NLB IIS Integrated security asks for credentials? - iis

I have a 2 node NLB running IIS. Servers are identical in every respect. When on the server I can browse to the local Windows Integrated Security site without any problems using the local member name. But when I switch to it's cluster name, it prompts me for credentials.
<- Renders just fine
<- Renders just fine
<- Prompts for credentials
Certificates aren't the issue. Non WI-Security sites work just fine.
Seems like it doesn't want to pass credentials across the cluster name (and most likely right back into the same server I am on. I did try a couple of affinity settings with no change).
Thanks all for any ideas.

This has to do with the way Kerberos delegation works with Windows Integrated security.
In short, here's what you'll need to do:
Set the identify of the application pool running your website to a domain user, on all IIS servers participating in the NLB cluster
Ensure this domain account is in the IIS_USRS group on each web server
Create an SPN entry for your NLB cluster DNS name, and the domain user. For example:
setspn -S HTTP/ domain\accountname
Following this, you should be able to access your site without additional prompt for credentials.
A more detailed explanation is available here:


TF30063: You are not authorized to access

We're currently having an issue where when someone tries to access our TFS server via Visual Studio, they're hit with an Error TF30063: You are not authorized to access
The TFS server is on a different domain to what the client machines trying to connect are on. There is a domain trust between the two and other shared resources work fine.
I have found that it does temporarily work if you open up an RDP (remote) connection to the server in the background and login using your local domain credentials. After leaving your remote session connected and trying to connect again via Visual Studio, it works fine.
Another thing to point out which indeed would be related is, looking at the Administrator group permissions on the TFS server it does not resolve the usernames of the users in the list until they initiate an RDP connection atleast once after a reboot has occurred. Instead it shows their SID.
Things I’ve tried so far are;
Adding Windows and Generic Credentials to the Credential Manager on the TFS server for their domain accounts. I thought it might be an issue with the server not caching their credentials which meant an RDP connection needed to exist each time.
Enabling Windows Authentication in IIS
Adding the path to Trusted Sites in Internet Options
Enabling Network access: Allow anonymous SID/Name translation in Group Policy for the machine.
Creating a registry key under HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa called TurnOffAnonymouseBlock and set to 1 which essential is what the GP above does.
None of these however have seemed to fix the issue.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
If there is a domain trust in place, you should just add the users AD account that they log into their machine with, as a valid user in TFS.
For example, if TFS is in Domain A, and the user's laptop is in domain B (and they login to their laptop with a domain B account), then you need to ensure that Domain A trusts Domain B (either a two-way trust, or one way with A trusting B). Then you just need to make sure to add the user's domain B account as a TFS Contributor for example, and they should be able to access TFS without doing anything special.

Identify web app user with using windows domain name

I have a GWT webapp running on tomcat 7 on RedHat. All clients reside within intranet and use IE7 from XP machines to access the webapp.
The new requirement is to setup per user log. If user claims he did something wrong because of webapp, the admin should be able to check webapp responses for that request. Another requirement(a very nice to have feature) is to avoid login/password screen and use domain username instead.
I think I can ask my admin to setup Integrated Windows Authentication for Tomcat Once IWA is implemented on Tomcat I expect I will be able to access username with HTTPServletRequest.getRemoteUser() from my webapp.
Am I right in my assumption?
Is there a simpler way than that?
The integration of a Java container such as Tomcat with a Windows Domain through IWA, SPNEGO, Kerberos etc. can be a very complicated task and the Tomcat instructions that you point to may or may not work the first time and may also require changes to the way your Windows environment is configured.
Once that integration is working, your web application will need to specify auth constraints in web.xml to protect part or whole of the webapp. Although it may not prompt for user id if the Windows authentication set up is working seamlessly, it is necessary for the configuration to be there before getRemoteUser will return anything inside your application.

Configuring Integrated Security using IIS Application Pool Identity accounts for SQL Server 2008

I have the following configuration for a web site:
Two Web front-ends (e.g. machine names: WFE1 & WFE2) 1 SQ
One SQL Server Database cluster (e.g. machine name: DBCluster)
All machines are in the same domain (e.g. MyDomain) running Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise and SQL Server 2008 R2.
I am in the process of deploying a web application that uses the Application Pool Identity. I have named the pool MyWebApp, which translates to the name, [IIS APPPOOL\MyWebApp]. When I try adding this user to SQL Server I get an error:
Windows NT user or group 'IIS APPPOOL\MyWebApp' not found. Check the name again.
The script that I have used to create the account in SQL Server is:
I imagine the problem is occuring because the IIS account is a local account which is not visible to the SQL Server box.
Can someone please shed some light on how this problem can be resolved? Is using a domain account my only option or can I still get the application pool accounts to work?
I imagine the problem is occuring because the IIS account is a local account which is not visible to the SQL Server box.
That's exactly the problem. The IIS AppPool account only exists on the web server. If you were able to add this account to SQL Server, you would be authorizing an IIS AppPool that is running on the same machine as SQL Server. (I suspect it might still fail.)
The most secure solution would probably be to do as you say - create an account on the domain, give that account appropriate permissions on the database, and run the AppPool using that account's credentials.
However, if you'd still like to do it, you need to authorize the computer that the AppPool is running on - ie, DOMAINNAME\ComputerName$ (note the $ at the end).
Take a look at this article for more information (specifically, the section titled Accessing the Network).
I think that's a bad idea, however, because it authorizes any program running as NetworkService to access the database - not just your web applications.

