left string in a batch file - string

I am writing a .bat file in which I'm trying to compare the last modified date of a file with the system date (date-only, not the time). To get the last modified date of the file, I use the following:
for %%? in ("anyFile.png") do set dat=%%~t?
This gives me the last modified date and time of the file (dat=31.08.2016 08:59). Now I try to cut the string to get only the ten characters in the beginning (31.08.2016):
set dat=%dat:~0,10%
If I type the code directly into the console it works like a charm, but in my batch file the console output only gives me the following:
I don't have a clue what I'm missing, and in the internet I couldn't find anyone with a similar problem neither.

Thank you #aschipfl for the hint, the problem with the dat variable could be solved with delayed expansion:
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if exist "anyFile.png" (
for %%? in ("anyFile.png") do set dat=%%~t?
set dat=!dat:~0,10!
#geisterfurz007: no, this was not the whole code. But as the problem is solved now, I think there is no need for it anymore. :)


Linux Date not showing the date value sometimes

I have defined a variable inside one of the shell script to create the file name with date value in it.
I used "date +%Y%m%d" command to insert the current date which was defined in date_val variable.
And I have defined the filename variable to have "${path}/sample_${date_val}.txt
For few days it was creating the file name properly as /programfiles/sample_20180308.txt
But today the filename was created without date as /programfiles/sample_.txt
When I try to execute the command "date +%Y%m%d" in linux, it is returning the correct value - 20180309.
Any idea why the filename was created without the date value ??? . I did not modify anything in my script too. So wondering what might have gone wrong.
Sample excerpt of my script is given below for easy understanding :
date_val=$(date +%Y%m%d )
Although incredibly unlikely, it's certainly possible for date to fail, based on the source code. Under the covers, it calls either clock_gettime() or gettimeofday(), both of which can fail.
The date program will also refuse to output anything to standard output if the date from either of those two functions is out of range during the call to (which is possible if they fail).
It's also possible that the date program could "disappear" for various reasons, such as actually being hidden or permissions changed, or a shortage of resources like file handles when attempting to open the executable.
As mentioned, all these possibilities are a stretch, unlikely to happen in the real world.
If you want to handle the case where you get inadequate output from date, you can simply try until you get a valid one, something like (with the possibility of adding some limit to detect if it's never any good):
todaysDate="$(date +%Y%m%d)"
while [[ ! $x =~ ^[0-9]{8}$ ]] ; do
sleep 1
todaysDate="$(date +%Y%m%d)"
# todaysDate now guaranteed to be eight digits.

Windows CMD expand filename if file has .double.extension

I'm writing a script that converts a Markdown file to a PDF, facilitated by Pandoc.
So if you drag C:\Users\User\Documents\English\PAPER1.md onto the script, it'll create C:\Users\User\Documents\English\PDFs\PAPER1.pdf.
This is achieved in the header of the script via
set INPUT=%1
set PDFDIR=%~dp1\PDFs
set PDF=%PDFDIR%\%~n1.pdf
However, in certain circumstances, the input filename will be Something.md.txt, in which case I only still want to output Something.pdf. (Removing more than three extensions will probably not be necessary or desirable.)
But the current setup only strips one extension, producing Something.md.pdf.
However, %~nn1.pdf does not work, nor does set p=%~n1 set PDF=%~np, giving
The following usage of the path operator in batch-parameter
substitution is invalid: %~np
How do I get the bare filename of a file with "two extensions"?
I'd change every line from the provided header of the script to:
Set "INPUT=%~1"
Set "PDFDIR=%~dp1PDFs"
For %%A In ("%~dpn1") Do Set "PDF=%PDFDIR%\%%~nA.pdf"
Because there's no surety of the input content, please use best practice and always reference these variables wherever possible using doublequotes:
Echo "%INPUT%"
Echo "%PDFDIR%"
Echo "%PDF%"

Searching in multiple files using findstr, only proceeding with the resulting files? (cmd)

