I have a custom type
type GI a = StateT GenState IO a
where GenState is a state I keep for Generating Random Trees of some kind.
When generating my trees, termination is not guaranteed in a reasonable amount of time. That's why I thought I might terminate the calculation and restart it over and over again with a timeout until a result is given.
So my question is how to write a function of the form
tryGeneration :: GI a -> GI a
tryGeneraton action = ...
where action is the calculation to try in some microseconds and if it runs out of time begin the action from the start.
Please keep in mind that I'm quite new to Monad Transformers and I cannot say that i fully understand them yet.
I tried to use lift with System.Timeout.timeout and did not succeed
EDIT: thank you all for your suggestions. I followed them, and got it done in the IO monad.
tryGenerationTime :: Int -> GenState -> GI a -> IO (a, GenState)
tryGenerationTime time state action = do
(_, s') <- -- change the random state to not generate the same thing over and over
res <- timeout time (runStateT action s')
case res of
Nothing -> tryGenerationTime time s' action
Just r -> return r
timeItT :: Int -> GI a -> GI a
timeItT time action = do
state <- get
(x, s') <- lift $ tryGenerationTime time state action
put s'
return x
Any suggestion to improving this code is welcome. I just wanted to get it done fast, since that wasn't the solution to my generation problem and I needed to set a limit to the tree height to succeed.
I suspect what you actually want is more like
tryGeneration :: GI a -> IO a
tryGeneraton action = ...
in such a way that all of your "build a tree" actions have timeout-based retries.
The key thing to understand is that "attempt to do X; if you aren't done in n milliseconds, start over" is IO's job; IO is where you have access to things like time. (Of course there are wrappers you could and should use when you only need part of what IO has to offer.)
This is fine; you have access to IO in GI, you probably just have to lift it.
That said, there's not enough information here to say exactly how to do what you want, and I'm more familiar with free-monad effect systems than mtl transformers anyway...
I will preface this by saying that I am a novice Haskell programmer (tinkered with it sporadically over the years) but I have a fair few years on the counter when it comes to OOO and imperative programming. I am currently learning how to use monads & combining them via the use of monad transformers (assuming I've got the correct term).
While I am able to assemble/chain things together, I am finding it hard to build an intuition for what the best way and style is & how best to assemble/write those interactions.
Specifically, I am curious to know what the best practice (or at least your practice) is for using lift/liftIO and any flavour in between & if there is way (and benefit) to hide them as I am finding them rather 'noisy'.
Below is an example snippet which I have put together to illustrate what I mean :
consumeRenderStageGL' :: RenderStage -> StateT RenderStageContext IO ()
consumeRenderStageGL' r = do
pushDebugGroupGL (name r)
liftIO $ consumePrologueGL ( prologue r )
liftIO $ consumeEpilogueGL ( epilogue r )
consumeStreamGL ( stream r )
liftIO $ popDebugGroupGL
Some of the functions it calls make use of the state monad :
pushDebugGroupGL :: String -> StateT RenderStageContext IO ()
pushDebugGroupGL tag = do
currentDebugMessageID <- gets debugMessageID
liftIO $ GL.pushDebugGroup GL.DebugSourceApplication (GL.DebugMessageID currentDebugMessageID) tag
modify (\fc -> fc { debugMessageID = (currentDebugMessageID + 1) })
consumeStreamGL :: Stream -> StateT RenderStageContext IO ()
consumeStreamGL s = do
mapM_ consumeTokenGL s
While most don't and just live in IO (meaning they have to be lifted):
consumePrologueGL :: Prologue -> IO ()
consumePrologueGL p = do
colourClearFlag <- setupAndReturnClearFlag GL.ColorBuffer ( clearColour p ) (\(Colour4 r g b a) -> GL.clearColor $= (GL.Color4 r g b a))
depthClearFlag <- setupAndReturnClearFlag GL.DepthBuffer ( clearDepth p ) (\d -> GL.clearDepthf $= d)
stencilClearFlag <- setupAndReturnClearFlag GL.StencilBuffer ( clearStencil p ) (\s -> GL.clearStencil $= fromIntegral s)
GL.clear $ catMaybes [colourClearFlag, depthClearFlag, stencilClearFlag]
setupAndReturnClearFlag flag mValue function = case mValue of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just value -> (function value) >> return (Just flag)
My question is : is there any way to hide the liftIO in consumeRenderStageGL' and more importantly would this be a good or a bad idea?
