Cassandra Deletes Not Consistently Working - cassandra

I'm running Cassandra 2.2.1, 3 node cluster at a RF=3. If I perform simple deletes at quorum on a bunch of entries, verifying the results via a select at quorum reveals that some entries that should have been deleted persist in the table. The delete queries which were issued through the Java driver completed successfully without exception. I also use a retry policy to handle failed delete/writes but the policy for these failures is never invoked because they 'succeed'. I can reproduce the problem 100% of the time, it usually starts happening after I've issued around 100 deletes into the table. I understand how tombstones and gc grace period work and this is not a situation of resurected deletes. Read somewhere that it could be a ntp issue but all 3 nodes sync to the same clock and there's no drift as I can tell. I can share logs or anything else required to root cause. Thanks!
I resolved the problem and it seems to be a weird race condition that appears to either be time related or sequence related. If there is some time drift between nodes could be possible for the delete to be ignored if it was issued ahead of the insert from a tagged timestamp perspective.
-insert is issued by node 1 at T1 (timestamp of node 1)
-delete comes into the system via node 3 but tagged with timestamp T0
-system concludes that insert occurred later so ignores delete
This gives the illusion that the delete executes ahead of insert depending on the timestamp sent by the respective nodes.
Allowing sufficient time between insert and delete resolved my issue although I'm not quite sure what the real root cause was.

Another option is to enable client side timestamps (instead of server side which is what you currently have).
If the same client issues the insert/update/delete it assures that the timestamps will be inline with the operation invocation.
using client side timestamps will remove the need to have a “sufficient time“ between insert/update and delete.
Please note that correct timestamp is also needed for cases in which two consective writes update the same “key“ (and this bugs are harder to detect :( ). Client side timestamps resolves such issues as well (given that the same client issues the requests)

How much time do you have between the delete and the select? As Cassandra has an "eventually consistent" behaviour, adding a delay between the delete and the select may solve the issue


Write consistency = ALL: do I still need weekly repairs to avoid zombie records?

As far as I understood, the problem of deleted data reappearing in Cassandra is as follows:
A delete is issued with consistency < ALL (e.g. QUORUM)
The delete succeeds, but some nodes in the replication set were not reachable during the delete
A tombstone is written to all the reached nodes, nothing in the others
10 days pass, tombstone are eligible to be expired
Compactions happen, tombstones are actually removed
A read is issued: the nodes which received the delete reply with "no data"; the nodes which were unavailable during the delete reply with the old data; a zombie is produced
Now my question is: if the original delete was issued with consistency = ALL, all the nodes would either have the tombstone (before expiry&compaction) or no data at all (after expiry&compaction). No zombies should then be produced, even if we did not issue a repair before tombstone expiry.
Is this correct?
Yes you still need to run repairs even with CL.ALL on the delete if you want to guarantee no resurrected data. You just decrease likelihood of it occurring without you noticing it.
If a node is unavailable for the delete, the delete will fail for the client (because cl.all) but the other nodes all still received the delete. Even if your app will retry the delete theres a chance of it failing (ie your app's server hit by a meteor). So then you have a delete that has been seen by 2 of your 3 replicas. If you lowered your gc_grace and don't run repairs the other anti-entropy measures (hints, read repairs) may not ensure the tombstone (they are best effort not guarantee) was seen by the 3rd node before the tombstone is compacted away. The next read touches 3rd node which has the original data, and no tombstone exists to say it was deleted so you resurrect the data as its read repaired to other replicas.
What you can do is log a statement somewhere to point when there is a cl.all timeout or failure. This is not a guarantee since your app can die before the log, and a failure does not actually mean that the write did not get to all replicas - just that it may of failed to write. That said I would strongly recommend just using quorum (or local_quorum). That way you can have some host failures without losing availability since you need the repairs for the guarantee anyway.
When issuing queries with Consistency=ALL, every node having the token range of that particular record has to acknowledge. So if one of the NODE was down during this process, the DELETE will fail as it can't achieve the required consistency=ALL.
So consistency=ALL, might end up being a scenario where every node in the cluster has to stay up otherwise queries will fail. That's why people recommend to use lesser stronger consistency like QUORUM. So you are sacrificing high availability for REPAIRs if you want to perform queries at CONSISTENCY=ALL

