Spark Yarn running 1000 jobs in queue - apache-spark

I am trying to schedule 1000 jobs in Yarn cluster. I want to run more then 1000 jobs daily at same time and yarn to manage the resources. For 1000 files of different category from hdfs i am trying to create spark submit command from python and execute. But i am getting out of memory error due to spark submit using driver memory.
How can schedule 1000 jobs in spark yarn cluster? I even tried oozie job scheduling framework along with spark, it did not work as expected with HDP.

Actually, you might not need 1000 jobs to read from 1000 files in HDFS. You could try to load everything in a single RDD as well (the APIs do support reading multiple files and wildcards in paths). Now, after reading all the files in a single RDD, you should really focus on ensuring if you have enough memory, cores, etc. assigned to it and start looking at your business logic which avoids costly operations like shuffles, etc.
But, if you insist that you need to spawn 1000 jobs, one for each file, you should look at --executor-memory and --executor-cores (along with num-executors for parallelism). These give you leverage to optimise for memory/CPU footprint.
Also curious, you are saying that you get OOM during spark-submit (using driver memory). The driver doesn't really use any memory at all, unless you do things like collect or take with large set, which bring the data from the executors to the driver. Also you are firing the jobs in yarn-client mode? Another hunch is to check if the box where you spawn spark spark jobs has even enough memory just to spawn the jobs in the first place?
It will be easier if you could also paste some logs here.


Why caching small Spark RDDs takes big memory allocation in Yarn?

The RDDs that are cached (in total 8) are not big, only around 30G, however, on Hadoop UI, it shows that the Spark application is taking lots of memory (no active jobs are running), i.e. 1.4T, why so much?
Why it shows around 100 executors (here, i.e. vCores) even when there's no active jobs running?
Also, if cached RDDs are stored across 100 executors, are those executors preserved and no more other Spark apps can use them for running tasks any more? To rephrase the question: will preserving a little memory resource (.cache) in executors prevents other Spark app from leveraging the idle computing resource of them?
Is there any potential Spark config / zeppelin config that can cause this phenomenon?
After checking the Spark conf (zeppelin), it seems there's the default (configured by administrator by default) setting for spark.executor.memory=10G, which is probably the reason why.
However, here's a new question: Is it possible to keep only the memory needed for the cached RDDs in each executors and release the rest, instead of holding always the initially set memory spark.executor.memory=10G?
Spark configuration
Perhaps you can try to repartition(n) your RDD to a fewer n < 100 partitions before caching. A ~30GB RDD would probably fit into storage memory of ten 10GB executors. A good overview of Spark memory management can be found here. This way, only those executors that hold cached blocks will be "pinned" to your application, while the rest can be reclaimed by YARN via Spark dynamic allocation after spark.dynamicAllocation.executorIdleTimeout (default 60s).
Q: Is it possible to keep only the memory needed for the cached RDDs in each executors and release the rest, instead of holding always the initially set memory spark.executor.memory=10G?
When Spark uses YARN as its execution engine, YARN allocates the containers of a specified (by application) size -- at least spark.executor.memory+spark.executor.memoryOverhead, but may be even bigger in case of pyspark -- for all the executors. How much memory Spark actually uses inside a container becomes irrelevant, since the resources allocated to a container will be considered off-limits to other YARN applications.
Spark assumes that your data is equally distributed on all the executors and tasks. That's the reason why you set memory per task. So to make Spark to consume less memory, your data has to be evenly distributed:
If you are reading from Parquet files or CSVs, make sure that they have similar sizes. Running repartition() causes shuffling, which if the data is so skewed may cause other problems if executors don't have enough resources
Cache won't help to release memory on the executors because it doesn't redistribute the data
Can you please see under "Event Timeline" on the Stages "how big are the green bars?" Normally that's tied to the data distribution, so that's a way to see how much data is loaded (proportionally) on every task and how much they are doing. As all tasks have same memory assigned, you can see graphically if resources are wasted (in case there are mostly tiny bars and few big bars). A sample of wasted resources can be seen on the image below
There are different ways to create evenly distributed files for your process. I mention some possibilities, but for sure there are more:
Using Hive and DISTRIBUTE BY clause: you need to use a field that is equally balanced in order to create as many files (and with proper size) as expected
If the process creating those files is a Spark process reading from a DB, try to create as many connections as files you need and use a proper field to populate Spark partitions. That is achieved, as explained here and here with partitionColumn, lowerBound, upperBound and numPartitions properties
Repartition may work, but see if coalesce also make sense in your process or in the previous one generating the files you are reading from

Possible reasons that spark waits and does not schedule tasks to run?

