NetSuite - OnValidateLine not working - netsuite

My validate line function below appears to only work on the second time of clicking add. So if the amount is 500 and I set the discount to 100, on hitting the add button it should be 400. It doesn't work. If I click the line again, the it seems the discount applies twice - amount becomes 300. How do I resolve this?
function OnValidateLine(type, name) {
var count = nlapiGetLineItemCount('expense')
var total = nlapiGetFieldValue('usertotal')
for (var x = 1; x <= count; x++) {
var amount = nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('expense', 'amount');
var discount = nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('expense', 'custcolptc_discount');
if (discount) {
nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('expense', 'amount', amount - discount)
return true;
return true;

You are not actually doing anything with your loop.
Also the way you are going about this is fraught with issues.
You should probably do this in the recalc event rather than a line validation event.
If I were doing this I'd tend manage a 'synthetic' expense line that is the total of calculated discounts. The way you are currently doing this if someone changes the expense description you'll end up with the discount applied twice. If you use a discount line then you'll just total up the discounts and add or update the discount line.
Typically for a Client script you would need to advance the pointer for each line you are looking at. In the untested example below the 'id field?' would be memo or account columns (you'll have to set the account anyway):
var totalDiscount = 0;
var discountExpenseAt = 0;
for(var i = nlapiGetLineItemCount('expense'); i> 0; i--){
if(nlapiGetLineItemValue('expense', 'id field?', i) == 'discount identifier') {
discountExpenseAt = i;
totalDiscount += parseFloat(nlapiGetLineItemValue('expense', 'custcolptc_discount', i)) ||0;
if(totalDiscount) {
nlapiSelectCurrentLineItem('expense', discountExpenseAt);
nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('expense', 'amount', totalDiscount.toFixed(2));
nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('expense', 'id field?', 'discount identifier');


NodeJS Scripting issue with value sum definition

The home gas-meter is providing the actual gas count. With the subtraction (last minus before) I get 'Delta_Gas'. This is working.
Now I am trying to sum up gas these consumption values greater 0. In a typical cycle after gas burner ON max.10 values need to be summed up every minute. With burner OFF gas consumption should be set to zero(0).
Finally I want to see the gas consumption values for each single burner ON/OFF cycle.
Who can support my approach as I am a little bit lost?
var v1 = dp('/User Registers/Delta_Gas');
var sum = dp('/User Registers/Sum_Gas')
var s1;
setInterval(AddValues, 3600000, s1); //1h Laufzeit
function AddValues(s1)
const add = add + v1
const sum = add
if(v1 > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

