Taking the three functions below, implemented in Haskell and Clojure respectively:
f :: [Int] -> Int
f = foldl1 (+) . map (*7) . filter even
(defn f [coll]
(partial reduce +)
(partial map #(* 7 %)
(partial filter even?)) coll))
(defn f [coll]
(filter even?)
(map #(* 7 %)))
+ coll))
when they are applied to a list like [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] they all return 42. I know the machinery behind the first 2 is similar since map is lazy in Clojure, but the third one uses transducers. Could someone show the intermediate steps for the execution of these functions?
The intermediate steps between the second and third example are the same for this specific example. This is due to the fact that map and filter are implemented as lazy transformations of a sequence into a sequence, as you’re no-doubt already aware.
The transducer versions of map and filter are defined using the same essential functionality as the not-transducer versions, except that the way they “conj" (or not, in the case of filter) onto the result stream is defined elsewhere. Indeed, if u look at the source for map, there are explicit data-structure construction functions in use, whereas the transducer variant uses no such functions -- they are passed in via rf. Explicitly using cons in the non-transducer versions means they're always going to be dealing with sequences
IMO, the main benefit of using transducers is that you have the ability to define the process that you're doing away from the thing which will use your process. Therefore perhaps a more interesting rewrite of your third example may be:
(def process (comp (filter even)
(map #(* 7 %))))
(defn f [coll] (transduce process + collection))
Its an exercise to the application author to decide when this sort of abstraction is necessary, but it can definitely open an opportunity for reuse.
It may occur to you that you can simply rewrite
(defn process [coll]
(partial map #(* 7 %)
(partial filter even?)) coll))
(reduce + (process coll))
And get the same effect; this is true. When your input is always a sequence (or always the same kind of stream / you know what kind of stream it will be) there's arguably not a good reason to create a transducer. But the power of reuse can be demonstrated here (assume process is a transducer)
(chan 1 process) ;; an async channel which runs process on all inputs
(into [] process coll) ;; writing to a vector
(transduce + process coll) ;; your goal
The motivation behind transducers was essentially to stop having to write new collection functions for different collection types. Rich Hickey mentions his frustration writing functions like map< map> mapcat< mapcat>, and so on in the core async library -- what map and mapcat are, is already defined, but because they assume that they operate on sequences (that explicit cons I linked above), they cant be applied to asnychronous channels. But channels can supply their own rf in the transducer version to let them reuse these functions.
Haskell newbie here. It is my observation that:
zip and zip3 are important functions - the are included in the Prelude, implemented by many other languages, represent a common operation in mathematics(transposition)
not generic with respect to parameter structure
easy to implement in traditional languages - C or C++ (say 20 hours work); python already has it as a build-in
Why is zip so restricted? Is there an abstraction, generalizing it? Something wrong with n-sized tuples?
Because the suggested duplicates answer most of this, I will focus on the questions in your followup comment.
1) why is the standard implementation for fixed n = 2
zipWith is for 2 arguments, and repeat is for 0 arguments. This is enough to get arbitrary-arity zips. For example, the 1 argument version (also called map) can be implemented as
map f = zipWith ($) (repeat f)
and the 3 argument version as
zipWith3 f = (.) (zipWith ($)) . zipWith f
and so on. There is a pretty pattern to the implementations of larger zips (admittedly not obvious from this small sample size). This result is analogous to the one in CT which says that any category with 0-ary and 2-ary products has all finitary products.
The other half of the answer, I suppose, is that type-level numbers (which are the most frequent implementation technique for arbitrary-arity zips) are possible but annoying to use, and avoiding them tends to reduce both term- and type-level noise.
2) I need to pass the number of lists, that's unwieldy
Use ZipList. You don't need to pass the number of lists (though you do need to write one infix operator per list -- a very light requirement, I think, as even in Python you need a comma between each list).
Empirically: I have not found arbitrary-arity zips such a common need that I would label it "unwieldy".
3) even if I define my own zip, there will be collisions with Prelude.zip.
So pick another name...?
Because the type signatures would be different, for example the type signatures of zip and zip3 are different:
zip :: [a] -> [b] ->[(a,b)]
zip3:: [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [(a,b,c)]
zip3 takes one more argument than zip and secondly the type, and haskell does not allow you to have a polymorphism with different numbers of arguments because of currying. Here is an explanation of what currying is on SO.
