I am trying to save a table in spark1.6 using pyspark. All of the tables columns are saved as text, I'm wondering if I can change this:
product = sc.textFile('s3://path/product.txt')
product = m3product.map(lambda x: x.split("\t"))
product = sqlContext.createDataFrame(product, ['productid', 'marketID', 'productname', 'prod'])
product.saveAsTable("product", mode='overwrite')
Is there something in the last 2 commands that could automatically recognize productid and marketid as numerics? I have a lot of files and a lot of fields to upload so ideally it would be automatic
Is there something in the last 2 commands that could automatically recognize productid and marketid as numerics
If you pass int or float (depending on what you need) pyspark will convert the data type for you.
In your case, changing the lambda function in
product = m3product.map(lambda x: x.split("\t"))
product = sqlContext.createDataFrame(product, ['productid', 'marketID', 'productname', 'prod'])
from pyspark.sql.types import Row
def split_product_line(line):
fields = line.split('\t')
return Row(
product = m3product.map(split_product_line).toDF()
You will find it much easier to control data types and possibly error/exception checks.
Try to prohibit lambda functions if possible :)
So, im trying to load avro files in to dlt and create pipelines and so fourth.
As a simple data frame in Databbricks, i can read and unpack to avro files, using functions json / rdd.map /lamba function. Where i can create a temp view then do a sql query and then select the fields i want.
--example command
in_path = '/mnt/file_location/*/*/*/*/*.avro'
avroDf = spark.read.format("com.databricks.spark.avro").load(in_path)
jsonRdd = avroDf.select(avroDf.Body.cast("string")).rdd.map(lambda x: x[0])
data = spark.read.json(jsonRdd)
--selecting the data
sql_query1 = sqlContext.sql("""
select distinct
data.field.test1 as col1
,data.field.test2 as col2
,data.field.fieldgrp.city as city
However, i am trying to replicate the process , but use delta live tables and pipelines.
I have used autoloader to load the files into a table, and kept the format as is. So bronze is just avro in its rawest form.
I then planned to create a view that listed the unpack avro file. Much like I did above with "eventhub". Whereby it will then allow me to create queries.
The trouble is, I cant get it to work in dlt. I fail at the 2nd step, after i have imported the file into a bronze layer. It just does not seem to apply the functions to make the data readable/selectable.
This is the sort of code i have been trying. However, it does not seem to pick up the schema, so it is as if the functions are not working. so when i try and select a column, it does not recognise it.
--unpacked data
def eventdata_v():
avroDf = spark.read.format("delta").table("live.bronze_file_list")
jsonRdd = avroDf.select(avroDf.Body.cast("string")).rdd.map(lambda x: x[0])
data = spark.read.json(jsonRdd)
return data
--trying to query the data but it does not recognise field names, even when i select "data" only
def eventdata2_v():
df = (
.select("data.field.test1 ")
return df
I have been working on this for weeks, trying to use different approach's but still no luck.
Any help will be so appreciated. Thankyou
When I attempt to query my input table as a view, I get the error com.palantir.foundry.spark.api.errors.DatasetPathNotFoundException. My code is as follows:
def Median_Product_Revenue_Temp2(Merchant_Segments):
df = spark.sql('select * from Merchant_Segments_View limit 5')
return df
I need to dynamically query this table, since I am trying to calculate the median using percentile_approx across numerous fields, and I'm not sure how to do this without using spark.sql.
If I try to avoid using spark.sql to calculate median across numerous fields using something like the below code, it results in the error Missing Transform Attribute: A module object does not have an attribute percentile_approx. Please check the spelling and/or the datatype of the object.
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
exprs = {x: percentile_approx("x", 0.5) for x in df.columns if x is not exclustion_list}
df = df.groupBy(['BANK_NAME','BUS_SEGMENT']).agg(exprs)
try createGlobalTempView. It worked for me.
