How to develop Android Studio projects with different SDK paths - android-studio

I happened to have two different Android SDK paths for different projects. Every time I launched a project with a different SDK path, Android Studio asked which path to use, and made the path a system-level SDK path. Is it possible to make Android Studio to use the locally defined SDK path by default? This will make developing multiple Android Studio projects with different SDK paths at the same time possible.


Android Emulator Directory is Missing

I have recently come up with coding in dart and using flutter ...
after longtime spending for setting up SDK and stuffs for dart and flutter the only thing I need is an android studio set up and running SDK to it.
I'm actually running on Kali Linux and when I open an android studio I give it the directory file of the Android SDK but it says the folder is empty and there is no SDK (Sth like that ...). But I have downloaded the SDK recently... By the way when i click on next it warns me that the android emulator directory is missing!
Do the emulator or SDK needs a kind of root access !?
is there any way to connect the android SDK to vscode instead of an android studio?
Do android emulator only work on Ubuntu and no response for Debian based ?!
You don't need to download the SDK separately android studio will automatically install it, and you can even choose with version of the SDK you want.
If you haven't gotten that option when installing. Reinstall it form the website!
Not some stupid PPA or app market

Can a development team containing both Windows and Mac users work together on a Flutter app?

I am in a team of 3 for a project. 2 of us are using Windows Laptops and 1 is using a Macbook. Would we be able to work together on a cross-platform mobile application for Android and iOS, using Flutter, Dart and Android Studio?
I've just pulled the first commit from the iOS programmer and it appears to be in C++ rather than dart under an 'ios' folder.
I'm currently working in a project using exclusively Flutter/Dart. I'm on windows and the other two devs are on Mac. I haven't had any issues - I don't see why C++ code would appear if the developer is writing in dart.
Not sure what's with the c++ code but most of your dart code resides in lib/ folder. That's where you would be writing most of your code.
The other programmer could have implemented some other functionality/module in c++ under the ios/ folder of your project. This folder is specific to files necessary to configure and run your application on the IOS platform.

android studio common sdk folder for all users

I am using Android Studio 2.2.3 from two user accounts on Windows 10. Whenever I update plug-ins, it doesn't seem to have updated for all users. How to move make studio point to a common folder that can contain the sdk and apply all updates there?
Android Studio SDK is usually installed under C:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Local\Android\sdk folder. If you want to access it from different user, you should consider installing it on a different drive or configure & move your current SDK to a different drive. That should do the work.
Haven't tried yet but this should surely work.

How to develop MobileFirst shell component using Android Studio

I am trying to understand on how to build a shell component native code on Android with MFP 7.1 using Android Studio instead of ADT.
I got the MyProject/components/ShellComponent/android/native folder created after build the component, but there is no option to Run As > Android Studio project. I wanted to add Java classes to run under src. The ADT version uses a separate project tree, but with Android Studio, there is no separate tree.
I also tried to open native folder as an Android Studio project and it shows an empty project.
I ran the ShellDevelopment sample on Android Studio and it works fine.
Open the project in Eclipse -> Right Click on Android environment -> Run As -> Android Studio Project. When Android Studio is opened DON'T MIGRATE PROJECT TO GRADLE!
Anyway it is not recommended! if you want to make changes - use Eclipse to make these changes.

Android Studio says I don't have Android Support Repository, but I do

I updated Android Studio from 0.2 to 0.2.7 and now I can't use it. When I click on "New Project", click few times next, then finish, I get this error:
so I installed it through SDK manager, but I still keep getting that message! How can I fix this?
The SDK you used to download the Android Support Repository is external (F:\Android\sdk).
By default Android Studio uses it's own internal SDK, located in the \sdk sub-folder of the folder where Android Studio is installed.
In order to use your external SDK you have to configure Android Studio to use it.
Go to File -> Other Settings -> Default Project Structure.
Now add your required platform to the Platform Settings -> SDK section, making sure to use your exernal SDK's path (F:\Android\sdk).
Then set the default Project SDK to the added platform under Project Settings -> Project.
If you want to use the bundled SDK manager, check out this answer for a solution.