cassandra kafka connect source and eventual consistency

I am thinking about using Kafka connect to stream updates from Cassandra to a Kafka topic. The existing connector from StreamReactor seems to use a timestamp or uuidtimestamp to extract new changes since the last poll. The value of the timestamp is inserted using now() in the insert statement. The connector then saves the maximum time is received last time.
Since Cassandra is eventually consistent I am wondering what actually happens when doing repeated queries using a time range to get new changes. Is there not risk to miss rows inserted into Cassandra because it "arrived late" to the node queried when using WHERE create >= maxTimeFoundSoFar?
Yes it might happen that you have newer data in front of your "cursor" when you already went on with processing if you are using consistency level one for reading and writing, but even if you use higher consistency you might run into "problems" depending on the setup that you have. Basically there are a lot of things that can go wrong.
You can increase the chances of not doing this by using an old cassandra formula NUM_NODES_RESPONDING_TO_READ + NUM_NODES_RESPONDING_TO_WRITE > REPLICATION_FACTOR but since you are using now() from cassandra the node clocks might have millisecond offsets between them so you might even miss data if you have high frequency data. I know of some systems where people are actually using raspberry pi's with gps modules to keep the clock skew really tight :)
You would have to provide more about your use case but in reality yes you can totally skip some inserts if you are not "careful" but even then there is no 100% guarantee other then you process the data with some offset that would be enough for the new data to come in and settle.
Basically you would have to keep some moving time window in the past and then move it along plus making sure that you don't take into account anything newer than the let's say last minute. That way you are making sure the data is "settling".
I had some use cases where we processed sensory data that would came in with multiple days of delay. On some projects we simply ignored it on some the data was for reporting on the month level so we always processed the old data and added it to reporting database. i.e. we kept a time window 3 days back in history.
It just depends on your use case.

Cassandra CAS INSERT timeouts for requests with milliseconds latency

We are load-testing our cassandra cluster (3 nodes, replication factor 3) and started to receive occasional WriteTimeoutExceptions for CAS insert operations on one table:
CREATE TABLE users.by_identity (
account ascii,
domain ascii,
identity text
PRIMARY KEY ((account, domain), identity)
We are doing inserts with IF NOT EXISTS clause to this table. When increasing load to > 10 inserts/s for one partition, client requests start to "time out":
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.WriteTimeoutException: Cassandra timeout during write query at consistency SERIAL (2 replica were required but only 1 acknowledged the write)
WriteType for timeouts is CAS and exceptions are thrown only for this table. Execution time is always < 10ms. Read/write timeouts are configured to > 1000 ms on cluster and only this table is hitting the problem.
Any ideas what might be the issue we are hitting and why are we getting timeouts for requests with milliseconds latency?
We are on Cassandra v3.0.8 and Datastax Java driver v3.1.0.
Sorry for the late answer, but you are probably hitting this bug:
You can likely confirm by reducing concurrency so there's only ever 1 request at a time (if your requests are super fast you can probably still just do 10 fast requests per second one after the other just don't have any concurrent) and leaving your cluster setup (3 nodes, replication factor 3) or leaving your request rate at 10/s and changing your cluster setup to a single node. If you do either you probably won't see any timeouts < 1000 ms and then changing back to concurrency 10 and 3 nodes with replication factor 3 and you will likely reproduce the timeouts that are too low for the timeout setting again.
Unfortunately the bug report doesn't provide any pseudo code how to workaround this problem other but does say you should check the state yourself to see if the write actually happened and retry based on that. If your writes are idempotent maybe you just need to simply retry.
Unfortunately for my purposes our application was quite complicated and we were unable to workaround without a lot of other work so we are still living with this bug. If this is ends up being the problem you are having, I'd be interested to see an example in pseudocode how you were able to workaround it as it might provide inspiration for others hitting this problem as well.

Replication acknowledgement in PostgreSQL + BDR

I'm using libpq C Library for testing PG + BDR replica set. I'd like to get acknowledgement of the CRUD operations' replication. My purpose is to make my own log of the replication time in milliseconds or if possible in microseconds.
The program:
Starts 10-20 threads witch separate connections, each thread makes 1000-5000 cycles of basic CRUD operations on three tables.
Which would be the best way?
Parsing some high verbosity logs if they have proper data with time stamp or in my C api I should start N thread (N = {number of nodes} - {the master I'm connected to}) after every CRUD op. and query the nodes for the data.
You can't get replay confirmation of individual xacts easily. The system keeps track of the log sequence number replayed by peer nodes but not what transaction IDs those correspond to, since it doesn't care.
What you seem to want is near-synchronous or semi-synchronous replication. There's some work coming there for 9.6 that will hopefully benefit BDR in time, but that's well in the future.
In the mean time you can see the log sequence number as restart_lsn in pg_replication_slots. This is not the position the replica has replayed to, but it's the oldest point it might have to restart replay at after a crash.
You can see the other LSN fields like replay_location only when a replica is connected in pg_stat_replication. Unfortunately in 9.4 there's no easy way to see which slot in pg_replication_slots is associated with which active connection in pg_stat_replication (fixed in 9.5, but BDR is based on 9.4 still). So you have to use the application_name set by BDR if you want to pick out individual nodes, and it's ... "interesting" to parse. Also often truncated.
You can get the current LSN of the server you committed an xact on after committing it by calling SELECT pg_current_xlog_location(); which will return a value like 0/19E0F060 or whatever. You can then look that value up in the pg_stat_replication of peer nodes until you see that the replay_location for the node you committed on has reached or passed the LSN you captured immediately after commit.
It's not perfect. There could be other work done between when you commit and when you capture the server's current LSN. There's no way around that, but at worst you wait slightly too long. If you're using BDR you shouldn't be caring about micro or even milliseconds anyway, since it's an asynchronous replication solution.
The principles are pretty similar to measuring replication lag for normal physical standby servers, so I suggest reading some docs on that. Except that pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp() won't work for logical replication, so you can't get lag using that, you have to use the LSNs and do your own timing client-side.

