Haskell - putStrLn multiple calls not printing - haskell

Hi so I have this main method which runs a parser,
main = do
args <- getArgs
let filename = head args
contents <- readFile filename
let c = parse parseProgram contents
putStrLn "------------------------------------------------"
putStrLn "------------------------------------------------"
putStrLn (show ((fst.head) c))
return ()
when I run this program the first three calls to putStrLn are not printed to the terminal, it only shows the parsed program.
any help will be appreciated, how do I get all the calls to print?

This doesn't appear possible. I created a more minimal example following as closely as possible to your code. I used Parsec because I am not sure what parsing library you are using.
Contents of parsec-trivial.hs:
#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack
--resolver lts-6.15
--package parsec
import System.Environment
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Char
ws = many space
nat :: Parser Integer
nat = read <$> many digit
parseProgram = ws *> nat <* ws <* eof
main = do
args <- getArgs
let filename = head args
contents <- readFile filename
let c = parse parseProgram filename contents
putStrLn "------------------------------------------------"
putStrLn "------------------------------------------------"
putStrLn $ show c
Contents of foo.b:
Executing this program goes like this:
$ ./parsec-trivial.hs foo.b
Right 42


putStr and putStrLn messing with the output [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Wrong IO actions order using putStr and getLine
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
I was learning haskell from Learn You a Haskell For Great Good book. There was this code
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
main = forever $ do
putStr "Give me some input: "
l <- getLine
putStrLn $ map toUpper l
when i am running this code in gitbash at first it is just asking for any input after giving the input text and hitting enter( say the input text was soham) it is showing Give me some input: SOHAM.
Then i changed the code to
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
main = forever $ do
putStrLn "Give me some input: "
l <- getLine
putStrLn $ map toUpper l
and after running it is showing me Give me some input: and asking for an input. after giving the same input soham it is showing SOHAM
Again changing the code to
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
main = forever $ do
putStr "Give me some input: "
l <- getLine
putStr $ map toUpper l
It is just taking input again and again and when i am pressing the end of file key(ctrl+C) it is showing all the output one after another side by side but the out puts are like the original code.
Why such variations are happening ?
This is likely due to buffering: with LineBuffering it will flush in whenever a new line is output. This thus means that if you use putStr, and the string itself does not contain a new line '\n' character, it will buffer the ouput and wait until a new line is written to actually write the output to the console
You can set it to NoBuffering to write the content immediately to the console. You can change the buffering settings for the stdout with hSetBuffering :: Handle -> BufferMode -> IO ():
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import System.IO
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
forever $ do
putStr "Give me some input: "
l <- getLine
putStrLn $ map toUpper l
another option is to flush the buffer only for putStr with hFlush :: Handle -> IO (), and thus not change the buffering policy itself:
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import System.IO
main = do $ forever
putStr "Give me some input: "
hFlush stdout
l <- getLine
putStrLn $ map toUpper l

Why am i getting a parse error and how can i solve this error in haskell?

I'm new to Haskell and while reading real-world Haskell I came across a problem:
Q) Using the command framework from the earlier section “A Simple Command-Line Framework” on page 71, write a program that prints the first word of each line of its input.
The command framework is:
-- file: ch04/InteractWith.hs
-- Save this in a source file, e.g., Interact.hs
import System.Environment (getArgs)
interactWith function inputFile outputFile = do
input <- readFile inputFile
writeFile outputFile (function input)
main = mainWith myFunction
where mainWith function = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
[input,output] -> interactWith function input output
_ -> putStrLn "error: exactly two arguments needed"
-- replace "id" with the name of our function below
myFunction = id
My solution to the problem is:
-- file: ch04/InteractWith.hs
-- Save this in a source file, e.g., Interact.hs
import System.Environment (getArgs)
interactWith function inputFile outputFile = do
input <- readFile inputFile
writeFile outputFile (function input)
main = mainWith myFunction
where mainWith function = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
[input,output] -> interactWith function input output
_ -> putStrLn "error: exactly two arguments needed"
-- replace "id" with the name of our function below
myFunction = concat (map (++"\n") (map head (map words (lines input))))
As per instructions, whenever I try to compile this program using ghc --make filename I get a parse error i.e.
error: parse error on input ‘args’
36 | args <- getArgs
| ^^^^
Your indentation is off.
Haskell is sensitive to whitespace. In particular, among other things, the "inside" of a "block" must generally be indented farther to the right than the beginning of that block. In your case this means that the inside of do must be indented to the right of mainWith on the preceding line.
Try this:
main = mainWith myFunction
where mainWith function = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
[input,output] -> interactWith function input output
_ -> putStrLn "error: exactly two arguments needed"