I'm reading The Joy of Clojure, and in the section about paralellization, the functions pvalues, pmap and pcalls are explained, with a brief example of how each one is used. Below are the examples given for pvalues and pcalls:
(defn sleeper [s thing] (Thread/sleep (* 1000 s)) thing)
(sleeper 2 :1st)
(sleeper 3 :2nd)
(keyword "3rd"))
#(sleeper 2 :1st)
#(sleeper 3 :2nd)
#(keyword "3rd"))
I understand the technical difference between the two -- pvalues takes a variable number of "values" to be computed, whereas pcalls takes "an arbitrary number of functions taking no arguments," to be called in parallel. In both cases, a lazy sequence of the results is returned.
My question is essentially, when would you use one vs. the other? It seems like the only semantic difference is that you stick a # before each argument to pcalls, turning it into an anonymous function. So, purely from the perspective of saving keystrokes and having simpler code, wouldn't it make more sense to just use pvalues? -- and if so, why even have a pcalls function?
I get that with pcalls, you can substitute a symbol referring to a function, but if you wanted to use such a function with pvalues, you could just put the function in parentheses so that it is called.
I'm just a little confused as to why Clojure has these 2 functions that are so similar. Is there anything that you can do with one, but not the other? Some contrived examples might be helpful.
pvalues is a convienience macro around pcalls, though because macros are not first class it can't be composed or passed around in the same way a function can. Here is an example where only pcalls works:
user> (defn sleeper [s thing] (Thread/sleep (* 1000 s)) thing)
user> (def actions [#(sleeper 2 :1st) #(sleeper 3 :2nd) #(keyword "3rd")])
user> (apply pcalls actions)
(:1st :2nd :3rd)
user> (apply pvalues actions)
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't take value of a macro: #'clojure.core/pvalues, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:1:1)
It's important when designing APIs in clojure that you don't restrict the users to only interacting with your library through macros because then they get caught on limitations such as this.
I've seen many examples in functional languages about processing a list and constructing a function to do something with its elements after receiving some additional value (usually not present at the time the function was generated), such as:
Calculating the difference between each element and the average
(the last 2 examples under "Lazy Evaluation")
Staging a list append in strict functional languages such as ML/OCaml, to avoid traversing the first list more than once
(the section titled "Staging")
Comparing a list to another with foldr (i.e. generating a function to compare another list to the first)
listEq a b = foldr comb null a b
where comb x frec [] = False
comb x frec (e:es) = x == e && frec es
cmp1To10 = listEq [1..10]
In all these examples, the authors generally remark the benefit of traversing the original list only once. But I can't keep myself from thinking "sure, instead of traversing a list of N elements, you are traversing a chain of N evaluations, so what?". I know there must be some benefit to it, could someone explain it please?
Edit: Thanks to both for the answers. Unfortunately, that's not what I wanted to know. I'll try to clarify my question, so it's not confused with the (more common) one about creating intermediate lists (which I already read about in various places). Also thanks for correcting my post formatting.
I'm interested in the cases where you construct a function to be applied to a list, where you don't yet have the necessary value to evaluate the result (be it a list or not). Then you can't avoid generating references to each list element (even if the list structure is not referenced anymore). And you have the same memory accesses as before, but you don't have to deconstruct the list (pattern matching).
For example, see the "staging" chapter in the mentioned ML book. I've tried it in ML and Racket, more specifically the staged version of "append" which traverses the first list and returns a function to insert the second list at the tail, without traversing the first list many times. Surprisingly for me, it was much faster even considering it still had to copy the list structure as the last pointer was different on each case.
The following is a variant of map which after applied to a list, it should be faster when changing the function. As Haskell is not strict, I would have to force the evaluation of listMap [1..100000] in cachedList (or maybe not, as after the first application it should still be in memory).
listMap = foldr comb (const [])
where comb x rest = \f -> f x : rest f
cachedList = listMap [1..100000]
doubles = cachedList (2*)
squares = cachedList (\x -> x*x)
-- print doubles and squares
-- ...
I know in Haskell it doesn't make a difference (please correct me if I'm wrong) using comb x rest f = ... vs comb x rest = \f -> ..., but I chose this version to emphasize the idea.
