Adding position to nodes in view results - twig

In Drupal 8 I have a view that shows nodes in the result. What I need is to know the order that each node has in the results list. In other words: if my node template only shows titles of those nodes.
What i need to get is something like:
1 | The title of one node
2 | The title of some other node
I was thinking of making an override of the views-view-unformatted.html.twig. There, I can work with the loop, but how can I have the index of the loop in the node templates?

Don't really think you have to override anything here. You can create a new view mode for your node, e.g. teaser and manage its display using Display Suite.
Afterwards you can select rendered entity to show in your view and the corresponding view mode.

just play with the sort criteria of your view
it is all configurable in the back-office

IMHO loop in Twig is good solution, but in order to add numbers to your node titles you can change format to HTML List.
In format section choose HTML List, save, then click on Settings and choose "Ordered List"
The result should be similar to this:


Change order pagination options dojo

I make a table with dojo script, but it should see the diferent order of pagination options as that: 1. the page navigation choices, 2. page length menu and, 3. current position display.
I need help with that, how can I change that?
In order to customize/modify an existing dojo widget you will need to manipulate the dom.
In this specific case you should use selectors like dojo/dom and dojo/query to select the portions of the grid you wish to move and then use dojo/dom-construct to place them in the correct location., positionDisplay, "replace");
Here is a jsfiddle which demonstrates a portion of what you are trying to accomplish and is a good starting point

drupal 7 nodes listed in views are not attached to the menu, but need to be

Using Drupal 7, I am displaying news articles via a View. The view is linked into the menu, naturally, but as a consequence the news articles are not. This becomes an issue because when an article's detail page is displayed, the site loses the active trail and consequently the breadcrumb trail and the left-hand secondary navigation menu lose their place.
Is there some way of setting the menu to think it's in a certain place within the menu tree, eg. Your College -> Life at the College -> News & Events?
I've seen menu_tree_set_path, which looks promising, but haven't seen an example of how it's used (at least in terms an Enthusiastic Amateur like myself would get).
As ever, any and all assistance given is greatly appreciated,
The Context module will allow you to set the active trail of a drupal menu dependant on paths etc.
When you're dealing with breadcrumbs, an easy way to achieve breadcrumbs on a per content type basis (and others) is the custom_breadcrumbs module.
On a separate note, if you want to display full menus, look at the menu_block module. We used this plus the menu_tree_set_path() function to display local menus on nodes that weren't in menus.
$config = menu_block_get_config(1);
$path = "node/{$nid}";
menu_tree_set_path($config['menu_name'], $path);
$data = menu_tree_build($config);
The number passed to menu_block_get_config(), is the delta of the menu_block configuration in blocks.
With $data you can use a drupal_render or pass it back to another theme rendering function.

How to show list of custom objects in a page in Drupal

I want to create a page in Drupal 6 where I can show list of restaurants.When a user clicks on any restaurant page, I should be redirected to Restaurant details page.
For this :
1.) I created a new content type called "Restaurant" with some fields.
2.) Created 3-4 content items for Restaurant( Restaurant1, Restaurant2, Restaurant3)
3.) Created view called: RestaurantList, Added Fields for it. Then added Page Display and gave the path for it http://website/Restaurants
Now, when I browse to Restaurants page, I only get labels of my fields but no values. How can I get the values but not the labels? Also, I want to go to the RestaurantDetails page. How can that be achieved?
Well if I were to set up a page view this is how I would set it up:
Node type - Restaurants
Node published - Yes
Node title
check the option Link this field to it's node
leave the Label: field empty
check option Hide if empty
And if your view style is a HTML list, for extra you can go to Row style options and check the option: Hide empty fields
Make sure you click Preview to see if you get any values. If you don't then there's something wrong with the view settings, most probably the filters which are to restrictive. Start with something loose, like Node type - Restaurants.

Custom theming Drupal 6 Menus

Is there a hook or preprocess function that I can access to write my own theming function for a drupal menu (in this case, primary links)?
I have a rather complex menu structure that requires a little extra markup than I'm currently getting by just rendering the menu items in a block (involving sub-menus with a little custom markup) and really need to get access to build the menu's content variable myself, ideally from an array that has all the primary links and their children in scope.
While it may not be the best solution, it is one that worked quite quickly and painlessly:
Drupal keeps a cached version of all your menus in the cache_menu table, I ran a this query to retreive a serialized string containing all the contents of the menu:
SELECT data FROM menu_cache WHERE serialized = 1 AND cid LIKE 'links:primary_links:%';
Substitute primary_links for whatever the name of your menu is and call unserialize on $row->data to get a structured array of everything you should need to build a custom menu.
I call a function in hook_preprocess_block that swaps the content of the menu block with my own and everything seems to be working fine.

in drupal how to display 2 views with filter exposed in same page/path?

in drupal how to display 2 views with filter exposed in same page/path?
Have you tried having each view as a block? That way it is simple to have two different views on the same page - for example add the blocks to the body and limit them to the specific page. caveat - I don't know if exposing the filter makes using the block view problematic, but it is certainly worth a try.
The way I solved this is described here:
Create a view with two "page" displays
Make sure the filters are identical in both
Under exposed form set "Exposed form in block" to "Yes" in both
Make the second display appear in the footer of the first
Set the exposed block to appear only in the path of the first
Now setting filters affects both displays.
