Creating an authenticated XA resource from ActiveMQConnectionFactory - spring-transactions

I have an Apache ActiveMQ Artemis (1.3) instance to which I'm trying to connect from a standalone Spring (4.3.2) application my team is currently working on. It has Spring JTATransactionManager using Atomikos (4.0.4) UserTransactionManager as a provider and during those transactions I need to connect to several resources, including the aforementioned MQ. Following Artemis and Atomikos manuals we've set up ActiveMQConnectionFactory which then gets passed to AtomikosConnectionFactoryBean. It all happens in a Spring container but that doesn't seem to be related to our problem.
It all worked well until I tried to add authentication to the MQ connection. One can set user and password properties on an instance of ActiveMQConnectionFactory, however, they seem to be taken into account only when creating an ordinary connection:
public Connection createConnection() throws JMSException {
return createConnection(user, password);
public Connection createConnection(final String username, final String password) throws JMSException {
return createConnectionInternal(username, password, false, ActiveMQConnection.TYPE_GENERIC_CONNECTION);
Atomikos is calling createXAConnection() method (from XAConnectionFactory interface) which, as I see in its implementation, disregards the credentials unless explicitly passed:
public XAConnection createXAConnection() throws JMSException {
return createXAConnection(null, null);
public XAConnection createXAConnection(final String username, final String password) throws JMSException {
return (XAConnection) createConnectionInternal(username, password, true, ActiveMQConnection.TYPE_GENERIC_CONNECTION);
This is the way a few other methods in this class work as well, therefore I assume it's not a bug. If so, how should I obtain an authenticated XAConnection? I don't see the possibility of Atomikos calling the overloaded version, looking at its code.

As a workaround, we've decided to wrap ActiveMQConnectionFactory in a class implementing the necessary interface:
public class ActiveMQConnectionFactoryWrapper implements XAConnectionFactory {
private final ActiveMQConnectionFactory factory;
public ActiveMQConnectionFactoryWrapper(ActiveMQConnectionFactory factory) {
this.factory = factory;
public XAConnection createXAConnection() throws JMSException {
return factory.createXAConnection(factory.getUser(), factory.getPassword());
public XAConnection createXAConnection(String userName, String password) throws JMSException {
return factory.createXAConnection(userName, password);
public XAJMSContext createXAContext() {
return factory.createXAContext(factory.getUser(), factory.getPassword());
public XAJMSContext createXAContext(String userName, String password) {
return factory.createXAContext(userName, password);
Other interfaces could be implemented as well, if needs be.


Spring integration with retry with ExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy

I am using int:request-handler-advice-chain with my service activator. It is working correctly with org.springframework.retry.policy.SimpleRetryPolicy however I would like to use org.springframework.retry.policy.ExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy to allow for a different number of retries based on the exception thrown by the service activator.
The problem I am having is that by the time the exception gets to the ExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy it is a
Can anyone advise on the best approach for get the cause (i.e my exception) from the MessageHandlingException made available to the ExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy?
Solution thanks to Artem's suggestion below:
Create a subclass of SubclassClassifier that returns the cause in the case of MessagingException
public class MessagingCauseExtractingSubclassClassifier extends SubclassClassifier<Throwable, RetryPolicy> {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessagingCauseExtractingSubclassClassifier.class);
public MessagingCauseExtractingSubclassClassifier(final Map<Class<? extends Throwable>, RetryPolicy> policyMap, final RetryPolicy retryPolicy) {
super(policyMap, retryPolicy);
public RetryPolicy classify(final Throwable throwable) {
Throwable t = throwable;
if (t instanceof MessagingException) {
t = t.getCause();
LOG.debug("Throwable is instanceof MessagingException so classifying cause type: {}", t.getClass());
return super.classify(t);
Then a new ExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy subclass that uses the new classifier and policyMap
public class MessasgeCauseExtractingExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy extends ExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy {
public void setPolicyMap(final Map<Class<? extends Throwable>, RetryPolicy> policyMap) {
final MessagingCauseExtractingSubclassClassifier classifier = new MessagingCauseExtractingSubclassClassifier(
policyMap, new NeverRetryPolicy());
Currently this won't support retying on MessagingException but this is fine for our use case. Otherwise works perfectly.
The BinaryExceptionClassifier has traverseCauses option to analize the whole StackTrace until the proper condition.
Exactly this option is with one of SimpleRetryPolicy constructor:
public SimpleRetryPolicy(int maxAttempts, Map<Class<? extends Throwable>, Boolean> retryableExceptions,
boolean traverseCauses) {
Please, take a look if that variant is feasible for you.

