Best Approach : Azure Web Apps ( Static HTML sites ) - azure

For a particular customer, the IT team do not approve OneDrive and Box as source deploy repo. Box, Dropbox etc anyways is not fully supported for syncronizing using Azure functions as the API are at File events and not on folder events.
What would be the various alternatives, where customer staffs could work on 'n' static HTML sites by each BU team, deploy easily to Azure Storage using explorer or sort and how to have this update the webapp or webapp point to this Azure storage file share location ( whichever is easy and feasible )
Please suggest me any case studies or alternatives that I could explore for this scenario.

For a particular customer, the IT team do not approve OneDrive and Box as source deploy repo.
A sensible bunch.
Please suggest me any case studies or alternatives that I could explore for this scenario.
Why not a private repo in GitHub Business?
It even has drag and drop now (a la Dropbox).

You could deploy to Azure Storage using Storage Explorer:
Another options:
1-Write a simple c# console app that will use Azure SDK to deploy files to your Azure Storage Account. (You can use FileSystemWatcher to monitor a network folder, for example)
2-setup a CD infrasctructure using TeamCity (or any other tool), and during the after build call a script that will publish to your Azure Storage Account.
3-Take a look on Azure Files:
4-Use AZCopy: (not sure if it has a way to detect that the file already exists and is the same on Storage Account)
5-Take a look on Sync Framework. The page is a little outdated, but it seems that there's support for Azure:


UiPath Apps deployment and migration to another tenant

Our platform is UiPath Cloud Orchestrator with DEV/Test/Prod tenants. The Robots are hosted on Azure Windows instances for DEV / Test / Prod.
I created an UiPath App to upload an Excel file, store it in a storage bucket, then start a unattended process to read the excel file.
The UiPath app points and binds to the storage bucket and process in the DEV tenant.
I would like to deploy and migrate the UiPath app to point to the Test Tenant. It seems like that to point to Test, I have to change the app in the app studio to switch the pointers/bindings for the process and storage bucket and replace them and change or confirm the UI elements are correct.
Does anyone know if there is a better way to do migrate the app to another tenant for the UiPath apps?
It does not seem right to have to change the pointers this way. It only just allows us to point to one tenant at a time so hard to really have DEV/Test/Prod instances of the Uipath app without having copies of the app for each tenant.
I can export the app (.uiapp file) and import the file across Cloud platforms but not across the tenants without changing the name of the app. The .uiapp file seems to be a json format with the bindings in the file with specific ids etc. Changing the pointers and bindings here would be error prone as well.
I have looked through the documentation, the uipath academy training and the forums which do not provide an answer.
Appreciate the insight!
As your using the Azure Host, I'm assuming that you might be using the Azure DevOps for your packaging and publishing.
Have a look at the package below:
You can set the Tenancy level so that it's packaged for that specific tenant, can create any assets etc.

Publishing a web application on Azure

I want to publish an web application on Azure market place.
I can create a Linux VM, install Java, Tomcat, SQL server and create an image of it. But instead of that, is it possible to create a tomcat instance along with database on Azure portal, add it to a resource group and publish this resource group on market place?
Would this approach be more advantageous?
As per the doc here:
Azure Marketplace offerings are based on Azure VM images or solution templates, your current solution would be the VM based route. It sounds like you may want to look at the solution template route to leverage other capabilities such as Azure SQL Server.
Neither route enable "publish this resource group to the market place". If that is the route you are aiming for that is essentially building out a multi-tenant application which is a bigger task and perhaps something like this link will help get you started:
There are also other stackoverflow answers which may be of help:
Does a developer have to pay for publishing a SaaS app on Windows Azure Marketplace?
How can i publish my web solution to Marketplace

