Set password to meteor's mongo database - node.js

I have deployed a meteor project in a stage server and 2 days ago I found out mongodb had no password. I was able to connect to mongodb with robomongo by only providing the IP(no username, no password).
I want to set a password to protect it. I have been following this documentation but I get "mongo/mongod not a command" when writing these commands in application's root directory or after "meteor mongo" command.
What am I missing here, how can I protect mongodb with a password?

I don't think you can, when you are running Meteors built-in MongoDB server.
The reason for this is that if you put a password on that database, Meteor will not be able to connect to it.
And to specify a password in the MongoDB connection you need to set the MONGO_URL environment variable.
And when you do that Meteor will think you are running an external MongoDB installation and it will not even start the built-in MongoDB server.
So it's kind of catch-22.
To set a password you need to have a separate MongoDB installed on your server, set a password on that one, and then tell Meteor to use it using a MONGO_URL environment variable in the format:

Writing this as an answer because it is impossible to format text in a comment, it makes it very hard to read.
I assume you are running on an Amazon linux server, then.
If you really read the install instructions you linked to, you will see that it is not a ton of commands at all.
Install 1: Create the /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-3.2.repo file with the content given.
Install 2: sudo yum install -y mongodb-org
Run: sudo service mongod start
Done! MongoDB is now running and listening to port 27017.
You can now add a password, and set MONGO_URL as above.


Postgresqll 10: Postgres User /sbin/nologin preventing initdb setup

I'm attempting to install postgresql 10 for the first time and need to run the initdb setup. Unfortunately, this fails and returns an error from the nologin shell.
server# /usr/pgsql-10/bin/postgresql-10-setup initdb
Initializing database ...
failed, see /var/lib/pgsql/10/initdb.log
server# cat /var/lib/pgsql/10/initdb.log
This account is currently not available.
I strace'd the command and verified the su commands are probably what's causing this and it seems the default setting for the postgres user is /sbin/nologin. In various examples I've seen, there is no mention of this being a possible issue. How would this work on any other system by default? I feel that temporarily modifying the login shell would work but I want to understand this issue better more specifically from the application's end.
centos 7.8
selinux mode: permissive
postgresql 10

Centos 6.9 - MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but is currently not able to persist on disk

I'm using Centos 6.9. I have installed Redis using yum:
sudo yum update
sudo yum install redis
No errors were given during the installation.
I can start Redis using redis-cli. It gives me the prompt as expected:>
However whenever I issue commands (e.g. PING or SET foo bar) it's giving the following error message:
(error) MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but is currently not able to persist on disk. Commands that may modify the data set are disabled. Please check Redis logs for details about the error.
I've found MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots. and gone through it but none of the advice in there works.
The Accepted Answer on the above was to use CONFIG SET to change the directory where Redis was storing data. I tried this in a non-root directory, CONFIG SET dir /home/andy, but it still gives me the same error message.
If I execute BGSAVE it says "Background saving started" but then attempting SET foo bar goes back to giving me the error above.
Other answers have discussed this being a permissions issue. However I don't see how these apply because I've tried starting Redis as both root and my own account (andy) and the same occurs.
I'm not sure if it's the same problem as described on the link or something else.
How can I further diagnose this? I am a PHP developer by trade so this is not my area of expertise, however I am trying to install Redis so I can use it with a PHP application which has it's own interface to Redis.
It seems that the yum installation creates a redis user, and your Redis instance is running by this user. So even if you set dir to /home/andy, this redis user still doesn't have permission to write to andy's home directory.
Use ps aux |grep redis to get the user who's running redis, and config dir to a directory that this user has write permission.
Quick fix for this error is, goto redis-cli and set following> config set stop-writes-on-bgsave-error no
Above like just ignore it
I solved the problem by executing following commands:
$ redis-cli
> config set stop-writes-on-bgsave-error no

Postgres connection failure when running node app using supervisor

I have nodejs webapp with postresql. I am running this using supervisord on the server. The problem is that the postgresql login from nodejs is failing. The error message is:
no PostgreSQL user name specified in startup packet
which basically means no user name is being passed from the webapp while connecting to the db.
Note that I am using unix socket for connecting to postgres from my webapp.
My webapp1.conf looks like:
command = node /home/webapp1/projects/webapp1/app.js
directory = /home/webapp1/projects/webapp1
autostart = true
autorestart = true
stdout_logfile = /var/log/supervisor/webapp1.log
stderr_logfile = /var/log/supervisor/webapp1_err.log
I have confirmed that supervisor is running the webapp is running under user webapp1.
One more thing - if I start my webapp by logging in as user webapp1, it works.
It sounds like you've got your server set up to use password-less logins to PostgreSQL-- i.e. you have local logins in your pg_hba.conf set to peer or trust so that as long as there's a user configured in postgres with the same name as your linux user, you don't have to do any further configuration to get Postgres working in your apps-- it effectively grants access to the db based on your Linux user account.
I had the same problem when running a simple nodejs script via cron. It worked fine from the shell, but complained of missing username when running via cron. Setting the username explicitly in code wasn't an option because I'd built my config to be as automatic as possible-- I needed it to figure out privileges by which user the script was running as.
It turns out that either the connector library or postgres itself infers the username from an environment variable. I was able to fix it by setting USER=<cron user name> at the top of my crontab (since this was set explicitly in the env of an interactive shell, which is why this works at all).
It looks like the proper syntax to add to your webapp1.conf would be:
environment=USER="<user name here>"

Login as postgres user in mac

I have a new installation of postgres in my mac using brew install.
I am trying to login to postgres user using sudo -su postgres
I get the error postgres does not know where to find the server configuration file. You must specify the --config-file or -D invocation option or set the PGDATA environment variable in mac
Can anyone please assist to point out where the error is originating from?
I want to log in as postgres and then create a new role,then create a database with owner 'newrole'.

Installing Postgresql and PgAdmin3 on Linux

I use Postgesql and PgAdmin on Windows without any problems but am struggling to get it working on Linux (I'm a Linux N00b). I have installed the 64bit version on my Fedora box following these instructions (except substituting version 9.3 for 9.2). Everything works well until I get to launching pgsql with:
sudo -u postgres psql template1
Here I get an error "Permission denied" as is attempts to change to my home directory.
I can change the password for 'postgres' as per the instructions and I presume this is just so I can use 'md5' rather than 'trust' in pg_hba.conf (if not, then I don't understand why I need this step).
When I fire up PgAdmin3, initially I have no connections. Attempting to connect to the server gives me an authentication error for user 'postgres'. I have tried resetting pg_hba.conf to 'trust' but that doesn't work either.
I would appreciate an explanation of the 'postgres' user in Linux as it appears to be a separate actual user on the Linux system (unlike Windows where it is just a 'disembodied' user relevant only to Postgress). Secondly, help in getting PgAdmin speaking to Postgresql would be gratefully received.
psql -U postgres template1
It will prompt for password if you set md5 in pg_hba.conf
After much digging about I found that most of the documentation is incomplete. I needed a combination of connecting via Cefull Lo's solution (+1) and NOT (as in most of the documentation):
sudo -U postgres psql
Then to change the password I need a more explicit SQL command as follows
template1=# ALTER USER postgres with encrypted password ‘yourpassword’;
I presume that I need to explicitly state 'with encrypted password' because I am using md5, though again, 90% of the documentation fails to point this out and advises a basic change of password together with md5. Maybe this is specific to Fedora, who knows, but now I can connect via PgAdmin3.
