How to convert images low width 200 - linux

I have the code below for image conversion.
I have a directory with many images, I would like to convert all images that the width was less than 200 pixel.
Regardless of the extension, jpg, gif or png
find . -iname \*.jpg -exec convert -verbose -resize 200x140! "{}" "{}" \;

I think you want this - or something very close to it - so make a backup first!
find . \( -iname \*.jpg -o -iname \*.png -o -iname \*.gif \) \
-exec bash -c '[ $(identify -format %w "$0" ) -lt 200 ] && convert "$0" -resize 200x140\! "$0"' {} \;
That says... "find, starting in the current directory (.), any files whose names end, in a case-insensitive fashion (-iname), in JPG, PNG or GIF and start a new bash shell for each one. Once inside the shell, get the width of the file and if it is less than 200 pixels, execute the convert command to resize the file to 200x140, ignoring aspect ratio."

The "first" part in there is: acquiring the width of all images in that folder. And if I read your question correctly, that is where you have problems with; thus you can look into the identify command coming with ImageMagick. It works like this
identify -format "%wx%h" pic.jpg
See here for handling formatting. As soon as you got your list of "width matching" files, you should be able to further convert them.


How to combine Linux find, convert and copy commands into one command

I have the following cmd that fetches all .pdf files with an STP pattern in the filename and places them into a folder:
find /home/OurFiles/Images/ -name '*.pdf' |grep "STP*" | xargs cp -t /home/OurFiles/ImageConvert/STP/
I have another cmd that converts pdf to jpg.
find /home/OurFiles/ImageConvert/STP/ -type f -name '*.pdf' -print0 |
while IFS= read -r -d '' file
do convert -verbose -density 500 -resize 800 "${file}" "${file%.*}.jpg"
Is it possible to combine these commands into one? Also, I would like pre-pend a prefix onto the converted image file name in the single command, if possible. Example: STP_OCTOBER.jpg to MSP-STP_OCTOBER.jpg. Any feedback is much appreciated.
find /home/OurFiles/Images/ -type f -name '*STP*.pdf' -exec sh -c '
destination=$1; shift # get the first argument
for file do # loop over the remaining arguments
fname=${file##*/} # get the filename part
cp "$file" "$destination" &&
convert -verbose -density 500 -resize 800 "$destination/$fname" "$destination/MSP-${fname%pdf}jpg"
' sh /home/OurFiles/ImageConvert/STP {} +
You could pass the destination directory and all PDFs found to find's -exec option to execute a small script.
The script removes the first argument and saves it to variable destination and then loops over the given PDF paths. For each filepath, extract the filename, copy the file to the destination directory and run the convert command if the copy operation was successful.
Maybe something like:
find /home/OurFiles/Images -type f -name 'STP*.pdf' -print0 |
while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do
destfile="/home/OurFiles/ImageConvert/STP/MSP-$(basename "$file" .pdf).jpg"
convert -verbose -density 500 -resize 800 "$file" "$destfile"
The only really new thing in this merged one compared to your two separate commands is using basename(1) to strip off the directories and extension from the filename in order to create the output filename.

