Multiple instances of node.js on one machine and npm - node.js

Today I'm installed Node.js first time on my Fedora 24 via downloading tar with latest version, then it was unpacked in some directory on my computer.
Next, I'm tried to install globally package http-server for playing with it. But access denied error occurs. It happens because on my Fedora already installed nodejs as dependency of some other packages, well, do not care about it.
And npm-cli.js executed via node, which it finds via env node command, and it finds system node, but I need to execute npm by my node, which installed in some other directory.
How to do this?

Two solutions include:
Using nvm
Manually changing the order of your $PATH so that the path for the version of node you want to use for your session comes before the path for the system copy.


'npm install -g typescript' doesn't install correctly on windows (missing tsc.cmd)

Global install of typescript doesn't appear to install correctly on windows.
Steps to reproduce:
.Using node v16.16.0 (64bit)
.Then 'npm install -g typescript'
.I can confirm environment path variables contain:
'C:\Users{MyUserName}\AppData\Roaming\npm' and
'C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules'
The node_modules/typescript/bin folder appears a follows:
As seen, a tsc file does exist, however the expected tsc.cmd doesn't.
This is required for windows to execute.
My assumption is this must be system or permissions problem whereby node can't create the tsc.cmd, not necessarily and issue with the
typescript package
Image for reference:
Additional notes:
I have also tested this on 10.24.1 using nvm, this is now uninstalled
I have ran these steps on another machine, without problems countless
I have uninstalled (completely) nvm and node before attempting this
multiple times.
I have performed a complete system search for tsc.cmd I do have
wsl installed, perhaps there is some interference there?
Results from suggestions this far:
Running locally on a project (Niceman)
I think this is an issue more related to your node path in your environment variables. To test this, install something else globally, like sass for example.
Then you can try sass --version. If it doesn't work the it's probably that your node path is messed up. You can try uninstalling node and reinstall it with the last LTS installing file from the official site. Then you can try to installing typescript again. If that doesn't work you'll need to open the environment variables and check your path for node modules.
Another possible solution is to try using another command line, because maybe a Powershell config is messing up this things. You can try installing git bash. It's not the best, but works.
Solution: use yarn!
As mentioned, I am missing tsc.cmd whatever method I choose (win 11). Who knows what the cause is.
By using yarn :
Delete the dudd folder under your node_modules folder from any npm attempts
yarn global remove typescript
yarn global add typescript
add 'C:\Users{yourUserName}\AppData\Local\Yarn\Data\global\node_modules.bin' to your path
As mentiond, you now have the required tsc.cmd:
What a ride ey!

LESS instalation - node file does not exist on Linux

I'm trying to install LESS css in Netbeans, but I'm running into one problem after another. As such, I already have LESS installed, but I can't get it running.
Less is installed via the npm package, I installed it using the packaging system, less itself via Terminal. The first problem I had was that despite a successful installation, Netbeans didn't get to the files he needed (usr/local/), I could either change permissions there, which I don't want to dig into, or change the location. So I changed the location of the .npm and .npm-global folders to my root (home/ivet/), from where Netbeans managed to load it.
So I set everything there, the general settings and the specific project and it looked fine.
I want it to be converted to css automatically after saving, but it throws the message "/usr/bin/env:"node": Directory or file does not exist" and the target css file is still empty.
I found a few advices, basically the same: "ln -s /usr/bin/node/ usr/local/bin/nodejs", but it tells me that the link already exists and nothing will solve it. On closer inspection, I found that the link does exist, but the target file does not exist.
I've also found that installing Nodejs legacy solves this, but this is an older piece of advice, the package no longer exists, and terminal pretends to have the packages that replace this installed. Even when searching for via grep, I couldn't find the file it should link to (neither node nor nodejs).
There are the same tips everywhere that don't work for me and I don't know what to try next. I use Linux Mint 20, but I call myself a Linux BFU, so please write answer step by step :-D
Thanks for the advice
Try completely removing NodeJS & npm and try to install NodeJS using nvm i.e., node version manager.
You can follow this link on how to install nodejs and npm using nvm.
It's always a tedious task sometimes when it comes to package managment with npm, so it's better to go with nvm and I strongly suggest to always have a fallback option for node version when using with or without nvm i.e.,
NodeJS LTS version & NodeJS latest/stable version.
There's also an alternative solution i.e.,you can try switching to yarn package manager.
I've had this issue on Ubuntu and I've resolved it likes this:
First of all I've removed node and npm packages via
sudo aptitude remove node npm
Then I've added the official repositories
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
After which I've just updated the list of packages with sudo aptitude update and then installed Node
sudo aptitude install nodejs npm
And that was it. With these steps done, everything just started to work.