Update: after some simple tests, I couldn't find any difference in execution times in Haskell. The question then is only about strict languages such as Scheme (at least the Racket implementation, where I tested it) and ML.
Executing a few extra arithmetic instructions in your loop body is cheaper than executing a few extra memory fetches, basically.
Traversals mean doing lots of memory access, so the less you do, the better. Fusion of traversals reduces memory traffic, and increases the straight line compute load, so you get better performance.
Concretely, consider this program to compute some math on a list:
go :: [Int] -> [Int]
go = map (+2) . map (^3)
Clearly, we design it with two traversals of the list. Between the first and the second traversal, a result is stored in an intermediate data structure. However, it is a lazy structure, so only costs O(1) memory.
Now, the Haskell compiler immediately fuses the two loops into:
go = map ((+2) . (^3))
Why is that? After all, both are O(n) complexity, right?
The difference is in the constant factors.
Considering this abstraction: for each step of the first pipeline we do:
i <- read memory -- cost M
j = i ^ 3 -- cost A
write memory j -- cost M
k <- read memory -- cost M
l = k + 2 -- cost A
write memory l -- cost M
so we pay 4 memory accesses, and 2 arithmetic operations.
For the fused result we have:
i <- read memory -- cost M
j = (i ^ 3) + 2 -- cost 2A
write memory j -- cost M
where A and M are the constant factors for doing math on the ALU and memory access.
There are other constant factors as well (two loop branches) instead of one.
So unless memory access is free (it is not, by a long shot) then the second version is always faster.
Note that compilers that operate on immutable sequences can implement array fusion, the transformation that does this for you. GHC is such a compiler.
There is another very important reason. If you traverse a list only once, and you have no other reference to it, the GC can release the memory claimed by the list elements as you traverse them. Moreover, if the list is generated lazily, you always have only a constant memory consumption. For example
import Data.List
main = do
let xs = [1..10000000]
sum = foldl' (+) 0 xs
len = foldl' (\_ -> (+ 1)) 0 xs
print (sum / len)
computes sum, but needs to keep the reference to xs and the memory it occupies cannot be released, because it is needed to compute len later. (Or vice versa.) So the program consumes a considerable amount of memory, the larger xs the more memory it needs.
However, if we traverse the list only once, it is created lazily and the elements can be GC immediately, so no matter how big the list is, the program takes only O(1) memory.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Data.List
main = do
let xs = [1..10000000]
(sum, len) = foldl' (\(!s,!l) x -> (s + x, l + 1)) (0, 0) xs
print (sum / len)
Sorry in advance for a chatty-style answer.
That's probably obvious, but if we're talking about the performance, you should always verify hypotheses by measuring.
A couple of years ago I was thinking about the operational semantics of GHC, the STG machine. And I asked myself the same question — surely the famous "one-traversal" algorithms are not that great? It only looks like one traversal on the surface, but under the hood you also have this chain-of-thunks structure which is usually quite similar to the original list.
I wrote a few versions (varying in strictness) of the famous RepMin problem — given a tree filled with numbers, generate the tree of the same shape, but replace every number with the minimum of all the numbers. If my memory is right (remember — always verify stuff yourself!), the naive two-traversal algorithm performed much faster than various clever one-traversal algorithms.
I also shared my observations with Simon Marlow (we were both at an FP summer school during that time), and he said that they use this approach in GHC. But not to improve performance, as you might have thought. Instead, he said, for a big AST (such as Haskell's one) writing down all the constructors takes much space (in terms of lines of code), and so they just reduce the amount of code by writing down just one (syntactic) traversal.
Personally I avoid this trick because if you make a mistake, you get a loop which is a very unpleasant thing to debug.
So the answer to your question is, partial compilation. Done ahead of time, it makes it so that there's no need to traverse the list to get to the individual elements - all the references are found in advance and stored inside the pre-compiled function.
As to your concern about the need for that function to be traversed too, it would be true in interpreted languages. But compilation eliminates this problem.
In the presence of laziness this coding trick may lead to the opposite results. Having full equations, e.g. Haskell GHC compiler is able to perform all kinds of optimizations, which essentially eliminate the lists completely and turn the code into an equivalent of loops. This happens when we compile the code with e.g. -O2 switch.
