Preview images in vim explorer - vim

How can I preview images in vim's explorer (the :Explore command)? One of the solutions would be to execute a specific command with the filename under cursor as an argument, but I don't know how to get it. I searched through the help of :Explore, but can't find anything that can help. I know I can do this in other file managers, but I want this functionality inside vim.

The netrw plugin (which provides the :Explore command) has a built-in preview (cp. :help netrw-preview), which uses Vim's preview window. But of course, most image files are binary, so it probably doesn't make sense to open it in Vim itself; you probably want to open this in an external image viewer (like eog).
This is the mapping (in the explorer buffer) that powers the preview:
:nmap <buffer> p
n p *#:<C-U>call <SNR>731_NetrwPreview(<SNR>731_NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,<SNR>731_NetrwGetWord(),1))<CR>
The inner part (<SNR>731_NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,<SNR>731_NetrwGetWord(),1)) yields the full path to the current file. You could use that to launch an external viewer:
:call system('eog ' . shellescape(<SNR>731_NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,<SNR>731_NetrwGetWord(),1)))
Unfortunately, those netrw functions are script-local (and the <SNR>731 part probably is different on your system), so you'd have to directly modify the netrw plugin to add your "external image preview" shortcut, also because the mapping is not a global one, but specially set up by the plugin for its explorer buffer. I can provide you more details if you decide to follow that route. It's also possible to extend the plugin without modifying it, but that's a lot more work.


Opening a file via Vim on GIT

I'm following a tutorial on Uniswap forking (just to learn how this works) and I'm stuck a particular step.
How does one go from:
vim migrations/2_deploy_contracts.js
I'm only able to see:
How do I see the folders and directories ?
The user in that particular video is using the NERDTree plugin for Vim. Vim is very powerful and extensible, and it's possible to load a variety of extensions written in Vimscript to customize the interface, add editor features (such as LSP support), or various other functionality.
They're also using a custom colorscheme which is probably based on the Solarized palette. You can also load a custom colorscheme with the :colorscheme ex command.
There is another thing to notice, besides mentioned NerdTree plugin.
I think you are running your command from the wrong place.
vim migrations/2_deploy_contracts.js
This command tries to open the file set by relative path, or creates a new file, if that does not exist. As we see from your screenshots - the file exists in the tutorial, but it does not exist on your machine (the [+] mark after the filename on the second screenshot shows that).
My guess you need to cd to the right directory first (tutorial project root) and then only run your vim command to open the file.
As for your question about seeing the files and directories, you can do it without NerdTree plugin, using built-in netrw. Just type :Ex in vim normal mode.

Vim :Explore, don't edit file when pressing <Enter>

in Vim, I type :Explore to open the vim browser.
When I press on a directory, I enter the directory as desired.
When I press on a file, I start editing that file. I would like to do something else.
So basically I would like to map to 'enter directory' for directories, and something custom for files.
The netrw plugin allows opening of file in the current window, (vertical) splits, and a remote Vim instance. The closest built-in functionality to what you want is customized browsing with a special handler, which is triggered with the plugin's x mapping; cp. :help netrw-x.
You can customize via an external command, or a Vimscript function that you define (:help netrw_filehandler). In this, you can do "something else", with all the power of Vim to implement it.
As for the distinction between directories and files, this mostly falls flat due to the different keys used. If you need to distinguish in your custom function, the isdirectory() function is there to help.
The NERD tree plugin offers an alternative to netrw, and also offers a similar extension, either via custom mappings, or a menu. As it's mostly a drop-in replacement for netrw (but with additional functionality), it might be worth to check it out before investing too much in customizing netrw.

How to map cmd+s to save all?

