What does a browser session mean in the context of chrome extension - google-chrome-extension

Please note, this question is not about client-server sessions. It's about Chrome session.
I'm reading this article about tabId and it states that:
Tab IDs are unique within a browser session.
What is browser session here? Does the session begin when I open a browser and ends when I close it? Is there a way to track tab across sessions?

What is browser session here? Does the session begin when I open a browser and ends when I close it?
That's correct. It means a tab will preserve its ID only until you close the browser.
Even if the browser is configured to reopen the previews windows on startup, they will all have a different tab ID and window ID.
Is there a way to track tab across sessions?
Yes, with the tabs permission! Mostly.
The IDs will be different but you can query all the open tabs and windows and you will receive the position of a tab in a window (e.g. first tab in window 2) together with its URL. You'd have to regularly query and save this data via chrome.storage.local.set()
You can then compare this piece of information to the data you stored before closing the browser and match them to each other. For example you receive tab on position 1, with URL xyz, in a window with 3 other tabs, you can find a tab with the same details in your storage.
The "mostly" part: If the user has 2 windows with 1 tab, both pointing to the same page, you won't be able to tell which is which.


How can i open multiple web browser window without cookies?

how can I open a new browser window without cookies ?
I mean, the window shouldn't remember the last session. If I log in to my google account and open new tabs or a new browser window, the browser will show me the same account again.
So, how can I solve this problem ? Thanks for the help

Chrome extension: How to do not lose state of my extension when user changes/reloads the page

I'm currently developing an extension that comes in different parts:
- background script (Chrome background.js
- content script (Chrome content-script.js)
- popup script (popup.js and loaded from the iFrame)
- iframe.html (iframe to be loaded when user activate the extension)
It works great except that I lose all the settings/context (used in the popup script to display info in the iframe) when the user change of page or reload the page in the tab.
Technically I want to isolate the extension per tab (each tab can have its own config) but when a user navigate in a same tab the context should be kept.
Question is: what is the best way to achieve that?
I'm thinking about persisting all the context in the content script and reload it when the event chrome.tabs.onUpdated is fired. Is it the right approach?
I recommend you to read about chrome.storage. You can store data there, both background and content script have access to it.
And probably you will need chrome.runtime.sendMessage and chrome.runtime.onMessage to have conversation between background and content. Each time content script runs in a tab it can request background whether this tab have some existing data or not.

How to resolve shopify public app session conflicts

I have created a simple embedded public app in shopify using node js for test purpose. It works properly .
while i opened two stores in same browser's different tab . I faced the issue of session clash.
For example shop domains store1.myshopify.com and store2.myshopify.com were opened in same chrome browser. First i opened store1 it worked properly . Then i opened store 2 it changed the store1 app's session values. Now in both stores app displayed store2 record.
I dont know how to handle this . Please guide me how to resolve this issue.
It is simple. When you get an incoming request, you can compare the active session store name to the incoming store name. If they differ, you have to close the session, and re-open it for the new store.
Since your App issues a single cookie key for all shops, any open browser tabs would share this, hence the need for you to close/open connections based on the information coming in from the tab.
Note that when you close one session, it means that when you use the tab with that now closed session again, you'll re-authenticate. This means your customer may or may not send in the shop name (especially if your App views have XHR calls without the shop name as a parameter). So be careful there. That can be tricky to handle well.

Background Page Doesn't Show as Active User

I added Google Analytics to a Chrome Extension. It is reporting events correctly as well as recording popup page views. When the extension is reloaded it correctly records a view of background.html which I explicitly call.
Problem: Despite the extension having a persistent background.html page, "Active Users" in the Real-Time section of GA shows 0. I would like to be able to see the # of concurrent users of the extension at a given time. Is there a way to do it?
Possible Solution? - When I open the popup it displays an active user for some number of minutes before dropping back down to zero. Do I need to create a heartbeat function of some kind that pings GA every X minutes to keep a user active. It seems a big "chatty" to do that.
Is there a better solution?

Chrome extension: posting to an existing tab

simple question about the ability of chrome extensions.
Is it possible to for example hit an extension button and write the url (or other content of a page) to an endpoint of a open tab. For example, tab 1 is a web application that gathers bookmarks (so not locally stored) and if I hit a button in tab 3 I want to make a POST call to tab 1. Or can something like this be achieved by storing information in the Chrome storage which can then be read by the application in tab 1?
So quite simply:
tab 1 (:web application) - gets POST request -> tab 3 (:just a web page) through the click of a button of an active extension. I know if this would exist it could lead to some security issues, hence the question.
