How to use await keyword inside a method without changing the method async - c#-4.0

I am developing a scheduled job to send message to Message queue using The Execute method of IJob is not async. so I can't use async Task. But I want to call a method with await keyword.
Please find below my code. Not sure whether I am doing correct. Can anyone please help me with this?
private async Task PublishToQueue(ChangeDetected changeDetected)
_logProvider.Info("Publish to Queue started");
await _busControl.Publish(changeDetected);
_logProvider.Info($"ChangeDetected message published to RabbitMq. Message");
catch (Exception ex)
_logProvider.Error("Error publishing message to queue: ", ex);
public class ChangedNotificatonJob : IJob
public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
//Publish message to queue
.RetryAsync(3, (exception, count) =>
//Do something for each retry
.ExecuteAsync(async () =>
await PublishToQueue(message);
Is this correct way? I have used .GetAwaiter();
.RetryAsync(_configReader.RetryLimit, (exception, count) =>
//Do something for each retry
.ExecuteAsync(async () =>
await PublishToQueue(message);

Polly's .ExecuteAsync() returns a Task. With any Task, you can just call .Wait() on it (or other blocking methods) to block synchronously until it completes, or throws an exception.
As you have observed, since IJob.Execute(...) isn't async, you can't use await, so you have no choice but to block synchronously on the task, if you want to discover the success-or-otherwise of publishing before IJob.Execute(...) returns.
.Wait() will cause any exception from the task to be rethrown, wrapped in an AggregateException. This will occur if all Polly-orchestrated retries fail.
You'll need to decide what to do with that exception:
If you want the caller to handle it, rethrow it or don't catch it and let it cascade outside the Quartz job.
If you want to handle it before returning from IJob.Execute(...), you'll need a try {} catch {} around the whole .ExecuteAsync(...).Wait(). Or consider Polly's .ExecuteAndCaptureAsync(...) syntax: it avoids you having to provide that outer try-catch, by instead placing the final outcome of the execution into a PolicyResult instance. See the Polly doco.
There is a further alternative if your only intention is to log somewhere that message publishing failed, and you don't care whether that logging happens before IJob.Execute(...) returns or not. In that case, instead of using .Wait(), you could chain a continuation task on to ExecuteAsync() using .ContinueWith(...), and handle any logging in there. We adopt this approach, and capture failed message publishing to a special 'message hospital' - capturing enough information so that we can choose whether to republish that message again later, if appropriate. Whether this approach is valuable depends on how important it is to you never to lose a message.
EDIT: GetAwaiter() is irrelevant. It won't magically let you start using await inside a non-async method.