I'm developing some front-end project with the help of Yeoman.
I run the developing webserver by grunt serverand, because there is livereload.js in the project, for watching files change and refreshing the webpage, sometimes, I need to modify multiple files for one purpose(.html, .css, .js ...) and it's kind of waste for browser when each file saves.
So is there a way for MacVim, map cmd + s to :wa ?
nnoremap <D-s> :wa in your .vimrc should do the trick.
nnoremap means this mapping is only available in Normal mode, and is not recursive.
:wa means write all, i.e. save all the current open buffers.
If you don't want to use a new mapping, you can simply type :wa to achieve the same things, but this is a matter of preferences only.
I know this is old but I came searching with the same question.
tl;dr: ⌥+⌘+S to save all.
You can, supposedly, map <D-s> to :wa but it's not as simple as adding the mapping to your .gvimrc file. See the third bullet below.
From the MacVim docs:
cmd-key cmd-shortcuts
Creating key mappings that involve the Cmd key ( in Vim notation) can
sometimes be slightly involved. Here are all the things you need to consider:
Make sure the shortcut is not used by a menu item by looking through the
menus. If it is then you need to unbind it before you can map to it. This
is described under the help for the |:macmenu| command.
Bindings to are case sensitive: is not the same as . If
you want to map something to Cmd+Shift+d, then you need to use , not
or .
Some command key shortcuts are reserved by Mac OS X and cannot be mapped to
(e.g. ). However, some of these shortcuts can be freed up in the
System Preferences under Keyboard (e.g. Cmd+Space).
The good news? In trying to sort this out I realized that MacVim is a very courteous MacVim indeed and implements, by default anyway, many standard Mac shortcuts including: ⌥+⌘+S for "Save All". Open MacVim, click the file menu and then hit the option key to see it in action.

Split window in vim to browse files, then open file in original window

I've tried out the NERDTree plugin for vim, and it's very powerful but is probably overkill for what I use it for. I'm not anti-plugin in general, but I don't like relying on plugins when I'm not using them to their full extent.
What I'm really looking for is the ability to open the file browser in a split, similar to how :Sex and :Vex work. I'd select the file I want, which would open in the original window, and the file browser goes away.
Are there any built-in commands that would work this way?
See :help netrw for all the mappings available in :Ex and friends.
The one you want is simply P.
By the way, netrw is also a plugin.

