When to increase minor version with SEMVER? - semantic-versioning

I have a website I'm developing. I try to use SEMVER with any changes I make. Sometimes I'm not sure when I need to bump up the minor version. For example,
I have my website/app at v0.9.0. I have this deployed on a production site. One day, I decide to add some new functionality to the website. I add my new functionality, test it and deploy it and it works great. Since this is not a bug fix, does that mean I need to go from v0.9.0 to v1.0.0? So essentially, if I'm at vX.0.0, it only takes 10 new features to be independently added (no matter the size) in order to go to version X+1 ?
It seems like there should be some way to incrementally increase the minor version. I see a lot of people do v0.10.0 as the next version.
Is that the recommended way to do it?

No Jake, it does not mean you need to go to version 1.0.0. The next minor version after version 0.9.0 would be 0.10.0.
See https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/semantic-versioning for a nice intro.


How to increment the version of package using semantic-versioning, if several bugfixes and a new backward compatible feature have been added?

The semantic versioning system states that a backwards compatible bugfix means that you increment the patch version number (z in x.y.z). It also states that a backwards compatible feature addition should be introduced by incrementing the minor version number (y in x.y.z).
What if both of these things have been added a new release is due? Does one only increment the minor version number?
Semver is a great framework when each addition gets its own release. In this case, you would have ideally released the patch version updates for each bug fix, and then the minor version. However, having collated all those things together, your intuition is right. You can simply bypass the patch versions and bump the minor version. Just make sure to mention the bug fixes in the changelog to help your users know what has happened.
And remember, frameworks are meant to enable you to do things quickly, rather than be strict guidelines. So, nothing out there says that what you're doing goes against semver, it's just adapted to your way of working.

How can I check if my code will run in a new (or old) version of Node?

I have a code running in Node 9.8
Node 9 will reach End-of-life soon.
If I switch to node 10, how can I check if my code will run in node 10 without having to execute all paths of the code ?
Or if I go down to 8.11, how can I check if my code will run in node 8.11 ?
There is no test cases written on the code.
This is a good example of why solid unit/integration tests are critical to long-term maintainability. That said, there are a few steps you can take to reduce the risk of breaking things:
Take a look at the change logs pertaining to the versions you're moving to/from. The NodeJS team kindly includes a Notable Changes section in each change log, though I wouldn't rely on that alone as being 100% inclusive of the potentially breaking changes you may be up against.
Consider writing unit/integration tests, both as part of your assurance that things won't break from this version change, as well as that things won't break from later version changes (or everyday changes for that matter).
As much as I hate to say it, Googling around for guides on upgrading (or downgrading?) NodeJS versions may help you identify potential danger zones.
Generally, I'd consider it safer and better practice to upgrade the version than downgrade. For one, you're moving forward to the newer and greater experience the NodeJS team wants you work with, and secondly, future versions are probably more likely to be backwards compatible, whereas the old version may be missing features you're using.

Semantic Versioning & Continuous Deployment

Murphy kicked my a$$ about an hour ago.
I recently joined a new employer and the product was quite outdated in terms of dependencies, Angular 1.2.x, Angular-UI 0.12.0, etc...
This is the first employer I've worked at that does daily builds to prod etc. (previosuly I've only worked in what can be called large corporate, with much slower turn around) Part of my initial task was to upgrade dependencies where I can. Thus earlier this morning we had a watercooler talk with some of the devs about why all of our bower dependencies are hardcoded to specific versions.
The 2 schools of thought are:
Hardcoding versions obviously gives 100% security as versions can't dynamically jump, but has the drawback that if someone doesnt actively update we'll fall behind again.
I'm of the opinion that semantic versioning gives us some form of security (coupled with having multiple staging environments), and that it should be good enough to, say, have Angular set to say ^1.5.9.
Quoted from the Semantic Version Docs:
Minor version Y (x.Y.z | x > 0) MUST be incremented if new, backwards
compatible functionality is introduced to the public API. It MUST be
incremented if any public API functionality is marked as deprecated.
It MAY be incremented if substantial new functionality or improvements
are introduced within the private code. It MAY include patch level
changes. Patch version MUST be reset to 0 when minor version is
Earlier this morning we deployed to staging, and everything seemed good to go, then we deployed to production an hour or so ago and ... BOOM
The issue was the AngularJs change from 1.5.9, to 1.6.0. I've seen in the migration docs (migrate 1.5 -> 1.6) that this has been noted:
You may also notice that this release comes with a longer-than-usual
list of breaking changes. Don't let this dishearten you though, since
most of them are pretty minor - often not expected to affect real
applications. These breaking changes were necessary in order to:
Where is my disconnect? ...or is the semantic version docs just a false sense of security I've had all along?
How do people out there in the handle these situations? Do people make use of auto dependency upgrading in any real world solutions (excuse me if this is super obvious to some), as to me, the fact that the build passed staging, and broke in production is actually more concerning.
(The reason I'm asking is because the fear of small incremental updates are now back and stronger than ever, and I'm not sure if I agree with the sentiment of it all...)
Seems pretty simple, if they make breaking changes, they should have bumped it up to 2.0.0. They are not doing semantic versioning. Not all projects using X.Y.Z. style versions are doing semantic versioning.
Try to catch how this went "boom" in an automated way in your testing and staging environments. Can't fear moving forward, it has to be done sometime, and I'd rather move step-by-step more frequently, than to suddendly move up many versions as would be done with an entirely manual process.