Data in Cassandra not consistent even with Quorum configuration

I encountered a consistency problem using Hector and Cassandra when we have Quorum for both read and write.
I use MultigetSubSliceQuery to query rows from super column limit size 100, and then read it, then delete it. And start another around.
I found that the row which should be deleted by my prior query is still shown from next query.
And also from a normal Column Family, I updated the value of one column from status='FALSE' to status='TRUE', and the next time I queried it, the status was still 'FALSE'.
More detail:
It has not happened not every time (1/10,000)
The time between the two queries is around 500 ms (but we found one pair of queries in which 2 seconds had elapsed between them, still indicating a consistency problem)
We use ntp as our cluster time synchronization solution.
We have 6 nodes, and replication factor is 3
I understand that Cassandra is supposed to be "eventually consistent", and that read may not happen before write inside Cassandra. But for two seconds?! And if so, isn't it then meaningless to have Quorum or other consistency level configurations?
So first of all, is it the correct behavior of Cassandra, and if not, what data we need to analyze for further investment?
After check the source code with the system log, I found the root cause of the inconsistency.
Three factors cause the problem:
Create and update same record from different nodes
Local system time is not synchronized accurately enough (although we use NTP)
Consistency level is QUORUM
Here is the problem, take following as the event sequence
seqID NodeA NodeB NodeC
1. New(.050) New(.050) New(.050)
2. Delete(.030) Delete(.030)
First Create request come from Node C with local time stamp 00:00:00.050, assume requests first record in Node A and Node B, then later synchronized with Node C.
Then Delete request come from Node A with local time stamp 00:00:00.030, and record in node A and Node B.
When read request come, Cassandra will do version conflict merge, but the merge only depend on time stamp, so although Delete happened after Create, but the merge final result is "New" which has latest time stamp due to local time synchronization issue.
I also faced similar a issue. The issue occured because cassandra driver uses server timestamp by default to check which query is latest. However in latest version of cassandra driver they have changes it and now by default they are using client timestamp.
I have described the details of issue here
The deleted rows may be showing up as "range ghosts" because of the way that distributed deletes work: see
If you are reading and writing individual columns both at CL_QUORUM, then you should always get full consistency, regardless of the time interval (provided strict ordering is still observed, i.e. you are certain that the read is always after the write). If you are not seeing this, then something, somewhere, is wrong.
To start with, I'd suggest a) verifying that the clients are syncing to NTP properly, and/or reproduce the problem with times cross-checked between clients somehow, and b) maybe try to reproduce the problem with CL_ALL.
Another thought - are your clients synced with NTP, or just the Cassandra server nodes? Remember that Cassandra uses the client timestamps to determine which value is the most recent.
I'm running into this problem with one of my clients/node. The other 2 clients I'm testing with (and 2 other nodes) run smoothly. I have a test that uses QUORUM in all reads and all writes and it fails very quickly. Actually some processes do not see anything from the others and others may always see data even after I QUORUM remove it.
In my case I turned on the logs and intended to test the feat with the tail -F command:
tail -F /var/lib/cassandra/log/system.log
to see whether I was getting some errors as presented here. To my surprise the tail process itself returned an error:
tail: inotify cannot be used, reverting to polling: Too many open files
and from another thread this means that some processes will fail opening files. In other words, the Cassandra node is likely not responding as expected because it cannot properly access data on disk.
I'm not too sure whether this is related to the problem that the user who posted the question, but tail -F is certainly a good way to determine whether the limit of files was reached.
(FYI, I have 5 relatively heavy servers running on the same machine so I'm not too surprise about the fact. I'll have to look into increasing the ulimit. I'll report here again if I get it fixed in this way.)
More info about the file limit and the ulimit command line option:
--------- Update 1
Just in case, I first tested using Java 1.7.0-11 from Oracle (as mentioned below, I first used a limit of 3,000 without success!) The same error would popup at about the same time when running my Cassandra test (Plus even with the ulimit of 3,000 the tail -F error would still appear...)
--------- Update 2
Okay! That worked. I changed the ulimit to 32,768 and the problems are gone. Note that I had to enlarge the per user limit in /etc/security/limits.conf and run sudo sysctl -p before I could bump the maximum to such a high number. Somehow the default upper limit of 3000 was not enough even though the old limit was only 1024.