Related Ask timeout when used in Azure WebJob

At work we have some code in a Azure WebJob where we use Rabbit
The basic workflow is this
A message arrives on RabbitMQ Queue
We have a message handler for the incoming message
Within the message handler we start a top level (user) supervisor actor where we "ask" it to handle the message
The supervisor actor hierarchy is like this
And the relevant top level code is something like this (this is the WebJob code)
static void Main(string[] args)
//Bootstrap akka IoC resolver well ahead of any actor usages
new AutoFacDependencyResolver(ContainerOperations.Instance.Container, ContainerOperations.Instance.Container.Resolve<ActorSystem>());
var system = ContainerOperations.Instance.Container.Resolve<ActorSystem>();
var busQueueReader = ContainerOperations.Instance.Container.Resolve<IBusQueueReader>();
var dateTime = ContainerOperations.Instance.Container.Resolve<IDateTime>();
busQueueReader.AddHandler<ProgramCalculationMessage>("RabbitQueue", x =>
//This is code that gets called whenever we have a RabbitMQ message arrive
//This is code that gets called whenever we have a RabbitMQ message arrive
//This is code that gets called whenever we have a RabbitMQ message arrive
//This is code that gets called whenever we have a RabbitMQ message arrive
//This is code that gets called whenever we have a RabbitMQ message arrive
//SupervisorActor is a singleton
var supervisorActor = ContainerOperations.Instance.Container.ResolveNamed<IActorRef>("SupervisorActor");
var actorMessage = new SomeActorMessage();
var supervisorRunTask = runModelSupervisorActor.Ask(actorMessage, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(25));
//we want to wait this guy out
var supervisorRunResult = supervisorRunTask.GetAwaiter().GetResult();
switch (supervisorRunResult)
case CompletedEvent completed:
case FailedEvent failed:
throw failed.Exception;
catch (Exception ex)
_log.Error(ex, "Error found in Webjob");
//throw it for the actual RabbitMqQueueReader Handler so message gets NACK
catch (Exception ex)
_log.Error(ex, "Error found");
And this is the relevant IOC code (we are using Autofac + Akka.NET DI for Autofac)
_actorSystem = new Lazy<ActorSystem>(() =>
var akkaconf = ActorUtil.LoadConfig(_akkaConfigPath).WithFallback(ConfigurationFactory.Default());
return ActorSystem.Create("WebJobSystem", akkaconf);
builder.Register<ActorSystem>(cont => _actorSystem.Value);
builder.Register(cont =>
var system = cont.Resolve<ActorSystem>();
return system.ActorOf(system.DI().Props<SupervisorActor>(),"SupervisorActor");
The problem
So the code is working fine and doing what we want it to, apart from the Akka.Net "ask" timeout shown above in the WebJob code.
Annoyingly this seems to work fine if I try and run the webjob locally. Where I can simulate a "ask" timeout by providing a new supervisorActor that simply doesn't EVER respond with a message back to the "Sender".
This works perfectly running on my machine, but when we run this code in Azure, we DO NOT see a Timeout for the "ask" even though one of our workflow runs exceeded the "ask" timeout by a mile.
I just don't know what could be causing this behavior, does anyone have any ideas?
Could there be some Azure specific config value for the WebJob that I need to set.
The answer to this was to use the async rabbit handlers which apparently came out in V5.0 of the C# rabbit client. The offical docs still show the sync usage (sadly).
This article is quite good :
Once we did this, all was good

Fail early vs. robust methods

I'm constantly (since years) wondering the most senseful way to implement the following (it's kind of paradoxic for me):
Imagine a function:
if (value == null) { // Robust: Check parameter(s) first
throw new ArgumentNullException(value);
// Some code ...
It's called like:
if (value == null) { // Fail early
But, to catch the ArgumentNullException, should I do:
if (value == null) { // Fail early
try { // If throwing an Exception, why not *not* check for it (even if you checked already)?
} catch (ArgumentNullException) {
or just:
try { // No fail early anymore IMHO, because you could fail before calling DoSomethingWith(value)
} catch (ArgumentNullException) {
This is a very general question and the right solution depends on the specific code and architecture.
Generally regarding error handling
The main focus should be to catch the exception on the level where you can handle it.
Handling the exceptions at the right place makes the code robust, so the exception doesn't make the application fail and the exception can be handled accordingly.
Failing early makes the application robust, because this helps avoiding inconsistent states.
This also means that there should be a more general try catch block at the root of the execution to catch any non fatal application error which couldn't be handled. Which often means that you as a programmer didn't think of this error source. Later you can extend your code to also handle this error. But the execution root shouldn't be the only place where you think of exception handling.
Your example
In your example regarding ArgumentNullException:
Yes, you should fail early. Whenever your method is invoked with an invalid null argument, you should throw this exception.
But you should never catch this exception, cause it should be possible to avoid it. See this post related to the topic: If catching null pointer exception is not a good practice, is catching exception a good one?
If you are working with user input or input from other systems, then you should validate the input. E.g. you can display validation error on the UI after null checking without throwing an exception. It is always a critical part of error handling how to show the issues to users, so define a proper strategy for your application. You should try to avoid throwing exceptions in the expected program execution flow. See this article:
See general thoughts about exception handling below:
Handling exceptions in your method
If an exception is thrown in the DoSomethingWith method and you can handle it and continue the flow of execution without any issue, then of course you should do those.
This is a pseudo code example for retrying a database operation:
void DoSomethingAndRetry(value)
catch(DeadlockException ex)
//deadlock happened, we are retrying the SQL statement
Letting the exception bubble up
Let's assume your method is public. If an exception happens which implies that the method failed and you can't continue execution, then the exception should bubble up, so that the calling code can handle it accordingly. It depends one the use-case how the calling code would react on the exception.
Before letting the exception bubble up you may wrap it into another application specific exception as inner exception to add additional context information. You may also process the exception somehow, E.g log it , or leave the logging to the calling code, depending on your logging architecture.
public bool SaveSomething(value)
catch(FileNotFoundException ex)
//process exception if needed, E.g. log it
//you may want to wrap this exception into another one to add context info
throw WrapIntoNewExceptionWithSomeDetails(ex);
Documenting possible exceptions
In .NET it is also helpful to define which exceptions your method is throwing and reasons why it might throw it. So that the calling code can take this into consideration. See
/// <exception cref="System.Exception">Thrown when something happens..</exception>
Ignoring exceptions
For methods where you are OK with a failing method and don't want to add a try catch block around it all the time, you could create a method with similar signature:
public bool TryDoSomethingWith(value)
return true;
catch(Exception ex)
//process exception if needed, e.g. log it
return false;

