for private conversations. On PrimeFaces I create a channel for each conversation based on the logged users id, and I pass it to the connect method of their socket component. With OmniFaces I tried to place the socket component inside a PrimeFaces output panel, bind the user property to a view scoped bean, update the panel on a ajax request and on the oncomplete event call OmniFaces.Push.open('channelName'), but I can see on the SocketObserver class(from the showcase) that the user has not been updated. As a workaround I created the channel using the logged user id as user, and if someone different from the person that he is talking at the moment sends a message, I ignore it at the JavaScript callback instead of appending it.
2) When I don't specify the user on PushContext.send, I'd like that the message was sent to everyone connected on the channel, similar to "/channel/*" on PrimeFaces. My requirement with this is to update the list off online/offline users off this chat application. A a workaround I could create a separate channel for these notifications, but as the application don't require this to work, I preferred to check here first.
I'll add code if necessary, but first I'd like to check if these concepts are present in OmniFaces push.
It was indeed not possible to change the <o:socket user="#{...}"> value while staying in the same JSF view (ajax updates, etc). As per issue 472, it has been improved in OmniFaces 3.2-SNAPSHOT.
Any dynamic change in value of <o:socket user="#{...}"> during any ajax request in the same JSF view will now be reflected in push behavior.
In other words, below construct will now be possible:
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{bean.chat}">
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.chats}" />
<f:ajax render="#form" />
<o:socket channel="chat" user="#{bean.chat.id}" />
If you start by using the user attribute on the o:socket like in the example
<o:socket channel="sess" scope="session" user="#{pushTestUser}" />
1) seems possible by using the 'user id' as can be seen in the showcase push test page
From http://showcase.omnifaces.org/push/socket:
#Inject #Push
private PushContext someChannel;
public void sendMessage(Object message, User recipientUser) {
Long recipientUserId = recipientUser.getId();
someChannel.send(message, recipientUserId);
In this example the pass the User which is an 'example' object that could be your own or whatever. In the showcase the user is passed on by binding the id to an input field, but that could be done server-side as well. Up to you
2) seems possible with sending messages to the generic channel or even groups as can be seen in http://showcase.omnifaces.org/push/socket.
#Inject #Push
private PushContext someChannel;
public void sendMessage(Object message, Group recipientGroup) {
Collection<Long> recipientUserIds = recipientGroup.getUserIds();
someChannel.send(message, recipientUserIds);
The group here is an example Object that could be your own, it could be passed from the 'frontend' or just read in the backend somewhere. It just needs to contain id's of users (can be mapped guids, does not need to be internal user id's) that are subscribed to the channel. All are just example methods.
So both seem possible in my opinion.

Verifying additional parameter with j-security-check

I have implemented web application login using j-security-check which accepts parameters j_username and j_password for authentication with background registry. Now, I need to add date of birth as one more parameter and need to authenticate the user with this parameter too.
Is there a way to extend j-security-check to accept additional parameters?
I would like to avoid performing the check in a servlet filter, if possible.
Using WebSphere V8, MyFaces JSF 2.0, Servlet 3.0, Custom database based authentication
The easiest way would be to append the date of birth to the actual j_username (ie. with JavaScript and then manually split it in the login module.
Replace j_security_check by programmatic login via HttpServletRequest#login().
<h:inputText value="#{bean.username}" />
<h:inputSecret value="#{bean.password}" />
<h:inputText value="#{bean.birthdate}" />
<h:commandButton value="Login" action="#{bean.login}" />
public void login() {
// Do your thing with birthdate here.
// ...
// Then perform programmatic login.
try {
request.login(username, password);
// Login success. Redirect to landing page.
} catch (ServletException e) {
// Login fail. Return to login page.
This is in detail outlined in 2nd part of this answer: Performing user authentication in Java EE / JSF using j_security_check

jsf spring security user info

I'm new at Spring Security. I'm using jsf2 with spring security 3. Three questions:
How can I access, from a session managed bean, the user info (name,password,roles) of the user currently logged in?
In order to use it in a view, for example for rendering elements depending on the roles of the user.
How can I know if a user is logged in? In order to show in a view a "login link" if the user is not logged in, or a "logout link" if the user is logged in. Which property of Spring Security do I have to use in my managed bean to store this info and use it in the view?
The "login link" is just a GET request to the URL of the login page. But how can I show "logout link"? Do it have to be a POST request and use "h:commandLink" like this?:
<h:commandLink value="Logout" action="#{request.contextPath}/j_spring_security_logout" />
Or can it be a GET request?:
<h:link value="Logout" outcome="#{request.contextPath}/j_spring_security_logout" />
Thank you very much in advanced.
The object authentication is who save this properties, you can obtain with next line in your managedBean:
Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
A user is logged if his Authentication is not a instace of AnonymousAuthenticationToken, in your spring-security-context.xml you must define the urls intercepted by Spring.
The first interceptor is not analyzed by Spring. In this case the Authentication object is an instance of AnonymousAuthenticationToken.
The second interceptor is analyzed by Spring and the user is redirected to login page declared in spring-security-context.xml
/* This is a example for to obtain the rol name for example for generate automatic menu */
Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
String namePrincipalRol = null;
if (auth instanceof AnonymousAuthenticationToken) {
namePrincipalRol = "ROLE_ANONYMOUS";
} else {
namePrincipalRol = auth.getAuthorities().iterator().next().getAuthority();
Good question, I am not sure but I think I remember having read that it must be POST, would be interesting to try. I use h:outputLink
Kind regards.

jsf navigation question

I have a JSF2 project with a "view user" page that reads the currently selected user from a session bean; userHandler.selectedUser.
The page is intended to be visited by navigating with links in the app.
However, if the user attempts to hit the "view user" page directly by this URL ...
... they see the page with no data on it (because there's no selected user in the userHandler).
I think what I'd like to do is redirect the user to the main page of the app if they try to hit it directly like that. What is a simple and elegant way of handling this problem?
You'd like to hook on the preRenderView event and then send a redirect when this is the case.
<f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{bean.preRenderView}" />
public void preRenderView() throws IOException {
if (userHandler.getSelectedUser() == null) {
A way to avoid this problem from the start is to have pages that you don't want to be accessed directly via URL into the WEB-INF folder of your project.
This way, your pages aren't accessible directly via URL.