How to configure IIS-5 (on windows xp) to behave similar to AppPool in win servers & windows 7. (Integrated Security=true)

I use windows xp and IIS 5 for web development. For database connection the credentials are set up as Integrated Security. It works fine our our DEV server (IIS 6) where they have configured the App Pool to run under the context of a domain account which has dbo access on the database. I myself also have dbo access in the database.
But when I run from my localhost the database connection failed (under Integrated Security=true) saying user '' has no previleged. So its passing a blank string as user instead of my logged in domain accountj ("domainname\myname"). How do I configure my localhost IIS so that it passed my logged in domain account as a user to the sql server? Basically I'm trying to silumate the apppool on IIS-5in my local machine.
I tried changing the "Log on as" on World wide web services & IIS Admin on my local machine services console, restarted it and did an IISRESET. Nothing seems to fix the problem.
Also I tried putting my domain user name (domainname\username) and password in the connection string by removing integreated security=true. Still that also not works
I am an administrator on my local machine. I tried different things like making aspnet user an administrator,log as as service etc etc with no luck
Please advice me how to configure IIS5 to run under a different account. thanks in advance
You need to set the user for anonymous login to be the domain account. I forget what tab it is on but it is there somewhere.
I think this link will point you in the correct direction
Use IIS Express -- it is IIS7 for XP.

401.1 Error when accessing virtual directory pointing to network share

IIS5 is running on SERVER1.
One of the virtual directories in IIS, myfiles, is pointing to "A shared location on another computer", //SERVER2/myfilesshare
When I try to access the page:
... I get the error:
You are not authorized to view this page
HTTP 401.1 - Unauthorized: Logon Failed
Internet Information Services
I have triple-checked the "Connect As..." settings in IIS. The credentials I'm using to access the share are correct-- they work when connect to the share in Windows Explorer, but not through the IIS virtual directory.
I've tried granting full permission to Everyone on the folder in SERVER2, but no luck.
Any thoughts?
This was how I solved my problem, might help you.
By default, IIS uses local user called IUSR for virtual directories when using anonymous authentication. It does not use application identity, which should be obvious, if you use procmon.
How can you force it to use application identity?
Easy, under IIS manager:
1) go to Authentication
2) Edit "Anonymous authentication"
3) Select "Application pool identity"
4) Restart IIS & it should work.
The same accomplished with PS: Set-WebConfigurationProperty -filter /system.WebServer/security/authentication/AnonymousAuthentication -name username -value ""
This link contains the pros/cons:
Permission issues can be tricky. Try running filemon on the 'other computer' It can be downloaded over here:
(it's not a big application just a tiny lightweight tool)
After you've started filemon, stop the monitor process (I believe it's turned on by default when you start the application), clear the logged data, create a filter for the folder you have trouble getting access to. Start the monitor process. Request your webpage. Stop the monitor process and look for "access denied" messages in filemon. When found, filemon will also mention the name of the actual user which is trying to get access. This might help you to get to a solution.
Btw when using Windows Server 2008 you will need processmon instead:
Imagine a scenario where for whatever reason you want to have your IIS Server access a Share on a File server and they are not on the same domain.
If you can follow and get this to work for you (I have done it Win2008-R1 32-bit File Server and Win2008-R2 64-bit with IIS 7), then you should be in good shape for any scenario.
Same name local account on both servers with same password
On IIS, use aspnet_regiis -ga MyAccount to give local account access to IIS guts
Now use that as the Application Pool Identity of the Website
Using Local Security Policy (Admin Tools) enable trust for delegation for local account
Restart IIS server
On File Server, use Local Security Policy to enable access from network for local account
Create Share granting desired permissions to local account (also Security tab permissions as needed)
Open up File & Print Sharing ports on both (as restrictive as possible) to point where it works for you when you are using Windows Explorer between the two
Back to IIS, create Virtual Directory using UNC path to Shared folder from File Server
Just use Pass-through authentication (which would use your local account)
You can tell Anonymous Authentication setting of the Virtual Directory to use Application Pool Identity as well
Use something that will test/verify. The key really is trust for delegation using a Service Account (domain or otherwise), and having IIS use the account you want it to use instead of Local Server or Network Service.
This took me all day to figure out. Various threads in StackOverflow and other Internet sources helped point me to various resources me but didn't find my exact answer anywhere. Hopefully next person stuck with this problem will get a speed boost on the path to resolving with my description of what worked for me.
try enabling windows authentication on the virtual directory security tab (in IIS).
