Excel Pivot table Aggregation - excel

So I have this small data set:
Pivot table
A has 9 total players and total cost is 32 so average cost of a player on team A should 32/9=3.55. But the the pivot table says its 3 which obviously wrong. How do I get the right answer on the pivot table.

This sounds like a math problem. You are taking the Average of "Average Cost" and the average of averages is not usually the "average" you are looking for. I would say try taking the sums of ALL of each team's players and costs prior to averaging.
Restructuring your base data will be the easiest way to get your PivotTable to display the average you are hoping for.


Excel: Sum of Total Population per Continent (using Excel formulas - without Pivot)

I was playing a bit with the data of nowadays topic: Covid-19 and I downloaded some data to do some Analytics from:
And this is what I managed to do using Power Query and Pivot tables:
From this data here - it is just a small piece of huge dataset:
Pivot tables are great and you can do a lot of things as you can see, BUT, what I wanted to do is do calculations (sum per Continent with excel formulas for the Total Population per Continent. There in the data set is lot of countries with certain Population and I am not managing the right way using =max/if/sumif. I just wanna know this way for myself!
I am sure that ain't that hard but I am now bit out of logic =)
I hope you got the point!!
First Edit:
=sumif doesn't work at the first place, because you have repetitive Population per one Country per day...it is summing the same land with its population per day - not what I need but only 1x the general sum of population.

Calculate average based on a value column (count) in a pivot table

I'm looking a way to add an extra column in a pivot table that that averages the sum of the count for the months ("Count of records" column) within a time period that is selected (currently 2016 - one month, 2017 - full year, 2018 - 5 month). Every month would have the same number based on the year average, needs to be dynamically changing when selecting different period: full year or for example 4 months. I need the column within the pivot table, so it could be used for a future pivot chart.
I can't simply use average as all my records appear only once and I use Count to aggregate those numbers ("Count of records" column).
My current data looks like this:
The final result should look like this:
I assume that it somehow can be done with the help of "calculated filed" option but I couldn't make it work now.
Greatly appreciate any help!
Using the DataModel (built in to Excel 2013 and later) you can write really cool formulas inside PivotTables called Measures that can do this kind of thing. Take the example below:
As you can see, the Cust Count & Average field gives a count of transactions by month but also gives the average of those monthly readings for the subtotal lines (i.e. the 2017 Total and 2018 Total lines) using the below DAX formula:
=AVERAGEX(SUMMARIZE(Table1,[Customer (Month)],"x",COUNTA(Table1[Customer])),[x])
That just says "Summarize this table by count of the customer field by month, call the resulting summarization field 'x', and then give me the average of that field x".
Because DAX measures are executed within the context of the PivotTable, you get the count that you want for months, and you get the average that you want for the yearly subtotals.
Hard to explain, but demonstrates that DAX can certainly do this for you.
See my answer at the following link for an example of how to add data to the DataModel and how to subsequently write measures:
Using the Excel SMALL function with filtering criteria AND ignoring zeros
I also recommend grabbing yourself a book called Supercharge Excel when you learn to write DAX by Matt Allington, and perhaps even taking his awesome online course, because it covers this kind of thing very well, and will save you significant head-scratching compared to going it alone.

PowerPivot: how to calculate a weighted average in a pivot table?

I am new to PowerPivot within Excel, but am familiar with SQL.
I import a table from my SQL server into PowerPivot, containing the results of some surveys; the columns are: City, State, Population, avg income, avg income x population.
I need to create a Pivot Table showing the weighted average income by State.
If the source of the data were an Excel sheet, I'd add a calculated field to the pivot table, calculating [avg income x population] / [Population].
I cannot seem to that in my case, since the source is a PowerPivot data source.
I understand I can add calculated fields and measures to the PowerPivot table, but that's not really what I am after.
I am sure it's because my google skills are subpar, but I have also spent lots of time searching for solutions, to no avail.
E.g. these discussions show how to add a field to the powerpivot source, but it's not clear to me how you add a calculated field to a Pivot table which reads from PowerPivot.
PowerPivot formula for row wise weighted average
DAX - 2 phased weighted average with 2 different weight measures

How do I get the proper average in a pivot based on pivot data?

I'm trying to get the average number of "on time shipment" based on items rolled up to "ship numbers" and then by "order number". I have one order number in this scenario that is shipped via multiple shipments. It seems to me that after rolling it up via PowerPivot and then creating a pivot table, it's calculating the average based on the total lines of the "order number" instead the pivot.
PowerPivot Data:
Pivot based on data above:
How can I get the average number based on the pivot table rather than the PowerPivot total data of the order number? I'm probably not making any sense, but hopefully the images below explain it better. As you can see, when you roll up the items by ship number then by order number, you'll see that the actual average is 0.6 but the pivot is showing 0.5.
Technically speaking, the average is correct - if you look at the source data, for some reason all rows are duplicated and if you do regular average calculation, it's actually 0.5.
What you are looking for is calculating average for distinct values, which can be done easily with AVERAGEX function.
I have copied your table and created those 2 Calculated Fields (in Excel 2010, it's Measures):
Average on Time:
=AVERAGE(Table1[On Time])
Average on Time (UNIQUE)
=AVERAGEX(VALUES(Table1[Ship Number]), [Average on Time])
Using AverageX with VALUES() function makes it easier to calculate any expression ONLY for unique values.
If you then put both measures on PivotTable, you should get this:
First column is same as yours (using "regular" AVERAGE function). The second one shows the average calculated over distinct (unique) values of Ship Numbers.
Hope this helps.
PS: This great article by Kasper de Jonge helped me quite a bit with similar scenarios.

Calculating Percent of Total in Power Pivot Model

I have created a power pivot table as shown in the picture. I want to calculate quarter over quarter sales change. For which I have to divide for example corporate family "Acer" 's sales in 2012Q4 by sum of all the corporate family. I am using calculated measure to do this, but I am not sure what formula I can use.
My need is to create two columns, one for 2012Q4 percent of total and one for 2013Q1 percent of total. Then I will create another measure to find the difference. So the formula for 2012Q4 should be like this 1624442 / (1624442+22449+1200+16123) . Any idea which function can help me do it?
It sounds like you are measuring the change in the percent of total for each corporate family from quarter to quarter. You will need to create 3 calculated measures. I'm not sure what your model looks like so I can't give you the exact formula, but here is the idea.
CurrentQtr%ofTotal:= Divide(Sum('Sales'[Units]),Calculate(Sum('Sales'[Units]), All['Product'[Corporate Family])))
PrevQtr%ofTotal:= DIVIDE(CALCULATE(Sum('Sales'[Units]), DATEADD(DimDate[DateKey], -1, QUARTER)),
CALCULATE(Sum('Sales'[Units]), DATEADD(DimDate[DateKey], -1, QUARTER), All('Product'[Corporate Family]))))
Change%ofTotal:= DIVIDE(([CurrentQtr%ofTotal]-[PrevQtr%ofTotal]),[PrevQtr%ofTotal])
I used the divide function because it handles divide by zero errors. You use the ALL function to remove the filter on the Corporate Family column from the filter context. The Change%ofTotal is just to find the differenc. I'm calculating % change but you may just want to subtract.
Here's the link to a good blog post on time intelligence. And here's one on calculating percent of total.
For percentages please follow the tutorial on the Tech on the Net.
Adding another column where you calculate a difference between two pivot columns will not work - this column is "unpivotable", as it relies on a column defintion. You would need to copy and paste pivot as values to another worksheet and do the extra calculation there.
