ASP.Net MVC5: How to redirect and show right error message when user does not have a specific role for action -

after login user can go to any action but think when action is decorated with authorized attribute and role names are specific there. just refer a sample code.
public class HomeController : Controller
[Authorize(Roles = "Admin, HrAdmin")]
public ActionResult PayRoll()
return View();
suppose user Foo has no role like Admin or HRAdmin then what will happen when user foo will try to access PayRoll action ?
in this kind of situation i want to redirect user to my error page where i will show a friendly message to user. please guide me how to do it ?
do i need to write a custom authorized attribute from there i need to check user has those roles are not and then redirect user from there?

I don't know if that's the best way to do it, but here's how I did it:
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace YourNamespace
public class AccessDeniedAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
// Redirect to the login page if necessary
if (!filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult(System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.LoginUrl + "?returnUrl=" + filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Url);
// Redirect to your "access denied" view here
if (filterContext.Result is HttpUnauthorizedResult)
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("~/Account/Denied");
public class HomeController : Controller
[AccessDeniedAuthorize(Roles = "Admin, HrAdmin")]
public ActionResult PayRoll()
return View();
That's all you have to do if your User has its Roles defined correctly. If you are not using ASP.NET Identity to manage your users and roles, you will need some more code to make this work, in that case this might help you: How can I attach a custom membership provider in my ASP.NET MVC application?.


Razor pages assign roles to users

I am wondering how to create and assign roles in Razor Pages 2.1. application.
I have found how to make them for MVC application (How to create roles in core and assign them to users and, however it does not work for razor pages as I have no IServicesProvider instance.
What I want is just to create admin role and assign it to seeded administrator account. Something similar has been done in this tutorial, but it seems be sutied for MVC and does not work properly after I applied it to my application. Please help me to understand how to create and seed roles in Razor Pages.
Will be very greatfull for help!
I handle the task next way. First, I used code proposed by Paul Madson in How to create roles in core and assign them to users. Abovementioned method I have inserted into Startup.cs. It creates administrator role and assigned it to seeded user.
private void CreateRoles(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
var roleManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<RoleManager<IdentityRole>>();
var userManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<UserManager<ApplicationUser>>();
Task<IdentityResult> roleResult;
string email = "";
//Check that there is an Administrator role and create if not
Task<bool> hasAdminRole = roleManager.RoleExistsAsync("Administrator");
if (!hasAdminRole.Result)
roleResult = roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole("Administrator"));
//Check if the admin user exists and create it if not
//Add to the Administrator role
Task<ApplicationUser> testUser = userManager.FindByEmailAsync(email);
if (testUser.Result == null)
ApplicationUser administrator = new ApplicationUser
Email = email,
UserName = email,
Name = email
Task<IdentityResult> newUser = userManager.CreateAsync(administrator, "_AStrongP#ssword!123");
if (newUser.Result.Succeeded)
Task<IdentityResult> newUserRole = userManager.AddToRoleAsync(administrator, "Administrator");
Then, in the same file in Configure method I add argument (IServiceProvider serviceProvider), so you should have something like Configure(..., IServiceProvider serviceProvider). In the end of Configure method I add
To make this code work create ApplicationUser class somwhere, for example in Data folder:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Sobopedia.Data
public class ApplicationUser: IdentityUser
public string Name { get; set; }
Finally, inside ConfigureServices method substitute
services.AddIdentity<ApplicationUser, IdentityRole>()
As a result, after programm starts in table AspNetRoles you will get a new role, while in table AspNetUsers you will have a new user acuiering administrator role.
Unfortunatelly, after you add the following code
services.AddIdentity<ApplicationUser, IdentityRole>()
pages Login and Registration stop working. In order to handle this problem you may follow next steps:
Scaffold Identity following (
Then substitute IdentityUser for ApplicationUser in entire solution. Preserv only IdentityUser inheritance in ApplicationUser class.
Remove from Areas/identity/Pages/Account/Register.cs all things related to EmailSernder if you have no its implementation.
In order to check correctness of the roles system you may do as follows. In the end of ConfigureServices method in Startup.cs add this code:
services.AddAuthorization(options =>
options.AddPolicy("RequireAdministratorRole", policy => policy.RequireRole("Administrator"));
services.AddMvc().AddRazorPagesOptions(options =>
If it does not worki then just add [Authorize(Roles = "Administrator")] to Contact Page model, so it will look something like this:
namespace Sobopedia.Pages
[Authorize(Roles = "Administrator")]
public class ContactModel : PageModel
public string Message { get; set; }
public void OnGet()
Message = "Your contact page.";
Now, in order to open Contact page you should be logged in with login and password _AStrongP#ssword!123.