(Don't know the root cause why localTempView dose not work )
I managed to avoid using dynamic sql for calculating median across columns using the following code:
df_result = df.groupBy(group_list).agg(
*[ F.expr('percentile_approx(nullif('+col+',0), 0.5)').alias(col) for col in df.columns if col not in exclusion_list]
Embedding percentile_approx in an F.expr bypassed the issue I was encountering in the second half of my post.
So as far as I know Apache Spark doesn't has a functionality that imitates the update SQL command. Like, I can change a single value in a column given a certain condition. The only way around that is to use the following command I was instructed to use (here in Stackoverflow): withColumn(columnName, where('condition', value));
However, the condition should be of column type, meaning I have to use the built in column filtering functions apache has (equalTo, isin, lt, gt, etc). Is there a way I can instead use an SQL statement instead of those built in functions?
The problem is I'm given a text file with SQL statements, like WHERE ID > 5 or WHERE AGE != 50, etc. Then I have to label values based on those conditions, and I thought of following the withColumn() approach but I can't plug-in an SQL statement in that function. Any idea of how I can go around this?
I found a way to go around this:
You want to split your dataset into two sets: the values you want to update and the values you don't want to update
Dataset<Row> valuesToUpdate = dataset.filter('conditionToFilterValues');
Dataset<Row> valuesNotToUpdate = dataset.except(valuesToUpdate);
valueToUpdate = valueToUpdate.withColumn('updatedColumn', lit('updateValue'));
Dataset<Row> updatedDataset = valuesNotToUpdate.union(valueToUpdate);
This, however, doesn't keep the same order of records as the original dataset, so if order is of importance to you, this won't suffice your needs.
In PySpark you have to use .subtract instead of .except
If you are using DataFrame, you can register that dataframe as temp table,
using df.registerTempTable("events")
Then you can query like,
sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM events "+)
when clause translates into case clause which you can relate to SQL case clause.
scala> val condition_1 = when(col("col_1").isNull,"NA").otherwise("AVAILABLE")
condition_1: org.apache.spark.sql.Column = CASE WHEN (col_1 IS NULL) THEN NA ELSE AVAILABLE END
or you can chain when clause as well
scala> val condition_2 = when(col("col_1") === col("col_2"),"EQUAL").when(col("col_1") > col("col_2"),"GREATER").
| otherwise("LESS")
condition_2: org.apache.spark.sql.Column = CASE WHEN (col_1 = col_2) THEN EQUAL WHEN (col_1 > col_2) THEN GREATER ELSE LESS END
scala> val new_df = df.withColumn("condition_1",condition_1).withColumn("condition_2",condition_2)
Still if you want to use table, then you can register your dataframe / dataset as temperory table and perform sql queries
df.createOrReplaceTempView("tempTable")//spark 2.1 +
df.registerTempTable("tempTable")//spark 1.6
Now, you can perform sql queries
spark.sql("your queries goes here with case clause and where condition!!!")//spark 2.1
sqlContest.sql("your queries goes here with case clause and where condition!!!")//spark 1.6
If you are using java dataset
you can update dataset by below.
here is the code
Dataset ratesFinal1 = ratesFinal.filter(" on_behalf_of_comp_id != 'COMM_DERIVS' ");
ratesFinal1 = ratesFinal1.filter(" status != 'Hit/Lift' ");
Dataset ratesFinalSwap = ratesFinal1.filter (" on_behalf_of_comp_id in ('SAPPHIRE','BOND') and cash_derivative != 'cash'");
ratesFinalSwap = ratesFinalSwap.withColumn("ins_type_str",functions.lit("SWAP"));
adding new column with value from existing column
ratesFinalSTW = ratesFinalSTW.withColumn("action", ratesFinalSTW.col("status"));
I am converting my legacy Python code to Spark using PySpark.
I would like to get a PySpark equivalent of:
usersofinterest = actdataall[actdataall['ORDValue'].isin(orddata['ORDER_ID'].unique())]['User ID']
Both, actdataall and orddata are Spark dataframes.
I don't want to use toPandas() function given the drawback associated with it.