How to write client proxy for SPI and what the difference between client and server proxies?

I have developed own idGenerator based on Hazelcast IdGenerator class (with storing each last_used_id into db). Now I want to run hazelcast cluster as a single java application and my web-application as other app (web-application restart shouldn't move id values to next block). I move MyIdGeneratorProxy and MyIdGeneratorService to new application, run it, run web-application as a hazelcast-client and get
IllegalArgumentException: No factory registered for service: ecs:impl:idGeneratorService
It was okay when client and server were the same application.
It seems it's unable to process without some clientProxy. I have compared IdGeneratorProxy and ClientIdGeneratorProxy and it looks the same. What is the idea? How to write client proxy for services? I have found no documentation yet. Is direction of investigations correct? I thought it is possible to divide hazelcast inner services (like a id generator service) and my business-processes. Should I store custom ClientProxy (for custom spi) in my web-application?
This is a demo how to create a client proxy, the missing part CustomClientProxy function call, is quit complicated(more like a server proxy,here is called ReadRequest, the server is called Operation), you can find a how AtomicLong implement.For every client proxy method you have to make a request.
public void client() throws InterruptedException, IOException
ClientConfig cfg = new XmlClientConfigBuilder("hazelcast-client.xml").build();
ServiceConfig serviceConfig = new ServiceConfig();
ProxyFactoryConfig proxyFactoryConfig = new ProxyFactoryConfig();
HazelcastInstance hz = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(cfg);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Connector c = hz.getDistributedObject(ConnectorService.NAME, "Connector:" + ThreadLocalRandom.current()
private static class CustomProxyFactory implements ClientProxyFactory
public ClientProxy create(String id)
return new CustomClientProxy(ConnectorService.NAME, id);
private static class CustomClientProxy extends ClientProxy implements Connector
protected CustomClientProxy(String serviceName, String objectName)
super(serviceName, objectName);
public ConnectorState snapshot()
return null;
public void loadState(ConnectorState state)
public boolean reconnect(HostNode node)
return false;
public boolean connect()
return false;
In hazelcast the IdGenerate is implemented as a wrapper for AtomicLong, you should implement you IdGenerate by you own, instead of extend IdGenerate.
So you have to implement these(more like a todo list XD):
interface MyIdGenerate
I also made a sequence(same as IdGenerate) here, this is backed by zookeeper or redis,also it's easy to add a db backend,too.I will integrate to hazelcast if I got time.

Not Implemented Exception while using Insight.Database micro ORM

I was trying to use the cool Insight.Database micro ORM and run into a Not Implemeneted exception everytime I try to invoke the InsertCustomer method in the CustomerRepository.Any help would be appreciated
Update: I made sure that the method name matches the sql server stored procedure name
public class CustomerRepository
private ICustomerRepository _repo;
public static async Task<int> InsertCustomer(Customer cust)
var _repo = ConfigSettings.CustomerRepository;
return await _repo.InsertCustomer(cust);
public class ConfigSettings
private static ICustomerRepository _customerRepository;
public static ICustomerRepository CustomerRepository
if (_customerRepository == null)
_customerRepository = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CustomerService_Conn_String"].ConnectionString).AsParallel<ICustomerRepository>();
return _customerRepository;
public interface ICustomerRepository
Task<int> InsertCustomer(Customer cust);
If you're getting a NotImplementedException, and running v4.1.0 to 4.1.3 you're probably running into a problem registering your database provider.
I recommend using v4.1.4 or later and making sure you register the provider for your database.
If you have any more problems, you can post an issue on github.