How Can Knex (or Any NPM Package) Run a Different Version of Node?

I'm trying to use Knex's seed:run command (ie. npx knex seed:run), and inside my seed file I've added this line, which logs the version of Node that it's being run with:
Now, if I run that exact same line of code in the Node command prompt itself (node), I get:
Similarly, when I run node --version it correctly returns v14.2.0.
However, when Knex runs my seed file, I instead see:
Can anyone explain how/why Knex is using a different version of Node, and how I can make it stop?
P.S. I've tried wiping my node_modules folder out and re-installing via npm i, but Knex continues to use an old Node somehow. Knex itself is installed at the latest version (0.21.1).
This may happen if you have a global installation that runs in privileged account (root), and a local installation to current user.
It is possible you are using some node versioning tool to manage nodejs versions, it creates a symbolic link to a managed version of node that overrides the default configuration. There are many tools that does that like nvm, n.
Danizavtz's answer didn't solve thigns for me, but it did point me in the right direction. I realized that I did have two versions of Node: one installed by Linux (using apt-get), and one I'd installed myself (to get a newer version of Node).
The solution for me was to remove the system version of Node with:
sudo apt-get remove node
That left me with a working Node ... but it removed my npm. I guess I could have just re-installed everything, but since I already had node and just needed npm, I downloaded the latest Node installation and used the node in it to install npm. I did this both with and without sudo (I'm not sure if doing it without sudo was even necessary, as it didn't fix things):
sudo ~/node-v14.3.0-linux-x64/bin/node ~/node-v14.3.0-linux-x64/bin/npm i -g npm
After that I finally got the expected Node version when I ran npx/npm!

Is it possible to install global node packages offline?

I need to be able to install the carto module on an offline server. Is there a way that I could package up carto with all of its dependencies, and install it on a server that has no connection to the internet.
The server won't have an initial connection, and will have npm and node installed from a .deb archive.
I've tried using npm-offline, as well as npm-offline-packer. These both require that I have an npm registry or a node project.
I'm hoping to have a start script that can run the required commands and get all packages installed. So far, I'm able to install all ubuntu software, just stuck on node.
An alternative would be installing it in another machine and copying the package(s) you want inside npm's global node_modules.
npm config get prefix
Gets the path to where it is installed. node_modules are usually under lib/ folder. Module executables could be located under bin/. Having both should be enough to use your global module in another machine.
Since you're looking for a start script the steps you need are:
Getting npm prefix via npm config get prefix
Go to that path
Copy executables you want under bin/ i.e. carto#
Copy content you want from lib/node_modules i.e. lib/node_modules/carto
Apply to the machine you want using the same steps described here

Install NodeJS package without npm

How to install NodeJS package (like grunt-cli) manually without using npm?
I have installed Windows 10 with "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows".
I have successfully installed NodeJS + Grunt in the "normal" Windows environment without Bash.
NodeJS is installed in the bash environment (Linux-subsystem)
Grunt is not yet installed in the (Linux-subsystem)
Background (why):
My colleague's grunt tasks was developed for an Ubuntu environment and calls bash commands directly which obviously does not work in a "normal" Windows environment. This is an experiment to see if it is possible to run his grunt tasks in "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows" however, I am stuck on the part where npm tries to download the packages (network libraries are not yet supported by Linux-subsystem so commands like curl does not work).
I am hoping to "skip" the download part of npm by manually copying the downloaded version from the Windows environment (or GitHub) into the "node_modules" directory in the Linux-subsystem.
However, I do not know how to configure npm that there was a new package added and that it may use that package now.
You can copy all the packages you need with dependencies into node_modules directory and it will work fine.
I think the best way is install packages using npm on a "normal" computer. Then copy the node_modules directory on "normal" computer to your target directory.
Pre-built installer is now available in all platforms in the official website
You no need to install modules when node_module dir is available. If project is cloned from version control (GIT) Repository or node_modules folder is not available you should run below command
npm install
Otherwise you need to insert node_modules manually to your project.
you can also download node_modules from other computer and copy modules to your project
npm install --save <PACKAGE NAME>
Then you can find you dependency modules in your console folder.copy those files to your folder.
