Control.Applicative lifting on n-lists - haskell

I am quite new to Haskell and would like to know how to achieve the following output without using a fixed comprehension list (or indeed an applicative functor like liftA) i.e.
> [ [x+y+z] | x <- [1,11], y <- [1,11], z <- [1,11]]
> [[3],[13],[13],[23],[13],[23],[23],[33]]
The above code example only processes 3 lists e.g. xyz. How can I achieve the same thing using n lists e.g. e.g. [[1,11]] or [[1,11],[1,11],[1,11],[1,11],[1,11]] ?
PS - I looked at using a control Applicative functor liftA but its limited to liftA3 e.g.
λ> :m + Control.Applicative
λ> let combine = liftA2 (,)
λ> combine "ab" "cd"

If you are using n copies of the same list [1,11] you can use replicateM:
import Control.Monad
ghci> replicateM 3 [1,11]
ghci> map sum (replicateM 3 [1,11])
In general, you can use sequence to perform a multi-list cartesian product:
ghci> sequence [ [1,11], [2,22], [3,33] ]

More generally, what you want is the Cartesian product of all the lists in a given list. Once you have that, then you can combine them in any way you like.
cartesian :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
cartesian [] = [[]]
cartesian (xs:xss) = [x : ys | x <- xs, ys <- cartesian xss]
mkSums :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
mkSums = map ((\x -> [x]) . sum) . cartesian

If you want the flexibility of handling inputs that aren't just lists of [1,11]:
λ> import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
λ> let sumsOfCombinations xs = (:[]) . sum <$> foldr (liftA2 (:)) [[]] xs
You can pass it any list of list of numbers:
λ> sumsOfCombinations' [[0,100],[-1,0,1],[0,1000]]
Including, but not limited to, your example:
λ> sumsOfCombinations $ replicate 3 [1,11]
λ> sumsOfCombinations $ replicate 4 [1,11]
Here is its type:
λ> :t sumsOfCombinations
sumsOfCombinations :: (Num b, Foldable t) => t [b] -> [[b]]
As written, sumsOfCombinations gives you the exact output you are looking for. However, I don't think it is necessary to return a list of lists, so I would choose:
λ> let sumsOfCombinations' xs = sum <$> foldr (liftA2 (:)) [[]] xs
λ> :t sumsOfCombinations'
sumsOfCombinations' :: (Num b, Foldable t) => t [b] -> [b]
λ> sumsOfCombinations' $ replicate 3 [1,11]
Note that you can extract a helper from each of these to give you the combinations of elements from the lists:
λ> let combinations = foldr (liftA2 (:)) [[]]
λ> combinations [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
So then you have:
sumsOfCombinations xs = (:[]) . sum <$> combinations xs
or, if you don't need to return a list of lists:
sumsOfCombinations' xs = sum <$> combinations xs


How could I make a list in Haskell by prime index?

How could I make a list where I get every number/letter which has a prime index number?
primeIndex :: [a] -> [a]
primeIndex [1..20] == [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19]
primeIndex "primesarefun" == "rieau"
A possible strategy:
Following the general approach mentioned above by #Joseph Sible-Reinstate Monica, the problem can be solved like this:
get a list of all prime numbers, say primes
use that first list to create an auxiliary list of booleans which has True elements solely at prime indices
use the second list together with classic list functions (map, filter, zip) to solve the problem
Regarding the first part, there are a number of available algorithms in the relevant page of the Haskell Wiki. We can just pick one of them.
import Data.List.Ordered
_Y :: (t -> t) -> t
_Y g = g (_Y g)
joinL :: (Ord a, Eq a) => [[a]] -> [a]
joinL ((x:xs):t) = x : union xs (joinL t)
joinL ([]:t) = joinL t
joinL [] = []
primesLME :: [Integer]
primesLME = 2 : _Y ((3:) . minus [5,7..] . joinL . map (\p-> [p*p, p*p+2*p..]))
primes = primesLME
with LME standing for Linear MErging.
Regarding the second part, a function to transform primes into the required list of booleans, say primeMask, can be taken from SO_q59092535.
-- boolean list from index list (with unfoldr):
booleansFromIndices :: [Integer] -> [Bool]
booleansFromIndices indices =
let sfn (pos,ind) = Just $ -- stepping function for unfoldr
if (null ind)
then ( False, (pos+1, []) )
else ( pos==head ind,
(pos+1, if (pos==head ind) then tail ind else ind))
in unfoldr sfn (0,indices)
primeMask :: [Bool]
primeMask = drop 1 $ booleansFromIndices primes -- 1-based indexing
Putting it all together (third and last part):
In a ghci session:
λ> take 10 primes
λ> take 15 primeMask
λ> take 20 $ map (\b -> if b then '1' else '0') primeMask
λ> str = "primesarefun"
λ> zip primeMask str
λ> filter fst $ zip primeMask str
λ> map snd $ filter fst $ zip primeMask str
λ> primeIndex = \xs -> map snd $ filter fst $ zip primeMask xs
λ> primeIndex [1..20]