Looping through find results in bash [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to loop through file names returned by find?
(17 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I wanna loop through jpg files, using find to locate them.
The result is the full path name including ./ in front. I want to remove the replace ./ with ./newsubdir/ so I can use that as the output file name in a process, creating a modified copy of the original in newsubdir using the same folder structure.
This is what I tried.
find . -type f -name '*jpg'
for file do
echo ${file:1}
However the substring extraction didn't seem to work at all. Is there a reason for that or a different way to do this. Very new to Bash.
I was going for something like this as a end result. Trying to square a bunch of pictures but keep the folder structure.
find . -type f -name '*jpg'
for file do
convert '$file[2048x2048]' -gravity center -extent 2048x2048 "./newsubdir${file:1}"
You were close! Sticking a little closer to the original code (and thus avoiding starting more shells than necessary):
find . -type f -name '*.jpg' -exec bash -c '
for file do
convert "$file[2048x2048]" -gravity center -extent 2048x2048 "./newsubdir${file:1}"
' _ {} +
...or, using your original shell and avoiding -exec entirely:
while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do
convert "$file[2048x2048]" -gravity center -extent 2048x2048 "./newsubdir${file:1}"
done < <(find . -type f -name '*.jpg' -print0)
These patterns and more are part of UsingFind.
find . -type f -name '*jpg' -exec bash -c '
file=$1; convert "${file}[2048x2048]" -gravity \
center -extent 2048x2048 "./newsubdir/${file:1}"' _ {} \;
Frankly, I think you're much better off writing a script to do the conversion and just calling it with find . -type f -name '*.jpg' -exec script {} \;. Doing that will help to avoid inevitable quoting problems.

Shell script to find and resize images that have

I'm trying to create a shell file I can set and forget...
Images with resolutions higher than 1920px resizes. Higher than 1920 seems to me too high for an e-commerce store anno 2018 ...
On an 8K+ image, an iPhone in Chrome bv simply crashes...
I have already replaced the scripts in as many places as possible so that front-end appropriate resolutions are shown and therefore no original files are simply resized. Ex 4000 x 6720 original, are now 500 x 1000's and are shown at 250 x 500 (so it is still sharp on retina).
These will then be in this lower resolution in the Magento Cache and then in Varnish Cache.
The idea is now to create a shell script that will clean up these "too large" files, resized themselves:
find /home/customer/ \
-type f \
-regex "^. * \. \ (png \ | jpg \ | jpeg \) $" \
-exec identify -format "% d,% w /% f,% h \ n "{} \; \
| awk -F ',' '$ 2> 1080 && $ 3> 1920' \
| grep "png \ | jpg \ | jpeg"
Gives me:
/home/sample/, 1440, 2160
/home/sample/ JEANS_Dames_vest_W65221E0139_22222_2_x14864501010101.jpg, 1440, 2160
/home/sample/ ACCESOIRES_Dames_shoes & boots_S65019P0055_22222_4_x14874601010101.jpg, 1440, 2160
The intention is to resize this now as follows:
convert FILENAME -verbose -resize x1920 FILENAME
I want to do all of these separate steps in a single shell file. Now I copy the generated file > .txt and extract it, run the script with the copy pasted data manually.
I don't think your approach is the best, you can tell convert to only resize images if they are larger, IIRC:
convert -resize ${MAXWIDTH}x${MAXHEIGHT}\> ${FILENAME}
So you can just find all the pictures and unleash find on them:
find . -type f \( -name "*.png" -or -name "*.jpg" -or -name "*.jpeg"\) -exec convert -resize ${MAXWIDTH}x${MAXHEIGHT}\> {} \;

How to batch resize millions of images to fit a max width and height?

