Builtin Modules' state in Linux kernel at bootup - linux

Do Kernel builtin modules need to be loaded using modprobe or they get loaded at boot-up?

They are compiled into the kernel binary. The kernel will call their init function during startup.


Can we disable aslr for linux kernel module (ko file)

Is there any way to disable ASLR for Linux kernel modules?
For example:
adb shell cat /proc/modules | grep module_name
module_name 8134656 27 - Live 0xffffffec11589000 (O)
Can we get the same address for all subsequent reboots?
Not possible without disabling KASLR altogether. There is no special KASLR flag for modules, it's either enabled or disabled globally, modules included (as you can see from the source code). If CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE=y then the kernel image address as well as module addresses will be randomized, and this can be disabled only by using the nokaslr kernel command line parameter at boot.

gdb can't resolve symbols for linux kernel

I have setup Linux Kernel debug environment with VMware Workstation. But When I tried to connect with gdb that connects correctly but I can't set any breakpoint or examine any kernel symbol.
Target Machine (debugee) Ubuntu 18:
I have compiled linux kernel 5.0-0 with the following directives:
Also my VMX file configuration:
debugStub.listen.guest64 = "TRUE"
After that I transfered vmlinux to debugger machine and use gdb:
bash$ gdb vmlinux
gdb-peda$ target remote
Remote debugging using
Warning: not running or target is remote
0xffffffff9c623f36 in ?? ()
gdb-peda$ disas sys_open
No symbol "do_sys_open" in current context.
First you need to install kernel-debug-devel, kernel-debuginfo, kernel-debuginfo-common for corresponding kernel version.
Then you can use crash utility to debug kernel, which internally uses gdb
The symbol name you're looking for is sometimes not exactly what you expect it to be. You can use readelf or other similar tools to find the full name of the symbol in the kernel image. These names sometimes differ from the names in the code because of various architecture level differences and their related header and C definitions in kernel code. For example you might be able to disassemble the open() system call by using:
disas __x64_do_sys_open
if you've compiled it for x86-64 architecture.
Also keep in mind that these naming conventions are subject to change in different versions of kernel.

How to extract the config from a kernel image file when CONFIG_IKCONFIG is set as a module (=m)?

How do I extract the kernel configuration from a kernel image file?
The kernel image file type is:
/boot/kernel7.img: Linux kernel ARM boot executable zImage (little-endian)
The kernel has been compiled with CONFIG_IKCONFIG enabled. However,
scripts/extract-ikconfig /boot/kernel7.img
extract-ikconfig: Cannot find kernel config.
Note: I am trying the get the config without booting the kernel.
If the kernel has been compiled with CONFIG_IKCONFIG=m (note the m), the configuration in stored in a module (configs.ko) and not in the kernel itself. That's the reason why running extract-ikconfig on the kernel image fails.
In this case, we can extract the config from the configuration module:
/usr/src/$(uname -r)/scripts/extract-ikconfig \
/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/kernel/configs.ko

Compile Kernel module on Chromebook

I am running an ARMv7 Chromebook with crouton. I would like to get CIFS shares mounted, but it appears that CIFS is not in the kernel. So I downloaded the same kernel version source as I am on, compiled the cifs.ko module, and attempted to load it. But I received this error:
# insmod cifs.ko
insmod: ERROR: could not insert module cifs.ko: Operation not permitted
The module is compiled as an ARM module, I checked with file:
# file cifs.kocifs.ko: ELF 32-bit LSB relocatable, ARM, version 1, BuildID[sha1]=e14d1772583fae478e2b113b57ce81c214e511af, not stripped
What gives?
Chromium OS does not allow adding kernel modules by default. Use this script to disable module locking. https://github.com/divx118/crouton-packages/blob/master/README.md
More information on modifying the Chromium OS kernel can be found here:
https://github.com/dnschneid/crouton/wiki/Build-kernel-headers-and-install-Virtualbox-(x86) Generally the entire crouton repository / wiki is a lot of help.

How to debug Linux kernel modules with QEMU?

I am working on academic project that modifies some Kernel Networking code as well as include a new Kernel module.
I am using QEMU to load modified kernel and test.
However, i find that a complete OS is required in some .img to debug.
Is it possible without it ?
Or, which is the distro that can be used with Kernel 2.6 for system. The distro need not have any features, except ability to run programs, including networking support.
The easiest way in my opinion is to use buildroot
clone it, configure it to use your custom kernel (default userspace is fine for a start, you might want to change it later).
it will build your kernel and root filesystem. the entire process takes about half an hour, twenty minutes of which is compiling the monster
my run line looks something:
-hda rootfs.ext2
-kernel bzImage
-m 512M
-append "root=/dev/sda console=ttyS0"
-serial stdio
and some more options regarding a tap device
Minimal fully automated QEMU + GDB + Buildroot example
QEMU + GDB on non-module Linux kernel is covered in detail at: How to debug the Linux kernel with GDB and QEMU? and building the kernel modules inside QEMU at: How to add Linux driver as a Buildroot package Get those working first.
Next, I have also fully automated GDB module debugging at: https://github.com/cirosantilli/linux-kernel-module-cheat/tree/1c29163c3919d4168d5d34852d804fd3eeb3ba67#kernel-module-debugging
These are the main steps you have to take:
Compile the kernel module with debug symbols:
ccflags-y += -g -DDEBUG
as mentioned at: kernel module no debugging symbols found
Stop GDB with Ctrl + C and run:
lx-symbols path/to/parent/of/modules/
This amazing command, which is defined in a GDB Python script inside the Linux kernel source tree, automatically loads symbols for loaded modules present under the given directory recursively whenever GDB stops.
The best way to make that command available is to use:
gdb -ex add-auto-load-safe-path /full/path/to/linux/kernel
as explained at: GDB: lx-symbols undefined command
insmod the kernel module.
This must be done before setting breakpoints, because we don't know where the kernel will insert the module in memory beforehand.
lx-symbols automatically takes care of finding the module location (in host filesystem and guest memory!) for us.
Break GDB again with Ctrl + C, set breakpoints, and enjoy.
If were feeling hardcore, you could also drop lx-symbols entirely, and find the module location after insmod with:
cat /proc/modules
and then add the .ko manually with:
add-symbol-file path/to/mymodule.ko 0xfffffffa00000000