I cannot find out why this code keeps skipping a loop

Some background on what is going on:
We are processing addresses into standardized forms, this is the code to take addresses scored by how many components found and then rescore them using a levenshtein algorithm across similar post codes
The scores are how many components were found in that address divided by the number missed, to return a ratio
The input data, scoreDict, is a dictionary containing arrays of arrays. The first set of arrays is the scores, so there are 12 arrays because there are 12 scores in this file (it adjusts by file). There are then however many addresses fit that score in their own separate arrays stored in that. Don't ask me why I'm doing it that way, my brain is dead
The code correctly goes through each score array and each one is properly filled with the unique elements that make it up. It is not short by any amount, nothing is duplicated, I have checked
When we hit the score that is -1 (this goes to any address where it doesn't fit in some rule so we can't use its post code to find components so no components are found) the loop specifically ONLY DOES EVERY OTHER ADDRESS IN THIS SCORE ARRAY
It doesn't do this to any other score array, I have checked
I have tried changing the number to something else like 99, same issue except one LESS address got rescored, and the rest stayed at the original failing score of 99
I am going insane, can anyone find where in this loop something may be going wrong to cause it to only do every other line. The index counter of line and sc come through in the correct order and do not skip over. I have checked
I am sorry this is not professional, I have been at this one loop for 5 hours
Rescore: function Rescore(scoreDict) {
let tempInc = 0;
//Loop through all scores stored in scoreDict
for (var line in scoreDict) {
let addUpdate = "";
//Loop through each line stored by score
for (var sc in scoreDict[line.toString()]) {
let possCodes = new Array();
const curLine = scoreDict[line.toString()][sc];
const curScore = curLine[1].split(',')[curLine[1].split(',').length-1];
switch (true) {
case curScore == -1:
let postCode = (new RegExp('([A-PR-UWYZ][A-HK-Y]?[0-9][A-Z0-9]?[ ]?[0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2})', 'i')).exec(curLine[1].replace(/\\n/g, ','));
let areaCode;
//if (curLine.split(',')[curLine.split(',').length-2].includes("REFERENCE")) {
if ((postCode = (new RegExp('(([A-Z][A-Z]?[0-9][A-Z0-9]?(?=[ ]?[0-9][A-Z]{2}))|[0-9]{5})', 'i').exec(postCode))) !== null) {
for (const code in Object.keys(addProper)) {
leven.LoadWords(postCode[0], Object.keys(addProper)[code]);
if (leven.distance < 2) {
//Weight will have adjustment algorithms based on other factors
let weight = 1;
//Add all codes that are close to the same to a temp array
possCodes.push(postCode.input.replace(postCode[0], Object.keys(addProper)[code]).split(',')[0] + "(|W|)" + (leven.distance/weight));
let highScore = 0;
let candidates = new Array();
//Use the component script from cityprocess to rescore
for (var i=0;i<possCodes.length;i++) {
postValid.add([curLine[1].split(',').slice(0,curLine[1].split(',').length-2) + '(|S|)' + possCodes[i].split("(|W|)")[0]]);
if (postValid.addChunk[0].split('(|S|)')[postValid.addChunk[0].split('(|S|)').length-1] > highScore) {
candidates = new Array();
highScore = postValid.addChunk[0].split('(|S|)')[postValid.addChunk[0].split('(|S|)').length-1];
} else if (postValid.addChunk[0].split('(|S|)')[postValid.addChunk[0].split('(|S|)').length-1] == highScore) {
score.Rescore(curLine, sc, candidates[0]);
//} else if (curLine.split(',')[curLine.split(',').length-2].contains("AREA")) {
// leven.LoadWords();
case curScore > 0:
//console.log("That's a pretty good score mate");
//console.log(line + ": " + scoreDict[line].length);
The issue was that I was calling the loop on the array I was editing, so as each element got removed from the array (rescored and moved into a separate array) it got shorter by that element, resulting in an issue that when the first element was rescored and removed, and then we moved onto the second index which was now the third element, because everything shifted up by 1 index
I fixed it by having it simply enter an empty array for each removed element, so everything kept its index and the array kept its length, and then clear the empty values at a later time in the code

How can I replace automatically-generated grand total values with different ones (Aspose Cells)?