Convert Tuple into Foldable

Is there a way to derive Foldable from Tuple?
At least when the tuple is homogeneous?
For example let's say I have (1,2,3) and I want to reverse it or to transform it into [1,2,3] and similar things.
I've tried to do something like
over each (\x -> 4 -x) (1,2,3) -- lol
but I need a sort of equivalent of fold with lens...
and actually I see that I can do
foldr1Of each (\a x -> a+x) (1,2,3)
but I would need instead
foldr1Of each (\a x -> a:x) (1,2,3)
which doesn't compile
but I would need instead
foldr1Of each (\a x -> a:x) (1,2,3)
which doesn't compile
The reason why this does not compile is because (:) :: a -> [a] -> [a] expects a list as second argument, but with foldr1Of, you provide it the last element of your fold, which is here a number.
You can solve it by using foldrOf :: Getting (Endo r) s a -> (a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r instead:
Prelude Control.Lens> foldrOf each (:) [] (1,2,3)
Here we thus pass [] as the "initial accumulator".
We can thus convert several several "containers" to lists with:
toList :: Each s s a a => s -> [a]
toList = foldrOf each (:) []
For example:
Prelude Control.Lens> toList (1,2)
Prelude Control.Lens> toList (1,2,3)
Prelude Control.Lens> toList (1,2,3,4)
Prelude Control.Lens> toList [1,2,3]
Prelude Control.Lens> toList Nothing
Prelude Control.Lens> toList (Just 2)
In addition to Willem's answer, it is worth noting that Control.Lens.Fold offers analogues for pretty much everything in Data.Foldable. That includes toList, which becomes toListOf:
GHCi> toListOf each (1,2,3)

List comprehension vs zipWith in Haskell

This is code #1:
fibs = 0:1:zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
I wrote the same code with list comprehension (code #2):
fibs' = 0:1:[x+y|x<-fibs',y<-tail fibs']
but code #1 produces the Fibonnacci numbers while code #2 produces 0 1 1 1 1
Why does this happen?
List comprehensions such as [x+y|x<-fibs',y<-tail fibs'] will generate x+y for all combinations of x,y extracted from the two lists. For instance,
[ (x,y) | x<-[1..10] , y<-[1..10] ]
will generate all the 100 pairs, essentially computing the cartesian product of the two lists.
Zipping the lists instead only generates pairs for the corresponding elements, yielding only 10 pairs.
Parallel list comprehensions instead work as zip does. For instance,
[ (x,y) | x<-[1..10] | y<-[1..10] ]
will return the same 10 pairs as zip. You can enable this Haskell extension by adding {-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-} at the beginning of your file.
Personally, I do not use this extension much, preferring to explicitly use zip instead.
List comprehensions over multiple lists do not work like zip/zipWith - each element of one list is combined with each element of the other list rather than being combined pair-wise. To illustrate this difference, look at this simpler example:
xs = [1,2]
ys = [3, 4]
zipped = zipWith (+) xs ys -- [4, 6]
comprehended = [x+y | x <- xs, y <- ys] [4, 5, 5, 6]
To get the behavior of zip in a list comprehension, you'd need to use the GHC extension for parallel list comprehensions, which allows you to write this:
parallelComp = [x+y | x <- xs | y <- ys] -- [4, 6]
The reason is: it's not the same code. :) The first sample uses zipWith which is applying (+) pairwise. The second one does something like Cartesian product, but instead of returning pair (x,y) it returns x+y.
zip [1..5] [2..6] === [(1,2),(2,3),(3,4),(4,5),(5,6)]
[ (x,y) | x <- [1..5], y <- [2..6] ] === [(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5),(1,6),
The list comprehension
[ x + y | x <- xs, y <- ys ]
equals (more or less) to the following imperative pseudocode
list = emptyList
foreach (x in xs) {
foreach (y in ys) {
append (x+y) to list
return list
However, if that ys is an infinitive list, as in your code #2, then the result list will be
list = emptyList
x = head of xs
foreach (y in ys) {
append (x+y) to list
return list
That is why you got that list consists of 0, 1, 1, ... .
You can get the behaviour you want using ZipList rather than []. Since ZipList is not a monad you cannot use monadic do. Instead you have to use applicative do, also known as "arrow notation"! :)
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Category
data A f a b = A (f (a -> b))
type Arr f a = A f () a
runA :: A f a b -> f (a -> b)
runA (A f) = f
arrOfApp :: Functor f => f a -> Arr f a
arrOfApp = A . fmap const
appOfArr :: Functor f => Arr f a -> f a
appOfArr = fmap ($ ()) . runA
The definitions above are rather similar to those you can find in optparse-applicative.
zipListArr :: [a] -> Arr ZipList a
zipListArr = arrOfApp . ZipList
getZipListArr :: Arr ZipList a -> [a]
getZipListArr = getZipList . appOfArr
instance Applicative f => Category (A f) where
id = A (pure id)
A f . A g = A ((.) <$> f <*> g)
instance Applicative f => Arrow (A f) where
arr f = A (pure f)
first (A f) = A (fmap first f)
fibs' :: [Int]
fibs' = 0 : 1 : (getZipListArr $ proc () -> do
x <- zipListArr fibs' -< ()
y <- zipListArr (tail fibs') -< ()
returnA -< x + y)
*Main> take 10 fibs'