This might be a very generic question but hope someone can point some hint. But I found that sometimes, my job spark seems to hit a "pause" many times:
The natural of the job is: read orc files (from a hive table), filter by certain columns, no join, then write out to another hive table.
There were total 64K tasks for my job / stage (FileScan orc, followed by Filter, Project).
The application has 500 executors, each has 4 cores. Initially, about 2000 tasks were running concurrently, things look good.
After a while, I noticed the number running tasks dropped all the way near 100. Many cores/executors were just waiting with nothing to do. (I checked the log from these waiting executors, there was no error. All assigned tasks were done on them, they were just waiting)
After about 3-5 minutes, then these waiting executors suddenly got tasks assigned and now were working happily.
Any particular reasons this can be? The application is running from spark-shell (--master yarn --deploy-mode client, with number of executors/sizes etc. specified)

Deadlock when many spark jobs are concurrently scheduled

Using spark 2.4.4 running in YARN cluster mode with the spark FIFO scheduler.
I'm submitting multiple spark dataframe operations (i.e. writing data to S3) using a thread pool executor with a variable number of threads. This works fine if I have ~10 threads, but if I use hundreds of threads, there appears to be a deadlock, with no jobs being scheduled according to the Spark UI.
What factors control how many jobs can be scheduled concurrently? Driver resources (e.g. memory/cores)? Some other spark configuration settings?
Here's a brief synopsis of my code
ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nThreads);
ExecutorCompletionService<Void> ecs = new ExecutorCompletionService<>(pool);
Dataset<Row> aHugeDf =;
List<Future<Void>> futures = listOfSeveralHundredThings
.map(aThing -> ecs.submit(() -> {
return null;
IntStream.range(0, futures.size()).forEach(i -> ecs.poll(30, TimeUnit.MINUTES));
At some point, as nThreads increases, spark no longer seems to be scheduling any jobs as evidenced by:
ecs.poll(...) timing out eventually
The Spark UI jobs tab showing no active jobs
The Spark UI executors tab showing no active tasks for any executor
The Spark UI SQL tab showing nThreads running queries with no running job ID's
My execution environment is
AWS EMR 5.28.1
Spark 2.4.4
Master node = m5.4xlarge
Core nodes = 3x rd5.24xlarge
If possible write the output of the jobs to AWS Elastic MapReduce hdfs (to leverage on the almost instantaneous renames and better file IO of local hdfs) and add a dstcp step to move the files to S3, to save yourself all the troubles of handling the innards of an object store trying to be a filesystem. Also writing to local hdfs will allow you to enable speculation to control runaway tasks without falling into the deadlock traps associated with DirectOutputCommiter.
If you must use S3 as the output directory ensure that the following Spark configurations are set
spark.hadoop.mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.algorithm.version 2
spark.speculation false
Note: DirectParquetOutputCommitter is removed from Spark 2.0 due to the chance of data loss. Unfortunately until we have improved consistency from S3a we have to work with the workarounds. Things are improving with Hadoop 2.8
Avoid keynames in lexicographic order. One could use hashing/random prefixes or reverse date-time to get around.The trick is to name your keys hierarchically, putting the most common things you filter by on the left side of your key. And never have underscores in bucket names due to DNS issues.
Enabling upload parts of a single file to Amazon S3 in parallel
Refer these articles for more detail-
Setting spark.speculation in Spark 2.1.0 while writing to s3
IMO you're likely approaching this problem wrong. Unless you can guarantee that the number of tasks per job is very low, you're likely not going to get much performance improvement by parallelizing 100s of jobs at once. Your cluster can only support 300 tasks at once, assuming you're using the default parallelism of 200 thats only 1.5 jobs. I'd suggest rewriting your code to cap max concurrent queries at 10. I highly suspect that you have 300 queries with only a single task of several hundred actually running. Most OLTP data processing system intentionally have a fairly low level of concurrent queries compared to more traditional RDS systems for this reason.
Apache Hudi has a default parallelism of several hundred FYI.
Why don't you just partition based on your filter column?
I would start by eliminating possible causes. Are you sure its spark that is not able to submit many jobs? Is it spark or is it YARN? If it is the later, you might need to play with the YARN scheduler settings. Could it be something to do with ExecutorService implementation that may have some limitation for the scale you are trying to achieve? Could it be hudi? With the snippet thats hard to determine.
How does the problem manifest itself other than no jobs starting up? Do you see any metrics / monitoring on the cluster or any logs that point to the problem as you say it?
If it is to do with scaling, is is possible for you to autoscale with EMR flex and see if that works for you?
How many executor cores?
Looking into these might help you narrow down or perhaps confirm the issue - unless you have already looked into these things.
(I meant to add this as comment rather than answer but text too long for comment)
Using threads or thread pools are always problematic and error prone.
I had similar problem in processing spark jobs in one of Internet of things application. I resolved using fair scheduling.
Suggestions :
Use fair scheduling (fairscheduler.xml) instead of yarn capacity scheduler
how to ? see this by using dedicated resource pools one per module. when used it will look like below spark ui
See that unit of parllelism (number of partitions ) are correct for data frames you use by seeing spark admin ui. This is spark native way of using parllelism.