One way I can think of hiding/getting rid of the liftIO is to bring both my consumePrologueGL & consumeEpilogueGL into my state monad but this seems wrong in the sense that those function do not need (and should not) interact with it ; all this just to reduce code noise.
The other option I can think of is to simply create the lifted version of the functions and call them in consumeRenderStageGL' - this would reduce the code noise but be identical in execution/evaluation.
The third option, which is how my logGLErrors works is that I have used a type class which has an instance defined for both IO & my state monads.
I look forward to reading what your opinions, advices and practices are.
Thanks in advance!
There are a few solutions. A common one is to make your basic actions MonadIO m => m … instead of IO …:
consumePrologueGL :: (MonadIO m) => Prologue -> m ()
consumePrologueGL p = liftIO $ do
Then you can use them in StateT RenderStageContext IO () without wrapping, due to MonadIO m => MonadIO (StateT s m), and of course MonadIO IO where liftIO is the identity function.
You can also abstract over the StateT part using MonadState from mtl, so if you add another transformer above/below it, you won’t have the same issue of lifting from/to StateT.
:: (MonadIO m, MonadState RenderStageContext m)
=> String -> m ()
Generally, a concrete stack of transformers types is fine, it just helps to wrap all your basic operations for convenience so that all the lifts are in one place.
mtl helps remove the lift noise from your code altogether, and working in a polymorphic type m means you have to declare which effects a function actually uses, and can substitute different implementations of all the effects (except for MonadIO) for testing. Using monad transformers as an effect system like this is great if you have few types of effects; if you want something finer-grained or more flexible, you’ll start hitting the pain points that make people reach for algebraic effects instead.
It’s also worth assessing whether you need StateT over IO. Typically if you’re in IO, you don’t need the pure state offered by StateT, so instead of StateT MutableState IO you might as well use ReaderT (IORef MutableState) IO.
It’s also possible to make that (or a newtype wrapper for it) an instance of MonadState MutableState, so your code using get/put/modify wouldn’t even need to change:
{-# Language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
newtype MutT s m a = MutT
{ getMutT :: ReaderT (IORef s) m a }
( Alternative
, Applicative
, Functor
, Monad
, MonadIO
, MonadTrans
evalMutT :: MutT s m a -> IORef s -> m a
evalMutT = coerce
instance (MonadIO m) => MonadState s (MutT s m) where
state f = MutT $ do
r <- ask
liftIO $ do
-- NB: possibly lazier than you want.
(a, s) <- f <$> readIORef r
a <$ writeIORef r s
This combo of ReaderT & IO is a pretty common design pattern.
I'm currently writing a Haskell program that involves simulating an abstract machine, which has internal state, takes input and gives output. I know how to implement this using the state monad, which results in much cleaner and more manageable code.
My problem is that I don't know how to pull the same trick when I have two (or more) stateful objects interacting with one another. Below I give a highly simplified version of the problem and sketch out what I have so far.
For the sake of this question, let's assume a machine's internal state consists only of a single integer register, so that its data type is
data Machine = Register Int
deriving (Show)
(The actual machine might have multiple registers, a program pointer, a call stack etc. etc., but let's not worry about that for now.) After a previous question I know how to implement the machine using the state monad, so that I don't have to explicitly pass its internal state around. In this simplified example the implementation looks like this, after importing Control.Monad.State.Lazy:
addToState :: Int -> State Machine ()
addToState i = do
(Register x) <- get
put $ Register (x + i)
getValue :: State Machine Int
getValue = do
(Register i) <- get
return i
This allows me to write things like
program :: State Machine Int
program = do
addToState 6
addToState (-4)
runProgram = evalState program (Register 0)
This adds 6 to the register, then subtracts 4, then returns the result. The state monad keeps track of the machine's internal state so that the "program" code doesn't have to explicitly track it.
In object oriented style in an imperative language, this "program" code might look like
def runProgram(machine):
return machine.getValue()
In that case, if I want to simulate two machines interacting with each other I might write
def doInteraction(machine1, machine2):
a = machine1.getValue()
return machine2.getValue()
which sets machine1's state to 0, adding its value onto machine2's state and returning the result.
My question is simply, what is the paradigmatic way to write this kind of imperative code in Haskell? Originally I thought I needed to chain two state monads, but after a hint by Benjamin Hodgson in the comments I realised I should be able to do it with a single state monad where the state is a tuple containing both machines.