Parsing command line arguments in Haskell

I am currently working on a project that requires parsing command line arguments. So far I have been following this tutorial, which has been incredibly helpful, but I can't figure out how to return a variable (--author=example) in the arguments. I also can't figure out why parse [] = getContents causes an error (I had to uncomment it).
Here is my code:
module Main where
import qualified System.Environment as SE
import qualified System.Exit as E
import qualified Lib as Lib
main = do
args <- SE.getArgs
rem <- parse args
putStrLn rem
putStrLn "Hello"
tac = unlines . reverse . lines
parse ["--help"] = usage >> exit
parse ["--version"] = version >> exit
parse ["--author=xyz"] = return "xyz"
-- parse ["--author=?"] = ?
this is the code I am trying to figure out... how do I get parse the passed in variable name?
-- parse [] = getContents
the above line generates this error when I run 'main' in GHCi:
*Main> <stdin>: hIsEOF: illegal operation (handle is semi-closed)
Process intero exited abnormally with code 1
parse fs = concat `fmap` mapM readFile fs
usage = putStrLn "Usage: gc2"
version = putStrLn "gc2 -- git-cal in Haskell2010 - 0.1"
exit = E.exitWith E.ExitSuccess
die = E.exitWith (E.ExitFailure 1)
To follow up on #ThomasM.DuBuisson comment optparse-applicative is a great package for cli and arguments parsing. There is also another package optparse-simple that is built on top of the previous one and has a few helpers that simplify things a bit.
Just so you can get started with optparse-applicative here is an implementation of your example:
data Options = Options
{ author :: String
main :: IO ()
main = do
let ver = "gc2 -- git-cal in Haskell2010 - 0.1"
args <-
execParser $
(Options <$>
strOption (long "author" <>
short 'a' <>
help "Name of the author.") <*
infoOption ver (long "version" <>
short 'v' <>
help "Display version and exit.") <*
abortOption ShowHelpText (long "help" <>
short 'h' <>
help "Display this message."))
(progDesc "Very powerful tool." <> fullDesc)
putStrLn $ author args
And usage example from GHCi:
λ> :main
Missing: (-a|--author ARG)
Usage: <interactive> (-a|--author ARG) [-v|--version] [-h|--help]
Very powerful tool.
*** Exception: ExitFailure 1
λ> :main --version
gc2 -- git-cal in Haskell2010 - 0.1
*** Exception: ExitSuccess
λ> :main --help
Usage: <interactive> (-a|--author ARG) [-v|--version] [-h|--help]
Very powerful tool.
Available options:
-a,--author ARG Name of the author.
-v,--version Display version and exit.
-h,--help Display this message.
*** Exception: ExitSuccess
λ> :main --author Me

conditional standard handle redirection in Haskell

I want to read a file, process it, and write the results to another file; the input file name is to be supplied through a console argument, and the output file name is generated from the input file name.
The catch is I want it to transparently “fail over” to stdin/stdout if no arguments are supplied; essentially, in case a file name is supplied, I redirect stdin/stdout to the respective file names so I can transparently use interact whether the file name was supplied or not.
Here's the code hacked together with dummy output in a superfluous else. What will be the proper, idiomatic form of doing it?
It probably could have something to do with Control.Monad's when or guard, as was pointed out in a similar question, but maybe somebody wrote this already.
import System.IO
import Data.Char(toUpper)
import System.Environment
import GHC.IO.Handle
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
if(not $ null args) then
print $ "working with "++ (head args)
finHandle <- openFile (head args) ReadMode --open the supplied input file
hDuplicateTo finHandle stdin --bind stdin to finName's handle
foutHandle <- openFile ((head args) ++ ".out") WriteMode --open the output file for writing
hDuplicateTo foutHandle stdout --bind stdout to the outgoing file
else print "working through stdin/redirect" --get to know
interact ((++) "Here you go---\n" . map toUpper)
There's nothing very special about interact - here is its definition:
interact :: (String -> String) -> IO ()
interact f = do s <- getContents
putStr (f s)
How about something like this:
import System.Environment
import Data.Char
main = do
args <- getArgs
let (reader, writer) =
case args of
[] -> (getContents, putStr)
(path : _) -> let outpath = path ++ ".output"
in (readFile path, writeFile outpath)
contents <- reader
writer (process contents)
process :: String -> String
process = (++) "Here you go---\n" . map toUpper
Based on the command line arguments we set reader and writer to the IO-actions which will read the input and write the output.
This seems fairly idiomatic to me already. The one note I have is to avoid head, as it is an unsafe function (it can throw a runtime error). In this case it is fairly easy to do so by using case to pattern match.
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
fname:_ -> do
print $ "working with " ++ fname
finHandle <- openFile fname ReadMode
hDuplicateTo finHandle stdin
foutHandle <- openFile (fname ++ ".out") WriteMode
hDuplicateTo foutHandle stdout
[] -> do
print "working through stdin/redirect"
interact ((++) "Here you go---\n" . map toUpper)

Idiomatic way to conditionally process IO in Haskell

I'm writing a little shell script in Haskell which can take an optional argument. However, if the argument is not present, I'd like to get a line from stdin in which to ask for a value.
What would be the idiomatic way to do this in Haskell?
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Char (toLower)
import IO (hFlush, stdout)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
main :: IO ()
main = do args <- getArgs
-- here should be some sort of branching logic that reads
-- the prompt unless `length args == 1`
name <- lowerCase <$> readPrompt "Gimme arg: "
putStrLn name
lowerCase = map toLower
flushString :: String -> IO ()
flushString s = putStr s >> hFlush stdout
readPrompt :: String -> IO String
readPrompt prompt = flushString prompt >> getLine
Oh, and if there's a way to do it with something from Control.Applicative or Control.Arrow I'd like to know. I've become quite keen on these two modules.
main :: IO ()
main = do args <- getArgs
name <- lowerCase <$> case args of
[arg] -> return arg
_ -> readPrompt "Gimme arg: "
putStrLn name
This doesn't fit your specific use case, but the question title made me think immediately of when from Control.Monad. Straight from the docs:
when :: Monad m => Bool -> m () -> m ()
Conditional execution of monadic expressions.
main = do args <- getArgs
-- arg <- something like what FUZxxl did..
when (length args == 1) (putStrLn $ "Using command line arg: " ++ arg)
-- continue using arg...
You can also use when's cousin unless in similar fashion.