Spark concurrency performance issue Vs Presto

We are benchmarking spark with alluxio and presto with alluxio. For evaluating the performance we took 5 different queries (with some joins, group by and sort) and ran this on a dataset 650GB in orc.
Spark execution environment is setup in such a way that we have a ever running spark context and we are submitting queries using REST api (Jetty server). We are not considering first batch execution time for this load test as its taking little more time because of task deserialization and all.
What we observed while evaluating is that when we ran individual queries or even all these 5 queries executed concurrently, spark is performing very well compared to presto and is finishing all the execution in half the time than of presto.
But for actual load test, we executed 10 batches (one batch is this 5 queries submitted at the same time) with a batch interval of 60 sec. At this point presto is performing a lot better than spark. Presto finished all job in ~11 mins and spark is taking ~20 mins to complete all the task.
We tried different configurations to improve spark concurrency like
Using 20 pools with equal resource allocation and submitting jobs in a round robin fashion.
Tried using one FAIR pool and submitted all jobs to this default pool and let spark decide on resource allocations
Tuning some spark properties like spark.locality.wait and some other memory related spark properties.
All tasks are NODE_LOCAL (we replicated data in alluxio to make this happen)
Also tried playing arround with executor memory allocation, like tried with 35 small executors (5 cores, 30G) and also tried with (60core, 200G) executors.
But all are resulting in same execution time.
We used dstat on all the workers to see what was happening when spark was executing task and we could see no or minimal IO or network activity . And CPU was alway at 95%+ (Looks like its bounded on CPU) . (Saw almost similar dstat out with presto)
Can someone suggest me something which we can try to achieve similar or better results than presto?
And any explanation why presto is performing well with concurrency than spark ? We observed that presto's 1st batch is taking more time than the succeeding batches . Is presto cacheing some data in memory which spark is missing ? Or presto's resource management/ execution plan is better than spark ?
Note: Both clusters are running with same hardware configuration

Spark job out of RAM (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError), even though there's plenty. xmx too low?

I'm getting java.lang.OutOfMemoryError with my Spark job, even though only 20% of the total memory is in use.
I've tried several configurations:
1x n1-highmem-16 + 2x n1-highmem-8
3x n1-highmem-8
My dataset consist of 1.8M records, read from a local json file on the master node. The entire dataset in json format is 7GB. The job I'm trying to execute involves a simple computation followed by a reduceByKey. Nothing extraordinary. The job runs fine on my single home computer with only 32GB ram (xmx28g), although it requires some caching to disk.
The job is submitted through spark-submit, locally on the server (SSH).
Stack trace and Spark config can be viewed here:
The code
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Json.load()) // load everything
.map(fooTransform) // apply some trivial transformation
.flatMap( // flatten results
.map(c => (c, 1)) // count
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
The root of the problem is that you should try to offload more I/O to the distributed tasks instead of shipping it back and forth between the driver program and the worker tasks. While it may not be obvious at times which calls are driver-local and which ones describe a distributed action, rules of thumb include avoiding parallelize and collect unless you absolutely need all of the data in one place. The amounts of data you can Json.load() and the parallelize will max out at whatever largest machine type is possible, whereas using calls like sc.textFile theoretically scale to hundreds of TBs or even PBs without problem.
The short-term fix in your case would be to try passing spark-submit --conf spark.driver.memory=40g ... or something in that range. Dataproc defaults allocate less than a quarter of the machine to driver memory because commonly the cluster must support running multiple concurrent jobs, and also needs to leave enough memory on the master node for the HDFS namenode and the YARN resource manager.
Longer term you might want to experiment with how you can load the JSON data as an RDD directly, instead of loading it in a single driver and using parallelize to distribute it, since this way you can dramatically speed up the input reading time by having tasks load the data in parallel (and also getting rid of the warning Stage 0 contains a task of very large size which is likely related to the shipping of large data from your driver to worker tasks).
Similarly, instead of collect and then finishing things up on the driver program, you can do things like sc.saveAsTextFile to save in a distributed manner, without ever bottlenecking through a single place.
Reading the input as sc.textFile would assume line-separated JSON, and you can parse inside some map task, or you can try using For debugging purposes, it's often enough instead of using collect() to just call take(10) to take a peek at some records without shipping all of it to the driver.