The problem is that I don't know how to implement this in a nice clean imperative style. Currently I have the following, which works but is inelegant and fragile:
interaction :: State (Machine, Machine) Int
interaction = do
(m1, m2) <- get
let a = evalState (getValue) m1
let m1' = execState (addToState (-a)) m1
let m2' = execState (addToState a) m2
let result = evalState (getValue) m2'
put $ (m1',m2')
return result
doInteraction = runState interaction (Register 3, Register 5)
The type signature interaction :: State (Machine, Machine) Int is a nice direct translation of the Python function declaration def doInteraction(machine1, machine2):, but the code is fragile because I resorted to threading state through the functions using explicit let bindings. This requires me to introduce a new name every time I want to change the state of one of the machines, which in turn means I have to manually keep track of which variable represents the most up-to-date state. For longer interactions this is likely to make the code error-prone and hard to edit.
I expect that the result will have something to do with lenses. The problem is that I don't know how to run a monadic action on only one of the two machines. Lenses has an operator <<~ whose documentation says "Run a monadic action, and set the target of Lens to its result", but this action gets run in the current monad, where the state is type (Machine, Machine) rather than Machine.
So at this point my question is, how can I implement the interaction function above in a more imperative / object-oriented style, using state monads (or some other trick) to implicitly keep track of the internal states of the two machines, without having to pass the states around explicitly?
Finally, I realise that wanting to write object oriented code in a pure functional language might be a sign that I'm doing something wrong, so I'm very open to being shown another way to think about the problem of simulating multiple stateful things interacting with each other. Basically I just want to know the "right way" to approach this sort of problem in Haskell.
I think good practice would dictate that you should actually make a System data type to wrap your two machines, and then you might as well use lens.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
-- With these records, it will be very easy to add extra machines or registers
-- without having to refactor any of the code that follows
data Machine = Machine { _register :: Int } deriving (Show)
data System = System { _machine1, _machine2 :: Machine } deriving (Show)
-- This is some TemplateHaskell magic that makes special `register`, `machine1`,
-- and `machine2` functions.
makeLenses ''Machine
makeLenses ''System
doInteraction :: MonadState System m => m Int
doInteraction = do
a <- use (machine1.register)
machine1.register -= a
machine2.register += a
use (machine2.register)
Also, just to test this code, we can check at GHCi that it does what we want:
ghci> runState doInteraction (System (Machine 3) (Machine 4))
(7,System {_machine1 = Machine {_register = 0}, _machine2 = Machine {_register = 7}})
By using records and lens, there will be no refactoring if I decide to add extra fields. For example, say I want a third machine, then all I do is change System:
data System = System
{ _machine1, _machine2, _machine3 :: Machine } deriving (Show)
But nothing else in my existing code will change - just now I will be able to use machine3 like I use machine1 and machine2.
By using lens, I can scale more easily to nested structures. Note that I just avoided the very simple addToState and getValue functions completely. Since a Lens is actually just a function, machine1.register is just regular function composition. For example, lets say I want a machine to now have an array of registers, then getting or setting particular registers is still simple. We just modify Machine and doInteraction:
import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray)
data Machine = Machine { _registers :: UArray Int Int } deriving (Show)
-- code snipped
doInteraction2 :: MonadState System m => m Int
doInteraction2 = do
Just a <- preuse (machine1.registers.ix 2) -- get 3rd reg on machine1
machine1.registers.ix 2 -= a -- modify 3rd reg on machine1
machine2.registers.ix 1 += a -- modify 2nd reg on machine2
Just b <- preuse (machine2.registers.ix 1) -- get 2nd reg on machine2
return b
Note that this is equivalent to having a function like the following in Python:
def doInteraction2(machine1,machine2):
a = machine1.registers[2]
machine1.registers[2] -= a
machine2.registers[1] += a
b = machine2.registers[1]
return b
You can again test this out on GHCi:
ghci> import Data.Array.IArray (listArray)
ghci> let regs1 = listArray (0,3) [0,0,6,0]
ghci> let regs2 = listArray (0,3) [0,7,3,0]
ghci> runState doInteraction (System (Machine regs1) (Machine regs2))
(13,System {_machine1 = Machine {_registers = array (0,3) [(0,0),(1,0),(2,0),(3,0)]}, _machine2 = Machine {_registers = array (0,3) [(0,0),(1,13),(2,3),(3,0)]}})
The OP has specified that he would like to have a way of embedding a State Machine a into a State System a. lens, as always, has such a function if you go digging deep enough. zoom (and its sibling magnify) provide facilities for "zooming" out/in of State/Reader (it only makes sense to zoom out of State and magnify into Reader).