ServiceStack default Razor view with service

I want to host a very simple razor page inside a self host SS app.
I need the / path to resolve to the default.cshtml - this works out of the box.
But i need to access the user auth session inside the view. To do this I am guessing I need a service to create the model for default.cshtml
Everything I have tried so far doesn't work and I can't create a DefaultRequest with route / as that isn't allowed.
Anyone got any clues as to what I need to do?
I have tried with fall back route but no luck:
public class Fallback
public string Path { get; set; }
public class DefaultService : Service
public DefaultService ()
public object Get(Fallback request){
return new HttpResult() // #6
View = "Rockstars" // #1
Your typed UserAuth session is directly accessible in your Razor Views base ViewPageBase with base.SessionAs, e.g:
var session = base.SessionAs<CustomUserSession>();
You've also got access to your dynamic session bag with base.SessionBag as well as base.IsAuthenticated to determine if the user is authenticated or not.
Fallback Route
In order to invoke a Service to handle your default page you need to use a Fallback Route, e.g:
public class DefaultPage
public string Path { get; set; }
A Fallback Service can be used to handle every unmatched request including the root / page.

Authenticate Attribute for MVC: ExecuteServiceStackFiltersAttribute: SessionFeature not present in time to set AuthSession?

I'm trying to create a simple Credentials Auth using OrmLiteAuthRepository(Postgres) and Memcached as caching layer on Mono 3.2.x / Ubuntu 12.04 in an MVC Application - I am using ServiceStack libraries version 4.0x
I am using a custom session object, adapted from ServiceStack's SocialBootstrap example
What works perfectly:
Getting the session inside a controller action, such as:
var currentSession = base.SessionAs<MyCustomUserSession>();
However, I don't want to check / validate the session and what may or may not be inside it in the action code, I would like to use an attribute, and this leads me to:
What does not work: Using the Authenticate attribute above the action name:
My problem (null AuthSession) shows up when trying to utilize the [Authenticate] attribute on an MVC action.
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
I have managed to narrow it down to the fact that ExecuteServiceStackFiltersAttribute executes this code, but it appears the AuthSession has not yet been made available by the SessionFeature - so the AuthSession will always be null at this point:
var authAttrs = GetActionAndControllerAttributes<AuthenticateAttribute>(filterContext);
if (authAttrs.Count > 0 && ( ssController.AuthSession==null || !ssController.AuthSession.IsAuthenticated))
filterContext.Result = ssController.AuthenticationErrorResult;
If, for example I override the AuthenticationErrorResult and try to throw an exception if I manually initialize the session from the SessionFeature, it will throw the "there is life in the session" exception (of course, when I logged in with a valid user):
public override ActionResult AuthenticationErrorResult
if (AuthSession == null)
// the Authenticate filter is triggered by ExecuteServiceStackFilters attribute
// which seems to always have AuthSession null
var session = SessionFeature.GetOrCreateSession<MyCustomUserSession>(AuthService.Cache);
if (session == null || (session != null && session.IsAuthenticated == false))
throw new Exception("Hmmm...dead as a dodo");
throw new Exception("there is life in the session:" + session.UserName);
var returnUrl = HttpContext.Request.Url.PathAndQuery;
return new RedirectResult(LoginRedirectUrl.Fmt(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(returnUrl)));
Aside from creating my custom attributes / filters, is there a solution I should try (properties to set) with the incumbent ServiceStack codebase? If I'm missing something, please let me know.
My regards for a great project in any case.
My problem (null AuthSession) shows up when trying to utilize the [Authenticate] attribute on an MVC action.
Are you getting an Exception or are you just getting redirected to the 'Login' page? If you are not getting an Exception and just be redirected because you're not authenticated, the below may work. Also, are you implementing your own Custom Authentication Provider? If so, could you post a sample of it?
I don't think you have it in your code samples but I think your MVC Controller code is probably something like...
public class SomeController : ServiceStackController
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
Can you try adding your custom MyCustomUserSession to the Type of the ServiceStackController making it...
public class SomeController : ServiceStackController<MyCustomUserSession>
public ActionResult Index()
return View();

