Get user info like name, email Id etc from authentication token in Node.JS Backend Mobile Service - node.js

I'm trying to construct this following solution -
This is based on C# solution. Since we are new on this Azure Mobile App, we are taking the approach of using Node.JS instead as per Quick Start solution/Xamarin doco.
How do we turn this into node.JS backend then?

You can use the App Service Authentication/Authorization feature for this.
Retrieving the email from the auth token also depends on the authentication source. For example, if you are using MSA, the email is not part of the claim. Please refer my blog post on how to add the email field in the claim in case of MSA.


What is the difference between Oauth2 in angular (client-side) and in the node.js (server-side)? and when to implement each one?

Due to the lack examples of oauth2 in node.js, I can't decide where to implement the oauth2 service. Also, I wanna know what is the meaning of provider in oauth2 and when to create a new one and when to use a pre-made one like google.
I tried to implement a provider in the server-side but I didn't know how to test it.
If there are any useful resources I would be happy to take them.
You should use Open Id Connect (Authorization Code Flow + PKCE) in your Angular app. You should validate OAuth 2.0 access tokens in your API. Both of these components should interact with a 3rd party Authorization Server. There is a learning curve and my tutorial + code sample may help you - feel free to post back if you get stuck:
oauth2 provider means wich service to use to auth, eg server-side will mean the user creates an account on your Server, google would mean users sign in with their google accoutns to your site.

nodejs find user in azure active directory

i've a nodejs API.I need to develop a fucntionnality that based on a key search a user in azure active directory.
Someone can help me or indicate me some tutos about that.
It'll depend a bit on if you want this to be entirely service-side without user interaction or if you want to run this in the context of the user.
This answer assumes the latter. The primary benefit of this approach is it will run the search based off the user permissions required (which may be less than enabling your app to do this as a service e.g. may not require admin consent). In general, all docs can be found at Azure AD Developer Docs.
Steps / Apps you need to build
You'll want to do the following things:
Sign in the end user to your client app (e.g. here's a SPA sample).
Have this client app request tokens to your Node Web API (e.g. here's a Node Web API that accepts tokens.
Then you'll want to check out the On-behalf-of protocol. This will allow you to exchange this token for a token for the Microsoft Graph API.
You can then use the token for Graph to call the necessary Users endpoint API endpoint for users.

how to get Azure Active Directory B2C working with Bot Framework?

so far I've not been able to get this working with the bot framework. I spent all day but only managed to get .net api example ( working with AD B2C. I'm not sure where it grabs the bearer token that I want to pass to BotUserData...
I've tried following
but in reality the solution does not build successfully and I've resorted to just taking code from there and into my bot framework sample template....however, when it asks me to login through MS and I do, I am not able to proceed and it doesn't seem like that blog is using the AD B2C policies.
so how do you integrate AD B2C with Bot Framework? Is it possible to call /Account/SignIn URL from bot framework to authenticate the user? Afterwards, how would you capture the token and pass it to BotUserData?
You might want to take a look to the Facebook Auth sample to get an idea of a potential flow for the Auth scenario. For Azure AD, you need to do a similar flow.
Let's say your user send a "Login" message to your bot. The bot should respond with an auth URL and ask the user to login to the service using that URL. You can use the GetAuthorizationRequestURL method of ADAL for that.
Then you will have a Web API which will basically expose an endpoint that will be the reply URL of Azure AD. Once the users completes the login, a message will be posted to your Web API where you will be able to get the authorization code and perform the calls to get the Access Token. After that, you can just do the same they are doing in the Facebook Sample Web API which involves resuming the conversation with the Bot, sending a message with the access token (so it can be persisted in the PerUserInConversationData bag (check this line of code).
After that you have the access token available to perform any call that requires an access token.
There are two new samples that you might want to take a look since they are implementing the workflow being discussed.
GraphBot from the BotBuilder repo.
AuthBot from Mat Velloso
Hope this helps.
Follow this tutorial for Bot side code development, i focus on configuration at B2C and Azure level here:
OAuth Connection
Client id
This is taken from the Application ID field in your B2C app's properties. It's the equivalent of a Microsoft app ID taken from any other AAD app registration.
Client secret
This is generated using the steps in this tutorial.
Select Keys and then click Generate key.
Select Save to view the key. Make note of the App key value. You use the value as the application secret in your application's code.
Use AAD V2 configuration in oAuth settings in bot channel registration - new oauth connection settings.
Fill the above details by following the steps and values we got from them.
Authorization/Token/Refresh URL
I followed on this one with
for the Authorization URL and
for the Token and Refresh URL's.
For I used the URL format ( rather than the GUID format, but using the GUID also seems to work.
is the name of a user flow, like B2C_1_userflow. I created one with this tutorial.
Using the scopes openid offline_access I am able to sign in successfully, but to my astonishment the token returned is empty.
Then I found this document which suggests using the client ID itself as a scope.
When I reuse the value from the Client id field in my Scopes field, a token is returned successfully and my bot is able to use the connection.
You can combine this with other scopes as needed, but for the sake of experimentation I highly recommend getting the simplest implementation to work first.
Let me know if these instructions work, and if they don't then we'll see if the difference lies in how we've set up our B2C apps.
As a bonus, I should mention that after you get a token you can paste it into to decode it and see if it recognized your B2C user correctly. Always refresh the page when pasting a new token to make sure it doesn't keep showing you the information from the last token.
Referred this document.

