Unable to upload htaccess in codeigniter - .htaccess

I am a complete beginner in Codeigniter. I am facing 2 problems
I am unable to upload htaccess file
If I need to upload where should I upload

Upload it to the root folder.
Also you might need to remove the index.php from the url, if so you have to follow this link.

iF you are begginer, Follow these steps as show in link... https://www.codeigniter.com/userguide3/general/urls.html
Make sure, First mod_rewrite on your serevr. And .htaccess file uploded in root of project. Enjoy codeigniter .


.htaccess on ISS Webserver

I made a TYPO3 Webpage and use the RealURL which is saved in the .htaccess.
Now I want to make this Homepage working on a IIS Webserver and have the problem that the .htaccess does not work properly, because IIS uses the web.config file.
Can anybody tell me what i have to do, so that I can use all the code of the .htaccess file?
Simple google search:
.htaccess or .htpasswd equivalent on IIS?

I don't have .htaccess file for my magento installation. How to get .htaccess file to remove the "index.php" from URL

I don't have my .htaccess file for my magento installation which is by default present for all the fresh magento installation.
Now I have to remove "index.php" from my wesite url and found out htaccess file needs to be edited. But, there is no .htaccess file in my magento root folder.
Also, I have made a lot of changes to the website and don't want to do a fresh installation to get the .htaccess file.
Also, when I access my admin panel it also needs "index.php" in the URL.
Please, can someone help me with this.
To Remove the inde.php from the URL you need to enable Web Server Rewrites.
You can enable Web Server Rewrites suing below steps:
Login in Backend, from Top Navigation click on System >> Configuration >> Web
Select Use Web Server Rewrites to YES in Search Engines Optimization group.
If you need .htaccess file, you can donwload the compatible magento zip file and can use its .htaccess. There is no need to install magento for this.

how to find htaccess file in filezilla

i am looking for .htaccess in Filezilla. But evan after clicking Force showing hidden file in the Server menu. But .htaccess file is still not visible.Any idea?
My website is in asp.net if this make any difference.
You probably don't have a .haccess file in you server.
So, you have to create a htaccess.txt, upload it in your filezilla and rename it .htaccess
Hope this helps you

HTAccess in PHPPennyAuction

I've just had a problem from last few hours. For a client I needed to redirect some urls to other specific urls through his .htaccess files. I just went through his ftp from Filezilla as he has cloud hosting, there wasn't any cpanel. I just had a .htaccess file which contains only 301 redirects, I uploaded it into /content folder.. Then I opened the site and saw it dead, before it it was working fine. Now whenever I open the site I receive this
Upgrade in progress.
Copy changes to updated version(complete 4:45)
Copy settings to updated version(complete 5:00)
Back up whole site.(complete 6:44)
Back up the database(complete 6:45)
Upgrade database(complete 6:49)
Upload new code
If I try to go to /index.php I receive this.
phpPennyAuction is not yet completely installed.
Please check the following:
That both of your .htaccess files are present and correct.
That your server has mod_rewrite installed
That your server is configured with AllowOverride set to All
If you need further assistance, please contact phpPennyAuction Support.
All contents © 2010 Scriptmatix Ltd. phpPennyAuction
Before just putting .htaccess file everything was fine. I just removed my .htaccess file, renamed the cache folder still the same problem. I might pay a little cup of coffee to anyone who helps fixing in this.
P.S Don't advise to ask on their forum, just contact their support the guy unofficially said "I'm not sure what's the problem I will charge 300 USD".
It is a big trouble for me, help appreciated.
I think that when you uploaded the htaccess file you overwrote the htaccess file used by phpPennyAuction.
Try to find the original htaccess file(s) and put them back. They should be in the original "installer" or download.
After that you could put the content of your 301 file a the top of the htaccess.
You need the .htaccess file that is provided in the folder:

CakePHP htaccess modification to allow vBulletin

I'm looking to set-up a vBulletin install next to a CakePHP install. I was planning on just popping the the vB folder into webroot, but when accessing the folder in my browser, it loses the short URL (i.e. it goes from .com/community to .com/app/webroot/community)
Because of this I wanted to put the vB folder into the root of the directory, next to the app directory, so I can access it directly via .com/community - but the htaccess file is getting in the way, complaining that it can't find the community controller.
So my question is this - what edits do I need to make to the htaccess file for it to allow access to the /community folder directly.
Thank you
Add the following line to your .htaccess file:
RewriteRule ^(community).* - [NC,L]
This will allow direct access to the community folder which is in root directory. Accessing http://localhost/community would be possible after adding this rule.