The situation
I'm looking for a way to batch-resize approximately 15 million images of different file types to fit a certain bounding box resolution (in this case the image(s) cannot be bigger than 1024*1024), without distorting the image and thus retaining the correct aspect ratio. All files are currently located on a Linux server on which I have sudo access, so if I need to install anything, I'm good to go.
Things I've tried
After dabbling around with some tools under Windows (Adobe Photoshop and other tools) I am no longer willing to run this on my own machine as this renders it virtually unusable when rendering. Considering the size of this job, I'm really looking for some command-line magic to directly run it on Linux, but my endeavors with ImageMagick so far haven't given me anything to work with as I'm getting nothing but errors.
To be honest, ImageMagick's documentation could use some work... or someone should put in the effort to make a good web-interface to create one of these mythical image convertion one-liners.
Required output format
I need the images to be resized to the same filename and of a format which will fit inside a certain maximum dimension, for example 1024*1024, meaning:
a JPG of 2048*1024 becomes a JPG of 1024*512 at 75% quality
a PNG of 1024*2048 becomes a PNG of 512*1024
The resulting image should contain no additional transparent pixels to fill up the remaining pixels; I'm just looking for a way to convert the images to a limited resolution.
Thanks for any help!
The best way I found to convert millions of images like these is by creating a simple bash script which starts converting all the images it finds, like the one listed below:
To edit this bash script, I use nano if you don't have nano: "apt-get install nano" for Ubuntu/Debian or "yum install nano" for CentOS/CloudLinux.. for other distributions: use Google) but you're free to use any editor you want.
Bash script
First, create the bash script by starting your favorite editor (mine's nano):
nano -w ~/
Then fill it with this content:
find ./ -type f -iname "*.jpeg" -exec mogrify -verbose -format jpeg -layers Dispose -resize 1024\>x1024\> -quality 75% {} +
find ./ -type f -iname "*.jpg" -exec mogrify -verbose -format jpg -layers Dispose -resize 1024\>x1024\> -quality 75% {} +
find ./ -type f -iname "*.png" -exec mogrify -verbose -format png -alpha on -layers Dispose -resize 1024\>x1024\> {} +
Then all you need to do is make it executable with chmod +x ~/ and run it from the main images directory where you want to resize the images in all subdirectories:
cd /var/www/
That should start the conversion process.
The way the script works is that it uses find to find the file with extension .jpeg of any capitalization and then runs a command:
find ./ -type f -iname "*.jpeg" -exec <COMMAND> {} +
.. and then execute the appropriate convert job using the "-exec {} +" parameter:
mogrify -verbose -format jpeg -layers Dispose -resize 1024\>x1024\> -quality 75% <### the filename goes here, in this case *.jpeg ###>
If you're working with files older than today and you want to prevent re-doing files you've already converted today, you could even tell the 'find' command only convert the files older than today by adding the option -mtime +1 like so:
find ./ -type f -mtime +1 -iname "*.jpeg" -exec mogrify -verbose -format jpeg -layers Dispose -resize 1024\>x1024\> -quality 75% {} +
find ./ -type f -mtime +1 -iname "*.jpg" -exec mogrify -verbose -format jpg -layers Dispose -resize 1024\>x1024\> -quality 75% {} +
find ./ -type f -mtime +1 -iname "*.png" -exec mogrify -verbose -format png -alpha on -layers Dispose -resize 1024\>x1024\> {} +
A really simple way to use more cores to perform this process is to fork each job to the background by adding a & after each line. Another way would be to use GNU Parallel, especially with the -X parameter as it will use all your CPU cores and get the job done many times quicker.
But no matter what kind of parallelization technique you'll be using, be sure only to do that on your own system and not on a shared disk system where your production platform resides, since going for maximum performance will bog down your hardware or hypervisor performance.
This job is going to take a while, so be sure to set up a screen or a terminal without timeout/noop packets beforehand. On my system, it churned through about 5000 files per minute, so the entire job should take less than ~50-60 hours... sounds like a fine job to run over the weekend.
Just be sure to separate all file extensions from each other by writing separate commands; Piling all options on top of each other and having 'mogrify' using all options for all image formats won't work.
ImageMagick is a powerful tool in the right hands.

change images size of all images - linux terminal

Say I wanted to change the size of a picture and keep the name the same, in terminal I would type: convert picture1.jpg -resize 1280x720! picture1.jpg Now what if I had a folder with hundred of these pictures and I wanted to change them all to 1280x720 and keep the same name. Is there any easier way then typing out that line for each picture?
cd myfolder
for file in *.jpg
convert "$file" -resize 1280x720! "$file"
In case there is tons of images you might run into trouble using an for f in *.jpg approach. In this case you might want to do something like:
find myfolder -maxdepth 1 -name *.jpg -exec convert \{\} -resize 1280x720! \{\} \;
That's exactly what mogrify is for:
mogrify -resize 1280x720! *.jpg
