Datastax Enterprise Installation on Virtual Box CentOS - cassandra

Can anyone please guide me step by step installation one by one for Datastax Enterprise Installation on Virtual Box CentOS .
I checked Datastax Documentation , but getting little bit confused in few steps and due to which I am not satisfied. Also checked other resources but not able to understand completely.
So Help me to know installation process one by one with all basis steps.
Thanks in advance .

You may have an easier time using OpsCenter's Lifecycle Manager to deploy DSE. (Disclaimer, I am a Lifecycle Manager dev so am biased.)
First you need to install OpsCenter in a separate VM or Centos box. If you're able to get through the Java install and yum repository setup parts of DSE setup, this won't be difficult:
Then run an install job from LCM: Example the pre-requisite section of that page carefully. It will show you the things you need to do in LCM to get ready to run the job, it's all point-and-click, though.
The only pre-requisites on your target DSE machine are "python" (usually installed by default) and for the minute "which", though we'll be removing that dependency in an upcoming version.
Note at the end of this process, you'll need to provide cqlsh an IP address, username, and password to connect to the cluster... even when making a "local" connection from your DSE vm. For example: "cqlsh -u cassandra -p the-password-you-chose-during-lcm-install"


Installing Anaconda on Linux VM Instance on Google Cloud Platform

I have provisioned a VM (ubuntu-minimal-1804) on google cloud platform. I want to install anaconda3 and run jupyter notebooks on it. I lack the Computer Science/ IT background and hence tried to follow the online resources. I am finding it difficult install the anaconda3 and jupyter on the VM despite following these sources. Can anyone help me with this? I would really appreciate if anyone can provide me with step-by-step guide.
Note: These are the links that I followed but failed to install anaconda
Thank you in advance
The steps that you have followed should be applicable to your Ubuntu 18.04 LTS VM (with the official image and default setup), after locating it in your instances list and clicking on the SSH button.
Despite the "minimal" images lacking some of the commonly-used utilities in Ubuntu, I could test the commands in the guide in a new VM from the ubuntu-minimal-1804-lts image family and managed to successfully install Anaconda3, except for the VSCode installation that seemed to have an outdated server connection check.
I would also recommend trying the latest installer for Anaconda3 that's available in the repo archive instead, as the one in the guide is a bit outdated:
$ curl -O
$ rm -rf ~/anaconda3 # (clear previous attempted installation first, if any)
$ bash
In any case, as suggested by John Hanley, feel free to comment below or edit your question with any errors that you might get.

Cassandra is active (exited) after starting

I am trying to get Cassandra to work on Linux Mint and I follow these instructions on Youtube ( They are the same like in the documentation:
JRE is openjdk version 1.8.0_242.
Cassandra is version 3.11.
My system is Linux Mint 19.3.
After starting Cassandra, I get this in my console:
There seems to be two problems, although I think if I fix one, I fix both:
(1) after "sudo service cassandra status" --> active (exited) should be active (running)
(2) after "nodetool status" --> Conncetion refused
Any idea? Thanks
I don't know, if this is a common problem or because of my ignorance. I could not make Cassandra work via Debian packages, but the INSTALLATION VIA BINARY TARBALL FILES worked fine on my machine. Here is the link to the official homepage:
You should check listen_address and rpc_address whether it is default or server IP if not you have to update the IP address then try nodetool status with host. It should work.

Unable to install Cassandra cluster from Lifecycle Manager

I am trying to install a cassandra cluster using Lifecycle Manager, but I have this error :
Meld execution failed: Failure to install Java: Could not determine if java installation is necessary. Java must either be installed as a pre-requisite, or it must be configured to to be installed via the java-setup section of a config-profile: Java must either be installed as a pre-requisite, or it must be configured to to be installed via the java-setup section of a config-profile
The problem here is I have already Java installed on the machine:
Can you please give me some ideas about that problem ? Where should I look first ?
If you have Java already installed, just configure OpsCenter to not install it as described in documentation. Go to "Config profiles", select profile to use, find "Java Setup" section, and uncheck the "manage-java" checkbox.

ERROR minimum kernel version required for CoreDNS is 4.14.35 (UEKR5)

I'm trying to setup High available Kubernetes cluster on ORL7 with kernel version as "3.10.0-514.10.2.el7.x86_64". All the pre requisites have been performed as per the link "".
Now when bringing up the cluster with the below command:
$ kubeadm-ha-setup up ~/ha.yaml
I'm getting below error:
[ERROR] minimum kernel version required for CoreDNS is 4.14.35 (UEKR5)
It worked for kubeadm (below command) but i want to know how to acheive the same in kubeadm-ha-setup.
$ kubeadm-ha-setup up ~/ha.yaml --feature-gates=CoreDNS=false
I can't upgade kernel version and using latest supported by our organization.
It seems that you can't. As per documentation "Requirements to Use Oracle Container Services for use with Kubernetes" and "Replacement of KubeDNS with CoreDNS"
A future version of Oracle Linux Container Services for use with Kubernetes will migrate existing single master clusters from KubeDNS to CoreDNS. CoreDNS requires an Oracle Linux 7 Update 5 image or later with the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 5 (UEK R5).
Existing Oracle Linux Container Services for use with Kubernetes 1.1.9 installations may already run on an Oracle Linux 7 Update 3 image, with Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 4 (UEK R4), but you must upgrade your environment to permit future product upgrades.
kubeadm-ha-setup up ~/ha.yaml --feature-gates=CoreDNS=false

Hadoop multi-node cluster manual installation over Ubuntu 14.04

I am a newcomer to Hadoop. For my College project we are given 4 VMs. I need to configure a multi-mode Hadoop cluster on this ( 1 master 3 slaves) and run my webapp on it. I would be using HBase in my project. Usually CentOS is used for installation and deployment of HDP, whereas I was given ubuntu. I cannot use Apache ambari plugin for installation as it is not supported in Ubuntu. I need to manually deploy them, Hence I tried looking out for tutorials.
I looked out for a tutorial to install HDP multinode clusters on ubuntu and found this []
But its too outdated (2010)
I have the official documentation here, but I am not able to follow it properly.
[] and I tried following them.
Could someone suggest me somelinks which are latest, a tutorial with decent amount of screenshots for installation of multinode clusters over Ubuntu 14.04 ( 12.04 is also fine).
Thanks a lot!!
The Michael Noll tutorial is too old, I think. I found this site:
I have a mini cluster (with 5 slaves and a master) in my University Lab. Ubuntu 12.04 and Hadoop 2.5.0 is there. Furthermore, I have a VM cluster in my laptop (2 slaves and a master) of Hadoop 1.2.1 on Ubuntu 12.04 too.
But I couldn't install Hadoop (any version) in Ubuntu 14.04. I don't remember the cause, but I think it was some problem with Java version (I don't check that).
I hope that help you!
I can across the same issue to install HDP 2.2 on Ubuntu 14.04, and found a solution.
I documented everything here:
In a nutshell, the magic happens here:
sed -e "s/14.04/12.04/g" -i /etc/*-release
And the you can install or restart ambari-agent, it will be able to communicate with ambari-server.