Why is node.js v4.4.5 recommended over v6.2.0 "for most users"?

I used node.js for a development project a few years ago, and this app is somewhat "mothballed" for the time being — it needs to stay online, it needs to stay secure, but it shouldn't need much attention. It is currently running on node.js v0.10.32, but I would now like invest in a "final" migration to a Long Term Support (LTS) release so it will be easier to maintain for the foreseeable future.
At first glance, the node.js homepage makes it look like v4.4.5 is obviously the only available LTS release:
However if I click that LTS schedule link, it tells a different story. As far as I can tell, version 6 of node.js is also slated to be an LTS release, with that support ending a full year later than version 4 will be.
Given that:
v6.2.0 is a versioned release
v6 is purported to receive LTS maintenance until 2019-04-01
theoretically no changes in v6.x should break backwards compatibility
Why would I bother upgrading to v4 instead of v6? Seems like v4 buys me one less year of security patches, but no additional compatibility guarantees?
With gratitude to jasnell and TheAlphaNerd who patiently answered my acerbic questions over on GitHub, here's my understanding of how node.js "long term support" releases are handled:
All releases based on an even-numbered major branch are what other projects might call a "long term support" version. They are promised at least 30 months of support from the first "cut" made available (e.g. a packaged v6.0.0 releases).
However, the node.js maintainers see "LTS" as more of a release phase than a version type. While they intend for minor/patch releases made when a major branch is in its active improvement (see "CURRENT" below) phase to be stable and backwards compatible, in the real world they might make mistakes.
So they divide development into three distinct phases:
CURRENT: new features (and bug fixes and security patches)
ACTIVE LTS: bug fixes (and security patches)
MAINTENANCE: only security patches
Odd-numbered major versions get only the first phase before being left behind. Even-numbered major versions — the ones we're mostly concerned about here — go through all three phases.
The CURRENT phase starts with the first public release, and starts the clock ticking on the 30-month support window. They may add significant new features, which should in theory be backwards-compatible but in practice may turn up some issues (new bug gets added, change made to poorly-defined behavior, they fix an old bug you had worked around poorly, etc.)
Then at some point the team decides to move the main development effort to a short-lived odd-numbered major branch (presumably when they need to intentionally break backwards compatibility). At that point the even-numbered branch moves to ACTIVE LTS and they get much more careful with the changes they make: primarily just bug fixes. So if you really want stability, this is the time to get "on board" with a particular release.
Eventually it moves even further to the MAINTENANCE phase, where the code is touched only in response to the most critical bugs (think: security patches). But by then there's probably a new release in LTS "phase" already.
So the choice on the homepage right now is between two even-numbered branches, "v4.4.5 LTS" and "v6.2.0 current". If the newer branch were odd-numbered then it would not be a good candidate for a production deploy where long-term support is desired.
My actual options are a bit more complex even:
I could simply stay on v0.10 which will get critical fixes until October. Or bump up to v0.12 to get those until the end of the year. But neither one of those gains me much, and so I'll rule them out.
I can deploy v4.4.5 which will is still getting general bug fixes right now, and will get security fixes for quite a while yet. This should give me the most stable install. The support cycle is getting to be halfway over already, though — and when it runs out I'll have missed this opportunity now to catch up with some of the major changes that have already happened in v5 and v6.
I am leaning towards deploying v6.2.0, assuming all my dependencies support it right now. This not only buys me a year longer term of "lifecyle remaining", but also gets me fully caught up with any breaking changes that were introduced between v0.10 and now. (It also gets me access to any useful new features — but in this case I don't have a chance to take advantage of it.) The risk I take is that when I update to any hypothetical v6.2.1 or v6.3.0 or beyond that comes along, it might accidentally yield some bad surprises.
In my case I'd rather deal now with the major intentional changes that v5 and v6 have already introduced, and then hopefully be all set (or at least only minor pain) from now all the way until April 2019.

Upgrading from Groovy 1.3.5 to 1.7.5

I've just inherited an application written in Groovy (version 1.3.5) and would like to upgrade it to the newest release (version 1.7.5).
I can't seem to find a reference that enumerates the differences in syntax, etc., which I would need to be aware of ... and yes, I looked at http://groovy.codehaus.org
Does anyone know of a good place that lists version changes?
Many thanks,
I think your best bet would be to try it and see where your tests fail.
You do have tests right? ;-)
If not, I'd write some, then try the upgrade and fix where needed.
I don't believe there is a single page where you'd find all the changes from one version to another.
You could maybe collate something by going through all the release notes, but it's probably quicker to just try it.
You can find the changes from one version to another by looking at the release notes. However, the release notes only describe the changes from version N to version N + 1. I don't know how many versions there were between 1.3.5 and 1.7.5, but I'd guess at least 10.
To discover all the changes between 1.3.5 and 1.7.5, you'll have to look at the release notes for each release. Starting from this page, you should be able to find them all, here are some links to get you started.
You should be able to get older releases (and their notes) from the distribution archive.
Having said all that, reading release notes doesn't guarantee anything, (though it's a good way to learn about new features). The only way to be sure that your code runs under the newest version is to compile and test it under that version.
