Use regex in grep while while using two files - linux

I know that you can use regex in grep and use patterns from a file to search another file. But, can you combine these two options?
For example, from the file where the patterns come from (with the -f option for use patterns from a file), I only want to use the first column to search the second file.
I tried this:
grep -E '^(*)\b' -f file_1 file_2 > file_3
To grep the first column from file_1 with the * wildcard, but it is not working. Any ideas?

Grep doesn't use wildcards for patterns, it uses regular expressions, so (*) makes little sense.
If you want to extract the first column from a file, use cut -f1 or awk '{print $1}' (or sed or perl or whatever to extract it), the redirect to grep using the special - (i.e. standard input) as the source file:
cut -f1 file1 | grep -f- file_2 > file_3


How to use sed to extract a field from a delimited file

Am using centos 7 linux
I do have a text file which a lot of lines in same format which is email,password
i would like to use sed to only save and remove ,testwhich means it's will remove from all lines starting from ','.
#Setop's answer is good - in general, using cut or awk is an usual practice while dealing with delimited files.
We can use sed as well, as per your question:
sed -i 's/,.*//' file # changes the file in-place
or, using two steps:
sed 's/,.*//' file > file.modified && mv file.modified file
s/,.*// replaces , and all characters after it with nothing
This can get trickier if you have multiple fields and want a small subset from it.
cut -d, -f1 yourfile
awk -F, '{print $1}'

How to remove lines contained in file 1 from file 2 if in file 2 they are prefixed?

I have the following situation:
IDs are numeric strings, e.g. 1234, 23412, 897... (one or more digits).
i.e. only emails, no IDs.
I want to remove all lines from source.txt which contain emails listed in exclude.txt, preserving the ID:email pairs for the lines which are not removed.
How can I do that with linux command line tools (or simple bash script if needed)?
You can do it easily with awk:
awk -F":" 'NR==FNR{a[$1];next}(!($2 in a))' exclude.txt source.txt
Alternative with grep:
grep -v -F -f exclude.txt source.txt
Use grep with care, since grep does a regex matching. You might need to add also -w option to grep (word matching)

Search A and replace B in A|B in shell scripting/SED/AWK

I have a text file with layout as:
I want to replace the counterVariable1 with some other variable say counterVariableNew.
How can I accomplish this?
I have tried various SED/AWK approaches, closest one is mentioned below:
cat $fileName | grep -w $tableName | sed -i 's/$tableName\|counterVariable/$tableName\|counterVariableNew'
But all the 3 commands are not merging properly, please help!
Your script is an example of [ useless use of cat ]. But the key point here is to escape the pipe delimiter which has a special meaning(it stands for OR) when used with awk FS. So below script should do
# cat 42000479
# awk -F\| '$1=="tableName2"{$2="counterVariableNew"}1' 42000479
tableName2 counterVariableNew
An alternate way of doing the same stuff is below
# awk -v FS='|' '$1=="tableName2"{$2="counterVariableNew"}1' 42000479
Stuff inside the single quote will not be expanded.
awk -F'|' -v OFS='|' '/tableName1/ {$2="counterVariableNew"}1' file
This will search for A (tableName1) and replace B (counterVariable1) to counterVariableNew.
Or by using sed :
sed -r '/tableName1/ s/(^.*\|)(.*)/\1counterVariableNew/g' file
For word bounded search: Enclose the pattern inside \< and \> .
sed -r '/\<tableName1\>/ s/(^.*\|)(.*)/\1counterVariableNew/g' file
awk -F'|' -v OFS='|' '/\<tableName1\>/ {$2="counterVariableNew"}1' file

extract date from a file name in unix using shell scripting

I am working on shell script. I want to extract date from a file name.
The file name is: abcd_2014-05-20.tar.gz
I want to extract date from it: 2014-05-20
echo abcd_2014-05-20.tar.gz |grep -Eo '[[:digit:]]{4}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2}'
grep got input as echo stdin or you can also use cat command if you have these strings in a file.
-E Interpret PATTERN as an extended regular expression.
-o Show only the part of a matching line that matches PATTERN.
[[:digit:]] It will fetch digit only from input.
{N} It will check N number of digits in given string, i.e.: 4 for years 2 for months and days
Most importantly it will fetch without using any separators like "_" and "." and this is why It's most flexible solution.
Using awk with custom field separator, it is quite simple:
echo 'abcd_2014-05-20.tar.gz' | awk -F '[_.]' '{print $2}'
Use grep:
$ ls -1 abcd_2014-05-20.tar.gz | grep -oP '[\d]+-[\d]+-[\d]+'
-o causes grep to print only the matching part
-P interprets the pattern as perl regex
[\d]+-[\d]+-[\d]+: stands for one or more digits followed by a dash (3 times) that matches your date.
Here few more examples,
Using cut command (cut gives more readability like awk command)
echo "abcd_2014-05-20.tar.gz" | cut -d "_" -f2 | cut -d "." -f1
Output is:
using grep commnad
echo "abcd_2014-05-20.tar.gz" | grep -Eo "[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}"
Output is:
An another advantage of using grep command format is that, it will also help to fetch multiple dates like this:
echo "ab2014-15-12_cd_2014-05-20.tar.gz" | grep -Eo "[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}"
Output is:
I will use some kind of regular expression with the "grep" command, depending on how your file name is created.
If your date is always after "_" char I will use something like this.
ls -l | grep ‘_[REGEXP]’
Where REGEXP is your regular expression according to your date format.
Take a look here
Multiple ways you could do it:
echo abcd_2014-05-20.tar.gz | sed -n 's/.*_\(.*\).tar.gz/\1/p'
sed will extract the date and will print it.
Another way:
Here temp will hold string in file name post "_" i.e. 2014-05-20.tar.gz
Then you can extract date by removing .tar.gz from the end.

How to extract distinct part of a string from a file in linux

I'm using the following command to extract distinct urls that contain .com extension and may contain .us or whatever country extension.
grep '\.com' source.txt -m 700 | uniq | sed -e 's/www.//'
> dest.txt
The problem is that, it extracts urls in the same doamin, the thing tht I don't want. Ex:
I only need the How can I using grep or any other command extract distinct domain names only ?
Maybe something like this?
egrep -io '[a-z0-9\-]+\.[a-z]{2,3}(\.[a-z]{2})?' source.txt
Have you tried using awk in instead of sed and specify "." as the delimiter and only print out the two last fields.
awk -F "." '{ print $(NF-1)"."$NF }'
Perhaps something like this should help:
egrep -o '[^.]*.com' file
