Don't redirect on POST express.js - node.js

I'm making a basic web app with Node.js and Express 4 and I'm trying to implement a "follow" function. I did some inspecting on the Github website and noticed it used a form with a follow button that would post to the server to follow a user. I think this sounds like a good approach but when I post I don't want to have to reload the page just like the github website.
How does one this inside of Express 4? Everything I put inside the .post route always end up in a page load. I'm pretty sure in jQuery's ajax method you can just return false and nothing will happen to the page, just the request will be sent which is what I want to happen because I'm using a RESTful api and I want to add the user to the current user's following but I don't want to have to use jQuery just for this function. I would prefer it be done in Express if possible, though any help would be appreciated.
<form action="" data-userid="{{user._id}}" method="post">
<button name="follow" type="submit">Follow</button>
.get(function(req, res) {
// get :username user from api and load info
.post(function(req, res) {
// don't reload page
// send PUT :username user to current users following array

So you're on the right track, but instead of putting your actions in the HTML (in your jade file) you're gonna have to add a script section to your jade and use javascript to attach an onClick event to the button so that when you press the button you invoke your ajax method.
Let me know if that doesn't make sense.


Couldn't Redirecti page after form action submit to node server.(react front)

I'm currently building a web with react, and in this app I'm also building a register functionality, since the user is mainly going to type Chinese in the input tag, I use a form action to submit the form instead of using onChange property in each input (as far as I know, React community haven't found a proper way to deal with the onChange bug when typing Chinese).
And the main problem is that since I'm using the form action to submit the form data, I couldn't get response from the server, and that cause me unable to authenticate and redirect the page.
I would like to know whether there is something wrong with my logic or how to solve this problem by code, thank you;.
I tried using "redirect" in the backend, it works partially, by partially I mean that I couldn't receive response in the front end because I used a form action to submit instead of fetch or axios, so that I don't know how to authenticate in this case.
Front End using React
<form action='http://localhost:8000/' method='post'>
Back End Using Node with Express
.then(response => {res.redirect('http://localhost:3000/memberProfile').send('token');})
.catch(err => res.send('Page ERROR'));

How to make Express return a new html with axios post

I have an express server. I have two routes as get methods.
app.get('/main',(req, res) => {
res.sendFile(`main.html`, {root: staticPath});
app.get('/signin', (req, res) => {
res.sendFile('signin.html', {root: staticPath});
I want to build my app as a single page react application. But before I let the user see this single page, I want to show a sign in, sign up screen. So when user clicks the sign in or sign up buttons, I want to send signin.html as response from the express server.
Here is my code on the browser from a react class
I can console.log() from the express route and verify that the code gets executed within the 'signin' route, but the html view doesn't change on the browser even though I send back a html file. How do I make it happen?
I'm by no means an expert, but here are my two cents. Instead of setting up your front end to receive an HTML file from the server, a more efficient approach would be the following.
Build the signup and login pages on the front end.
Set up routing between these pages.
Send the login/signup details from client to server via /login or /signup routes that you set up in Express. These details would usually be in the req.body object (make sure to install the bodyparser package from NPM).
You could then use JWTs to authenticate users and maintain sessions.
If you're looking for server-side rendering with React, here is an article for your reading pleasure :) Sorry if I made no sense.

node.js - express - render multiple views

I'ld like to send two successive ejs page to the client using the following code:'/', function(req,res) {
//some code which require time (open an external programm, run a script, edit a response)
So, once once the client post his form, he receives a page asking him to wait for a few seconds and then the page containing the response is send.
any suggestion?
many thx
What you can do is have client-side code in yourDemandIsBeingProceed.ejs when the page loads that performs a get/post request to a different endpoint. When the result from that is received, hide/show different elements inside yourDemandIsBeingProceed.ejs so it looks more like hereIsYourResult.ejs
What you really should do is have the user submit information via front end AJAX and put up a loading graphic until the JSON response gets back. AJAX was developed for situations exactly like this.

Looking for passportjs-local simple example using MEAN only

I am looking for a very simple example for using Passportjs (Local api) in my MEAN application. I took a reference from one example on github. There they have used jade to render the page after authentication. But I just want to use my home.html to show home page after authentication.
I have searched many example but in all they are using either jade or ejs. I don't want to use any engine to render the home page.
If anyone can provide a very simple example just using MEAN that would be a great help.
I don't want to use jade or ejs. Just simple html to render page.
Just setup a route similar to this:
.post(passport.authenticate("local"), function (req, res) {
Then call that as an post call from the function you bind the form to in angular, you don't need to use jade/pug/ejs or any of it. You can simply use express as an API server. Just have angular redirect to the route you want after the successful return of the authentication (you should get a user object back)

Use dynamic express routes within another Express route

For a school project, I created a plugin system for an Express.js-Application in Node.js. The main page of the application should display a dashboard, where every root page of each plugin should be displayed in a div. Every root page is accessible over the pluginName/-route.
What I would like to do is the following: I wanna include the HTML-string of every home-route in the dashboard. But for this, I need to call the routes inside Node.js (like partials) and for some plugins I even have to provide some properties.
Does someone have an idea, how this could be implemented?
e.g. I have following route:
router.get('/pluginName', function(req, res) {
res.render(__dirname + '/views/home.handlebars', {
layout: __dirname + '/views/layouts/main.handlebars',
markup: markup // Pass rendered react markup
Now I want to pass the resulting HTML from this route into another route.
So far I had the following ideas:
Simply add the URLs of the plugins to a "data-ajax-url" attribute of the divs and load the stuff via AJAX.
Make an HTTP-Call to every route and append the result on server side (pretty nasty...).
Create a renderDashboard-function for every plugin, where I get the HTML using app.render(...) and then I append the result.
But I'm not really sure, which approach (if any) would be the nicest.