If both dataframes are big, you should consider using an inner join which will work as a filter:
First let's create a dataframe containing the order IDs we want to keep:
orderid_df = orddata.select(orddata.ORDER_ID.alias("ORDValue")).distinct()
Now let's join it with our actdataall dataframe:
usersofinterest = actdataall.join(orderid_df, "ORDValue", "inner").select('User ID').distinct()
If your target list of order IDs is small then you can use the pyspark.sql isin function as mentioned in furianpandit's post, don't forget to broadcast your variable before using it (spark will copy the object to every node making their tasks a lot faster):
orderid_list = orddata.select('ORDER_ID').distinct().rdd.flatMap(lambda x:x).collect()[0]
The most direct translation of your code would be:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
# collect all the unique ORDER_IDs to the driver
order_ids = [x.ORDER_ID for x in orddata.select('ORDER_ID').distinct().collect()]
# filter ORDValue column by list of order_ids, then select only User ID column
usersofinterest = actdataall.filter(F.col('ORDValue').isin(order_ids)).select('User ID')
However, you should only filter like this only if number of 'ORDER_ID' is definitely small (perhaps <100,000 or so).
If the number of 'ORDER_ID's is large, you should use a broadcast variable which sends the list of order_ids to each executor so it can compare against the order_ids locally for faster processing. Note, this will work even if 'ORDER_ID' is small.
order_ids = [x.ORDER_ID for x in orddata.select('ORDER_ID').distinct().collect()]
order_ids_broadcast = sc.broadcast(order_ids) # send to broadcast variable
usersofinterest = actdataall.filter(F.col('ORDValue').isin(order_ids_broadcast.value)).select('User ID')
For more information on broadcast variables, check out: https://jaceklaskowski.gitbooks.io/mastering-apache-spark/spark-broadcast.html
So, you have two spark dataframe. One is actdataall and other is orddata, then use following command to get your desire result.
usersofinterest = actdataall.where(actdataall['ORDValue'].isin(orddata.select('ORDER_ID').distinct().rdd.flatMap(lambda x:x).collect()[0])).select('User ID')
I need to use an UDF in Spark that takes in a timestamp, an Integer and another dataframe and returns a tuple of 3 values.
I keep hitting error after error and I'm not sure I'm trying to fix it right anymore.
Here is the function:
def determine_price (view_date: org.apache.spark.sql.types.TimestampType , product_id: Int, price_df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame) : (Double, java.sql.Timestamp, Double) = {
var price_df_filtered = price_df.filter($"mkt_product_id" === product_id && $"created"<= view_date)
var price_df_joined = price_df_filtered.groupBy("mkt_product_id").agg("view_price" -> "min", "created" -> "max").withColumn("last_view_price_change", lit(1))
var price_df_final = price_df_joined.join(price_df_filtered, price_df_joined("max(created)") === price_df_filtered("created")).filter($"last_view_price_change" === 1)
var result = (price_df_final.select("view_price").head().getDouble(0), price_df_final.select("created").head().getTimestamp(0), price_df_final.select("min(view_price)").head().getDouble(0))
return result
val det_price_udf = udf(determine_price)
the error it gives me is:
error: missing argument list for method determine_price
Unapplied methods are only converted to functions when a function type is expected.
You can make this conversion explicit by writing `determine_price _` or `determine_price(_,_,_)` instead of `determine_price`.
If I start adding the arguments I keep running in other errors such as Int expected Int.type found or object DataFrame is not a member of package org.apache.spark.sql
To give some context:
The idea is that I have a dataframe of prices, a product id and a date of creation and another dataframe containing product IDs and view dates.
I need to determine the price based on which was the last created price entry that is older than the view date.
Since each product ID has multiple view dates in the second dataframe. I thought an UDF is faster than a cross join. If anyone has a different idea, I'd be grateful.
You cannot pass the Dataframe inside UDF as UDF will be running on the Worker On a particular partition. And as you cannot use RDD on Worker( Is it possible to create nested RDDs in Apache Spark? ), similarly you cannot use the DataFrame on Worker too.!
You need to do a work around for this !