Regarding Kentico 9 site deployment on Azure

I want to deploy Kentico 9 site on Azure and want to use shared file system for my media content, can you please suggest which Azure configuration (Azure Cloud Services or Azure Web Apps) I should referred?
I'd highly recommend going with Web App over Cloud Services. Mainly because Web App is almost like running on a regular server where Cloud Services is quite a bit different and harder to work with in my opinion.
Check this article out regarding some issues with Kentico and Azure Blog storage as well as how to setup your storage provider to only store media files.
Could you describe what do you mean by shared file system for my media content?
From my experience - it`s (a little bit) easier to deploy (and maintain) Kentico to Azure Web Apps but they do not provide so many customizations - in my humble opinion - the biggest one is you are not able to connect via remote desktop (but this is supported by Azure Cloud Services).
Please note - if you are using Cloud Services you must use Azure Blob Storage - source - which could be in conflict with your requirements.
You can find more information about Web Apps vs Cloud Services vs Virtual Machines on the mentioned page.
TL;DR; - if you do not need customizations, remote desktop and startup tasks - go for WebApps. If not, try to specify more requirements.
You can also check comparinson of the technologies from the Microsoft`s point of view here.
It's not clear who you want to share the media with...
If you want to share the assets amongst more Kentico instances or with a 3rd party system, I'd probably use the Azure Blob Storage. Kentico comes with a dedicated file provider for this exact use out of the box. It's called CMS.AzureStorage.
Using the blob storage is not a limiting factor in terms of hosting your app. You can still use all available options: Web Apps, VM or Cloud Service. There are some technical implications, of course. But they're all described in the documentation.
I recommend checking the comparison matrix to find a hosting option that suits your need best. Kentico recommends using App Service (Web Apps) for most projects as it's easiest to maintain. However, you can't use certain features like Kentico Windows services, for instance. Question is, do you really need them?

Is there any way download source code from "cloud services" in Windows Azure?

I don't have the latest version of the code deployed in the company's Windows Azure account, and I need to provide a fix to it. I know this can be done with "Azure Web Sites", but I'm not sure it's possible with "Azure Cloud Services".
Can anyone help?
If you did git deployment of the cloud service, you could fetch from the remote the same way you could with Windows Azure Web Sites. You may have updated the cloud service by uploading the package to blob storage first, in which case you could get the package. But, the package is not source code.
From a process perspective, you should label your deployments with a tag that can be matched in source control. You never know when a "hotfix" needs to be added to a branch off of the current production code.
In Windows Azure Cloud Services, instances are uploaded in the form of .cspkg packages.
According to the documentation, the Get Package operation retrieves a cloud service package for a deployment and stores the package files in Windows Azure Blob storage.
You could then download and extract this package (it is in ZIP file format) to retrieve its content. See this answer for more details.
In the case of ASP.NET applications, that will be a mixture of text files and binary assemblies (.DLLs). In the case of Java, it will be .jar files. You could use the appropriate decompiler to retrieve an approximation of the original source code. But it probably wouldn't be safe to change this reverse-engineered source code and upload it back into production, at least not without extensive testing.
yes. you can download it with an ftp client.
Ggo to dashboard of your site on
Get credentials (username , password, host) and connect with you preferred ftp client.
Well, Azure now had a new portal and things are bit different. I had to retrieve the code for one of my websites.
To download the code,
go to App Service. In Overview panel, download publisher profile.
Now go to Deployment credentials panel. Enter the username for FTP and choose a password.
To connect to ftp, you need the URL from publishing profile (example.PublishSettings).
Now fire up your FTP client (FileZilla in my case) and put the FTP address and put the username like sitename\ftpusername (example\ftp-exmaple-user for me) and put in the password you choose in Deployment credentials panel.
wwwroot contains your code!
I realize it's an old question, in case anyone else needs it... I use the Cloud Explorer in Visual Studio 2017. In the Cloud explorer, you can drill down Subscription -> Resource Group -> App Service -> Files. Then, at the bottom of the Cloud Explorer, click "Download Files as a Zip."

Deploy Azure Package from my own WPF App

I am creating a little utility app for some of my Azure work and i would love to make it possible to deploy a azure package from within my tool.
I have a package that have been created from Visual studio and i can manual deploy it or deploy it from within VS 2012.
Anyone who know a guide or can tell me how i would deploy it from my own application?
Yes, you can do that. Everything you see as far as deployment is concerned in VS is backed by a REST API. So you could essentially write a WPF application which is a wrapper over these REST API. There're two things you would need to do:
Upload Package files to blob storage: This would be the 1st thing you would need to do. You could make use of storage client library or implement REST API for uploading package files to blob storage.
Implement "Create Deployment" Service Management API function: Take a look at the functionality here: Once you have uploaded the package file in blob storage (and got the blob URI), you could invoke this functionality.
As far as I know there is no API wrapper / SDK available that covers full functionality on managing Storage Accounts, Deployments etc. yet. You can use the Windows Azure Management REST API though.
In order to use this API you need to have a valid management certificate in the subscription you want to manage and sign all REST calls to the Management API with it. There should be sufficient information about how to do so in the link above.