My spreadsheet automatically generates a "Grand Totals" column as the rightmost column:
This is nice, in general. But in specific, I've got a couple of problems with it: The last two values (with the unfortunate labels "Sum of Avg Price" and "Sum of Percentage") provide just that - a sum of the previous columns. In those cases, I don't want a simple sum, but an average in the first case and a percentage in the second case.
For the AvgPrice, what I need is a calculation of "Sum of Total Price" / "Sum of Total Quty" in the Grand Total column. For instance, the first AvgPrice Grand Total value should be "33.14" rather than "66.26"
For the Percentage, I need the percentage of Total Price for the item/Description (such as "25151.75" seen in the first item above) as compared to the "Total Price" value in the "Total Sum of Total Price" grand total row/column ("1529802.82"). That value is seen here:
So the "Percentage" value for that first item ("ASPARAGUS, LARGE 11/1#") should be approximately 1.6 (as 25151.75 is about 1/60th of 1529802.82), rather than 1.36.
Is there a way to set this up to automatically generate those values in the Grand Total Column, or do I need to prevent the Grand Total column from being generated like so:
pivotTable.ColumnGrand = false;
...and then add that column to the sheet manually, doing the calculations in code, and adding those values that way?
In order to look into this issue in detail, please post your query in Aspose.Cells forum with your sample excel files. You can provide us source excel file, actual output excel file and the expected excel file and sample code. And the screenshot like you provided will also be helpful. Thanks for your cooperation in this regard.
Aspose.Cells Forum Link:
Note: I am working as Developer Evangelist at Aspose
It's easiest, I think, to just add that column manually, calculating the necessary values; here's how I'm doing it now (basically the same idea as in Excel Interop - manually adding the Grand Total column):
After the PivotTable code, I call AddManualGrandTotalColumn(), which is:
private void AddManualGrandTotalColumn()
var pivot = pivotTableSheet.PivotTables[0];
var dataBodyRange = pivot.DataBodyRange;
int rowsUsed = dataBodyRange.EndRow;
int currentQtyRow = FIRST_DATA_ROW;
int ROWS_IN_A_RANGE = 4;
// Needed?
// Get Total Sales value, which will be needed for computing the % val
Cell totalTotalPurchasesCell = pivotTableSheet.Cells[rowsUsed - 2, _grandTotalsColumnPivotTable + 1];
decimal totalTotalPurchases = Convert.ToDecimal(totalTotalPurchasesCell.Value);
Cell gtLabelCell = pivotTableSheet.Cells[6, _grandTotalsColumnPivotTable + 2];
gtLabelCell.Value = "Grand Total";
Cell QtyCell = null;
Cell PriceCell = null;
Cell AvgPriceCell = null;
Cell PercentageCell = null;
while (currentQtyRow < rowsUsed)
// SumTotalQty
int qty = GetSumTotalQty(currentQtyRow);
QtyCell = pivotTableSheet.Cells[currentQtyRow, _grandTotalsColumnPivotTable + 2];
QtyCell.Value = qty;
// SumTotalPrice
decimal price = GetSumTotalPrice(currentQtyRow+1);
PriceCell = pivotTableSheet.Cells[currentQtyRow+1, _grandTotalsColumnPivotTable + 2];
PriceCell.Value = price;
// Calculate Avg Price (SumTotalPrice / SumTotalQty)
decimal avg = 0.0M;
if ((price > 0) && (qty > 0))
avg = price / qty;
AvgPriceCell = pivotTableSheet.Cells[currentQtyRow+2, _grandTotalsColumnPivotTable + 2];
AvgPriceCell.Value = avg;
// Calculate Percentage (totalTotalPurchases / SumTotalPrice?)
decimal prcntg = 0.0M;
if ((totalTotalPurchases > 0) && (price > 0)) // ? Right calculation?
prcntg = totalTotalPurchases / price;
PercentageCell = pivotTableSheet.Cells[currentQtyRow+3, _grandTotalsColumnPivotTable + 2];
PercentageCell.Value = prcntg;
currentQtyRow = currentQtyRow + ROWS_IN_A_RANGE;
private int GetSumTotalQty(int currentQtyRow)
int LAST_MONTH_COL = _grandTotalsColumnPivotTable; // - 1;
int cumulativeQty = 0;
Cell qtyCell = null;
for (int i = FIRST_MONTH_COL; i <= LAST_MONTH_COL; i++)
qtyCell = pivotTableSheet.Cells[currentQtyRow, i];
cumulativeQty = cumulativeQty + Convert.ToInt32(qtyCell.Value);
return cumulativeQty;
. . . (etc. for GetSumTotalPrice())

Grabbing text from webpage and storing as variable

On the webpage
It lists prices for a particular item in a game, I wanted to grab the "Current guide price:" of said item, and store it as a variable so I could output it in a google spreadsheet. I only want the number, currently it is "643.8k", but I am not sure how to grab specific text like that.
Since the number is in "k" form, that means I can't graph it, It would have to be something like 643,800 to make it graphable. I have a formula for it, and my second question would be to know if it's possible to use a formula on the number pulled, then store that as the final output?
This is what I have so far and it's not working not sure why.
function pullRuneScape() {
var page = UrlFetchApp.fetch("").getContentText();
var number = page.match(/Current guide price:<\/th>\n(\d*)/)[1];
SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('RuneScape').appendRow([new Date(), number]);
Your regex is wrong. I tested this one successfully:
var number = page.match(/Current guide price:<\/th>\s*<td>([^<]*)<\/td>/m)[1];
What it does:
Current guide price:<\/th> find Current guide price: and closing td tag
\s*<td> allow whitespace between tags, find opening td tag
([^<]*) build a group and match everything except this char <
<\/td> match the closing td tag
/m match multiline
Use UrlFetch to get the page [1]. That'll return an HTTPResponse that you can read with GetBlob [2]. Once you have the text you can use regular expressions. In this case just search for 'Current guide price:' and then read the next row. As to remove the 'k' you can just replace with reg ex like this:
Will return just '123'.
Obviously, you are not getting anything because the regexp is wrong. I'm no regexp expert but I was able to extract the number using basic string manipulation
var page = UrlFetchApp.fetch("").getContentText();
var TD = "<td>";
var start = page.indexOf('Current guide price');
start = page.indexOf(TD, start);
var end = page.indexOf('</td>',start);
var number = page.substring (start + TD.length , end);
Then, I wrote a function to convert k,m etc. to the corresponding multiplying factors.
function getMultiplyingFactor(symbol){
case 'k':
case 'K':
return 1000;
case 'm':
case 'M':
return 1000 * 1000;
case 'g':
case 'G':
return 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
return 1;
Finally, tie the two together
function pullRuneScape() {
var page = UrlFetchApp.fetch("").getContentText();
var TD = "<td>";
var start = page.indexOf('Current guide price');
start = page.indexOf(TD, start);
var end = page.indexOf('</td>',start);
var number = page.substring (start + TD.length , end);
var numericPart = number.substring(0, number.length -1);
var multiplierSymbol = number.substring(number.length -1 , number.length);
var multiplier = getMultiplyingFactor(multiplierSymbol);
var fullNumber = multiplier == 1 ? number : numericPart * multiplier;
Certainly, not the optimal way of doing things but it works.
Basically I parse the html page as you did (with corrected regex) and split the string into number part and multiplicator (k = 1000). Finally I return the extracted number. This function can be used in Google Docs.
function pullRuneScape() {
var pageContent = UrlFetchApp.fetch("").getContentText();
var matched = pageContent.match(/Current guide price:<.th>\n<td>(\d+\.*\d*)([k]{0,1})/);
var numberAsString = matched[1];
var multiplier = "";
if (matched.length == 3) {
multiplier = matched[2];
number = convertNumber(numberAsString, multiplier);
return number;
function convertNumber(numberAsString, multiplier) {
var number = Number(numberAsString);
if (multiplier == 'k') {
number *= 1000;
return number;