NServiceBus fails to process message: The requested service 'NServiceBus.Impersonation.ExtractIncomingPrincipal' has not been registered

I am receiving an error when using NServiceBus 4.0.3 with NHibernate 3.3.1 when it's trying to process a message
INFO NServiceBus.Unicast.Transport.TransportReceiver [(null)] <(null)> - Failed to process message
Autofac.Core.Registration.ComponentNotRegisteredException: The requested service 'NServiceBus.Impersonation.ExtractIncomingPrincipal' has not been registered. To avoid this exception, either register a component to provide the service, check for service registration using IsRegistered(), or use the ResolveOptional() method to resolve an optional dependency.
at NServiceBus.Unicast.Transport.TransportReceiver.ProcessMessage(TransportMessage message) in c:\BuildAgent\work\d4de8921a0aabf04\src\NServiceBus.Core\Unicast\Transport\TransportReceiver.cs:line 353
at NServiceBus.Unicast.Transport.TransportReceiver.TryProcess(TransportMessage message) in c:\BuildAgent\work\d4de8921a0aabf04\src\NServiceBus.Core\Unicast\Transport\TransportReceiver.cs:line 233
at NServiceBus.Transports.Msmq.MsmqDequeueStrategy.ProcessMessage(TransportMessage message) in c:\BuildAgent\work\d4de8921a0aabf04\src\NServiceBus.Core\Transports\Msmq\MsmqDequeueStrategy.cs:line 262
at NServiceBus.Transports.Msmq.MsmqDequeueStrategy.Action() in c:\BuildAgent\work\d4de8921a0aabf04\src\NServiceBus.Core\Transports\Msmq\MsmqDequeueStrategy.cs:line 197
2013-08-30 09:35:02,508 [9] WARN NServiceBus.Faults.Forwarder.FaultManager [(null)] <(null)> - Message has failed FLR and will be handed over to SLR for retry attempt: 1, MessageID=8aaed043-b744-49c2-965d-a22a009deb32.
I think it's fairly obvious what that I need to implement or register an "ExtractIncomingPrincipal", but I can't seem to find any documentation on how or whether there is a default one that I can use. I wouldn't have figured that I would have had to register any of the NServiceBus-related services as many of them are already being registered in my IoC implementation.
As requested, here is the EndpointConfig and supporting code I have currently:
public class EndpointConfig : IConfigureThisEndpoint, AsA_Server, IWantCustomInitialization {
public void Init() {
//public class PrincipalExtractor : ExtractIncomingPrincipal {
// public IPrincipal GetPrincipal(TransportMessage message) {
// return Thread.CurrentPrincipal;
// }
public class ObjectBuilderAdapter : IContainer {
readonly IDependencyInjector injector;
public ObjectBuilderAdapter(IDependencyInjectionBuilder dependencyInjectionBuilder) {
injector = dependencyInjectionBuilder.Create(); //This method does all the common service registrations that I am trying to re-use
//injector.RegisterType<ExtractIncomingPrincipal, PrincipalExtractor>();
public void Dispose() {
public object Build(Type typeToBuild) {
return injector.Resolve(typeToBuild);
public IContainer BuildChildContainer() {
return new ObjectBuilderAdapter(new DependencyInjectorBuilder());
public IEnumerable<object> BuildAll(Type typeToBuild) {
return injector.ResolveAll(typeToBuild);
public void Configure(Type component, DependencyLifecycle dependencyLifecycle) {
public void Configure<T>(Func<T> component, DependencyLifecycle dependencyLifecycle) {
public void ConfigureProperty(Type component, string property, object value) {
if (injector is AutofacDependencyInjector) {
((AutofacDependencyInjector)injector).ConfigureProperty(component, property, value);
} else {
Debug.WriteLine("Configuring {0} for property {1} but we don't handle this scenario.", component.Name, property);
public void RegisterSingleton(Type lookupType, object instance) {
injector.RegisterInstance(lookupType, instance);
public bool HasComponent(Type componentType) {
return injector.IsRegistered(componentType);
public void Release(object instance) { }
public static class Extensions {
public static Configure ObjectBuilderAdapter(this Configure config) {
ConfigureCommon.With(config, new ObjectBuilderAdapter(new DependencyInjectorBuilder()));
return config;
I removed the IWantCustomInitialization (left over from something else I had tried earlier) interface implementation on the class and my service now processes the message. There are errors still (relating to trying to connect to Raven [even though I thought I am using everything in-memory), but it's processing the message.

How can I limit login attempts in Spring Security?