ServiceStack: Get email from auth session when authenticating with Google

I am authenticating users via GoogleOpenIdOAuthProvider. I need to access the email address of the user that logged in. I have attempted to implement the Using Typed Sessions in ServiceStack code as-is.
So, I created a base class that my service inherits from:
public abstract class AppServiceBase : Service
//private CustomUserSession userSession;
protected CustomUserSession UserSession
return base.SessionAs<CustomUserSession>();
public class CustomUserSession : AuthUserSession
public string CustomId { get; set; }
The service has the [Authenticate] attribute on it. In my AppHost setup, I have configured auth like this:
Plugins.Add(new AuthFeature(() => new CustomUserSession(),
new IAuthProvider[] {
new GoogleOpenIdOAuthProvider(appSettings) //Sign-in with Google OpenId
Once the user has authenticated, the service tries to access the auth session from the base class like this:
var x = base.UserSession.Email;
However, Email is always null. How can I access this value?
You will need to pull the data from the AuthProvider and set the value in the CustomUserSession. An example of this is shown in the SocialBootstrapApi sample
Override OnAuthenticated, find the GoogleOpenIdOAuthProvider to get to the email address.
Another example is shown at ServiceStack OAuth - registration instead login

In Orchard CMS, how do you set redirect URL after users log in, log out and create profiles?

I have an Orchard CMS for my website and need help redirecting users after they log in, log out and create new profiles. I am using the "Profile" Module within Orchard Admin page.
Currently I think the code sends users to whatever the last page was they were on before they hit the link "sign in." Same with "Sign Out." I want people to be redirected to the home page after sign in, sign out and create a new registration.
I am fairly certain it lives within the following file Core\Shapes\Views\User.cshtml. Can someone explain how to edit it (if this is in fact the right thing to edit) to re-direct users to the home page? Thanks for the help.
I guess easy way to do it would be by implementing IUserEventHandler inside your module.
Create a class LogInRedirect and implement a method LoggedIn. Like so:
using System.Web.Mvc;
using Orchard.Mvc;
using Orchard.Security;
using Orchard.Users.Events;
namespace Orchard.Users {
public class LogInRedirect : IUserEventHandler
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _httpContext;
public LoggedOutRedirect( IHttpContextAccessor httpContext )
_httpContext = httpContext;
public void LoggedIn( IUser user )
UrlHelper urlHelper = new UrlHelper( _httpContext.Current().Request.RequestContext );
_httpContext.Current().Response.Redirect( urlHelper.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.ApplicationPath + "/yourController/yourAction" );
public void Creating( UserContext context ) { }
public void Created( UserContext context ) { }
public void AccessDenied( IUser user ) { }
public void ChangedPassword( IUser user ) { }
public void SentChallengeEmail( IUser user ) { }
public void ConfirmedEmail( IUser user ) { }
public void Approved( IUser user ) { }
public void LoggedOut( IUser user ){ }