How to interleave two lists in Haskell in one line with higher-order functions

I want to take two lists and return the interleaved list using one line of code.
interleave :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
interleave xs ys = concat (zipWith (:) xs ys)
not sure why this isn't working.
Got it:
interleave :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
interleave xs ys = concat (zipWith (\x y -> [x]++[y]) xs ys)
You might also like
interleave xs ys = concat (transpose [xs, ys])
This is based on the observation I read ages ago (I can't remember where now -- perhaps in the Python documentation) that transposition is just an n-way zip.
I really like this page to sort of play with the mechanics of the functions in haskell (gets your brain going also)
One of the examples is:
pl \(a,b) -> a:b:[]
uncurry ((. return) . (:))
so you can also do:
[ghci] ((. return) . (:)) 1 2
[ghci] concat $ zipWith ((. return) . (:)) [1..10] [11..20]
Daniel Wagner's is much cleaner though :)
Here's how to interleave two lists of same length (truncating the longer of the two lists, as all solutions based on zipWith do):
f = (foldr($)[].).zipWith((.(:)).(.).(:))
The function you require is (\a b-> a:b:[]) which is so trivial that I doubt there is something explicitely provided in Haskell that will do it. You can always define your own ...
[ghci] let (#) a b = [a,b]
[ghci] 3 # 4
[ghci] concat ( zipWith (#) [1,2,3] [5,6,7] )
You want interleave xs ys = concatMap (\(x, y)->[x, y]) (zipWith (,) xs ys). The zipWith subexpression converts the two lists into a list of tuples like [(x0, y0), (x1, y1)] and the concatMap converts them to a list.