Is there some configuration or available module in Spring Security to limit login attempts (ideally, I'd like to have an increasing wait time between subsequent failed attempts)? If not, which part of the API should be used for this?
From Spring 4.2 upwards annotation based event listeners are available:
public class AuthenticationEventListener {
public void authenticationFailed(AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent event) {
String username = (String) event.getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
// update the failed login count for the user
// ...
Implement an AuthenticationFailureHandler that updates a count/time in the DB. I wouldn't count on using the session because the attacker is not going to be sending cookies anyway.
I recently implemented a similar functionality to monitor login failures using JMX. Please see the code in my answer to question Publish JMX notifications in using Spring without NotificationPublisherAware. An aspect on the authenticate method of authentication provider updates MBean and works with a notification listener (code not shown in that question) to block user and IP, send alert emails and even suspend the login if failures exceed a threshold.
Similar to my answer to question Spring security 3 : Save informations about authentification in database, I think that capturing an authentication failure event (as opposed to customizing a handler) and storing information in database will also work and it will keep the code decoupled as well.
As suggested by Rob Winch in, I just subclassed DaoAuthenticationProvider (which could also have been done using an aspect as Ritesh suggests) to limit the number of failed logins, but you could also assert pre-conditions as well:
public class LimitingDaoAuthenticationProvider extends DaoAuthenticationProvider {
private UserService userService;
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication)
throws AuthenticationException {
// Could assert pre-conditions here, e.g. rate-limiting
// and throw a custom AuthenticationException if necessary
try {
return super.authenticate(authentication);
} catch (BadCredentialsException e) {
// Will throw a custom exception if too many failed logins have occurred
throw e;
In Spring config XML, simply reference this bean:
<beans id="authenticationProvider"
<security:authentication-provider ref="authenticationProvider"/>
Note that I think that solutions which rely on accessing an AuthenticationException's authentication or extraInformation properties (such as implementing an AuthenticationFailureHandler) should probably not be used because those properties are now deprecated (in Spring Security 3.1 at least).
You could also use a service which implements ApplicationListener<AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent> to update the record in DB.
See spring application events.
Here is my implementation, hope help.
Create a table to store any invalid login attempts.
If invalid attempts > max allowed, set UserDetail.accountNonLocked to false
Spring Security will handle the "lock process" for you. (refer to AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider)
Last, extends DaoAuthenticationProvider, and integrate the logic inside.
public class YourAuthenticationProvider extends DaoAuthenticationProvider {
UserAttemptsDao userAttemptsDao;
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication)
throws AuthenticationException {
try {
Authentication auth = super.authenticate(authentication);
//if corrent password, reset the user_attempts
return auth;
} catch (BadCredentialsException e) {
//invalid login, update user_attempts, set attempts+1
throw e;
For full source code and implementation, please refer to this - Spring Security limit login attempts example,
create a table to store the values of failed attempts ex : user_attempts
Write custom event listener
public class AuthenticationEventListener
implements AuthenticationEventPublisher
UserAttemptsServices userAttemptsService;
UserService userService;
private static final int MAX_ATTEMPTS = 3;
static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AuthenticationEventListener.class);
public void publishAuthenticationSuccess(Authentication authentication) {"User has been logged in Successfully :" +authentication.getName());
public void publishAuthenticationFailure(AuthenticationException exception, Authentication authentication) {"User Login failed :" +authentication.getName());
String username = authentication.getName().toString();
UserAttempts userAttempt = userAttemptsService.getUserAttempts(username);
User userExists = userService.findBySSO(username);
int attempts = 0;
String error = "";
String lastAttempted = "";
if (userAttempt == null) {
if(userExists !=null ){
userAttemptsService.insertFailAttempts(username); }
} else {
attempts = userAttempt.getAttempts();
lastAttempted = userAttempt.getLastModified();
userAttemptsService.updateFailAttempts(username, attempts);
if (attempts + 1 >= MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
error = "User account is locked! <br>Username : "
+ username+ "<br>Last Attempted on : " + lastAttempted;
throw new LockedException(error);
throw new BadCredentialsException("Invalid User Name and Password");
3.Security Configuration
1) #Autowired
AuthenticationEventListener authenticationEventListner;
2) #Bean
public AuthenticationEventPublisher authenticationListener() {
return new AuthenticationEventListener();
3) #Autowired
public void
configureGlobalSecurity(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
//configuring custom user details service
// configuring login success and failure event listener
