How to make 404 error on homepage? - .htaccess

I have an empty domain, and would like to return a 404 error when people go to the homepage, or any other URL. Currently, when I go to the domain, I'm being displayed the empty directory.
How can I achieve that?

I'm being displayed the empty directory.
I assume you mean you are being shown an (Apache generated) index of that directory (which would appear to be empty). This is a "feature" of Apache. To disable directory indexes then include the following at the top of the .htaccess file in your document root:
Options -Indexes
However, this will result in a 403 Forbidden being served when accessing a directory that does not contain a DirectoryIndex document (because server-generated directory indexes are "forbidden"). To explicitly return a 404 for all requests, include the following below the above in the .htaccess file:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^ - [R=404]
This uses mod_rewrite to instruct Apache to return a 404 status (default error page) for all requests.
However, this does assume that you have not defined a custom 404 ErrorDocument (otherwise you'll get a 500 error resulting from a rewrite loop).


Options +Indexes of .htaccess not working

I have a website running on a server. It's just an index.html with a hello world text. Also, I have a folder named /vpn which contains various txt files and an index.html file.
If I try to access the URL domain/vpn, it shows me the content of index.html.
I just need to show the files inside the folder vpn when the user tries to access domain/vpn.
I created an .htaccess file with the next content in the root:
RewriteEngine on
<If "%{REQUEST_URI} == '/vpn/'">
DirectoryIndex disabled
Options +Indexes
When I try to access to vpn, it shows me a 404 error, the requested URL was not found on this server.
.htaccess is applying the DirectoryIndex rule (If a delete it, it shows me index.html content again), but not the Options +Indexes one.
I tried the same example in localhost (with XAMPP) and it's working fine.
What can be the problem?
PD: This is the content of apache2.conf file:
When I try to acces to vpn, it shows me a 404 error, the requested URL was not found on this server.
If you are getting a "404 Not Found" then it would imply that mod_autoindex is not actually installed on your server (consequently Options +Indexes has no effect - although it would seem from your server config that Indexes is perhaps already enabled).
mod_autoindex is the module responsible for generating the directory listings.
I created an .htaccess file with the next content in the root:
Personally, I would create an additional .htaccess file in the /vpn directory instead:
DirectoryIndex disabled
Options +Indexes
And disable Indexes (and set DirectoryIndex) in the root .htaccess file.
NB: RewriteEngine has no place here, unless you are overriding a parent config.
If I try to access the url "domain/vpn"
Note that you should be requesting domain/vpn/ (with a trailing slash). If you omit the trailing slash then mod_dir issues a 301 redirect to append it.

Why my rewrite rule in htaccess is working in some case only?

I try to rewrite some of my URLs with a .htaccess file but it didn't work as expected.
This is the rewrite rule in my .htaccess file :
RewriteRule ^(index|administration)/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)(\.php)?$ index.php?c=$1&t=$2 [QSA]
When I go on, I get a 404 error code.
So I try to change my rewrite rule to
RewriteRule ^index.php$ index.php?c=index&t=main [QSA]
Then I go to and the webpage displays perfectly with all the datas in $_GET (c = index and t = main).
So I don't know why my first rule is not working. Let me see if you have any idea.
Is it possible that my server wants to enter the index folder, then the main folder for my first rule without taking care of my .htaccess ( ?
You need to ensure that MultiViews (part of mod_negotiation) is disabled for this to work correctly. So, add the following at top of your .htaccess file:
Options -MultiViews
If MultiViews is enabled (it's disabled by default, but some hosts do sometimes enable this in the server config) then when you request /index/main where /index.php already exists as a physical file then mod_negotiation will make an internal request for index.php before mod_rewrite is able to process the request. (If index.html also exists, then this might be found first.)
(MultiViews essentially enables extensionless URLs by mocking up type maps and searching for files in the directory - with the same basename - that would return a response with an appropriate mime-type.)
If this happens then your mod-rewrite directive is essentially ignored (the pattern does not match, since it would need to check for index.php) and index.php is called without the URL parameters that your mod_rewrite directive would otherwise append.
it perfectly works by disabling the MultiViews Option in my .htaccess
This would ordinarily imply its your script (ie. index.php) that is triggering the 404 (perhaps due to missing URL parameters?), rather than Apache itself?
However, if you were seeing an Apache generated 404 then it would suggest either:
You also have an index.html file, which is found before index.php. .html files do not ordinarily accept path-info (ie. /main) so would trigger a 404.
OR, AcceptPathInfo Off is explicitly set elsewhere in the config, which would trigger a 404 when the request is internally rewritten to /index.php/main (by mod_negotiation).

How to deny all access to a directory and redirect 403?

I have a folder on my webserver and want to deny all access to that folder and all the files in it. Additionally, the visitor must be redirected to a specific error page on the same server.
The secured folder path is:
The error page is located here:
I tried placing a .htaccess file in the 'files' folder. This does prevent visitors from accessing the folder and files, but the redirect does not take place. I suspect that the syntax of the relative path is not correct.
This is my .htaccess:
ErrorDocument 403 /../error.php
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
When hitting the secured folder URL, the browser gives me this error message: "A 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."
Does someone have an example of what my .htacces should be?
You may try this in some_folder/.htaccess:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteEngine !^error\.php$ error.php [L,NC]
This will rewrite all requests that start with /some_folder/ to some_folder/error.php though browser won't see status code 403.
Inside error.php you may use this php code to return 403:

htaccess Help required redirecting old deleted links

I have a site (e.g. and old versions of the site under a directory are still appearing in search engines (e.g. There are too many of these links to remove from search engine finds.
I want everything in the /oldsection to redirect back to
i.e. everything in the /oldsection should go to index.html located one directory path back
I have tried different variations of .htaccess inside /oldsection such as
ErrorDocument 404 ../index.html
ErrorDocument 404
None of them seem to be successfull.
This should be a simple task but I keep getting an Internal Server Error or a ErrorDocument error.
Inside /oldsection/.htaccess have this code:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^ /index.html [L,R=302]

404 errors being redirected to the homepage instead of custom 404 page

I have a site hosted on an Apache server. I have created some custom error pages and the following text at the top of my .htaccess file:
ErrorDocument 404 404.html
ErrorDocument 500 500.html
ErrorDocument 401 401.html
I have also tried,
ErrorDocument 404 /404.html
ErrorDocument 500 /500.html
ErrorDocument 401 /401.html
Both the htaccess file and the custom pages are in the root directory of the server.
The problem is that when I enter a garbage url (where I would expect to see my custom 404 page) I'm simply being redirected to my index page.
Try if your server is properly set up to parse and process .htaccess files in the first place (i.e., check if AllowOverride + AccessFileName directives are correct). For example, write some stuff in that you know will work and look if it actually gets executed (like a ridiculous rewrite rule). Also, look up your httpd log files for errors.
If it does get executed properly, the problem might be that your server is setup not to allow all kinds of overrides with .htaccess files. Your syntax however, is basically correct.