Then, if we want to implement doInteraction while keeping as black boxes getValue and addToState, we get
getValue :: State Machine Int
addToState :: Int -> State Machine ()
doInteraction3 :: State System Int
doInteraction3 = do
a <- zoom machine1 getValue -- call `getValue` with state `machine1`
zoom machine1 (addToState (-a)) -- call `addToState (-a)` with state `machine1`
zoom machine2 (addToState a) -- call `addToState a` with state `machine2`
zoom machine2 getValue -- call `getValue` with state `machine2`
Notice however that if we do this we really must commit to a particular state monad transformer (as opposed to the generic MonadState), since not all ways of storing state are going to be necessarily "zoomable" in this way. That said, RWST is another state monad transformer supported by zoom.
One option is to make your state transformations into pure functions operating on Machine values:
getValue :: Machine -> Int
getValue (Register x) = x
addToState :: Int -> Machine -> Machine
addToState i (Register x) = Register (x + i)
Then you can lift them into State as needed, writing State actions on multiple machines like so:
doInteraction :: State (Machine, Machine) Int
doInteraction = do
a <- gets $ getValue . fst
modify $ first $ addToState (-a)
modify $ second $ addToState a
gets $ getValue . snd
Where first (resp. second) is a function from Control.Arrow, used here with the type:
(a -> b) -> (a, c) -> (b, c)
That is, it modifies the first element of a tuple.
Then runState doInteraction (Register 3, Register 5) produces (8, (Register 0, Register 8)) as expected.
(In general I think you could do this sort of “zooming in” on subvalues with lenses, but I’m not really familiar enough to offer an example.)
You could also use Gabriel Gonzales' Pipes library for the case you've illustrated. The tutorial for the library is one of the best pieces of Haskell documentation in existence.
Below illustrates a simple example (untested).
-- machine 1 adds its input to current state
machine1 :: (MonadIO m) => Pipe i o m ()
machine1 = flip evalStateT 0 $ forever $ do
-- gets pipe input
a <- lift await
-- get current local state
s <- get
-- <whatever>
let r = a + s
-- update state
put r
-- fire down pipeline
yield r
-- machine 2 multiplies its input by current state
machine2 :: (MonadIO m) => Pipe i o m ()
machine2 = flip evalStateT 0 $ forever $ do
-- gets pipe input
a <- lift await
-- get current local state
s <- get
-- <whatever>
let r = a * s
-- update state
put r
-- fire down pipeline
yield r
You can then combine using the >-> operator. An example would be to run
run :: IO ()
run :: runEffect $ P.stdinLn >-> machine1 >-> machine2 >-> P.stdoutLn
Note that is possible, although a little more involved to have bi-directional pipes, which is gives you communications between both machines. Using some of the other pipes ecosystems, you can also have asynchronous pipes to model non-deterministic or parallel operation of machines.
I believe the same can be achieved with the conduit library, but I don't have much experience with it.
I built a small game engine to manage a board of squares (currently used for playing a Conway's game of life). All the data is accessed throught lenses from fclabels and State. The engine couples user input and graphic rendering (usual game loop).
The computations between frames can sometimes be slow and long to execute. So I would like to use concurrency to manage the squares, using STM's TVar.
My data is currently represented like this:
data World = World {
… -- window configuration, not important
, _squares :: TVar [Square]
mkLabels [''World] -- creates labels, similar to mkLenses
My functions run in the Game Monad, which is defined as follow:
type Game a = StateT World IO a
Using the monadic versions of labels. I use Getters & Setters inside my monad.
I would like to know if there is a way to somehow write new labels that behave like these:
gets :: MonadState f m => Lens (->) f o -> m o
puts :: MonadState f m => Lens (->) f o -> o -> m ()
But that takes care of STM (gets would involve readTVar, puts would involve writeTvar, etc.).
If I understand you correctly, you want to define a lens tlens s.t.:
gets tlens
is the same as:
do tvar <- gets squares
sqs <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTVar tvar
return sqs
and where puts tlens sqs is the same as:
do tvar <- gets squares
liftIO $ atomically $ writeTVar tvar sqs
I think this can be answered by looking at the type of gets:
gets :: MonadState f m => Lens (->) f o -> m o
The lens parameter is pure and not monadic. To get at the contents of the TVar you'll need to run code in the IO-monad.