I'm currently working on a project where I search hundreds of files using findstr in the command line. If I find the string which I searched for, I want to proceed with this exact file (and the other ones that include my string).
So in my case:
I searched for the string WRI2016 by using:
H:\KOBINI>findstr "WRI2016" *.ini > %temp%\xx.txt && %temp%\xx.txt
To see what the PC does, I save it in a .txt file as you can see.
So if my file includes WRI2016 I want to extract some facts out of the file. In my case it is NR, Kunde, WebHDAktiv, DigIDAktiv.
But I just can't find a proper way to link both of these functions.
At first I simply printed all of the parameters:
H:\KOBINI>findstr "\<NR Kunde WRI2016 WebHDAktiv DigIDAktiv" *.ini > %temp%\xx.csv && %temp%\xx.csv
I also played around using the if command but that didn't really work out. I'm pretty new to this stuff as you'll see in my following tries to solve this problem:
H:\KOBINI>findstr "\<NR DigIDAktiv WebHDAktiv" set a =*.ini findstr "WRI2016" set b =*.ini if a EQU b > %temp%\xx.txt && %temp%\xx.txt
So all I wanted to achieve with that weird code was: if there is a WRI2016 in the file, give me the remaining parameters. But that didn't work out at all.
I also tried it with using new lines for every command which didn't change a thing.
As I want this to be a .csv in the end I want to add a semicolon between my parameters, any chance how I could do that? I've seen versions using -s";" which didn't do anything for me.
Sorry, I'm quite new and thought I'd give it a shot.
an example of my .ini files Looks like this:
> Kunde=Markt
> Nr=101381
> [...]
> DigIDAktiv=Ja
> WebHDAktiv=Nein
> Version=WRI2016_U2_P1
some files have a different Version though.
So I only want to know "NR, DigIDAktiv ..." if it's the 2016 Version.
As a result it should be sorted in a CSV, in different columns.
My Folder Looks like this
So I search These files in order to find Version 2016 and then try to extract my Information and put it into a .csv

linux - running system command in R and then writing output to a file

I have R code as below. Below code resides in a file called 'iot.R'. I am executing it in Linux.
I want to print content of variable 'fileinformation' to a file mentioned by file=fileConn...
I thought that the 3rd line will solve the issue, but it is not giving the required output :(
fileinformation = system(paste("file", filenames[1]))
cat(print(fileinformation),"\r\n","\r\n", file=fileConn)
When I run the file, i get below result. It prints to my screen, rather than writing to the file :(
> source('iot.R')
CH7Data_20130401T135010.csv: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
[1] 0
I also tried below command, but didnt get the expected rsult
cat(capture.output(fileinformation),"\r\n","\r\n", file=fileConn)
You need to set the intern argument to TRUE in your call to system. For instance:
fileinformation<-system("file cinzia_2.gif",intern=TRUE)
#[1] "cinzia_2.gif: GIF image data, version 89a, 640 x 640"
Of course I tried a file on my pc. Setting intern to TRUE the return value of system becomes the console output of the command. Then, when you call cat, you don't need to enclose fileinformation into print, but a simple cat(fileinformation,"\r\n","\r\n", file=fileConn) will suffice.
Hi Just a comment as I dont have enough rep to comment in the normal way. but cant you use
to save the output to a file? It may be easier?

Extracting string after last instance of delimiter in a Batch file

I'm working on writing a Windows batch file that is called by a Java program. A number of different strings denoting file directories are passed into the batch file as parameters. I am trying to figure out how to extract a string after the last instance of the "\". For example, I have three directories:
I would like to split it so that the strings become:
How would you guys suggest I do this?
EDIT: A follow-up question has been asked here: For loop in Windows batch file: Error: "The syntax of the command is incorrect"
After assigned one parameter to "param" variable, use:
for %%a in (%param:\= %) do set lastDir=%%a
This method works as long as the last directory does NOT have spaces. This detail may be fixed, if needed. The processing of all parameters would be like this:
set "param=%~1"
if not defined param goto endParams
for %%a in (%param:\= %) do set lastDir=%%a
echo Last dir: %lastDir%
goto nextParam
Or, in a simpler way (with no spaces restrictions):
if "%~1" equ "" goto endParams
echo Last dir: %~N1
goto nextParam
If the strings are passed as arguments 1-3. you can use %~n1, %~n2, %~n3 to get the last folder in the path.