Nondeterminism for infinite inputs

Using lists to model nondeterminism is problematic if the inputs can take infinitely many values. For example
pairs = [ (a,b) | a <- [0..], b <- [0..] ]
This will return [(0,1),(0,2),(0,3),...] and never get around to showing you any pair whose first element is not 0.
Using the Cantor pairing function to collapse a list of lists into a single list can get around this problem. For example, we can define a bind-like operator that orders its outputs more intelligently by
(>>>=) :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
as >>>= f = cantor (map f as)
cantor :: [[a]] -> [a]
cantor xs = go 1 xs
go _ [] = []
go n xs = hs ++ go (n+1) ts
ys = filter (not.null) xs
hs = take n $ map head ys
ts = mapN n tail ys
mapN :: Int -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapN _ _ [] = []
mapN n f xs#(h:t)
| n <= 0 = xs
| otherwise = f h : mapN (n-1) f t
If we now wrap this up as a monad, we can enumerate all possible pairs
newtype Select a = Select { runSelect :: [a] }
instance Monad Select where
return a = Select [a]
Select as >>= f = Select $ as >>>= (runSelect . f)
pairs = runSelect $ do
a <- Select [0..]
b <- Select [0..]
return (a,b)
This results in
>> take 15 pairs
which is a much more desirable result. However, if we were to ask for triples instead, the ordering on the outputs isn't as "nice" and it's not even clear to me that all outputs are eventually included --
>> take 15 triples
Note that (2,0,1) appears before (0,1,1) in the ordering -- my intuition says that a good solution to this problem will order the outputs according to some notion of "size", which could be an explicit input to the algorithm, or could be given implicitly (as in this example, where the "size" of an input is its position in the input lists). When combining inputs, the "size" of a combination should be some function (probably the sum) of the size of the inputs.
Is there an elegant solution to this problem that I am missing?
TL;DR: It flattens two dimensions at a time, rather than flattening three at once. You can't tidy this up in the monad because >>= is binary, not ternary etc.
I'll assume you defined
(>>>=) :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
as >>>= f = cantor $ map f as
to interleave the list of lists.
You like that because it goes diagonally:
sums = runSelect $ do
a <- Select [0..]
b <- Select [0..]
return (a+b)
ghci> take 36 sums
so it's pleasingly keeping the "sizes" in order, but the pattern appears to be broken for triples, and you doubt completeness, but you needn't. It's doing the same trick, but twice, rather than for all three at once:
triplePairs = runSelect $ do
a <- Select [0..]
b <- Select [0..]
c <- Select [0..]
return $ (a,(b,c))
The second pair is treated as a single source of data, so notice that:
ghci> map fst $ take 36 pairs
ghci> map fst $ take 36 triplePairs
and (adding some spaces/newlines for clarity of pattern):
ghci> map snd $ take 36 pairs
[0, 1,0, 2,1,0, 3,2,1,0, 4,3,2,1,0, 5,4,3,2,1,0, 6,5,4,3,2,1,0, 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0]
ghci> map snd $ take 36 triplePairs
[(0,0), (0,1),(0,0), (1,0),(0,1),(0,0), (0,2),(1,0),(0,1),(0,0),
so you can see it's using exactly the same pattern. This doesn't preserve total sums and it oughtn't because we're getting to three dimensions by flattening two dimensions first before flattening the third in. The pattern is obscured, but it's just as guaranteed to make it to the end of the list.
Sadly if you want to do three dimensions in a sum-preserving way, you'll have to write cantor2, cantor3 and cantor4 functions, possibly a cantorN function, but you'll have to ditch the monadic interface, which is inherently based on the bracketing of >>=, hence two-at-a-time flattening of dimensions.
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
data Select a = Select [a]
| Selects [Select a]
instance Functor Select where
fmap f (Select x) = Select $ map f x
fmap f (Selects xss) = Selects $ map (fmap f) xss
instance Applicative Select where
pure = Select . (:[])
Select fs <*> xs = Selects $ map (`fmap`xs) fs
Selects fs <*> xs = Selects $ map (<*>xs) fs
instance Monad Select where
return = pure
Select xs >>= f = Selects $ map f xs
Selects xs >>= f = Selects $ map (>>=f) xs
runSelect :: Select a -> [a]
runSelect = go 1
where go n xs = uncurry (++) . second (go $ n+1) $ splitOff n xs
splitOff n (Select xs) = second Select $ splitAt n xs
splitOff n (Selects sls) = (concat hs, Selects $ tsl ++ rl)
where ((hs, tsl), rl) = first (unzip . map (splitOff n)) $ splitAt n sls
*Select> take 15 . runSelect $ do { a<‌-Select [0..]; b<‌-Select [0..]; return (a,b) }
*Select> take 15 . runSelect $ do { a<‌-Select [0..]; b<‌-Select [0..]; c<‌-Select [0..]; return (a,b,c) }
Note that this is still not quite Cantor-tuples ((0,1,1) shouldn't come before (1,0,0)), but getting it correct would be possible as well in a similar manner.
A correct multidimentional enumerator could be represented with a temporary state object
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
class Space a b where
slice :: a -> ([b], a)
instance Space [a] a where
slice (l:ls) = ([l], ls)
slice [] = ([], [])
instance (Space sp x) => Space ([sp], [sp]) x where
slice (fs, b:bs) = let
ss = map slice (b : fs)
yield = concat $ map fst ss
in (yield, (map snd ss, bs))
Here an N dimensional space is represented by a tuple of lists of N-1 dimensional subspaces that have and haven't been touched by the enumeration.
You can then use the following to produce a well ordered list
enumerate :: (Space sp x) => sp -> [x]
enumerate sp = let (sl, sp') = slice sp
in sl ++ enumerate sp'
Example in Ideone.
The omega package does exactly what you want and guarantees that every element will be eventually visited:
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Omega
main = print . take 200 . runOmega $
(,,) <$> each [0..] <*> each [0..] <*> each [0..]
Another option would be to use LogicT. It gives more flexibility (if you need) and has operations such as (>>-) that ensure that every combination is eventually encountered.
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Logic
-- | Convert a list into any MonadPlus.
each :: (MonadPlus m) => [a] -> m a
each = msum . map return
-- | A fair variant of '(<*>)` that ensures that both branches are explored.
(<#>) :: (MonadLogic m) => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
(<#>) f k = f >>- (\f' -> k >>- (\k' -> return $ f' k'))
infixl 4 <#>
main = print . observeMany 200 $
(,,) <$> each [0..] <#> each [0..] <#> each [0..]