How to navigate in large project in VIM

How do you manage big projects (hundreds of files) using only VIM?
I personally start having problems in any larger than small project.
is there any way to quickly 'go to file', preferably with name completition?
same for 'go to class definition', when it is in another file
I kinda know all the VIM basics, so I don't have problem using it for writing scripts or quick editing some source code. But it gets really messy for me when I have to navigate between files.
VIM has excellent support for tags. Once you have created a tags file for your project, you can jump to a definition or declaration of a method, class, etc., including jumping across files, all inside the same editing session.
:help tags
To generate a tags file for C/C++, go to your shell prompt (I'm assuming your system is *nix/Cygwin) and type
info ctags
ctags --help
I like simple solutions, my favorite way to navigate at the moment is:
Add to ~/.vimrc.local
set path=$PWD/**
Then type this in the editor to find the file anywhere in the current working directory (pwd)
:find user_spec.rb
You can use tab-completion on the filenames to find multiple choices as well, making this TextMate convert very happy.
I use a combination of NERDTree (directory sidebar), FuzzyFinder Textmate (go-to-file like TextMate's CMD+T), and Sessions (:h sessions) to help me deal with large projects.
I would suggest using some sessions helper plugin. I would mention what I use, but I'm not satisfied with it yet. Just Google "vim sessions".
One thing to note with getting FuzzyFinder Textmate to work is that it depends on an old version the FuzzyFinder plugin, specifically v2.16. Anything higher and you'll get errors. But it's definitely worth the trouble. While it doesn't have name completion, its search is smart so if I search for fro/time/actionsphp it will pull up the file apps/(fro)ntend/modules/(time)_tracking/actions/(actions).class.(php) (parenthesis denote what it's matching). It makes it very easy to pick out files that are only unique by their folder name.
As well as the invaluable ctags and the various associated commands. I also couldn't live without the project plugin, which allows you to have the files of interest associated with a project in a separate pane. I can't remember how much of my setup is customised, but if I want to open a source file called Debug.c, I hit:
<F12> " Opens the project pane
/De " Searches for "De", which is likely to be enough to find Debug.c or possibly Debug.h
<ENTER> " Opens the selected file and closes the project pane
I often then do:
:vsp " Vertically split the window
<F12> " Reopen project pane
# " Search back to find previous entry with the same name (to find
Debug.h if I was on Debug.c: my headers are in Headers/ and
my source is in Source/, so the headers come earlier in the list
than the source). I use * to go the other way, obviously.
<ENTER> " Open the header file in the other window and close the project window.
With this relatively short sequence, I can open any file and it's header in a vertical split. Since the project plugin window is just a text file, completion is achieved by using Vim's searching capability.
Starting in Vim 7.3, the :find command has tab-completion of filenames.
So if you set your 'path' option to contain your entire project (probably using the ** wildcard to allow recursively searching subdirectories), then you can use the :find, :sfind, :tabfind, etc. commands with completion to get to any file in your project. This also allows jumping to files directly with gf and friends if the file name is in your text, for example in an include directive.
With this method, no external tools or plugins are needed for navigating to specific files. Although, it may admittedly not be as fast or easy to use, and doesn't address the need for jumping to definitions. For definitions, I use ctags as other answers suggest.
If you are using ctags as other posters have recommended, then make sure you look at the taglist plugin.
Make sure you take the time to read the docs and learn the key bindings. Here are a few to get you started (from the TList window):
o - open file in new window
t - open file in new tab
[[ or backspace - previous file in list
]] or tab - next file in list
Exuberant ctags.
Use Ctrl-] to jump to the tag under the cursor.
Opening vim from root of your source file and extending path option to include all sub-directories therein.
For example set path+=/usr/include/c++/** for C++ headers and set path+=** for your source directory.
This ,then, opens a plethora of following possibilities.
1) Opening file by name or parts of it
:find file_name
You can use auto-completion and wildcard expansion with :find reliably. You type the name, it will locate the name. This works language agnostic.I am sure you will like it.
2) Navigating to files under cusror:
if you want to go a file path like #include "project/path/classA.h.
gf or gF - go to file under cursor.
Ctrl-6 - to come back to last cursor position after gf or gF
3) API lookup and navigating to the API location
[i or [I can be used to look up your function signature for word under cursor without leaving your workspace. [<Tab> to actually go to declaration. Use Ctrl-6 to come back to last location.
Without extending path, you can start navigating files by :Ex command and navigate and open your file. I prefer NerdTree over this though.
I use FindFile. If you open vim at the root of your project and run :FC . the plugin will cache all the filenames beneath your cwd. You can then do :FF to open a completion menu and type the name of the file you want (or rather, the first few letters).
Although I'm kinda hoping someone will point out a better solution so I can learn something, NERDTree has been good to me for getting to specific files with name completion as long as I have the tree expanded. The command when I need to get to a file is something like:
,d/foo.pyo (where is a file name)
,d to open the tree, / to enter search mode, the name (or partial name, or regex, or whatever) of the file, and then o to open.
Of course you may have to hit 'n' a few times if you didn't type enough of the filename or there are duplicates.
I admit it feels like a bit of a hack using NERDTree like this although it has gotten so far into my muscle memory by now that I don't even think about it.
Of course I use ctags too but those are only useful when you have a function near the cursor and need to get to its definition in another file or something. A lot of times I say "OK, I need to work on feature x now" and need to navigate to another file without any references nearby that ctags would really help with.
I'm using two plugins of mine:
searchInRuntime that completes filenames on command line. It is somehow similar to fuzzyfinder and lookupfile,
lh-tags which is completely experimental and undocumented. It offers two features: automatic and quick update of the tagfile on file save(ing?), and a tag selector plugged to <c-w><m-down> by default. You may want to check the renowned taglist plugin instead.
Both require my viml library lh-vim-lib.
Try SourceCodeObedinece. This one I developed to handle C++ 1Gb source files project.
I use it in pair with 0scan.
These two plugins are wrappers around the most popular Vim browsing tools: ctags and cscope.
