How combine 2 web apps under one domain - azure

I have 2 ASP.NET core projects, first one lets call it Test which contains angular SPA, and the second one Test.API which exposes a RESTfull API to the angular app, now i'm deploying 2 apps to Azure web apps under custom domain.
Test is:
Test.API is
My problems is that any call from my angular app causing an additional OPTIONS request (delay) that i want to eliminate, by rewriting request (Not redirect) that points to* to*.
And also keeping 2 different web apps.
Tried to use - IIS URL Rewrite module but without any luck, can someone provide me with working example or suggest other way to accomplish this.

Please try to use Azure Web App Virtual Directory. Refer to this article to know how to deploy multiple virtual directories to a single Azure Website. Please try to deploy Test web app to the root project, and deploy Test.API to the virtual directory. After this, we can use to access the root web app, use to access the web app existed in virtual directory.


How to host multiple applications in the same Azure Web App Service?

I would to host two ASP.NET Core Applications, a Web API and a Blazor Server App, but I searched in the internet and the answers that I founded only target to a different path inside of one application, that's not my case. I would to use they like a sub-address of the same Azure Web App for example: and where each one will be a different .NET Core application. So I suspect that I'll need to create two Azure App Services and try to communicate they both, but maybe the structured that I wonder won't work in this way, it's that right? How I can do this?
I have the same setup as you; an ASP.NET Core web API, and a Blazor Server Side app.
As you want to use the same domain for both services, you would have to use Azure API Management or some other proxy if you were to route requests to two different Azure App Services.
An easier option is to deploy both services to the same App Service, but as different virtual applications. You publish your Blazor app as normal, but for the Web API you would publish to a new virtual application /api.
To enable this virtual application, navigate to Configuration and then Path mappings in your App Service. Here you already have the default virtual application / pointing to site\wwwroot. You then add another virtual application named /api pointing to site\wwwroot\api:
When adding the virtual application, remember to remove checkbox for Directory (making it a virtual application instead), and optionally enable Preload:
If you publish your app using Azure DevOps Pipeline, it has an option to specify virtual application if another than default should be used.
You can now navigate to your two different URLs and hit each service. Note that when developing your Web API, you should not add api to your controllers routes, as this virtual application does that for you.

Azure: Publish a separated web API project in the same domain to another web app

When I have an ASP.NET web app with some API controllers that has a route /api for example, I can publish the app to Azure Web App and use the api by accessing
However, when I separate a web API part from the web app project, I have to publish the web API project to new domain like I want to integrate the web API project to the web app just as I did with one combined project.
Is this possible?
If you want to combine multiple APIs, you should take a look at Azure API Management.
I doubt that you can publish multiple APIs into a single Web API since both requires a startup where you configure the host.
What you can do to cleanup your code is to outsource the controller into different assemblies and configure them in the middleware. Here is an example.
Martin Brandl's answer is spot on. But if you want to go the poor man's route, you can create a reverse proxy from your ASP.NET Web App and map app traffic from to This is not a HTTP 30x redirect - the URL will not change for users hitting your /apiV2. I've personally used this approach because the Azure API Management service can get a little pricey. If you don't need the sexy features like throttling, this can be a good way to go.

How do I host a public static site as a web app?

I want the url to display default.html
From this question I understand that the easiest way is still to create a web app.
[How not to do it]
I tried creating a solution in VS2017
File->New ->Project -> .Net Core -> Asp.Net Core Web Application-> Empty
Then I moved my static files into wwwroot and deployed
What do I need to change so that default.html will load when someone goes to the site?
At the moment if I remove the Program class I get a message
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS5001 Program does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point
which is understandable since it is a web application , how do I change it to be a static web site?
[A better way, create the app in Azure.]
Instead of the above method I created a new web app and followed the advise at this question to paste in index.html.
I can now go to the Azure url for the site and the correct content displays.
Next I need to get to work.
I added the CName record for www in my DNS with the url for the site, and I also went to Custom Domains in Azure to add my domain name.
However I get the following error when I go to my site.
Error 404 - Web app not found.
The web app you have attempted to reach is not available in this Microsoft Azure App Service region. This could be due to one of several reasons:
1. The web app owner has registered a custom domain to point to the Microsoft Azure App Service, but has not yet configured Azure to recognize it. Click here to read more.
When an app owner wants to use a custom domain with a Microsoft Azure Web Apps web app, Azure needs to be configured to recognize the custom domain name, so that it can route the request to the appropriate server in the region. After registering the domain with a domain provider and configuring a DNS CNAME record to point to the app's address (for example,, the web app owner also needs to go to the Azure Portal and configure the app for the new domain. Click here to learn more about configuring the custom domains for a web app.
I got it working in the end. I must have missed a step in the documentation

IIS Website with multiple web applications underneath and different ports?

I am relatively new at configuring IIS and am wondering if the following scenario is possible.
My application consists of 2 Web apps. 1 is an ASP.NET Core App that hosts a Javascript SPA. I have a second MVC App that is a combined Authorization Server using OpenIddict and the main API that the SPA talks to.
On my dev machine these 2 apps run on different ports.
These 2 apps go together to make our solution for any given customer. I can get this all working on IIS treating each app as it's own website with it's own port.
But I would like to be able to bundle these 2 apps under 1 website. Ultimately we will have several customer websites and each "website" really consists of these 2 apps bundled together.
I understand that I can create a single website and then convert my 2 existing sites to a web application. So 2 web apps sit under the main web site. But these all will run under the same port.
I would really like my API and Authserver to run on a different port. Is there a way to each this type of scenario?
What is the recommended best practice for what I am describing?
I do not want the API / Auth Server project to be shared by all the customer sites. I want each customer site to have it's own instance of the Authorization server and API.
It would be great if you could create 2 websites and then sort of group them into a parent website container (if that makes any sense).
You can create two applications within your website on IIS. Then each application would be accessed as http://customerwebsite/app1 and http://customerwebsite/app2

How to deploy a WebAPI application and an ASP.NET application in one web site on Azure?

I have two projects: an ASP.NET web application and a WebAPI application.
Web application uses the WebAPI application via AJAX.
To avoid cross domain problem, I want to the two projects deployed under one domain on Azure.
For example: is a web api. is the home page of the site, which calls the web api via AJAX.
Is it possible?
Yes, you can host multiple applications on the one site.
Go to Configuration / Virtual Applications and Directories:
Simply host your app under
/ site\wwwroot
And host your API under
/api site\wwwroot\api
And make sure your API is copied to the api sub-directory.
Make sure you tick the Application box.