Moreover, the definition of gets in Data.Label.Monadic is (link) is:
gets lens = State.gets (Total.get lens)
where State is Control.Monad.State and Total is Data.Label.Total.
But State.gets takes a pure function, so again you're not going to be able to create a lens which will work with gets.
I am new to Haskell but understand how Monad Transformers can be used.
Yet, I still have difficulties grabbing their claimed advantage over passing parameters to function calls.
Based on the wiki Monad Transformers Explained, we basically have a Config Object defined as
data Config = Config Foo Bar Baz
and to pass it around, instead of writing functions with this signature
client_func :: Config -> IO ()
we use a ReaderT Monad Transformer and change the signature to
client_func :: ReaderT Config IO ()
pulling the Config is then just a call to ask.
The function call changes from client_func c to runReaderT client_func c
But why does this make my application simpler ?
1- I suspect Monad Transformers have an interest when you stitch a lot of functions/modules together to form an application. But this is where is my understanding stops. Could someone please shed some light?
2- I could not find any documentation on how you write a large modular application in Haskell, where modules expose some form of API and hide their implementations, as well as (partly) hide their own States and Environments from the other modules. Any pointers please ?
(Edit: Real World Haskell states that ".. this approach [Monad Transformers] ... scales to bigger programs.", but there is no clear example demonstrating that claim)
EDIT Following Chris Taylor Answer Below
Chris perfectly explains why encapsulating Config, State,etc... in a Transformer Monad provides two benefits:
It prevents a higher level function from having to maintain in its type signature all the parameters required by the (sub)functions it calls but not required for its own use (see the getUserInput function)
and as a consequence makes higher level functions more resilient to a change of the content of the Transformer Monad (say you want to add a Writer to it to provide Logging in a lower level function)
This comes at the cost of changing the signature of all functions so that they run "in" the Transformer Monad.
So question 1 is fully covered. Thank you Chris.
Question 2 is now answered in this SO post
Let's say that we're writing a program that needs some configuration information in the following form:
data Config = C { logFile :: FileName }
One way to write the program is to explicitly pass the configuration around between functions. It would be nice if we only had to pass it to the functions that use it explicitly, but sadly we're not sure if a function might need to call another function that uses the configuration, so we're forced to pass it as a parameter everywhere (indeed, it tends to be the low-level functions that need to use the configuration, which forces us to pass it to all the high-level functions as well).
Let's write the program like that, and then we'll re-write it using the Reader monad and see what benefit we get.
Option 1. Explicit configuration passing
We end up with something like this:
readLog :: Config -> IO String
readLog (C logFile) = readFile logFile
writeLog :: Config -> String -> IO ()
writeLog (C logFile) message = do x <- readFile logFile
writeFile logFile $ x ++ message
getUserInput :: Config -> IO String
getUserInput config = do input <- getLine
writeLog config $ "Input: " ++ input
return input
runProgram :: Config -> IO ()
runProgram config = do input <- getUserInput config
putStrLn $ "You wrote: " ++ input
Notice that in the high level functions we have to pass config around all the time.
Option 2. Reader monad
An alternative is to rewrite using the Reader monad. This complicates the low level functions a bit:
type Program = ReaderT Config IO
readLog :: Program String
readLog = do C logFile <- ask
readFile logFile
writeLog :: String -> Program ()
writeLog message = do C logFile <- ask
x <- readFile logFile
writeFile logFile $ x ++ message
But as our reward, the high level functions are simpler, because we never need to refer to the configuration file.
getUserInput :: Program String
getUserInput = do input <- getLine
writeLog $ "Input: " ++ input
return input
runProgram :: Program ()
runProgram = do input <- getUserInput
putStrLn $ "You wrote: " ++ input
Taking it further
We could re-write the type signatures of getUserInput and runProgram to be
getUserInput :: (MonadReader Config m, MonadIO m) => m String
runProgram :: (MonadReader Config m, MonadIO m) => m ()
which gives us a lot of flexibility for later, if we decide that we want to change the underlying Program type for any reason. For example, if we want to add modifiable state to our program we could redefine
data ProgramState = PS Int Int Int
type Program a = StateT ProgramState (ReaderT Config IO) a
and we don't have to modify getUserInput or runProgram at all - they'll continue to work fine.
N.B. I haven't type checked this post, let alone tried to run it. There may be errors!