Python - how to import class form another python file - python-3.x

i have two files and in c:\newfolder. I want to import siteElements class from to have written
from site import siteElements
siteElements = SiteElements(webdriver)
but its not working.....
ImportError : cannot import name 'siteElements'

You have a mismatch, what you should do is this:
from modulefile import classname
variable_object = classname(something)
Instead, it seems you do:
from modulefile import classname
classname = variable_object(something)
If we assume that you spelled the class correct, your code should read:
from site import siteElements
variable_object_name = siteElements(webdriver)
Alternatively you can do this like this, introducing an alias to the imported class (make sure the alias name is unique):
from site import siteElements as se
variable_object_name = se(webdriver)
You did not post the "site" module, so you need to check that siteElements is indeed the correct name/spelling of your class.


Import __all__ from Python module given by variable

I wan to import all the functions and class into a module/file of Python in high level file just passing a variable that contains the low level file name.
I have a application with several module like:
__all__ = ['MyClass1', 'my_function1']
class MyClass1():
def my_function1():
that previous was import at the high level file as:
from sub_module1 import *
from sub_module2 import *
# To direct use, of the different subfiles:
obj1 = MyClass1()
obj2 = MyClass2()
The application became a plugin based and I have to dynamic import all module into a folder and provide direct access to all objects defined into __all__ of those submodules.
The code bellow imports fine the submodules but I don not give my direct access to the directives defined into __all__ of those files.
from os import path
from importlib import import_module
directory_name = ## Define the plugins dir.
for importer, package_name, _ in iter_modules([directory_name]):
module_specification = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
package_name, path.join(directory_name, package_name + '.py'))
module_loader = importlib.util.module_from_spec(module_specification)
How do I put those object define into __all__ of the submodules inside locals() of the high module?

How to pass the production variable to Authorize.Net API?

I am working on getting the transactions on Authorize.Net API.
I am using the same code sample and the SDK says that in order to switch to the production environment, I need to set the environment variable on the controller.
The link is here. I am not sure where should I add this line of code
Rest of the code is the here
Is this the right way to use the controller
import os
import sys
import imp
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from authorizenet import apicontractsv1
from authorizenet.apicontrollers import getSettledBatchListController
from authorizenet.apicontrollers import createTransactionController
constants = imp.load_source('modulename', '')
def get_settled_batch_list():
"""get settled batch list"""
merchantAuth = apicontractsv1.merchantAuthenticationType()
I had this same error and the way I fixed it was I changed the file to and then I changed the variable to MY_CONSTANTS but you can change them to be credentials if you want.
If it does doesn't work at that point you could try to hard code it instead with createtransactioncontroller.setenvironment('')
but if you don't then leave it to be constants.PRODUCTION
createtransactioncontroller = createTransactionController(createtransactionrequest)
# or createtransactioncontroller.setenvironment('')
I used a dictionary for my credentials(constants in your case) so mine looks a little different.
import imp
import os
import sys
import importlib
from authorizenet.constants import constants
from authorizenet import apicontractsv1
from authorizenet.apicontrollers import createTransactionController
from .credentials import MY_CONSTANTS
# retrieved from the constants file
merchantAuth = apicontractsv1.merchantAuthenticationType() = MY_CONSTANTS['apiLoginId']
merchantAuth.transactionKey = MY_CONSTANTS['transactionKey']
I hope this helped you.

How can I specify the package when instantiating a class?

I have many classes with the same name in different packages. Take the following directory structure as an example:
From within the constructor of the templates/Person class, how can I declare an instance of rules/Person?
The code I expected to work (but has an error on line 10) is as follows:
from Template import Template
import rules
class Person(Template):
def __init__(self):
super(Person, self).__init__('Person')
self.rules = [
rules.Person() #this is an error
PEP328 has the answer, I think.
from .myfolder import Template as Template
from .myfolder1 import Template as Template1
from .myfolder2 import Template as Template2
from pip_installed_library1 import Template as Template3
from pip_installed_library2 import Template as Template4
Using this pattern they never share names.

Replace package import in a module

I use a module that imports a function as a package import using relative import dot notation:
from .utils import target_func
class ClassINeed:
def function_i_call(self):
return target_func()
I want to import ClassINeed with from classineed import ClassINeed but replace target_func with a function of my own. Problem is, target_func is not part of the class I am importing. Therefore I do not see a way to access it. What would be a way to accomplish this?
On top of from classineed import ClassINeed, also do a import classineed then override the target_func as needed via classineed.target_func = lambda : 'hello!' for example.
P.S. Referring to the class ClassINeed with classineed.ClassINeed might be cleaner if you already have import classineed.

How do I get a basic working example for django-user-account?

I followed the installation instructions on django-user-accounts.
When calling http://[mysite]/account/signup
I could see:{# This template intentionally left blank to satisfy test suites. Your project should always provide a site_base.html itself. #} (and I take it as a good sign, I'll add my base template later).
After that, i created an app: ./ startapp myapp_account
...and filled it with the minimum code from the "Usage" page of the manual mentioned above as i want to get a basic working register/login/out.
Now i get an error when calling http://[mysite]/account/signup/:
Exception Value: 'module' object has no attribute 'views'
Exception Location: /var/www/venv/django_1/django_1/ in <module>, line 10
Python Executable: /var/www/venv/bin/python3.4
my code: (main project called django_1):
from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url
import myapp_account
urlpatterns = patterns('',
# this is line 10 in my case:
url(r'^account/signup/$', myapp_account.views.SignupView(),name="account_signup"),
url(r'^account/', include('account.urls')),
import account.views
import account.forms
import myapp_account.forms
class SignupView(account.views.SignupView):
form_class = myapp_account.forms.SignupForm
def after_signup(self, form):
super(SignupView, self).after_signup(form)
def create_profile(self, form):
profile = self.created_user.get_profile()
profile.birthdate = form.cleaned_data["birthdate"]
class LoginView(account.views.LoginView):
form_class = account.forms.LoginEmailForm
from django import forms
from django.forms.extras.widgets import SelectDateWidget
import account.forms
class SignupForm(account.forms.SignupForm):
birthdate = forms.DateField(widget=SelectDateWidget(years=range(1930, 2010)))
Is there a simpler way do get it working and be on the right track to extend the user accounts step by step?
As usual the answer was in the manual Django, Class-based views
Import the class based view directly
Call the class based view directly in the url
updated (main)
from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url
from myapp_account.views import SignupView # <- import class based view
urlpatterns = patterns('',
# call class based view directly:
url(r'^account/signup/$', SignupView.as_view(), name="account_signup"),
url(r'^account/', include('account.urls')),
Still i'd be happy if someone cloud point me to a well made example of django-user-accounts.
