When I try to publish a message containing a forward slash PubNub rejects the message as "Invalid JSON". I am using the Go library.
It could be something like this:
go pubnub.Publish("MY-CHANNEL", "someth/ing", successChannel, errorChannel)
or the message might be a little more complex like this:
message := struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Phone string `json:"phone"`
Type string `json:"type"`
The response is always
ERROR: [0, "Invalid JSON", 400, "MY-CHANNEL"]
Removing the forward slash always resolves the issue. Unfortunately, with my actual use case I cannot do without them.
Is this a bug with PubNub?
I am trying out completions using insertions.
It seems that I am supposed to use a parameter called suffix: to inform where the end of the insert goes.
The payload to the endpoint: POST /v1/completions
"model": "code-davinci-002",
"prompt": "Write a JSON document for a person with first name, last name, email and phone number\n\n{\n",
"suffix": "\n}",
"temperature": 0,
"max_tokens": 256,
"top_p": 1,
"frequency_penalty": 0,
"presence_penalty": 0
I tried doing this from a ruby implementation of GPT3.
=> {
:prompt=>"generate some JSON for a person with first and last name {",
post(url: "/v1/completions", parameters: parameters)
I get an invalid argument error for suffix
{"error"=>{"message"=>"Unrecognized request argument supplied: suffix", "type"=>"invalid_request_error", "param"=>nil, "code"=>nil}}
I looked at the Payload from OpenAI vs the payload from the Ruby Library and saw the issue.
My ruby library was setting the model to code-davinci-001 while OpenAI was using code-davinci-002.
As soon as I manually altered the model: attribute in debug, the completion started working correctly.
[{"text"=>"\n \"firstName\": \"John\",\n \"lastName\": \"Smith\"",
"usage"=>{"prompt_tokens"=>14, "completion_tokens"=>19,
Feature File Snippet:
Then The value of messages.type should be ERROR
Actual Service Response:
"messages": [
"type": "ERROR"
Console Log:
JSON path messages.type doesn't match.
Expected: a string containing "ERROR"
Actual: [ERROR]
I have tried removing double quotes from ERROR parameter mentioned in feature file, it doesn't works
SInce you not provided the code you used, this can be due to the fact that you dint convert the json response to a String . Please try with below code since it has an example to how to convert Json to String .
public void jsonPathExample() {
Response response=given().contentType(ContentType.JSON).get("http://localhost:3000/posts");
//we need to convert response as a String
JsonPath jsonPath = new JsonPath(response.asString());
String actualtype = jsonPath.getString("type");
//Then do your assertion
So in my js-code I have this line:
var _script = {
_script: {
script: {
lang: 'painless',
source: `
type: 'string',
order: params._source.id
This will fail. I see in the log this error message:
,\"reason\":\"unexpected token ['\\\"\\\\n if(1>2){\\\\n params._source.id;\\\\n }\\\\n else{\\\\n params._source.id;\\\\n }\\\\n \\\"'] was expecting one of [{<EOF>, ';'}].\"}}}]},
I have tried first to have without tilde-character. And then it also fails.
I then tried to have tilde at the beginning, something like:
var _script = `{
Thing is that the final json that will be sent to elastic is not shown in the code above. So "_script" is only a little part of all the json.
I was wondering if I added the tilde at the very beginning and end of the whole json. Maybe it could work? I need to work it out where it is.
But just in theory: do you think the problem is there? Putting the tilde around all the json? Or is it something else?
The triple " is not valid JSON, it only works internally to the Elastic stack (i.e. from Kibana Dev Tools to ES).
The way I usually do it from Node.js is to add each line to an array and then I join that array, like this:
const code = [];
code.push("} else {");
source = code.join(" ");
It's not super legible, I admit. Another way is to use stored scripts so you can simple reference your script by ID in Node.js.
I have an input field that I am trying to add custom validation to (required depending on another field). If I put required AND funcCall() I can see that two errors are returned. If I only put the funcCall nothing is returned. I know it's getting in the function and the condition because I did a console.log() but for some reason it seems like it needs an initial rule to fail to show the error.
<input type="text" class="validate[funcCall[validatePassportRequired]]" id="form_register_passport_number" value="" name="passport_number" size="50">
function validatePassportRequired(field, rules, i, options) {
if ($('#register_for').val()!='Local') {
return options.allrules.required.alertText;
So If I change the Call to:
class="validate[required, funcCall[validatePassportRequired]]"
I get two * This field is required
Do I have to have another validation rule along with the funcCall?
just add the following line before returning the error message and instead of required in returning message put the function name before .alertText.
#sunzyflower in your case your function would see like this..
function validatePassportRequired(field, rules, i, options) {
if ($('#register_for').val()!='Local') {
return options.allrules.validatePassportRequired.alertText;
instead of
This will add required internally without having a double message.
If you want more information about the (old) issue :
This is very odd... I'm using populate() with a ref to fill in an array within my schema, but then the properties are inaccessible. In other words, the schema is like this:
new Model('User',{
'name': String,
'installations': [ {type: String, ref: 'Installations'} ],
'count': Number,
Of course, Insallations is another model.
Then I find & populate a set of users...
model.find({count: 0}).populate('installations').exec( function(e, d){
for(var k in d)
var user = d[k];
for(var i in user.installations)
} );
So far so good! I see nice data printed out, like this:
{ runs: 49,
hardware: 'macbookpro10,1/x86_64',
mode: 'debug',
version: '0.1' }
However, if I try to actually ACCESS any of those properties, they're all undefined! For example, if I add another console log:
Then I see "undefined" printed for this log.
If I try to operate on the object, like this:
Object.keys(user.installations[i]).forEach(function(key) { } );
Then I get a typical "[TypeError: Object.keys called on non-object]" error, indicating that user.installations[i] is not an object (even though it is outputted to the console as if it were). So, I even tried something ugly like...
var install = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(user.installations[i]));
console.log(install, install.mode);
And, again, the first output (install) is a nice object containing the property 'mode'... but the 2nd output is undefined.
What gives?
Finally, I solved this...
I tried doing a console.log(typeof user.installations[i]); and got "string" as the output. This seemed odd, given that printing the object directly created console output (above) that looked like a normal object, not a string. So, I tried doing a JSON.parse(); on the object, but received the error "SyntaxError: Unexpected token r"
Finally, I realized what was going on. The "pretty console output" I described above was the result of a string formatted with \n (newlines). I had not expected that, for whatever reason. The JSON.parse() error is due to the fact that there is a known necessity with the node.js parser when attempting to parse object keys without quotations; see the SO question here:
Why does JSON.parse('{"key" : "value"}') do just fine but JSON.parse('{key : "value"}') doesn't? .
Specifically, note that the JSON parser in my case is failing on the character 'r', the fist character of "runs," which is the first key in my JSON string (above). At first I was afraid I needed to get a custom JSON parser, but then the problem hit me.
Look back to my original schema. I used a String-type to define the installation ref, because the array field was storing the installations's _id property as a String. I assume the .populate() field is converting the object to a String on output.
Finally, I looked at the Mongoose docs a little closer and realized I'm supposed to be referencing the objects based upon Schema.ObjectID. This explains everything, but certainly gives me some fixing to do in my schemas and code elsewhere...