Message being retried when operation takes time

I have a messaging system using Azure ServiceBus but I'm using Nimbus on top of that. I have an endpoint that sends a command to another endpoint and at one point the handler class on the other side picks it up, so it is all working fine.
When the operation takes time, roughly more than 20 second or so, the handler gets 'another' call with the same message. It looks like Nimbus is retrying the message that is already being handled by an other (even the same) instance of the handler, I don't see any exceptions being thrown and I could easily repro this with the following handler:
public class Synchronizer : IHandleCommand<RequestSynchronization>
public async Task Handle(RequestSynchronization synchronizeInfo)
Console.WriteLine("Received Synchronization");
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); //Simulate long running process
Console.WriteLine("Got through first timeout");
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); //Simulate another long running process
Console.WriteLine("Got through second timeout");
My question is: How do I disable this behavior? I am happy for the transaction take time as it is a heavy process that I have off-loaded from my website, which was the whole point of going with this architecture in the first place.
In other words, I was expecting the message to not to be picked up by another handler while one has picked it up and is processing it, unless there's an exception and the message goes back to the queue and eventually gets picked up for a retry.
Any ideas how to do this? Anything I'm missing?
By default, ASB/WSB will give you a message lock of 30 seconds. The idea is that you pop a BrokeredMessage off the head of the queue but have to either .Complete() or .Abandon() that message within the lock timeout.
If you don't do that, the service bus assumes that you've crashed or otherwise failed and it will return that message to the queue to be re-processed.
You have a couple of options:
1) Implement ILongRunningHandler on your handler. Nimbus will pay attention to the remaining lock time and automatically renew your message lock. Caution: The maximum message lock time supported by ASB/WSB is five minutes no matter how many times you renew so if your handler takes longer than that then you might want option #2.
public class Synchronizer : IHandleCommand<RequestSynchronization>, ILongRunningTask
public async Task Handle(RequestSynchronization synchronizeInfo)
Console.WriteLine("Received Synchronization");
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); //Simulate long running process
Console.WriteLine("Got through first timeout");
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); //Simulate another long running process
Console.WriteLine("Got through second timeout");
2) In your handler, call a Task.Run(() => SomeService(yourMessage)) and return. If you do this, be careful about lifetime scoping of dependencies if your handler takes any. If you need an IFoo, take a dependency on a Func> (or equivalent depending on your container) and resolve that within your handling task.
public class Synchronizer : IHandleCommand<RequestSynchronization>
private readonly Func<Owned<IFoo>> fooFunc;
public Synchronizer(Func<Owned<IFoo>> fooFunc)
_fooFunc = fooFunc;
public async Task Handle(RequestSynchronization synchronizeInfo)
// don't await!
Task.Run(() => {
using (var foo = _fooFunc())
Console.WriteLine("Received Synchronization");
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); //Simulate long running process
Console.WriteLine("Got through first timeout");
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); //Simulate another long running process
Console.WriteLine("Got through second timeout");
I think you are looking for the code here:

Async/await in azure worker role causing the role to recycle

I am playing around with Tasks, Async and await in my WorkerRole (RoleEntryPoint).
I had some unexplained recycles and i have found out now that if something is running to long in a await call, the role recycles. To reproduce it, just do a await Task.Delay(60000) in the Run method.
Anyone who can explain to me why?
The Run method must block. From the docs:
If you do override the Run method, your code should block indefinitely. If the Run method returns, the role is automatically recycled by raising the Stopping event and calling the OnStop method so that your shutdown sequences may be executed before the role is taken offline.
A simple solution is to just do this:
public override void Run()
public async Task RunAsync()
while (true)
await Task.Delay(60000);
Alternatively, you can use AsyncContext from my AsyncEx library:
public override void Run()
AsyncContext.Run(async () =>
while (true)
await Task.Delay(60000);
Whichever option you choose, Run should not be async. It's kind of like Main for a Console app (see my blog for why async Main is not allowed).
I would recommend a lower value for Task.Delay like 1000 (ms). I suspect that the worker role cannot respond quickly enough to the health check. The role is then considered unresponsive and restarted.
Make sure the Run method never returns with something like this
while (true)
Or with Task.Delay in your case.

Parallel.Invoke - Exception handling

My code runs 4 function to fill in information (Using Invoke) to a class such as:
class Person
int Age;
string name;
long ID;
bool isVegeterian
public static Person GetPerson(int LocalID)
Person person;
Parallel.Invoke(() => {GetAgeFromWebServiceX(person)},
() => {GetNameFromWebServiceY(person)},
() => {GetIDFromWebServiceZ(person)},
() =>
// connect to my database and get information if vegeterian (using LocalID)
if (!person.isVegetrian)
return null
My question is: I can not return null if he's not a vegeterian, but I want to able to stop all threads, stop processing and just return null. How can it be achieved?
To exit the Parallel.Invoke as early as possible you'd have to do three things:
Schedule the action that detects whether you want to exit early as the first action. It's then scheduled sooner (maybe as first, but that's not guaranteed) so you'll know sooner whether you want to exit.
Throw an exception when you detect the error and catch an AggregateException as Jon's answer indicates.
Use cancellation tokens. However, this only makes sense if you have an opportunity to check their IsCancellationRequested property.
Your code would then look as follows:
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
new ParallelOptions { CancellationToken = cts.Token },
() =>
if (!person.IsVegetarian)
throw new PersonIsNotVegetarianException();
() => { GetAgeFromWebServiceX(person, cts.Token) },
() => { GetNameFromWebServiceY(person, cts.Token) },
() => { GetIDFromWebServiceZ(person, cts.Token) }
catch (AggregateException e)
var cause = e.InnerExceptions[0];
// Check if cause is a PersonIsNotVegetarianException.
However, as I said, cancellation tokens only make sense if you can check them. So there should be an opportunity inside GetAgeFromWebServiceX to check the cancellation token and exit early, otherwise, passing tokens to these methods doesn't make sense.
Well, you can throw an exception from your action, catch AggregateException in GetPerson (i.e. put a try/catch block around Parallel.Invoke), check for it being the right kind of exception, and return null.
That fulfils everything except stopping all the threads. I think it's unlikely that you'll easily be able to stop already running tasks unless you start getting into cancellation tokens. You could stop further tasks from executing by keeping a boolean value to indicate whether any of the tasks so far has failed, and make each task check that before starting... it's somewhat ugly, but it will work.
I suspect that using "full" tasks instead of Parallel.Invoke would make all of this more elegant though.
Surely you need to load your Person from the database first anyway? As it is your code calls the Web services with a null.
If your logic really is sequential, do it sequentially and only do in parallel what makes sense.