Is it possible to do a Levenshtein distance in Excel without having to resort to Macros?

Let me explain.
I have to do some fuzzy matching for a company, so ATM I use a levenshtein distance calculator, and then calculate the percentage of similarity between the two terms. If the terms are more than 80% similar, Fuzzymatch returns "TRUE".
My problem is that I'm on an internship, and leaving soon. The people who will continue doing this do not know how to use excel with macros, and want me to implement what I did as best I can.
So my question is : however inefficient the function may be, is there ANY way to make a standard function in Excel that will calculate what I did before, without resorting to macros ?
If you came about this googling something like
levenshtein distance google sheets
I threw this together, with the code comment from milot-midia on this gist ( - code under MIT license)
From Sheets in the header menu, Tools -> Script Editor
Name the project
The name of the function (not the project) will let you use the func
Paste the following code
function Levenshtein(a, b) {
if(a.length == 0) return b.length;
if(b.length == 0) return a.length;
// swap to save some memory O(min(a,b)) instead of O(a)
if(a.length > b.length) {
var tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp;
var row = [];
// init the row
for(var i = 0; i <= a.length; i++){
row[i] = i;
// fill in the rest
for(var i = 1; i <= b.length; i++){
var prev = i;
for(var j = 1; j <= a.length; j++){
var val;
if(b.charAt(i-1) == a.charAt(j-1)){
val = row[j-1]; // match
} else {
val = Math.min(row[j-1] + 1, // substitution
prev + 1, // insertion
row[j] + 1); // deletion
row[j - 1] = prev;
prev = val;
row[a.length] = prev;
return row[a.length];
You should be able to run it from a spreadsheet with
While it can't be done in a single formula for any reasonably-sized strings, you can use formulas alone to compute the Levenshtein Distance between strings using a worksheet.
Here is an example that can handle strings up to 15 characters, it could be easily expanded for more:
This isn't practical for anything other than ad-hoc comparisons, but it does do a decent job of showing how the algorithm works.
looking at the previous answers to calculating Levenshtein distance, I think it would be impossible to create it as a formula.
Take a look at the code here
Actually, I think I just found a workaround. I was adding it in the wrong part of the code...
Adding this line
} else if(b.charAt(i-1)==a.charAt(j) && b.charAt(i)==a.charAt(j-1)){
val = row[j-1]-0.33; //transposition
so it now reads
if(b.charAt(i-1) == a.charAt(j-1)){
val = row[j-1]; // match
} else if(b.charAt(i-1)==a.charAt(j) && b.charAt(i)==a.charAt(j-1)){
val = row[j-1]-0.33; //transposition
} else {
val = Math.min(row[j-1] + 1, // substitution
prev + 1, // insertion
row[j] + 1); // deletion
Seems to fix the problem. Now 'biulding' is 92% accurate and 'bilding' is 88%. (whereas with the original formula 'biulding' was only 75%... despite being closer to the correct spelling of building)