WEB API authentication from different platforms

I need to create API application which will be accessed from different platforms (WEB, WPF, Mobile). The API will be hosted on Azure and client will be different websites and desktop/mobile applications. API need to know username to return user-specific information
I have some problems with authentication right now. I used idea from this thread how to do forms authentication to API, but there is a problem there, I have to authenticate each request to API, because the cookie which I created in previous request is not stored to next request.
I am thinking about creating some custom solution there: when login request to API sent with username/password return some kind of token which i will store on client and will pass with each request. In that case I can override AuthorizeAttribute and validate the token.
but I don't believe then I should create custom solution and prefer to find a way to use something Microsoft did for me.
What will be the best way to authenticate to WEB API from different platforms?
In case if I will return token, what is the best way to create it, encode it, expire it...?
There is nothing available out of box currently, to the best of my knowledge. With OWIN, there are things coming up. You can take a look at Katana source code (Microsoft.Owin.Security). For JSON Web Token, Microsoft has the JSON web token handler. More info here. The JSON Web Token Handler can both create and validate JWT. You can use the same library to issue and validate JWT respectively from the token issuer and your web API. Creating all these infrastructure is not easy. Thinktecture identity server and identity model can make these tasks easier for you. Both are open source and you can take a look at the source code in github. Check out this and this. Another good resource is Dominick's blog.

How to authenticate requests using ServiceStack, own user repository, and device ids?

I'm building a mobile app and a ServiceStack web service back-end. The Authentication stuff in ServiceStack looks great but easy to get lost in its flexibility - guidance much appreciated. I'll be using my own db tables for storing users etc within the web service. I'd like to have a registration process and subsequent authentication something like this:
the user initially provides just an email address, my web service then emails a registration key to the user
the user enters the key. The app sends to the web service for registration: email, key & a unique device identifier.
the web service verifies the key and stores the email & device id. It responds back with an auth token that the app will use for later authentication.
Then subsequent web service requests would provide the device id and auth token (or a hash created with it). The app is not very chatty so I'm tempted to send the authentication details on each web request.
Question 1: Should I hook into ServiceStack's registration API or just add a couple of custom web service calls? e.g. without using ServiceStack's registration I would:
post to a registration web service with the email address and device id. My web service would send the registration email with a key and add a record to the user db table.
when the user enters the key it would again post to the registration web service, this time also with the key. My web service would validate the key and update the user table marking the user as registered, creating and recording the auth token & returning it to the caller
subsequent requests would be sent using http basic auth with the device id as username and the auth token as password. The service is not very chatty so creds will be sent with each request.
I'll implement a CredentialsAuthProvider that'll get the creds with httpRequest.GetBasicAuthUserAndPassword() and validate them against the db data.
But it feels like I should use registration built in to ServiceStack.
Question 2: What's wrong with passing the authentication details with each request? This would make it easier for composing my app requests but it doesn't seem 'done' based on the ServiceStack examples. Presumably that's because it's inefficient if you have lots of requests to need to re-authenticate every call - any other reasons? My app will only make a single web request at most every few minutes so it seems simpler to avoid having sessions and just re-auth each request.
Question 3: Am I on the right track subclassing CredentialsAuthProvider?
Question 4: Is there any point using the auth token to generate a hash instead of sending the auth token each time? All communication will be over https.
Answer1: It will be OK. if you give multiple call as per requirement. Normally authentication works based on cookie, now you can store it on client and/or on server and match the user with it. Again here if you are using device you, can always use device instead of user to map and authenticate user. Based on your requirement.
I will prefer to use provider as it hides many details which you need to do manually instead. You are on right track. There are many blogs specifically for authentication and how to create custom authentication with service stack. If you like let me know I have book marked some will give it you. Best way to search latest one is checkout twitter account of Servicestack.
Answer2: This is again, I say as per requirement. Now if your user will be in WIFI zone only. (Mostly true for business users), then there is not limit for calls. Just give a API call and do the authentication in background. Simple JSON token will not hurt, It is few bytes only. But again if you have big user base who is not using good internet connection then it will be better to store authentication detail on device and check against that. Just to save a network call. In any case network call is resource heavy.
Answer3: Yes you are on a right track. Still check out blog entries for more details. I don't remember the code snippet and how it works with last update so I am not putting up code here.
Answer4: This is answer is little complicated. Passing data over https and saving user from Identity fraud is little different thing. Now, if you are not generating auth token (hash based value) then you can pass user also over the http or https. Now, this can be used by another user to mock first user and send data. Even data is being passed through https but still data is getting mocked. Hashed based value is used to avoid this situation. And also there are couple of other business use cases can be covered using auth token.
Please let me know if I have understand you questions correctly and answered them?? or If any further details is required??
