How to pass custom variable to partial in hexo? - web

I want to create an alternating layout using the static site generator hexo – the text of every second post on an overview page should be on the right.
The partial I’m using needs to pass on a custom variable like textOrientation = "left" to the partial function.
<%site.tags.findOne({name: 'featured'}).posts.sort('date', -1).limit(5).each(function(post, index) {%>
<%- partial('_partial/project-excerpt', {item: post}) %>
<% })%>
The template project_excerp.ejs then needs to generate the according classes bases on the passed variable.
My template (project_excerp.ejs):
<a class="???" href="/project/<%= item.slug %>"><%= item.title %></a>
So the questions are:
How can I extend the post variable with my own variable textOrientation and
How can I use an if then else in my project_excerp.ejs-template?

Okay, found a solution myself.
<%site.tags.findOne({name: 'featured'}).posts.sort('date', -1).limit(5).each(function(post, index) {%>
<% if(index % 2 === 0) { %>
<% post.textOrientation = "left"; %>
<% } else { %>
<% post.textOrientation = "right"; %>
<% } %>
<%- partial('_partial/project-excerpt', {item: post}) %>
<% var projectInfoClass = "ta-right"; %>
<% if(item.textOrientation === "right") {%>
<% projectInfoClass = "ta-left"; %>
<% } %>
<a class="<%= projectInfoClass %>" href="/project/<%= item.slug %>"><%= item.title %></a>
Also helpful to read the EJS-docs.


ejs array in an object

Here is the code in nodejs(express):
response.redirect('file',{test: [{name:'sarah',arr:[1,2,3]},{name:'beck',arr: [2,3,4]}]
Now I want to access the 'arr' for every name in the array of objects.In ejs file:
<% test.forEach(index,item){ %>
<p><%= item.arr %></p>
<% }) %>
This is printed as 1,2,3 and 2,3,4 but I want the answer to be [1,2,3] and [2,3,4].Can someone help?
You can use a for .. of loop to iterate over all entries of test and then use JSON.stringify on the entries' arr property:
<% for(const testData of test){ %>
<%= JSON.stringify(testData.arr) %>
<% } %>

In Nodejs, how can i check params in Ejs render

I want to display another view if there is :id in Semantic URL
app.get(['/topic', '/topic/:id'], function(req, res){
id =
res.render('view',{topics:rows, topic:row[0]}
res.render('view', {topics:rows}
and view.ejs
for(var i = 0; i < topics.length; i++){
<li><%= topics[0].title%></li>
<% if(topic) {%>
<%= topic.description %>
<%} else {%>
<% } %>
it did works correctly when i connect to localhost:3000/topic/1
but when i connect to localhost:3000/topic
console said topic is not defined
what is the problem?
When i use
res.render('views', {topics:rows, topic:''}
it did works correctly
Do i have to use like this?
In view.ejs it is best to check the if condition as follows. Not only in ejs but in entire javascript world
<% if(typeof topic !== 'undefined') {%>
<%= topic.description %>
<%} else {%>
<% } %>
And you can use also use res.render('views', {topics:rows, topic:''}

ejs + nodejs - compare two variables doesn't work

I pass two variables during rendering in nodejs. Let's say they're templates & treeInfo.
In template.ejs I have.
<% for(var i=0; i<templates.length; i++) {%>
<%= templates[i]._id %> = <%= treeInfo.owner[0] %><br>
<% if (templates[i]._id == treeInfo.owner) { %>
<% } %>
<% } %>
So actually if == doesn't work as expected. Here's the output.
59519779f36d284c166f9bea = 5941789e36593262bed9256b
5941789e36593262bed9256b = 5941789e36593262bed9256b
So it doesn't compare them the right way. If I just replace treeInfo.owner with something like '5941789e36593262bed9256b', it does work fine.
I assume ejs doesn't support variables comparation?
Variable type can't understand.That's why toString() is required.
<% for(var i=0; i<templates.length; i++) {%>
<%= templates[i]._id %> = <%= treeInfo.owner[0] %><br>
<% if (templates[i]._id.toString() == treeInfo.owner.toString()) { %>
__append('Hello World');
<% } %>
To compare two objects / variables in EJS, as well as in nodejs
console.log("Both are equal");

How to get all locals in Express view

I am trying to figure out a way to get access to all the app.locals in the views. In my app.js I have
app.locals.title = "Title" = "Page 1"
This is good, and in the views, I can access each with
<%= title %>
<%= page %>
However, is there a way (without doing something like to get all the locals in the view so I can do something like this:
<% for(var i=0; i < locals.length; i ++ ){ %>
<li><%= locals[i] %></li>
<% } %>
You have to explitly pass it:
res.locals.locals = res.locals;
Then in the view:
<%= locals %>

Does EJS handle

I am passing an array of objects to an EJS template, which I would like to map into links using the regular .map() method of arrays. But for reasons I can't figure out, the callback I'm passing to map() doesn't work within EJS the way I'd expect, and I'm getting empty results.
My data is an array of objects, each with a "section" and a "name" key. This array is passed as "entries" to the template:
siteHeaders = [ { section: "home", name: "Home"},
{ section: "about", name: "About Me"},
... plus few more ]
The template looks like this, and I have it in a local variable called (surprise) template:
<% entries = { -%>
<% return -%>
<a href="/<%= elem.section %>">
<%= %>
<% } ) -%>
<p><%- entries.join(" | ") %></p>
The result of this template, when I call require('ejs').render(template, {entries: siteHeaders}) is:
<p> | | | | </p>
What I don't get is why this doesn't work in an EJS template, when the corresponding map call works just fine in REPL:
>{ return '' + + '' })
[ 'Home',
'About Me',
'Contact' ]
Any clues?
This code should work:
<% entries = {
return '' + + '';
}) -%>
<p><%- entries.join(" | ") %></p>
You can't use simple html inside of functions. It's possible only in loops and conditions.
It's not as clean as join(' | '), but if you don't want to concatenate, you can do this:
<% entries.forEach(function(entry, i, entries){ %>
<%= %>
<%= i == entries.length-1 ? ' | ' : '' %>
<% } %>
I didn't manage to use map in EJS, but I found a way that at least for me is easy too
<% for (item of toDoList) { %>
<li> <%= item %> </li>
<% } %>