Writing out the partial equations may prevent this compiler optimization and force the actual creation of functions - with drastic slowdown of the resulting code. I tried your cachedList code and saw a 0.01s execution time turn into 0.20s (don't remember right now the exact test I did).
I'm playing around with Haskell at the moment and thus stumbled upon the list comprehension feature.
Naturally, I would have used a closure to do this kind of thing:
Prelude> [x|x<-[1..7],x>4] -- list comprehension
Prelude> filter (\x->x>4) [1..7] -- closure
I still don't feel this language, so which way would a Haskell programmer go?
What are the differences between these two solutions?
Idiomatic Haskell would be filter (> 4) [1..7]
Note that you are not capturing any of the lexical scope in your closure, and are instead making use of a sectioned operator. That is to say, you want a partial application of >, which operator sections give you immediately. List comprehensions are sometimes attractive, but the usual perception is that they do not scale as nicely as the usual suite of higher order functions ("scale" with respect to more complex compositions). That kind of stylistic decision is, of course, largely subjective, so YMMV.
List comprehensions come in handy if the elements are somewhat complex and one needs to filter them by pattern matching, or the mapping part feels too complex for a lambda abstraction, which should be short (or so I feel), or if one has to deal with nested lists. In the latter case, a list comprehension is often more readable than the alternatives (to me, anyway).
For example something like:
[ (f b, (g . fst) a) | (Just a, Right bs) <- somelist, a `notElem` bs, (_, b) <- bs ]
But for your example, the section (>4) is a really nice way to write (\a -> a > 4) and because you use it only for filtering, most people would prefer ANthonys solution.
I'm working on a small concept project in Haskell which requires a circular buffer. I've managed to create a buffer using arrays which has O(1) rotation, but of course requires O(N) for insertion/deletion. I've found an implementation using lists which appears to take O(1) for insertion and deletion, but since it maintains a left and right list, crossing a certain border when rotating will take O(N) time. In an imperative language, I could implement a doubly linked circular buffer with O(1) insertion, deletion, and rotation. I'm thinking this isn't possible in a purely functional language like Haskell, but I'd love to know if I'm wrong.
If you can deal with amortized O(1) operations, you could probably use either Data.Sequence from the containers package, or Data.Dequeue from the dequeue package. The former uses finger trees, while the latter uses the "Banker's Dequeue" from Okasaki's Purely Functional Data Structures (a prior version online here).
The ST monad allows to describe and execute imperative algorithms in Haskell. You can use STRefs for the mutable pointers of your doubly linked list.
Self-contained algorithms described using ST are executed using runST. Different runST executions may not share ST data structures (STRef, STArray, ..).
If the algorithm is not "self contained" and the data structure is required to be maintained with IO operations performed in between its uses, you can use stToIO to access it in the IO monad.
Regarding whether this is purely functional or not - I guess it's not?
It sounds like you might need something a bit more complicated than this (since you mentioned doubly-linked lists), but maybe this will help. This function acts like map over a mutable cyclic list:
mapOnCycling f = concat . tail . iterate (map f)
Use like:
*Main> (+1) `mapOnCycling` [3,2,1]
And here's one that acts like mapAccumL:
mapAccumLOnCycling f acc xs =
let (acc', xs') = mapAccumL f acc xs
in xs' ++ mapAccumLOnCycling f acc' xs'
Anyway, if you care to elaborate even more on what exactly your data structure needs to be able to "do" I would be really interested in hearing about it.
EDIT: as camccann mentioned, you can use Data.Sequence for this, which according to the docs should give you O1 time complexity (is there such a thing as O1 amortized time?) for viewing or adding elements both to the left and right sides of the sequence, as well as modifying the ends along the way. Whether this will have the performance you need, I'm not sure.
You can treat the "current location" as the left end of the Sequence. Here we shuttle back and forth along a sequence, producing an infinite list of values. Sorry if it doesn't compile, I don't have GHC at the moment:
shuttle (viewl-> a <: as) = a : shuttle $ rotate (a+1 <| as)
where rotate | even a = rotateForward
| otherwise = rotateBack
rotateBack (viewr-> as' :> a') = a' <| as'
rotateForward (viewl-> a' <: as') = as' |> a'